71 research outputs found

    Application of Methods for Non-Destructive Diagnosis to Find out Defect of Rollers

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    Import 05/08/2014ŠEDĚNKA D. Aplikace metod nedestruktivní diagnostiky pro odhalení vad válců: diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruování, 2014, 65 s. vedoucí diplomové práce Ing. Jan Blata, Ph.D. Diplomová práce se zabývá diagnostikou vnitřních vad válců v provoze Třineckých železáren a.s. a návrh a konstrukce rámu pro zkoumání změn magnetického pole materiálu v důsledku mechanického zatěžování. V rámci této práce byly provedeny měření a vyhodnocení získaných dat.Šeděnka D. Application of non-destructive diagnostics for the detection of defects cylinders: thesis. Ostrava: VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Production Machines and Design, 2014, 65 s leading thesis Ing. Jan Blata, Ph.D. This thesis deals with the diagnosis of internal defects of cylinders in operation as TŽ a.s. and the design and construction of the frame for examining changes in the magnetic field of the material caused by mechanical loading. In this work, measurements were made and evaluation of the data obtained.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn

    Evolution of Ternary AuAgPd Nanoparticles by the Control of Temperature, Thickness, and Tri-Layer

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    Metallic alloy nanoparticles (NPs) possess great potential to enhance the optical, electronic, chemical, and magnetic properties for various applications by the control of morphology and elemental composition. This work presents the fabrication of ternary AuAgPd alloy nanostructures on sapphire (0001) via the solid-state dewetting of sputter-deposited tri-metallic layers. Based on the systematic control of temperature, thickness, and deposition order of tri-layers, the composite AuAgPd alloy nanoparticles (NPs) with various shape, size, and density are demonstrated. The metallic tri-layers exhibit various stages of dewetting based on the increasing growth temperatures between 400 and 900 °C at 15 nm tri-layer film thickness. Specifically, the nucleation of tiny voids and hillocks, void coalescence, the growth and isolated nanoparticle formation, and the shape transformation with Ag sublimation are observed. With the reduced film thickness (6 nm), tiny alloy NPs with improved structural uniformity and spatial arrangement are obtained due to enhanced dewetting. The growth trend of alloy NPs is drastically altered by changing the deposition order of metallic tri-layers. The overall evolution is governed by the surface diffusion and inter-mixing of metallic atoms, Rayleigh-like instability, surface and interface energy minimization, and equilibrium state of the system. The UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectra reveal the formation of an absorption band and reflectance maxima at specific wavelengths based on the morphology and composition of AuAgPd alloy NPs. In addition, Raman spectra analysis shows the modulation of intensity and peak position of natural vibration modes of sapphire (0001)

    Morphological and optical properties of PdxAg1-x alloy nanoparticles

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    Alloy nanoparticles (NPs) can offer a wide range of opportunities for various applications due to their composition and structure dependent properties such as multifunctionality, electronic heterogeneity, site-specific response, and multiple plasmon resonance bands. In this work, the fabrication of self-assembled PdxAg1-x NPs alloy nanostructures with distinct size, density, shape, and composition is demonstrated via the solid-state dewetting of sputtered Pd/Ag thin films on c-plane sapphire. The initial stage of bilayer dewetting exhibits the nucleation of voids, followed by the expansion of voids and cluster breakdown and finally shape transformation along with the temperature control. Bilayer composition shows a substantial influence on the dewetting such that the overall dewetting is enhanced along with the increased Ag composition, i.e. Pd0.25Ag0.75 > Pd0.5Ag0.5 > Pd0.75Ag0.25. On the other hand, the size and density of NPs can be efficiently controlled by varying the initial thickness of bilayers. Reflectance peaks in UV and near-infrared (NIR) regions and a wide absorption band in the visible region arisen from the surface plasmon resonance are observed in reflectance spectra. The peak intensity depends on the composition of PdxAg1-x NPs and the NIR peaks gradually blue-shift with the size decrement

    Investigation on the morphological and optical evolution of bimetallic Pd-Ag nanoparticles on sapphire (0001) by the systematic control of composition, annealing temperature and time.

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    Multi-metallic alloy nanoparticles (NPs) can offer additional opportunities for modifying the electronic, optical and catalytic properties by the control of composition, configuration and size of individual nanostructures that are consisted of more than single element. In this paper, the fabrication of bimetallic Pd-Ag NPs is systematically demonstrated via the solid state dewetting of bilayer thin films on c-plane sapphire by governing the temperature, time as well as composition. The composition of Pd-Ag bilayer remarkably affects the morphology of alloy nanostructures, in which the higher Ag composition, i.e. Pd0.25Ag0.75, leads to the enhanced dewetting of bilayers whereas the higher Pd composition (Pd0.75Ag0.25) hinders the dewetting. Depending on the annealing temperature, Pd-Ag alloy nanostructures evolve with a series of configurations, i.e. nucleation of voids, porous network, elongated nanoclusters and round alloy NPs. In addition, with the annealing time set, the gradual configuration transformation from the elongated to round alloy NPs as well as size reduction is demonstrated due to the enhanced diffusion and sublimation of Ag atoms. The evolution of various morphology of Pd-Ag nanostructures is described based on the surface diffusion and inter-diffusion of Pd and Ag adatoms along with the Ag sublimation, Rayleigh instability and energy minimization mechanism. The reflectance spectra of bimetallic Pd-Ag nanostructures exhibit various quadrupolar and dipolar resonance peaks, peak shifts and absorption dips owing to the surface plasmon resonance of nanostructures depending on the surface morphology. The intensity of reflectance spectra is gradually decreased along with the surface coverage and NP size evolution. The absorption dips are red-shifted towards the longer wavelength for the larger alloy NPs and vice-versa

    Modulation of Morphology and Optical Property of Multi-Metallic PdAuAg and PdAg Alloy Nanostructures

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    Abstract In this work, the evolution of PdAg and PdAuAg alloy nanostructures is demonstrated on sapphire (0001) via the solid-state dewetting of multi-metallic thin films. Various surface configurations, size, and arrangements of bi- and tri-metallic alloy nanostructures are fabricated as a function of annealing temperature, annealing duration, film thickness, and deposition arrangements such as bi-layers (Pd/Ag), tri-layers (Pd/Au/Ag), and multi-layers (Pd/Au/Ag × 5). Specifically, the tri-layers film shows the gradual evolution of over-grown NPs, voids, wiggly nanostructures, and isolated PdAuAg alloy nanoparticles (NPs) along with the increased annealing temperature. In contrast, the multi-layers film with same thickness show the enhanced dewetting rate, which results in the formation of voids at relatively lower temperature, wider spacing, and structural regularity of alloy NPs at higher temperature. The dewetting enhancement is attributed to the increased number of interfaces and reduced individual layer thickness, which aid the inter-diffusion process at the initial stage. In addition, the time evolution of the Pd150 nm/Ag80 nm bi-layer films at constant temperature show the wiggly-connected and isolated PdAg alloy NPs. The overall evolution of alloy NPs is discussed based on the solid-state dewetting mechanism in conjunction with the diffusion, inter-diffusion, alloying, sublimation, Rayleigh instability, and surface energy minimization. Depending upon their surface morphologies, the bi- and tri-metallic alloy nanostructures exhibit the dynamic reflectance spectra, which show the formation of dipolar (above 700 nm) and quadrupolar resonance peaks (~ 380 nm) and wide dips in the visible region as correlated to the localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect. An absorption dip is readily shifted from ~ 510 to ~ 475 nm along with the decreased average size of alloy nanostructures

    Harmonic devices: The workhorse for surgical resection of vascular malformations

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    Management of vascular malformations is multimodal with documented role of surgical resection in specific facets of this condition. Surgical resection of these lesions is technically challenging owing to diffuse and relatively ill-defined extent with involvement of multiple tissue planes limitation of access and excessive intra-operative bleeding. An observational study was conducted in 24 cases taken up for surgical resection of vascular malformations. The cases were divided into two groups based on the hemostasis technique used: Group A: Harmonic shears (n = 12) (Ethicon Inc. Somerville, New Jersey, United States). Group B: Electrosurgery (monopolar/bipolar) with standard knot tying (n = 12). We conclude that use of harmonic scalpel in surgical resection causes less parallel tissue damage, secures haemostasis promptly, does not impede vision and aids surgical dissection thereby significantly reducing the operative time and improving the surgical outcome, typically in large vascular malformations of head and neck region

    Fabrication of Various Plasmonic Pt Nanostructures via Indium Assisted Solid-State Dewetting: From Small Nanoparticles to Widely Connected Networks

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    In this paper, the modified solid-state dewetting (MSSD) of well-defined and various uniform Pt nanostructures is demonstrated by the auxiliary diffusion enhancement. The MSSD utilizes the introduction of metallic indium (In) layers with high diffusivity in between sapphire and platinum (Pt) layer, through which the global diffusion and dewetting of metallic atoms can be significantly enhanced. Subsequently, the In atoms can be sublimated from the NP matrix, resulting in the formation of pure Pt NPs. By the systematic control of In and Pt bi-layer thickness, various areal density, size and configuration of Pt NPs are demonstrated. The In2 nm/Pt2 nm bilayers establish very small and highly dense NPs throughout the temperature range due to the early maturation of growth. Intermediate size of NPs is demonstrated with the In45 nm/Pt15 nm bilayers with the much improved interparticle spacings by annealing between 650 and 900 °C for 450 s. Finally, the In30 nm/Pt30 nm bilayers demonstrate the widely connected network-like nanostructures. In addition, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulation is employed to exploit the local electric field distributions at resonance wavelengths. The dewetting characteristics of In/Pt bilayers is systematically controlled by the modifications of layer thickness and annealing temperature and is systematically described based on the diffusion of atoms, Rayleigh instability and surface energy minimization mechanism. The optical properties demonstrate dynamic and widely tunable localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) responses depending upon the various surface morphologies of Pt nanostructures