365 research outputs found

    Descriptive Analysis of Injuries Sustained by Wildland Firefighters

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    Objective: To develop a better understanding of the types of injuries Wildland Firefighters (WLFFs) sustain during Physical Training (PT) and while out on the fire line, and if there are any discernible trends or patterns that can be addressed through the implementation of a more focused PT program. Methods: This study is a web-based cross-sectional questionnaire titled Injury Surveillance of Wildland Firefighters (ISWLFF). We utilized a snowball sampling technique to reach seasonal and fulltime WLFFs of the US Forest Service. 360 WLFFs responded to the questionnaire, but were not required to answer every question. While 112 of the respondents did not report an injury in the past 5 years, 248 WLFFs did. Of the 248 participants whose injury data was utilized, there were 218 males, 29 females and 1 identified as other. Quantitative data from the questionnaire was analyzed using Microsoft Excel to determine WLFFs demographics, types of injuries sustained and the potential influence environmental factors have on injuries sustained. Thematic analysis was conducted on open-ended questions where WLFFs could offer further explanation to a closed ended question. Results: Most WLFFs (n=248) sustained at least one injury in the past 5 fire seasons with 91% (n=226) of those injuries occurring on the fireline on rocky mountainside terrain. Nearly half (n=209) of the injuries reported were sprains and strains occurring to the lower back, knee and ankle. 76% of injuries reported by WLFFs (n=343/453) directly impacted their ability to continue with normal duty. Conclusions: Most of the injuries reported by WLFFs were to the lower extremity and occurred while working on the fireline. Therefore, a more targeted, job-specific injury prevention program that focuses on the lower extremity should be considered

    The Student News Digital Archive at Cal Poly Humboldt

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    The Cal Poly Humboldt Library has made available two online archives for student newspapers at the university; The Lumberjack and El Leñador. The newspaper archives, which chronicle the history of the university and local communities since 1929, enable global access to stories, photographs, and more as told through the lens of student journalists and contributors. This article chronicles the efforts of the Cal Poly Humboldt Library to create these online archives

    Make Your Escape: Experiences with Gamified Library Programming

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    To increase student engagement, the Humboldt State University Library ventured into the realm of gamified programming, exploring several strategies with the goal of trans- forming library outreach and instruction. Our efforts range from simple outreach to highly structured information literacy instruction and workshops that use gamification to encourage students to engage with knowledge practices and dispositions outlined in the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Using gamified activities in library instruction led us to create lesson plans that are purely game-based, including escape room drop-in sessions where students race against the clock to solve a series of puzzles in order to “escape” the room. This model aimed to promote collaboration and problem-solving skills through inquiry-based learning

    Fungos contaminantes e produtores de aflatoxinas em castanha do Pará (Bertholletia excelsa HUMB. & BONPL 1808)

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    One hundred samples of Brazil nuts from the States of Amazonas and São Paulo, were analysed mycologically and toxicologically for aflatoxins B1 and G1. Three hundred and twelve fungi were isolated of which 91 were of the genus Aspergillus, 83 of the genus Penicillium and the remainder included 23 different genera. Amongst the Aspergillus samples, 26 were producers of aflatoxin, distributed into three species: Aspergillus flavus Link (18); Aspergillus parasiticus Speare (7) and Aspergillus fresenii Subram (1). Of the 100 extracts of analysed nuts, three were afiatoxin-positive.Cem amostras de castanhas do Para, procedentes dos Estados do Amazonas e Sao Paulo, foram analisadas micológico e toxicologicamente para aflatoxinas B1 e G1. Isolou-se 312 colônias de fungos, sendo 91 do gênero Aspergillus, 83 do gênero Penicillium e as restantes incluídas em 23 gêneros diferentes. Entre as amostras de Aspergillus, 26 foram aflatoxigênicos, distribuídos em 3 espéciesAspergillus flavas Link (18); Aspergillus parasiticus Speare (7) e Aspergillus fresenii Subram (1). Dos 100 extratos de castanhas analisados 3 foram positivos para aflatoxina

    Ocorrência de aflatoxinas em castanhas do Pará (Bertholletia excelsa, Humb. & Bonpl., 1808)

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    The occurrence of aflatoxins was investigated in one hundred samples of Brazil nuts (Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Bonpl.) from producers and from several seed marketing posts, in the region of Manaus, State of Amazonas and São Paulo, state of São Paulo. The samples were classified according to four types of product presentation: naturally within the shell; dehydrated within the shell; dehydrated without shell and within the chestnut bur. Three samples were found contaminated with aflatoxins types B1 and G1. The toxicity levels for B1 were regarded as: medium (0,1 ppm) and very high (2.25 ppm); those ofaGI were regarded low (0.075) and very high (1.5 ppm).Foi investigada a ocorrência de aflatoxinas em 100 amostras de castanhas do Pará (Bertholletia excelsa HUMB. BONPL.) provenientes de produtores e de diversos pontos de comercializacão das sementes na região de Manaus, Estado do Amazonas e de São Pauto, Estado de São Paulo. As amostras foram classificadas em 4 tipos de apresentação do produto (natural em casca, desidratada com e sem casca, desidratada com e sem casca e em ouriço) . Três amostras apresentaram-se contaminadas por aflatoxinas com níveis de toxidez consideradosem termos deB1médio (0,1 ppm) e muito elevado (2,25 ppm) e, em G1, baixo (0,075 ppm) e muito elevado (1,5 ppm)

    Regulation of IκBα expression involves both NF-κB and the MAP kinase signaling pathways

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    IκBα is an inhibitor of the nuclear transcription factor NF-κB. Binding of IκBα to NF-κB inactivates the transcriptional activity of NF-κB. Expression of IκBα itself is regulated by NF-κB, which provides auto-regulation of this signaling pathway. Here we present a mouse model for monitoring in vivo IκBα expression by imaging IκBα-luc transgenic mice for IκBα promoter driven luciferase activity. We demonstrated a rapid and systemic induction of IκBα expression in the transgenic mice following treatment with LPS. The induction was high in liver, spleen, lung and intestine and lower in the kidney, heart and brain. The luciferase induction in the liver correlated with increased IκBα mRNA level. Pre-treatment with proteasome inhibitor bortezomib dramatically suppressed LPS-induced luciferase activity. The p38 kinase inhibitor SB203580 also showed moderate inhibition of LPS-induced luciferase activity. Analysis of IκBα mRNA in the liver tissue showed a surprising increase of the IκBα mRNA after bortezomib and SB203580 treatments, which could be due to increased IκBα mRNA stability. Our data demonstrate that regulation of IκBα expression involves both the NF-κB and the p38 signaling pathways. The IκBα-luc transgenic mice are useful for analyzing IκBα expression and the NF-κB transcriptional activity in vivo

    Atividade antibacteriana e antifúngica de espécies de Gnetum.

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    The antibiotic activities of extracts of Gnetum paniculatum and G. schwackeanum and of substance isolated from the latter plant, namely resveratrol, gnetin C and gnetin E were tested against several bacteria and fungi. The extract and all the substances isolated from Gnetum schwackeanum were active toward S. aureus, S. apidermis and M. smegamatis. Gnetin C and resveratrol showed activity against C. albicans but only gnetin C was active toward C. parapsilosis and S. cerevisiae.Este trabalho trata da determinação da atividade antibiótica dos extratos de Gnetum paniculatum e G. schwackeanum e dos constituintes químicos isolados deste último como resperatrol, gnetina C e E, os quais foram testados contra várias bactérias e fungos. O extrato de Gnetum schwackeanum e dos constituintes químicos isolados deste último como resveratrol, gnetina C e E, os quais foram testados contra várias bactérias e fungos. O extrato de Gnetum schwackeanum e todas as substâncias dele isoladas foram ativos a Staphylococcus aureus. S. epidermis e Mycobacterium smegmatis. Resveratrol e gnetina C são ativos contra a Candida albicans, mas somente gnetina C possui atividade em relação a Candida parapsilosis e Saccharomyces cervisiae. O derivado sintético de gnetina E não mostrou nenhuma atividade. O extrato de G. paniculatum, é completamente inativo à bactéria e fungos o que sugere que a atividade de G. paniculatum, é completamente inativo à bactéria e fungos o que sugere que a atividade de G. schwackeanum deve-se à presença dos hidroxiestilbenos e seus derivados, uma vez que G. paniculatum não contêm esses tipos de substâncias