18 research outputs found
Legal Weak Protection of Personal Data in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution Era
This study aims to discuss the legal weak protection of personal data which is motivated by the phenomenon of society today which is like living in a world without borders so that it impacts on easy access to one's personal information, the impact of begins to spread illegal practices by irresponsible parties in the illegal use of personal information. In addition, there are no laws that specifically regulate the protection of personal data/information in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era. The approach method used is a conceptual and case approach, with the purpose of the research is to analyze the weakness of legal protection for personal data in the 4.0 Industrial Revolution era in Indonesia. The results of the study, the spread of personal data protection arrangements in various laws and regulations indicate the protection of personal data is not yet a national legal priority and results in legal weak protection of the personal data of citizens so as to position Indonesian citizens in a vulnerable position, which is certainly not in line with the legal objectives namely provide legal certainty, justice, and expediency. The various cases that exist and pay attention to the phenomenon of digitalization in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 illustrate the urgency of the need for the legal protection of personal data a state priority. Legal reform through the legitimacy of protecting personal data as a responsive and progressive legal policy is a must so that legal protection in the form of legal guarantees can be carried out properly in order to create a safe and comfortable digital ecosystem for the community
Liability Limitation of PeduliLindungi Applications in the Convergence Dynamics of Telematics Law
PeduliLindungi application, there is a clause limiting the liability by the electronic system operator, which in outline states that PeduliLindungi is not responsible for any losses that arise due to events and/or causes beyond the control and/or ability of the organizer or caused by any violation or unauthorized access to PeduliLindungi. This research aims to examine the clause on Limitation of Liability of Care for Protect Applications in the Convergence Dynamics of Telematics Law. The research approach method used in this research uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The result is that the electronic system operator from the PeduliLindungi application is related to the liability limitation clause and is no longer based on Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, Article 15 Paragraph (2). Normatively in the author’s understanding, the clause limiting the liability of this PeduliLindungi application is based on Article 15 paragraph (3) of Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. So actually, there is nothing wrong with the clause limiting the liability of the PeduliLindungi Application if it refers to the principle of freedom of contract and as long as it can be legally proven that the problems that occur are part of the plain error or negligence of the user. However, in essence, the organizer of the electronic system of the PeduliLindungi application should not turn a blind eye to the possibilities that can become a problem and harm users in the operation of the electronic system that they run.
Keywords: limitation of liability, PeduliLindungi application, telematics la
Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Budaya dan Lingkungan Di Desa Bongo Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Kabupaten Gorontalo
Desa Bongo yang terletak di Kecamatan Batudaa Pantai Kabupaten Gorontalo Provinsi Gorontalo, sejak tahun 2004 ditetapkan sebagai “ Desa Wisata Religius Bubohu”. Kunjungan wisatawan ke daerah ini hanya untuk wisata religi padahal Desa ini memiliki potensi wisata laut dan bukit yang indah sehingga bila potensi ini dikembangkan akan menjadi obyek wisata baru yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey, observasi dan wawancara serta aksi langsung di lapangan. Hasil yang dicapai adalah: 1) Terbentuknya obyek wisata baru dengan nama “Pantai Dulanga” mengekspose pantai dan perbukitan yang ditata secara alami dan indah, telah menarik minat wisatawan lokal maupun asing untuk berkunjung sehingga memberikan dampak positif terutama pada peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat. 2) Terwujudnya masyarakat sadar wisata, peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat maupun pemerintah terhadap pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan di Desa Bongo. Development of Culture and Environment Based Tourism Village in Bongo Village, Batudaa Pantai Sub-district, Gorontalo RegencyAbstract: Bongo Village of Batudaa District, Gorontalo Regency has been established as "Bubohu Religious Tourism Village" since 2004. The tourists' main purpose to visit this place is for religious tourism. Whereas, this village has the potential of beautiful marine and hill tourism that will increase community prosperity if those potential are becoming new tourism spots. The research methods employed survey, observation, and direct action in the field. The result achieved include: 1) the establishment of new tourism spot "Dulanga Beach" by exposing beach and hills that are naturally and beautifullylaid out. The village has attracted local and foreignvisitors, which has resulted in an increase in community income. 2) The manifestation of community tourism awareness, and the enhancement of community and government involvement toward sustainable tourism development in Bongo Village.
Application of Criminal Sanctions Against Illegal Mining Perpetrators According to Law Number 3 of 2020
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the application of criminal sanctions against illegal mining actors according to Law Number 3 of 2020 in Dengilo District, Pohuwato Regency, and to determine and analyze the impact of illegal mining in Dengilo District, Pohuwato Regency. The type of research used in this study is empirical legal research using data collection techniques through direct observation and interviews with related parties. The results of this study show that the application of criminal sanctions in Kec. Dengilo is still not optimal, because there are still many perpetrators who continue to carry out activities secretly at the mine site. The miners carried out mining activities at night using heavy equipment even though it had been prohibited by the authorities. The government of Dengilo District, Pohuwato District, has made socialization efforts to the community regarding the provisions governing mining problems and sanctions for those who violate these provisions and has collaborated with the Pohuwato Regional Police in following up perpetrators of illegal gold mining crimes by the provisions of Law Number 3 of 2020. The impact caused by illegal gold mining in Dengilo District is positive: increasing local income, accommodating labor, and increasing community income. Negative impacts: river water pollution, damage to agricultural land, destruction of forest areas, causing casualties, causing landslides, and disrupting public health. Therefore, the government should facilitate and determine community mining areas.
Legal Protection for Children as Victims of the Crime of Sexual Intercourse
This study aims to determinelegal protection for children as victims of the crime of sexual intercourse.The method used in this research is empirical research methodology. This study uses a qualitative approach and sampling using purposive sampling and using descriptive qualitative analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate thatLegal protection for child victims of the crime of sexual intercourse is given with the aim of protecting victims, especially victims of sexual intercourse in order to get their rights as victims by way of children getting health services as an effort to restore the condition of children as victims of sexual intercourse, children also get legal protection in terms of legal aid, rehabilitation, and prevention. The need for a fair criminal law settlement for victims of sexual intercourse, which adds or considers the rights of victims of sexual intercourse and parents should participate in efforts to provide protection for children by fulfilling children's rights, protecting the best interests of children, and increasing supervision over children. environment and children's play area.
Law Enforcement Challenges to Defamation on Social Media
The aim of this research is to find out and analyze aboutlaw enforcement against perpetrators of defamation through social media in jurisdictionsAs a result of this research, researchers found that first, How is the implementation of law enforcement against perpetrators of defamation via social media by the Gorontalo City Police, after the ITE Law No.19 of 2016, that is the implementation of law enforcement against perpetrators of defamation via social media by Satreskrim. Second, the factors that become obstacles for the police in enforcing the law against perpetrators of defamation through social media in accordance with the ITE Law No. 19 of 2016, namely the obstacles or obstacles lie in the legal constraints themselves, constraints from law enforcement, constraints on facilities and infrastructure, constraints from society, cultural constraint
Discourse on Affiliate Marketing Platform Trading/Investment from Indonesian Legal Perspective
The study aims to examine the existence of affiliate marketing trading/investment platforms from a legal perspective in Indonesia and discuss the legal noose that looms over it. The research approach methods used in this study are the statute approach, the case approach, and the conceptual approach. The results, if viewed from the perspective of Indonesian law, refer to regulations related to trade, consumer protection, electronic information, and transactions, as well as Indonesian Pariwara Ethics. Considering that business actors and their marketing affiliates are honest and responsible in carrying out and marketing their business and conducting good and healthy transactions and are accompanied by good faith without defraud. The affiliate marketing business strategy through this affiliate intermediary is something legal. But if in carrying out his role as an affiliate, having disguised malicious intentions, not accompanied by good faith, then there are legal consequences that will be accepted, whereas, in some related regulations, there is a threat of criminal penalties that do not mess with sanctions, to provide a deterrent effect.
Keywords: affiliates, trading, platforms, Indonesian la
The Urgency of Regulation of Electric Bikes in Gorontalo City in a Progressive Legal Perspective
The use of electric bicycles is currently becoming a primadonna among the community. The combination of transportation and technology makes it a creative and revolutionary innovation. High public interest and also based on the thought of the movement to save the Earth from carbon emissions has increasingly popularized the use of electric bicycles. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the urgency of regulating electric bicycles in Gorontalo City in a progressive legal perspective. The research method used is statute approach and conceptual approach. Electric bicycles have begun to be traded in the Gorontalo Province. Of course, this indicates that Gorontalo Province has good market potential. Nationally, the rules for the use of electric bicycles have indeed been accommodated in the Minister of Transportation Regulation, but their embodiment in regional regulations is still needed considering that Gorontalo Province in general and Gorontalo City in particular certainly have special conditions. which must also be accommodated in a regulation because the facilities and infrastructure as well as local wisdom that live in the community are certainly not at the same level nationally. It is appropriate that the use of electric bicycles as a means of transportation is made a legal umbrella in the regions. Law through the lens of progressiveness must move faster than society itself considering that law is rigid while society is dynami