72 research outputs found

    Evidence for C II Diffuse Line Emission at Redshift z2.6

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    C II is one of the brightest emission lines from star-forming galaxies and is an excellent tracer for star formation. Recent work measured the C II emission line amplitude for redshifts 2 < z < 3.2 by cross-correlating Planck High Frequency Instrument emission maps with tracers of overdensity from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Sky Survey, finding I(CII)=6.6(sup +5.0, sub 4.810(exp 4) Jy/sr at 95per cent confidence level. In this paper, we present a refinement of this earlier work by improving the mask weighting in each of the Planck bands and the precision in the covariance matrix. We report a detection of excess emission in the 545 GHz Planck band separate from the cosmic infrared background (CIB) present in the 353857 GHz Planck bands. This excess is consistent with redshifted C II emission, in which case we report b(CII)I(CII)=2.0(sup +1.2, sub 1.110(exp 5) Jy/sr at 95 per cent confidence level, which strongly favours many collisional excitation models of C II emission. Our detection shows strong evidence for a model with a non-zero C II parameter, though line intensity mapping observations at high spectral resolution will be needed to confirm this result

    Cosmic Microwave Background Statistics for a Direction-Dependent Primordial Power Spectrum

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    Statistical isotropy of primordial perturbations is a common assumption in cosmology, but it is an assumption that should be tested. To this end, we develop cosmic microwave background statistics for a primordial power spectrum that depends on the direction, as well as the magnitude, of the Fourier wavevector. We first consider a simple estimator that searches in a model-independent way for anisotropy in the square of the temperature (and/or polarization) fluctuation. We then construct the minimum-variance estimators for the coefficients of a spherical-harmonic expansion of the direction-dependence of the primordial power spectrum. To illustrate, we apply these statistics to an inflation model with a quadrupole dependence of the primordial power spectrum on direction and find that a power quadrupole as small as 2.0% can be detected with the Planck satellite.Comment: Published in Phys. Rev. D; 8 pages; 1 table; Table 1 corrected; references adde

    Interloper bias in future large-scale structure surveys

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    Next-generation spectroscopic surveys will map the large-scale structure of the observable universe, using emission line galaxies as tracers. While each survey will map the sky with a specific emission line, interloping emission lines can masquerade as the survey's intended emission line at different redshifts. Interloping lines from galaxies that are not removed can contaminate the power spectrum measurement, mixing correlations from various redshifts and diluting the true signal. We assess the potential for power spectrum contamination, finding that an interloper fraction worse than 0.2% could bias power spectrum measurements for future surveys by more than 10% of statistical errors, while also biasing power spectrum inferences. We also construct a formalism for predicting cosmological parameter bias, demonstrating that a 0.15%-0.3% interloper fraction could bias the growth rate by more than 10% of the error, which can affect constraints on gravity upcoming surveys. We use the COSMOS Mock Catalog (CMC), with the emission lines re-scaled to better reproduce recent data, to predict potential interloper fractions for the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) and the Wide-Field InfraRed Survey Telescope (WFIRST). We find that secondary line identification, or confirming galaxy redshifts by finding correlated emission lines, can remove interlopers for PFS. For WFIRST, we use the CMC to predict that the 0.2% target can be reached for the WFIRST Hα\alpha survey, but sensitive optical and near-infrared photometry will be required. For the WFIRST [OIII] survey, the predicted interloper fractions reach several percent and their effects will have to be estimated and removed statistically (e.g. with deep training samples). (Abridged)Comment: Matches version accepted by PAS

    Systematic Effects in Large-Scale Angular Power Spectra of Photometric Quasars and Implications for Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity

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    Primordial non-Gaussianity of local type is predicted to lead to enhanced halo clustering on very large scales. Photometric quasars, which can be seen from cosmological redshifts z > 2 even in wide-shallow optical surveys, are promising tracers for constraining non-Gaussianity using this effect. However, large-scale systematics can also mimic this signature of non-Gaussianity. In order to assess the contribution of systematic effects, we cross-correlate overdensity maps of photometric quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 6 (DR6) in different redshift ranges. We find that the maps are significantly correlated on large scales, even though we expect the angular distributions of quasars at different redshifts to be uncorrelated. This implies that the quasar maps are contaminated with systematic errors. We investigate the use of external templates that provide information on the spatial dependence of potential systematic errors to reduce the level of spurious clustering in the quasar data. We find that templates associated with stellar density, the stellar color locus, airmass, and seeing are major contaminants of the quasar maps, with seeing having the largest effect. Using template projection, we are able to decrease the significance of the cross-correlation measurement on the largest scales from 9.2σ to 5.4σ. Although this is an improvement, the remaining cross-correlation suggests the contamination in this quasar sample is too great to allow a competitive constraint on f_NL by correlations internal to this sample. The SDSS quasar catalog exhibits spurious number density fluctuations of approximately 2% rms, and we need a contamination level less than 1% (0.6%) in order to measure values of f_NL less than 100 (10). Properly dealing with these systematics will be paramount for future large scale structure surveys that seek to constrain non-Gaussianity

    Search for CII Emission on Cosmological Scales at Redshift Z~2.6

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    We present a search for CII emission over cosmological scales at high-redshifts. The CII line is a prime candidate to be a tracer of star formation over large-scale structure since it is one of the brightest emission lines from galaxies. Redshifted CII emission appears in the submillimeter regime, meaning it could potentially be present in the higher frequency intensity data from the Planck satellite used to measure the cosmic infrared background (CIB). We search for CII emission over redshifts z=2-3.2 in the Planck 545 GHz intensity map by cross-correlating the 3 highest frequency Planck maps with spectroscopic quasars and CMASS galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III (SDSS-III), which we then use to jointly fit for CII intensity, CIB parameters, and thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) emission. We report a measurement of an anomalous emission Iν=6.6−4.8+5.0×104\mathrm{I_\nu}=6.6^{+5.0}_{-4.8}\times10^4 Jy/sr at 95% confidence, which could be explained by CII emission, favoring collisional excitation models of CII emission that tend to be more optimistic than models based on CII luminosity scaling relations from local measurements; however, a comparison of Bayesian information criteria reveal that this model and the CIB & SZ only model are equally plausible. Thus, more sensitive measurements will be needed to confirm the existence of large-scale CII emission at high redshifts. Finally, we forecast that intensity maps from Planck cross-correlated with quasars from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) would increase our sensitivity to CII emission by a factor of 5, while the proposed Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE) could increase the sensitivity further.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, published in MNRA

    Constraining the Star Formation Rate using Joint CIB Continuum and [CII] Intensity Mapping

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    Line intensity mapping (LIM) experiments probing the nearby universe can expect a considerable amount of cosmic infrared background (CIB) contiuum emission coming from near and far-infrared galaxies. For the purpose of using the LIM data to constrain the star formation rate (SFR), we argue that the CIB continuum - traditionally treated as contamination - can be combined with the LIM signal to enhance the SFR constraints achievable. We first present a power spectrum model that is capable of joining continuum and line emissions that assume the same prior SFR model. We subsequently analyze the effectiveness of the joint model in the context of the EXperiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM), which utilizes the [CII] molecular line to study the SFR. We numerically compute the theoretical power spectra according to our model and the EXCLAIM survey specifics, and perform Fisher analysis to obtain SFR parameter constraints. We find that although the joint model has no considerable advantage over LIM alone assuming the current survey level of EXCLAIM, its effects become significant when we consider more optimistic values of survey resolution and angular span that are expected of future LIM experiments. By manipulating the Fisher formalism, we show that the CIB is not only an additional SFR sensitive signal, but also serves to break the SFR parameter degeneracy that naturally emerges from the [CII] Fisher matrix. For this reason, addition of the CIB will allow improvements in the survey parameters to be better reflected in the SFR constraints, and can be effectively utilized by future LIM experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, will submit to MNRA
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