118 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Media Sosial Untuk Para Penggemar Cullinary Berbasis Android

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    Along with the very fast growth of social media, more users use it to share photos/videos about food. Many people use it to store food pictures and recommend the food they like therefore it will make other people want to try it. The high demand of culinary information brings an opportunity for culinary business owner to promote their business through social media. This application can help users and business owners to obtain complete culinary information through photos/videos, address, contacts, menus and trending foods so that it will be easier for them to conduct transactions. The application will also help the user to go to a culinary place they want. This application was built using phonegap on android operating system which is known for easy USAge and the most used operating system in the world. The test results show that 73,3% respondents think that this application is really helpful because of it's high USAge and the feature that helps owners to promote and conduct transactions

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Simulasi Ujian Praktik Pengambilan Surat Izin Mengemudi Kendaraan Roda Empat

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    The development of video games today have been growing rapidly. The latest technology, allows users to feel like in the virtual world of a video game. Simulation Game is one genre that can teach something to the user. Simulation Games like driving simulator can be used as a training tool before encountering a real condition with real vehicles.This thesis will generate a 3-dimensional application that can simulate practice exams for four-wheeled vehicles. The development of the application is using Unity Engine program with C# programming language. Logitech G27 Steering Wheel is used as the controller.The test results showed that the steering wheel device can generate output in accordance with steering control on the car. In this thesis, the test results indicate that the materials of practice test are made in 3-dimensional view is look alike reality with the practice of the real exam. This application also can be done by using the device steering wheel to steer the car in a virtual world

    Media Interaktif Pembelajaran Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia

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    Human circulatory system is a topic that is very important to be learned. But in the process to learn it, it takes a high level of understanding because it is difficult to say with verbal language. Processes that occur in it are difficult to observe, happened so fast or even too slow. One way to understand it is through multimedia.This application will resemble the human circulatory system more interactive and interesting, in which players actively involved in the learning process. Starting from blood, blood vessels, heart, circulatory, until disease. There is also a test to measure the ability of a user. This application is created using Adobe Flash Professional CS6.From the questionnaire result and human computer interaction test, prove that the simulation strongly supports the process of understanding the material. Therefore user\u27s interest in learning is increased, coupled with the easiness of application USAge and user friendly

    Evaluasi Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Dan Flyover Di Bundaran Kalibanteng

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    Bundaran Kalibanteng adalah salah satu simpul utama di Kota Semarang yang menghubungkan akses barat – timur – selatan dan dari bandara. Bundaran ini berada pada pertemuan enam ruas jalan, yaitu Jalan Yos Sudarso (Jalur Pantura), Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Pamularsih, Jalan Abdul Rahman Saleh, Jalan Siliwangi, dan Jalan Akses Bandara Ahmad Yani yang diatur oleh simpang bersinyal. Walaupun terdapat Flyover Kalibanteng, antrian kendaraan berat tetap terlihat terutama di Pendekat Siliwangi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pola pergerakan di bundaran tahun 2016, evaluasi kinerja simpang bersinyal dan flyover di Bundaran Kalibanteng, beserta upaya peningkatan kinerjanya pada tahun 2018. Survei primer berupa traffic counting beserta pengamatan fase dan waktu siklus. Evaluasi kinerja simpang bersinyal dan flyover di Bundaran Kalibanteng dititikberatkan pada karakteristik pergerakan volume kendaraan berat mengingat bundaran ini merupakan bagian jalur kendaraan niaga Pulau Jawa. Kinerja simpang bersinyal eksisting (2016) diperlihatkan melalui nilai Derajat Kejenuhan (DS) dan tundaan dari masing-masing pendekatnya, sebagai berikut: Pendekat Sudirman dengan DS 0,80 dan tundaan 120,42 det/smp; Pendekat Pamularsih dengan DS 1,14 dan tundaan 395,53 det/smp; Pendekat Abd. Saleh dengan DS 0,37 dan tundaan 104,57 det/smp; Pendekat Siliwangi dengan DS 1,59 dan tundaan 1209,47 det/smp; Pendekat Bandara Ahmad Yani dengan DS 0,95 dan tundaan 146,89 det/smp; serta Pendekat Yos Sudarso dengan DS 0,48 dan tundaan 117,44 det/smp. Skenario penanganan yang diusulkan antara lain: (1) Optimasi waktu siklus dengan flyover eksisting; (2) Optimasi waktu siklus dengan flyover Siliwangi - Yos Sudarso dua arah; (3) Optimasi waktu siklus dengan flyover Siliwangi - Sudirman dua arah; dan (4) Optimasi waktu siklus dengan flyover Siliwangi - Yos Sudarso dan Siliwangi - Sudirman dua arah. Dengan mengakomodasi rencana pengalihan jalan akses bandara (2018), kinerja simpang saat penerapan skenario 1, ternyata didapat hasil bahwa pendekat Siliwangi dan Yos Sudarso memiliki nilai DS > 0,85. Untuk skenario 2, didapat hasil bahwa pendekat Siliwangi, Sudirman dan Yos Sudarso memiliki nilai DS > 0,85. Untuk skenario 3, didapat hasil bahwa pendekat Siliwangi, Pamularsih dan Yos Sudarso memiliki nilai DS > 0,85. Untuk skenario 4, ternyata tidak terdapat hasil pendekat dengan nilai DS > 0,85. Dari keempat skenario, skenario dengan kinerja terbaik adalah skenario 4, namun penerapan skenario ini membutuhkan kajian biaya dan desain teknis secara komprehensif

    Pembuatan Survival Action Game Dengan Non-Player Character Berbasis Neural Network

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    Game is a multi media application that need some main parts such as, goal, challenge and game play or usually has been know as rules in a game.Survival action game will apply real time system in its game play. Real time game usually needs fast decision making method for artificial intelligence, so it can\u27t interrupt any system in the game.Backpropagation is one of the fastest method that can be used to process data for decision making. Backpropagation method can use data training transformation feature so outputs from backpropagate calculation can be different than before. In its application, backpropagation needs to applying winner-take-all architecture so backpropagation system, can run the training process nicely.Based on testing result, backpropagation system can be applied in real time game and data training addition feature can gives the transformation for making decision that can be different than before

    Moving Object Tracking Using Camshif and SURF Algorithm

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    Penjejakan objek bergerak (moving object tracking) sebagai sebuah permasalahan yang berperan penting dalam bidang computer vision dan secara luas dapat diterapkan dalam banyak aplikasi dunia nyata seperti pengawasan otomatis, human pose estimation, navigasi kendaraan, pemantauan lalu lintas, dan robot vision. Moving object tracking membutuhkan metode yang memiliki akurasi dan ketahanan yang baik terhadap Perubahan yang terjadi pada objek. Penelitian ini membangun sebuah aplikasi untuk membandingkan Algoritma Camshift (Continuosly Adaptive Mean-Shift) dan Algoritma SURF (Speeded Up Robust Feature). Aplikasi dapat melakukan penjejakan dengan menggunakan kedua metode sekaligus. Pengujian dilakukan dengan lima kondisi pergerakan objek yang berbeda pada tiga warna latar belakang berbeda untuk membandingkan waktu komputasi dan akurasi dari kedua metode. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa akurasi Camshift lebih baik dibanding Surf, sementara untuk waktu komputasi Surf mengungguli Camshift

    Preferred Methods of Providing Critique to Students and Teachers in the English Language Classroom

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    The basic objective of English language instruction is to help students achieve language competency for communicative purposes while making as few errors as feasible. Corrective feedback is essential because of how well it improves students English language skills. The connection between language learners and teachers views on the forms, methods, and timing of corrective feedback has not yet received the attention it deserves from educational researchers. Examining the perspectives of both teachers and students in higher education, this study seeks to better understand the effects of constructive criticism. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were used by using a survey questionnaire the researcher designed and conducted interviews. The surveys were completed by the students by Google form and to participate in follow-up interviews with Microsoft representatives. Three hundred fifty law school sophomores took part in the multi-method study. The data from the surveys, the students follow-up interviews, and the discussion with 10 ESL instructors. The findings demonstrated that both educators and students valued the use of remedial feedback delivered verbally to improve English language skills. Metalinguistic feedback, immediate feedback on grammatical and lexical mistakes, and explicit correction and recast were all highlighted by the authors as effective treatments for phonological problems. Teachers thought that students were not negatively affected by timely correction, but they did see that students preferred delayed corrective input. From a pedagogically relevant stance, these results have consequences for language teachers and students alike
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