193 research outputs found

    Arti Penting Pendaftaran Tanah dalam Rangka Perlindungan Hukum Kepemilikan Sertipikat Hak Atas Tanah Bagi Pemilik Tanah (Studi di Desa Kalicilik Kabupaten Demak)

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    Land has a very important role. Increasing number of human population which isn't matched by existing land can lead to disputes. Thats because people are willing to do a variety of ways to achieve their goals. For this case, it's necessary to have some rules to prevent the increasingly complex problems, especially on land. This research aims to determine the people at village of Kalicilik's understanding how importance of the implementation of land registration, especially for legal protection to the land owners. What kind of motivations are owned by the people in the implementation of land registration. What kind of efforts have been carried out by the Land Office in order to achieve the implementation of the land certificate. The used method is juridical empirical's method. Specifications research is descriptive analytical. contained in this research is that people in the Kalicilik's village. Data analysis methods are systematically collected and collated and analyzed qualitatively. The results of the research and discussion that most of the people in the village are already know the importance of the implementation of land registration. By having a land certificate, will provide a sense of security because it can give legal certainty to landowners. However, there are still a few people in Kalicilik's that have the legal awareness of it. The lack of awareness of the law in the village of Kalicilik mainly dues to economic factors (cost) and because of the lack's of public knowledge about some land registration procedures correctly. it is influenced by the customs of the people who tend to prefer to use the agents in terms of land certificate's proccedures. In that case, it takes the efforts of many sides like : land's registration , village officials, the motivations indeed by the people's sides to realize the orderly administration of land, especially for the land's certificate

    Kegiatan Integrated Marketing Communication UMKM Se-Bandung Raya Dalam Program SinergitaS ABCGM

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kegiatan IMC yang dilakukan oleh UMKM se-Bandung Raya dalam Program Sinergitas ABCGM. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 3 orang yang merupakan UMKM aktif dalam Program Sinergitas ABCGM. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Peneliti memfokuskan kegiatan IMC pada Advertising, Publicity dan Word of Mouth. Kegiatan Advertising, Publicity dan Word of Mouth yang di Lakukan UMKM se-Bandung Raya dalam Program Sinergitas ABCGM menggunakan strategi digital Marketing melalui media sosial utama yaitu instagram. Strategi digital Marketing dengan Advertising, Publicity dan Word of Mouth yang di Lakukan UMKM se-Bandung Raya dalam Program Sinergitas ABCGM belum tertata dengan rapih karena manajemen yang tidak dilakukan secara maksimal

    SubItalian. Un'applicazione Web per l'apprendimento dell'italiano tramite sottotitolazione e annotazione di audiovisivi.

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    SubItalian è un'applicazione web nata con lo scopo di dimostrare come le tecnologie informatiche sviluppate negli ultimi anni possano facilitare e incentivare l'apprendimento di una lingua (in questo caso l'italiano) in modo del tutto alternativo e, con tutta probabilità, decisamente stimolante. L'applicazione prevede due tipologie di utenti: - learner: tutti coloro che vogliano apprendere l'italiano; - tutor: tutti coloro che siano interessati nell'affiancare gli utenti learner. Tutti gli utenti possono caricare in SubItalian del materiale audiovisivo che viene trascritto e annotato automaticamente. I tutor hanno a disposizione degli strumenti per: - revisionare ciò che il sistema ha generato automaticamente; - creare esercitazioni destinate ai learner. Inoltre, è disponibile un forum tramite cui utenti learner e utenti tutor possono comunicare. SubItalian is a web application created to demonstrate how informatics technologies developed in recent years can facilitate and encourage the learning of a foreign language (in this case Italian) in an alternative and, likely, very stimulating way. The application expects two types of users: - learner: all those who want to learn Italian; - tutor: all those who are interested in assisting the learners. Every user can upload to SubItalian audiovisual material which is transcribed and annotated automatically. Tutor users also have access to some useful tools allowing them to: - revision what the system has automatically generated; - create exercises designed for learner users. In addition, a forum through which learners and tutors can communicate is provided

    From emerging adults' unmet psychosocial needs to their problematic use of social networking sites: the mediating role of Fear of Missing Out

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    Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) is a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. Consequently, individuals experiencing FoMO wish to stay constantly in contact with what others are doing and engage with social networking sites for this purpose. In recent times, FoMO has received increased attention from psychological research, as a minority of users experiencing high levels of FoMO - particularly young people - might develop a problematic social networking site use, defined as the maladaptive and excessive use of social networking sites, resulting in symptoms associated with other addictions. According to the theoretical framework of the Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition- Execution (I-PACE) model, FoMO and certain motives for use may foster problematic use in individuals who display unmet psychosocial needs. However, to date, the I-PACE model has only conceptualized the general higher-order mechanisms related to the development of problematic use. Consistently, the overall purpose of this dissertation was to deepen the understanding of the mediating role of FoMO between specific predisposing variables and problematic social networking sites use. Adopting a psychological approach, two empirical and exploratory cross-sectional studies, conceived as independent research, were conducted through path analysis

    Strategi Media Penyiaran Dalam Membuat Program Siaran Yang Sehat Bagi Publik

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    Strategi media menyiaran di Cirebon dan Majalengka dalam membuat dan mempertahankan program siaran dengan dengan menggunakan lima pendekatan: yaitu (1) Sajian yang Diminati dan Menarik, (2) Memperhatikan Audiens (Pendengar dan Pemirsa), (3) Konten Lokal, (4) Segmen Usia, (5) Interkasi dengan Pendengar. Temuan lainnya adalah tentang dinamika eksistensi media penyiaran di Cirebon dan Majalengka di tengah serbuan internet dan media sosial. Media penyiaran di Cirebon dan Majalengka terus beradaptasi dengan perubahan perilaku masyarakat di media sosial. Kata kunci: Strategi Media Penyiaran, Program Siaran, Konten Sehat, Publi