14 research outputs found

    Compressive Strength and Workability of Normal Concrete Mixed Beton Mix With and Without Water Reduction

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    Abstract. The problems of uncontrolled water use in the application of additive use asan additive havebeen significant impact on the strength of concrete and the workability.This paper describes an experimental study of the use of additives, Beton mix, asadditive to normal concrete with certain level. Specimens have been made withoutreduced of water and also by reduced of water. This study focuses on the workabilityand also the compressive strength of specimens. The results of the compressive strengthtest at 28 days, showed that the specimens without reduce of water increased forspecimens with composition of Beton mix 0.15%, but the specimens that use less 0.15%showed decreased the strength of the concrete linearly. In additional, the slump alsoincreased. In contrast to the specimens by reduced of water, a slump showed decreasedwith a maximum reduction limit of 20%, and the strength of concrete showed anincrease of 5%

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Terhadap Pelayanan Publik Pada Kantor Kas Daerah Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    This research aims to know and analyze regional financial management consisting of planning, implementation, administration, report, responsibility, and controlling on public service simultaneously and partially.This is a descriptive verificative research using multiple linear regression as an analysis tool. This research involves 75 treasurers at regional work unit (SKPD) in Central Sulawesi Province. The results show that simultaneously and partially regional financial management consisting of planning, implementation, administration, report, responsibility, and controlling perform positive and significant effect on public service at Regional Cash Office. Central Sulawesi Province. Based on partial effect test in indicates that controlling is the dominant variable effecting public service following by responsibility (0,011), report (0,034), implementation (0,042), planning (0,043) and administration (0,044) respectively

    Pengaruh Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Terhadap Status Kesehatan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Palu Selatan

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    The successfulness of public health in South Palu Sub-district contributes to decide the accievement of national develoment. Health population supports not only education program but also the increase of poructivity and household income. Therefore, the main problem of this research was whether the level income of household head who works at formal sector influence the public health status. Similarly, to overcome health problems in certain area is directly related to social and economic factors.In conducting this research, the reseracher applied stratified random sampling technique representing the citezens as responends in South Palu Subdistrict. Therefore, sample consisted of 5 sub-districts, 3 citizen communities, 3 household communities, and 5 household heads. The total number of sample was 126 persons. From the 12 sub-districts, the sample involved 5 subdisrticts: Tatura Utara (35 households), Birobuli Utara (30 households) Tanamodindi (22 households), Birobuli Selatan (18 households), and Tatura Selatan (21 households).After analyzing the data, this research result showed that the income of household head was about 1,500,000.- rupiahs, without social and economic factors that directly influenced toward health status, namely every individual tended to have bad health status. Other factors, such as job area, house environment, social health assurance had significant influence, a=5% with positive sign. It indicated that the head of household with job area was provided well, healthy house environment and health assurance were done better service; therefore, public health status was good for each household. Meanwhile, other factors, they were significant a=15% with negative sign on individual health characteristics, such as respondents age, gendre, long time in completing study, marital status, the head of house hold, and the number of household members did not directly influence bad health status. This results showed that the varibales tends or have opportunity to influence both bad and good health status

    The Experimental Study On Laminated Beam By Mahang And Meranti Wood With Variations Connectors

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    Abstract. Laminated of Mahang and Meranti wood were the efforts to improve theefficiency of hardwood (Meranti) and light wood (Mahang), so that to be used forstructural timber. Variant of connectors were expected to increase laminate beamcapacity compared to solid beams. Samples have been made include properties materialsamples and laminated beam samples with dimension 76 x 5 x 5 cm. Beam sampleswere3 types of connector i.e. glues, nails and bolts. The capacity was obtained by providedone point load at the center of span. In addition to load force, deflection were alsorecorded which then analyzed the flexural capacity, MOR and MOE. The result showedthat at the limit deflection, the glue laminated beam (BL LM) has a higher averagecapacity than the bolt laminated beam (BT BL) and the nail laminated beam (BL PK).In contrast, at the ultimate conditions, BL PK has a higher capacity rather than theothers. At the same time, BL LM has a higher average of MOE of 6818.88 MPa andBL PK has average of MOR 3 times larger than Meranti solid beam (BL ME)

    Desain Jembatan Komposit pada Sungai Jalan antara Rupat Utara

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    Jembatan adalah bagian dari sistem transportasi nasional yang mempunyai peranan penting. Jembatan yang terletak pada Sungai Jalan Antara awalnya adalah jembatan kayu. Dikarenakan kondisi Jembatan ini sudah mengalami kerusakan terutama pada bagian lantai, maka direncanakan menggunakan jembatan dengan jenis struktur komposit. Perencanaan ini telah dilakukan analisis beban yang mengacu pada Standart Pembebanan untuk Jembatan RSNI T-02-2005 dan untuk perencanaan struktur baja jembatan SNI T-03-2005. Tahapan perencanaan diawali dengan penentuan dimensi girder, elastomer bearing, diafragma, lantai, trotoar, tiang sandaran, dan plat. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu tulangan utama slab D13-200. Profil girder baja menggunakan baja WF900×300×16×28 mm dengan jarak antar girder 1,5 m. Penambahan cover plate 300×10mm pada tengah bentang sepanjang 15 m, dan diafragma baja WF 500×200×10×16 mm dengan jarak antar diafragma 5,5 m

    Desain Jembatan Jalan Datuk Laksamana Dengant-girdermenggunakansni 1725-2016

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    Jembatan Jalan Datuk Laksamana dengan panjang 20 m dan lebar 3 m, yang menghubungkan antara Desa Bukit Batu dan Desa Sukajadi Kecamatan Bukit Batu merupakan jembatan beton bertulang dengan lantai kayu yang mengalami kerusakan, diantaranya pada balok yang keropos/retak dan lantai jembatan yang mengalami pelapukan. Untuk itu direncanakanlah struktur atas jembatan dengan tipeT-Girder, yang mengacukepadaSNI1725-2016 tentang pembebanan untukjembatandanSNIT-12-2004tentangperencanaanstrukturbeton untukjembatan.Hasil desain, perhitungan plat lantai jembatan diperoleh dimensi tulangan utama D16 - 200 mm dan tulangan bagi D13 - 300 mm.Slab trotoar diperoleh tulangan pokok D16 - 200 mm, dan tulangan longitudinal D13- 400 mm. Dinding railing diperoleh tulangan lentur 2ɸ12dan tulangan geserØ8 - 100 mm.Plat injak arah memanjang dan arah melintang diperoleh dimensi tulangan D16 - 200 mm. Balok girder untuk tulangan lentur diperoleh tulangan tarik 18D32 mm dan tulangan tekan 5D32, Sedangkan tulangan geser Ø12 - 100 mmdan tulangan badan diperoleh 8Ø12.Balok diafragma diperoleh tulangan tarik dan tulangan tekan sama 3D16, Sedangkan tulangan geser Ø12 - 150 mm dan tulangan badan diperoleh 2Ø12 mm. Sementara itu untuk perletakan diperoleh dimensi 440 mm x 400mm x 129 mm

    Production Performance and Business Analysis of Clown Loach Chromobotia Macracanthus (Bleeker 1852) in Recirculating Systems with Different Stocking Densities and Water Discharge

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    Efforts to improve the production performance of clown loach in recirculate aquaculture system can be done by increasing stocking density and water discharge. This study aimed to analyze the effect of increasing stocking density and water discharge on production performance, stress response and water quality in order to obtain the best stocking density and water discharge to obtain maximum profit in a short time. A factorial completely randomized design with two factors, i.e. the stocking density of 1, 2, and 3 fish L-1 and the water discharge of 0,05; 0,10; 0,15 L s-1 was performed. The volume of water used in each aquarium was 48 L and using a ½ inch faucet stop to regulate the water discharge from the inlet pipe. Clown fish fed Tubifex sp. with a feeding frequency of two times a day according to the treatment for 60 days. The result indicates that there was no interaction between the two factors on production performance, payback period, and R/C ratio. Stocking density has a significant effect on specific growth rate, absolute growth rate of individual weight, feeding consumption rate and R/C ratio of clown loach. Stocking density and water discharge had an interaction on the visual color of pectoral and caudal fins of clown loach. Different stocking densities with the combination of water discharge in this study resulted that the water quality were within tolerable range for clown loach so that they did not experience stress, as well as high production and business performance. It is recommended to intensify clown loach with a stocking density of 3 fish L-1 and 0,15 L s-1‑ of water discharge

    Latihan Meditasi terhadap Penurunan Stres pada Usia Dewasa di Desa Pentadio Barat Kab. Gorontalo

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    ABSTRAK Dampak stres akan membuat diri seseorang mengalami gangguan fisiologis dan pisikologis seperti yang telah dijabarkan diparagraf sebelumnya. Jadi dengan melihat dampak ini maka alternatif atau solusi untuk mengantisipasi stress yaitu melakukan meditasi. Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu masyarakat mampu memahami pengelolaan stress dan mampu melakukan Latihan meditasi untuk menurunkan stres. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan pada kegiatan ini adalah penyuluhan edukasi dengan bantuan leaflet, ceramah, diskusi. Hasil pengabdian dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cara penanganan stress  yang baik dan benar serta meningkatkan kemampuan  masyarakat dalam pengelolaan stress dan mengaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Setelah dilakukan pengabdian, masyarakat dapat menerapkan terapi ini untuk mengurangi stress. Terbukti bahwa terapi meditasi dapat menurunkan stress pada usia dewasa. Kata Kunci : Meditasi, Stres, Lansia  ABSTRACT The impact of stress will make a person experience physiological and psychological disorders as described in the previous paragraph. So by looking at this impact, an alternative or solution to anticipate stress is to do meditation. The purpose of this service is that the community is able to understand stress management and be able to do meditation exercises to reduce stress. The method of activities carried out in this activity is educational counseling with the help of leaflets, lectures, discussions. The results of the service can increase public knowledge about how to handle stress properly and correctly and increase the community's ability to manage stress and apply it in everyday life.The conclusion is this meditation therapy can reduce the stress in adult. Keywords: Meditation, Stress, Elderly

    The Use of Megamolecular Polysaccharide Sacran in Food and Biomedical Applications

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    Natural polymer is a frequently used polymer in various food applications and pharmaceutical formulations due to its benefits and its biocompatibility compared to synthetic polymers. One of the natural polymer groups (i.e., polysaccharide) does not only function as an additive in pharmaceutical preparations, but also as an active ingredient with pharmacological effects. In addition, several natural polymers offer potential distinct applications in gene delivery and genetic engineering. However, some of these polymers have drawbacks, such as their lack of water retention and elasticity. Sacran, one of the high-molecular-weight natural polysaccharides (megamolecular polysaccharides) derived from Aphanothece sacrum (A. sacrum), has good water retention and elasticity. Historically, sacran has been used as a dietary food. Moreover, sacran can be applied in biomedical fields as an active material, excipient, and genetic engineering material. This article discusses the characteristics, extraction, isolation procedures, and the use of sacran in food and biomedical applications