805 research outputs found

    Challenges of Using Google Sites in Education and How Students Perceive Using It

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    ABSTRACT This paper describes an on-going project which is about how Google Sites, which is a type of wiki, applied in the implementation of Inquiry project based learning (PjBL). Teachers and students from a local school being anonymous as KS shared the first hand experience and positive comment on using Web 2.0 technologies in education and learning. This paper reveals the finding of the project and states out the school encountered the challenges from students" parent because of misunderstanding the nature of on-line project, and also from the students due to not being familiar with using Google Sites. This paper also includes how the school IT teacher dealt with those challenges with probable solutions, and he perceived an improvement of the students" performance in this General Studies group project facilitated by using Google Sites

    Determinants of manufacturing strategy formulation: a longitudinal study in Hong Kong

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    Abstract Recent developments of the World Trade Organisation and other international trade agreements have forced industries worldwide to face a new era of intense global competition. Manufacturers will have to compete effectively not only in the local context, but in wider regional and global marketplaces. Global competition has offered numerous opportunities and problems for the manufacturing industry. This paper investigates the determinants of strategy formulation (SF) in manufacturing enterprises and consolidates the empirical findings of a longitudinal study from 1994-2001 in Hong Kong. It also discusses the experiences from some leading Hong Kong manufacturers in managing the competitive pressures and gaining sustainable competitive advantages. The paper attempts to complement the literature base of SF practices with empirical evidence. The findings presented address the identification of success factors and problematic areas that provide manufacturers with guidance and references for formulating viable strategies to meet their business and operations needs

    Observations of the Crab Nebula and its pulsar in the far-ultraviolet and in the optical

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    We present HST/STIS far-UV observations of the Crab nebula and its pulsar. Broad, blueshifted absorption arising in the nebula is seen in C IV 1550, reaching about 2500 km/s. This can be interpreted as evidence for a fast outer shell, and we adopt a spherically symmetric model to constrain the properties of this. We find that the density appears to decrease outward in the shell. A lower limit to the mass is 0.3 solar masses with an accompanying kinetic energy of 1.5EE{49} ergs. A massive 10^{51} erg shell cannot be excluded, but is less likely if the density profile is much steeper than R^{-4} and the velocity is <6000 km/s. The observations cover the region 1140-1720 A. With the time-tag mode of the spectrograph we obtain the pulse profile. It is similar to that in the near-UV, although the primary peak is marginally narrower. Together with the near-UV data, and new optical data from NOT, our spectrum of the pulsar covers the entire region from 1140-9250 A. Dereddening the spectrum gives a flat spectrum for E(B-V)=0.52, R=3.1. This dereddened spectrum of the Crab pulsar can be fitted by a power law with spectral index alpha_{\nu} = 0.11 +/- 0.04. The main uncertainty is the amount and characteristics of the interstel- lar reddening, and we have investigated the dependence of \alpha_{\nu} on E(B-V) and R. In the extended emission covered by our 25" x 0.5" slit in the far-UV, we detect C IV 1550 and He II 1640 emission lines from the Crab nebula. Several interstellar absorption lines are detected toward the pulsar. The Ly alpha absorption indicates a column density of 3.0+/-0.5\EE{21} cm^{-2} of neutral hydrogen, which agrees well with our estimate of E(B-V)=0.52 mag. Other lines show no evidence of severe depletion of metals in atomic gas.Comment: 18 pages emulateapj style, including 10 figures. ApJ, accepte

    The role of ethanol or acetaldehyde in the biosynthesis of ethylene in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cv. Yellow Candy

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    Abstract Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) cv. Yellow Candy flowers were treated with ethanol solution (4%) in the absence or presence of 1 or 10 mM L-methionine, or ethanol or acetaldehyde solution (0.05%), in the absence or presence of 1 mM aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC). Spermidine in petals was measured over time in flowers treated with 4% ethanol or distilled water. Ethanol treatment significantly increased vase life by 10 days; methionine had no significant effect. The vase life of ACC-treated flowers was reduced by 4 days, the ethylene climacteric peak advanced by 5 days and ethylene production was increased in comparison with flowers not treated with ACC. In the absence of ACC, ethanol solution significantly increased vase life of carnation cv. Yellow Candy by 5 days and inhibited ethylene production, whereas in the presence of ACC, ethanol neither increased vase life nor inhibited ethylene production. Acetaldehyde also failed to increase vase life of carnation cv. Yellow Candy either in the absence or presence of ACC. There was no difference between spermidine content of ethanol-or distilled water-treated flowers. It was concluded that 4% ethanol failed to inhibit conversion of methionine to S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) because ethanol failed to inhibit production of spermidine. Furthermore, ethanol or acetaldehyde also failed to inhibit conversion of ACC to ethylene

    The Hourglass Nebulae of Sher 25 and SN 1987 A: Two of a Kind?

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    We have performed a detailed study of the morphology and kinematics of the hourglass-shaped nebula around the blue supergiant Sher 25 in the galactic giant HII region NGC 3603. Near-infrared high resolution adaptive optics images in the Br gamma line and HST/NICMOS images in the HeI 1.08mu line were compared with iso-velocity maps in the H alpha and [NII] lines. The adaptive optics observations clearly resolved the width of the ring (0.9", i.e., 0.027 pc), yielding delta R / R = 1:8. We show that the H alpha and [NII] lines trace the entire silhouette of the hourglass. The bipolar lobes of the hourglass expand at 70 km/s, whereas the ring around the waist of the hourglass expands at 30 km/s. Both the ring and the bipolar lobes have about the same dynamical age, indicating a common origin and a major outburst and mass-loss event 6630 yr ago. The ionized mass within the hourglass is between 0.3 Mo and 0.6 Mo - quite comparable to the total mass suggested for the expanding (pre-supernova) shell around SN 1987 A. The hourglass structure around Sher 25 is similar to that of SN 1987 A in spatial extent, mass, and velocities. The major differences between these two nebulae might arise from environmental effects. Both internal and external ionization sources are available for Sher 25's nebula. Furthermore, Sher 25 and its hourglass-shaped nebula appear to be moving to the south-west with respect to the ambient interstellar medium, and ram pressure has apparently deformed the hourglass. We conclude that the circumstellar nebulae around SN 1987 A and Sher 25 are very similar and define a new class of nebulae around blue supergiants in their final evolutionary stage.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, also available at ftp://ftp.astro.uiuc.edu/pub/brandner/sher25_apjl or at http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~brandner/pub.html , accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Exploitation and resistance: a comparative analysis of the Chinese cheap labour electronics and high-value added IT sectors.

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    This article compares the electronics sector in the area of Shenzhen, based on cheap labour assembling goods for export, with the IT sector in the area of Shanghai, relying on a more skilled workforce manufacturing high-value added goods. It is asked in what way these rather different locations within the global political economy condition the form and contents of resistance in these two sectors. The article concludes that industrial relations are more confrontational in the electronics sector with informal labour NGOs supporting workers in getting their individual and collective rights. The IT sector, in contrast, is characterised by consensual relationships. Informal labour NGOs concentrate on organising cultural activities for workers’ free time, performing a mediating role between employers and employees, supported by the government

    Estimation of Combinatoric Background in SeaQuest using an Event-Mixing Method

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    All experiments observing dilepton pairs (e.g. e+e−e^+e^-, μ+μ−\mu^+\mu^-) must confront the existence of a combinatoric background caused by the combining of tracks not arising from the same physics vertex. Some method must be devised to calculate and remove this background. In this document we describe a particular event-mixing method relying on many of the unique aspects of the SeaQuest spectrometer and data. The method described here calculates the combinatoric background with correct normalization; i.e., there is no need to assign a floating normalization factor that is then determined in a subsequent fitting procedure. Numerous tests are applied to demonstrate the reliability of the method.Comment: Submitted to JINST; revised due to second round of referee comment

    Intersectional impact of multiple identities on social work education in the UK

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Ben Chi-pun Liu, ‘Intersectional impact of multiple identities on social work education in the UK’, Journal of Social Work, Vol 17(2): 226-242, March 2017. © 2016 The Author(s). DOI to the published version: 10.1177/1468017316637220. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.Summary: The study reviews the records of 671 social work students and graduates including the seven intakes from the first cohort in 2003/2004 to the intake in 2010/2011 to examine the interacting effect of learning difficulties, ethnicity and gender on the completion of social work training at a university in the South East of England. Findings: Among the students, 79.9% of them were female, 50.1% were black, 27.9% white, 10.7% Asian and 11.3% other ethnicities. A majority of students did not report any disability. Among those who did (n ¼ 84), 52.3% (n ¼ 44) reported a learning difficulty.The percentage of students who have successfully completed the training is 76.4%, a completion rate that is comparable to the UK’s national figure. Having controlled the confounding variables, hierarchical logistic regression identified the risk factor for dropoutfrom undergraduate social work programme as black female students with learning difficulties (odds ratio ¼ 0.100, 95% confidence interval ¼ 0.012–0.862, p < 0.05). Findings suggested that students with multiplicity of identities, i.e. being black and female and with a learning difficulty, have a lower probability to complete the programme successfully. Applications: Strategies for tackling the intersecting disadvantages of race, gender and disabilities in social work training should embrace three principles: providing continuous support, focusing on how the support is provided and addressing contextual and structural barriers.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Circumstellar Na I and Ca II lines in type IIP supernovae and SN 1998S

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    We study a possibility of detection of circumstellar absorption lines of Na I D1,2_{1,2} and Ca II H,K in spectra of type IIP supernovae at the photospheric epoch. The modelling shows that the circumstellar lines of Na I doublet will not be seen in type IIP supernovae for moderate wind density, e.g., characteristic of SN 1999em, whereas rather pronounced Ca II lines with P Cygni profile should be detectable. A similar model is used to describe Na I and Ca II circumstellar lines seen in SN 1998S, type IIL with a dense wind. We show that line intensities in this supernova are reproduced, if one assumes an ultraviolet excess, which is caused primarily by the comptonization of supernova radiation in the shock wave.Comment: To be published in Astronomy Letter

    Night-sky brightness monitoring in Hong Kong - a city-wide light pollution assessment

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    Results of the first comprehensive light pollution survey in Hong Kong are presented. The night-sky brightness was measured and monitored around the city using a portable light sensing device called the Sky Quality Meter over a 15-month period beginning in March 2008. A total of 1,957 data sets were taken at 199 distinct locations, including urban and rural sites covering all 18 Administrative Districts of Hong Kong. The survey shows that the environmental light pollution problem in Hong Kong is severe - the urban night-skies (sky brightness at 15.0 mag per arcsec square) are on average ~100 times brighter than at the darkest rural sites (20.1 mag per arcsec square), indicating that the high lighting densities in the densely populated residential and commercial areas lead to light pollution. In the worst polluted urban location studied, the night-sky at 13.2 mag per arcsec square can be over 500 times brighter than the darkest sites in Hong Kong. The observed night-sky brightness is found to be affected by human factors such as land utilization and population density of the observation sites, together with meteorological and/or environmental factors. Moreover, earlier night-skies (at 9:30pm local time) are generally brighter than later time (at 11:30pm), which can be attributed to some public and commercial lightings being turned off later at night. On the other hand, no concrete relationship between the observed sky brightness and air pollutant concentrations could be established with the limited survey sampling. Results from this survey will serve as an important database for the public to assess whether new rules and regulations are necessary to control the use of outdoor lightings in Hong Kong.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, in pres
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