259 research outputs found

    Optimal Diversification in Allocation Problems

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    Because real choice is an important quality parameter for the retail sector, managers of retailing companies need an instrument to assist them in optimising the diversity of options provided to their customers. In this paper, using the weighted diversity index of Guia u and Guia u), some possibilities to obtain the optimal joint distributions of a probabilistic experiment and the corresponding optimal diversifications to a certain probabilistic system are proposed. These results can be used in ecology, in economy or in problems of allocation or of transportation as an example of diversity management.weighted diversity, principle of maximum diversity, diversification, optimal distributions

    A managerial modernization model in crisis conditions

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    The improvement of the economic performances of Romanian enterprises facing crisis conditions could be achieved by means of promoting and implementing a range of managerial modernization methods. Among them we mention several factors pertaining to strategic management: redesigning the managerial system, implementing methodological management ā€“ with an emphasis on profit center management and other managerial tools which ensure process and organizational flexibility ā€“ and professionalizing the management and managers. Based on the aforementioned factors, the model we put forth aims at increasing the managementā€™s role in achieving reasonable levels of efficiency and effectiveness.managerial modernization, managerial redesign, methodological management, strategic management, profit center management, performance.

    The Steps to Managerial Excellence

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    Without any doubt, relaunching Romanian economy depends very much on SME sector getting out of the crisis, sector which has the main contribution to GDP production, to state budget income and human resources employment. Starting from these premises, based on scientific research performed in the framework of the VALAD* project, we present in the following a group of coordinates and markers which, in our opinion, are capable to relaunch indigenous SME sector. Elements contained in this study are complementary to the ones presented in the article ā€œPolicy coordinates concerning SME sector development in Romaniaā€, published in the previous issue of this magazine.crisis; SME sector; SMEā€™s management; entrepreneurship.


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    The association of the term ā€˜educationalā€™ to the term ā€˜marketingā€™ generates a specialized domain, by applying methods, politics and marketing strategies in the area of education. Due to the cultural, social and complex role of the education, educational marketing represents a part of the services marketing, the social marketing and the non-profit organizations. By offering mandatory educational services, financed from the state budget, the school units, through their activity, respect the principles of social marketing, regardless of the financial benefits that result from the provision of these services.Ā  This article aims to place educational marketing below the conceptual level in the field of service marketing; the reference works in the field of educational marketing are not many, a consequence of the fact that this is a new field

    Long-term changes in the herb layer of a southern Swedish broadleaf forest

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    The forest herb layer is reacting fast to the changes in the environment due to its sensitivity and short life cycle. The forest overstory has a strong influence over the availability of the environmental factors and also represents a powerful competitor for the available resources. The species of the herbaceous ground flora have different requirements and sensitivities in regard to the environment, therefore each of them has to be treated separately in order to detect the factors that influence and direct the changes in their abundance. Measurements from 30 permanent sample plots extending during the period 1988-2015 in a hornbeam forest in Stenshuvud National park, southern Sweden, were used to quantify the inter-annual variation and long-term trends of the herb layer and its interactions with the environmental factors. Mean Ellenberg indicator values were used to assess the responses of the herb layer community to the variations in environmental factors.Results of paired t-tests show that the species richness is decreasing, while the evenness remained quite stable, probably partly due to the closing up of the canopy which is also reflected by the Ellenberg mean indicator values for light. Ellenberg mean indicator values also indicate that the temperatures have been increasing, while the climate became more oceanic. However, mean indicator values also suggest a decreasing soil moisture, soil reaction and available nitrogen. Overall, the total cover has increased, while some species like Hedera helix and Hepatica nobilis have manifested declining covers through time. Fifteen of the ground flora species present in 1988 were absent in 2015, while only two species colonised the area. Roe deer has probably played an important role in shaping the abundance of several species, due to its rapid increase in population density until early 1990s. The regression analyses revealed that precipitation amounts during spring have quite strong relationships with both total cover and covers of some species

    Differentiated instruction: Interactive methods with Mathematics and English language teaching methodology seminars. A comparative analysis

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    The aim of the present paper is to further research into the concept of differentiated teaching, an idea as old as effective teaching, and to indicate its utility within Mathematics and English Language Teaching Methodology seminars focusing, this time, on interactive methods. Being double motivated to experiment with this approach, as content teachers and methodologists at the same time, the authors considered their first-hand experience worth including in a paper and imparting it with peers, under the format of a comparative analysiss, after detailing on the resourceful strategies used and their outcomes, as well as after referring to updated specialised literature in the field

    Amenajarea spaÅ£iilor verzi urbane ā€“impactul psihologic şi social asupra locuitorilor din Iaşi

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    It is well known in history that the rapid development of culture, civilization, technology and industry of the population from certain areas of the globe has been favored by a favorable environment,either geographically and climate or from the perspective of the absence of internal or external conflicts, by the presence on their territories of mineral or flora and fauna resources, or even their own human resource. Extrapolating the idea above, this paper seeks, at the smaller scale of a city nowadays, how the environmentally arranged landscape can beneficially influence the overall development of the urbanarea, but especially of its inhabitants, from the point of view of physically-psychological-sanogenic, but also socially and culturally, with examples from the city of Ias

    Oraşe ecologice şi autosustenabile ā€“o abordare sistemică din punct de vedere al disciplinelor peisagistice

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    Eco-urbanism involves a series of concepts and principles of planning, implementation and use of the elements of the system called City, generically called green technologies. These include: intelligent management of all urban utilities networks, wastedwater management and solid waste recycling systems andmanagement, passive energy building technology, clean energy technologies (solar, wind, hydropower or biogas technologies, etc.), rehabilitation and revitalization of depreciated or abandoned urban spaces, food and consumable objects production in a sustainable way.The present paper illustrates the importance of the fact that the city planning and the landscape planning involves knowledge applied from several areas listed above or not mentioned yet, which implies an overview of landscape architects onall these areas and the connections between them,both in territorial and urban planning, as well at the scale of the detailed landscape design
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