22 research outputs found

    Murder in Jerba : honour, shame and hospitality among Maltese in Ottoman Tunisia

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    Little is known about the sizeable Maltese communities developing along the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean in the mid-nineteenth century and the extent to which the migrants reproduced Maltese cultural traditions and practices overseas. This article considers this question through a microhistorical analysis of events culminating in the murder of a Maltese woman in the Ottoman Regency of Tunis in 1866. A close reading of transcripts from the interrogation of witnesses and the accused, all members of a Maltese community in Jerba reveals their shared cultural practices and beliefs surrounding the provision of hospitality, honour and shame. Viewed from this perspective, the curious responses of the witnesses to the murder of their compatriot become meaningful, and the crime is reframed as an honour killing.peer-reviewe

    Oral contraceptive use and risk of stroke.

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    Distonia virtual por infarto talĂąmico posterolateral ventral: relato de caso Virtual dystonia due to a posteroventrolateral thalamic infarct: case report

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    O presente trabalho relata o caso de um diabĂ©tico hipertenso acometido de uma forma fragmentĂĄria da sĂ­ndrome de Dejerine-Roussy e "sensação de cĂąimbra dolorosa" nos artelhos quando se deitava ou removia o pĂ© do contato com o chĂŁo. A propriocepção estava acentuadamente comprometida nos artelhos que abrigavam a cĂąimbra. Seu relato se adequava ao padrĂŁo das distonias fixas, nĂŁo transcrita, todavia, como deformidade motora visĂ­vel, razĂŁo pela qual designamos o fenĂŽmeno de "distonia virtual". A RNM mostrou imagem de infarto do nĂșcleo lateral posterior do tĂĄlamo (VPL) e degeneração wallerĂ­ana de projeçÔes VPL-corticais. O SPECT, exclusĂŁo do tĂĄlamo e hipoperfusĂŁo do cĂłrtex parietal dorsal ipsilateral e dos nĂșcleos da base bilateralmente. Sugerimos que, em decorrĂȘncia da interrupção de aferentes proprĂ­oceptivos no tĂĄlamo, o cĂłrtex somestĂ©sico (S-I) originou atividade topograficamente ordenada, que emergiu sob a forma de distonia como representação mental subjetiva. Sugerimos que a distonia virtual represente o anĂĄlogo somestĂ©sico das alucinoses unimodais, cujo exemplo mais conhecido Ă© a sĂ­ndrome de Bonnet.<br>Behaviors, actions and movements may take place as purely mental events, as in the obsessions of obsessive-compulsive disorder, phantom limbs or sensory tics. In the present paper we report on the case of a 43-year-old diabetic hypertensive man who developed an incomplete form of the Dejerine-Roussy syndrome. Whenever he lay down or withdrew the leg from the ground, he experienced the illusion that the left intermediate toes painfully twisted and mounted each other. Conversely, as he stood up or firm pressure was artificially exerted against the sole, there was a dramatic relief from the "cramp" whose illusory character could he be certain of only by looking down at the foot. By passively moving his toes into the referred position we realized that the experienced deformity conformed to the pattern of a fixed dystonia not outwardly expressed through the motor system. There was severe proprioceptive loss in the same toes that harbored the cramp. MRI showed the appropriate lesion in the posteroventrolateral thalamus (VPL) and wallerian degeneration of thalamo-cortical projections. SPECT showed hypoperfusion of the overlying ipsilateral parietal cortex as well as of the basal nuclei bilaterally, besides the expected image of thalamic exclusion. We hypothesize that the infarct disconnected the somatic sensory cortex (S-I) from critical proprioceptive input with relative sparing of superficial sensibility. Lifting the foot deprived S-I of tonic inputs conveyed by undamaged contact-pressure pathways, a functional effect promptly reversed by placing the foot back against the ground. The case illustrates how a capricious deafferentation of S-I by a discrete VPL thalamic infarct might facilitate the emergence of autochthonous activity in the primary somesthetic cortex and give rise to a purely mental abnormal involuntary movement akin to the unimodal hallucinoses of which the syndrome of Bonnet is the best-known example. Virtual abnormal involuntary movements may be concealed more often than appreciated by complaints such as pains or cramps in patients with nervous system lesions

    Assessment of changes in body water by bioimpedance in acutely ill surgical patients.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between changes in body bioelectrical impedance (BI) at 0.5, 50 and kHz and the changes in body weight, as an index of total body water changes, in acutely ill surgical patients during the rapid infusion of isotonic saline solution. DESIGN: Prospective clinical study. SETTING: Multidisciplinary surgical ICU in a university hospital. PATIENTS: Twelve male patients treated for acute surgical illness (multiple trauma n = 5, major surgery n = 7). Selection criteria: stable cardiovascular parameters, normal cardiac function, signs of hypovolemia (CVP &lt; or = 5 mmHg, urine output &lt; 1 ml/kg x h). INTERVENTIONS: After baseline measurements, a 60 min fluid challenge test was performed with normal saline solution, 0.25 ml/kg/min [corrected]. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Body weight (platform digital scale), total body impedance (four-surface electrode technique; measurements at 0.5, 50 and 100 kHz) and urine output. Fluid retention induced a progressive decrease in BI at 0.5, 50 and 100 kHz, but the changes were significant for BI 0.5 and BI 100 only, from 40 min after the beginning of the fluid therapy onwards. There was a significant negative correlation between changes in water retention and BI 0.5, with individual correlation coefficients ranging from -0.72 to 0.95 (p &lt; 0.01-0.0001). The slopes of the regression lines indicated that for each kg of water change, there was a mean decrease in BI of 18 ohm, but a substantial inter-individual variability was noted. CONCLUSION: BI measured at low frequency can represent a valuable index of acute changes in body water in a group of surgical patients but not in a given individual