15 research outputs found
Autor raspravlja o arhitektu Giuseppeu Jappelliju, koji je djelovao u prvoj polovini 19. stoljeća na području Veneta i Lombardije, a pripadao je masonskoj loži.Giuseppe Jappelli (rođen 1783.), poznati talijanski arhitekt prve polovine 19. stoljeća, bio je član masonske loze. Iz jednog izvješća policije provincije Lombarda Veneta iz 1825. doznaje se da je Jappelli, odmah nakon dolaska iz Venecije u Padovu 1807. g., pristupio padovanskoj loži sudjelujući tamošnjim sjednicama. U Padovi je bio primljen s oduševljenjem, pa se može pretpostaviti da je kao takav bio rado primljen i u masonsku lozu. Razvoj masonerije u razdoblju nakon njihova gašenja u Veneciji (1785.) pripada francuskom razdoblju kada je u Milanu, središtu talijanskog Kraljevstva, 1805. osnovan Vrhovni savjet s pet loza. Medu masonerijom se razvijao filofrancuski i filonapoleonski duh. Jappelli je aranžirao priredbu dočeka Napoleona u općinskoj sali u Padovi 15. lipnja 1809. Jappelli je započeo svoje školovanje kod Giannantonija Selve, za kojega se zna da nije pripadao mletačkim masonskim ložama, iako je bio štićenik Girolama Zuliana koji se cesto spominje kao njihov član iz popisa 1785. g. Godine 1812. pobjegao je iz Padove nakon propasti francuske vlasti u Italiji, ali se onda 1814. ponovno tamo vratio, odričući se masonerije, i zaposlio u gradskoj upravi, radeći na gradskim projektima, od zatvora do sveučilišta i kazališta
Andrea Schiavone nella bottega di Tiziano. In margine ad un inedito Ecce Homo
Si el estudio de la organización y el funcionamiento del taller de Tiziano está bien encaminado y ha arrojado abundantes e importantes éxitos, aún se necesita profundizar en las relaciones entre el maestro y los jóvenes admitidos “para aprender de él” con un enfoque más preciso. El descubrimiento de un Ecce Homo inédito en una colección privada nos permite indagar sobre la singular f igura de Andrea Meldolla, lo Schiavone, y sobre su relación con el maestro veneciano, en la cual dio tanto o más de lo que pudo recibir. The organisation and working procedures of Titan’s workshop have been studied in detail and have given us much important information. However, it is still necessary to investigate in greater depth the relationships between the master and his young “apprentices”, if we wish to obtain a fuller picture. The discovery of an Ecce Homo in a private collection has allowed us to study one of these young artists, Andrea Meldolla, called “lo Schiavone”, exploring his special relationship with the Venetian master, in which the lessons he received were no less important than those he succeeded in giving.Se lo studio della organizzazione e del funzionamento della bottega di Tiziano è ormai ben avviato e prodigo di esiti importanti, quello dei rapporti tra il Maestro e giovani ammessi “ad imparar da lui” richiede appro - fondimenti ed una più nitida messa a fuoco. Il ritrovamento di un Ecce Homo inedito presso una collezione privata, ci permette di indagare sulla singolare f igura di uno di questi, di Andrea Meldolla, detto lo Schia - vone, e sulla peculiarità e sulla sua relazione con il maestro veneziano, nell’ambito della quale quanto ebbe a ricevere non fu da meno di quanto ebbe a dare
Andrea Schiavone en el taller de Tiziano. A propósito de un <em>Ecce Homo</em> inédito
Si el estudio de la organización y el funcionamiento del taller de Tiziano está bien encaminado y ha arrojado abundantes e importantes éxitos, aún se necesita profundizar en las relaciones entre el maestro y los jóvenes admitidos “para aprender de él” con un enfoque más preciso. El descubrimiento de un Ecce Homo inédito en una colección privada nos permite indagar sobre la singular f igura de Andrea Meldolla, lo Schiavone, y sobre su relación con el maestro veneciano, en la cual dio tanto o más de lo que pudo recibir. </p
Living with heart failure : self management, informed support and the role of the heart failure specialist nurse
People with heart failure frequently experience poor quality of life, often exacerbated by co-morbidities. This demands complex self-management activities, often supported by family members in care roles, and includes input from community Heart Failure Specialist Nurses (HFSNs) that is known to reduce hospital readmissions. There is, however, a paucity of knowledge about the perceptions of people living with heart failure concerning self-management strategies. Aim This thesis is a longitudinal study exploring emergent patterns and styles of self- management of persons with heart failure, the impact of family members and HFSNs. Method Thirty-one theoretically sampled participants with heart failure were recruited from a district general hospital between October 2004 and September 2006. The sample participated in home-based, audio-taped, semi-structured interviews prior to nurse intervention, describing how heart failure affected their lives, focusing on self-management strategies. The HFSNs conducted home visits and telephone contacts according to individual needs independent of the research. At five months, 23 participants completed a diary for 14 days. Twenty- seven participants (three died, and one withdrew) were interviewed at six 3 months to explore how self-management strategies had changed. The HFSNs participated in a focus group. Constructivist grounded theory and reflexive accounting informed data collection and analysis, leading to the inductive development of an explanatory framework for emergent themes, one of which, Informed Support, serves as an original and significant contribution to the literature. Results Successful management is a complex biopsychosocial activity, involving reconstructions of identity, symptom management, and relationship management, while living with a chronic and uncertain condition that severely compromises life activities. Central to successful management is Informed Support, where family members collaboratively develop a range of activities and attributes to augment self-management. This was perceived as most effective when the HFSNs were able to adopt a 'whole family' approach. Conclusion Heart failure self-management is a dynamic, complex and adaptive activity that can be positively and significantly shaped by Informed Support from family members. Community based HFSNs can influence, but need to recognise differing styles of, self-management.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo