792 research outputs found

    Loss in axial compressor bleed systems

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    Abstract Loss in axial compressor bleed systems is quantified and the loss mechanisms are identified to determine how efficiency can be improved. For a given bleed air pressure requirement, reducing bleed system loss allows air to be bled from further upstream in the compressor, with benefits for the thermodynamic cycle. A definition of isentropic efficiency, which includes bleed flow is used to account for this. Two cases with similar bleed systems are studied: a low-speed, single-stage research compressor, and a large industrial gas turbine high-pressure compressor. A new method for characterizing bleed system loss is introduced, using research compressor test results as a demonstration case. A loss coefficient is defined for a control volume including only flow passing through the bleed system. The coefficient takes a measured value of 95% bleed system inlet dynamic head and is shown to be a weak function of compressor operating point and bleed rate, varying by ±2.2% over all tested conditions. This loss coefficient is the correct nondimensional metric for quantifying and comparing bleed system performance. Computations of the research compressor and industrial gas turbine compressor identify the loss mechanisms in the bleed system flow. In both cases, approximately two-thirds of total loss is due to shearing of a high-velocity jet at the rear face of the bleed slot, one-quarter is due to mixing in the plenum chamber, and the remainder occurs in the off-take duct. Therefore, the main objective of a designer should be to diffuse the flow within the bleed slot. A redesigned bleed slot geometry is presented that achieves this objective and reduces the loss coefficient by 31%.Mitsubishi Heavy Industrie

    A Basin Analysis of the Wabigoon Area of Lake Agassiz, a Quaternary Clay Basin in Northwerstern Ontario

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    Information from a wide range of sources is integrated in a basin analysis of the Wabigoon Basin, a Quaternary clay basin located on the Canadian Shield in northwestern Ontario. The basin sediments were deposited between 10.9 ka and 9.5 ka, along the margin of the Rainy Lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, which formed the northern boundary of proglacial Lake Agassiz. The basin architecture is dominated by four major elements: end moraines, eskers, kames and a clay plain, all of which overlie irregular bedrock topography. End moraines, eskers and kames are composed mainly of a fining upward sequence of gravels and sands. The geometry of these sedimentary units, and their sedimentary structures indicates they were deposited mainly by high and low-density turbidity currents, on ice-marginal subaqueous outwash fans. Eskers contain a core of coarse gravel and sand deposited within subglacial meltwater conduits, overlain by subaqueous fan sediments deposited at the conduit mouth. Esker ridges were formed during conduit filling events and flanking deposits were formed when a conduit remained in use during ice-marginal retreat. Where conduits were shortlived, isolated subaqueous fans (kames) were formed. A depositional model is proposed which relates moraine formation to catastrophic releases of subglacial meltwater and sediment simultaneously along the entire margin of the Rainy Lobe. The clay plain forms a broad blanket of fine-grained, rhythmically-bedded sediment which obscures bedrock topography, and often buries esker and kame deposits. Seismic profiles and overburden drilling reveal deep (50-70 m) bedrock lows beneath the clay plain. These lows, oriented sub-parallel to the ice margin, acted as sediment traps, and were infilled by the deposits of underflows generated at the ice margin.Les renseignements tirés d'un grand nombre de sources sont intégrés en vue de l'analyse du bassin de Wabigoon, situé sur le Bouclier canadien. Les sédiments qui le composent ont été déposés entre 10,9 et 9,5 ka, le long de la marge du lobe Rainy de l'Inlandsis laurentidien, qui formait la limite nord du Lac Agassiz. Les quatre formes principales qu'on y trouve sont les moraines frontales, les eskers, les kames et une plaine argileuse; ces formes recouvrent le relief irrégulier du substratum. Les moraines frontales, les eskers et les kames sont surtout composés d'une séquence de graviers et de sables s'affinant vers le haut. La géométrie de ces unités sédimentaires et leur structure montrent qu'elles ont en grande partie été déposées sur des épandages fluvioglaciaires sous-aquatiques de marge glaciaire par des courants de turbidité de haute et de basse densité. Les eskers renferment un noyau de gravier et de sable grossier déposés à l'intérieur des chenaux de fonte sous-glaciaires, recouverts par les sédiments de cône sous-aquatique déposés à l'embouchure des chenaux. Les crêtes d'eskers ont été édifiées en même temps que s'effectuait le remplissage des chenaux et les dépôts latéraux ont été formés alors qu'un chenal demeurait actif pendant le retrait glaciaire. Là où l'activité a été de courte durée, des cônes sous-aquatiques isolés (kames) se sont formés. On propose ici un modèle de mise en place des sédiments qui lie la formation des moraines à des écoulements sous-glaciaires catastrophiques et simultanés d'eau de fonte et de sédiments tout le long de la marge du lobe Rainy. La plaine argileuse forme une couverture étendue de sédiments à grains fins, à stratification rythmique, qui cache le relief du substratum et enfouit souvent les eskers et les kames. Les profils sismiques et les forages dans les dépôts meubles révèlent des dépressions profondes (50-70 m) dans le substratum sous Ia plaine argileuse.Informationen aus einer Vielfalt von Quellen sind fur die Analyse des Wabigoon-Beckens vereinigt, ein Quaternàr-Lehm-Becken, das sich auf dem kanadischen Schild befindet. Die Beckensedimente wurden zwischen 10.9 ka und 9.5 ka abgela-gert, entlang dem Rand der Rainy-Lobe der laurentidischen Eisdecke, welche die nôrdli-che Grenzlinie des proglazialen Agassiz-Sees bildete. Die Becken-Architektur wird von vier Hauptelementen beherrscht: Endmoràne, Eskers, Kames und eine Lehmebene. Die drei ersteren bestehen vor allem aus einer nach oben hin feiner werdenden Sequenz von Kies und Sand. Die Géométrie dieser Sediment-Einheiten und ihre Sediment-Strukturen zeigen, daB sie haupt-àchlich durch Dichtigkeitsstrômungen mit hoher und niedriger Dichte abgelagert wurden auf Unterwasser-Eisrand-Schwemmfàchern. Die Eskers enthalten einen Kern von grobem Kies und Sand, der innerhalb subgla-zialer Schmelzwasserkanàle abgelagert wurde, ùberlagert von Unterwasser-Fàcher-sedimenten, die an der Mùndung der Kanàle abgelagert wurden. Die Esker-Rùcken wurden wàhrend der Fùllung der Kanàle gebildet und seitliche Ablagerungen wurden gebildet, wenn ein Kanal wàhrend des Rùckzugs des Eisrands aktiv blieb. Wo Kanàle kurzlebig waren, bildeten sich isolierte Unterwasser-Fàcher (Kames). Ein Ablagerungsmodell wird vorgeschlagen, das die Bildung der Morâne mit katastrophenartigem gleichzeiti-gem Freiwerden von subglazialem Schmelz-wasser und Sedimenten entlang des ganzen RandsderRainy-Lobeverbindet. DieLehmebene bildet eine breite Decke von feinkôrnigem, rhythmisch gelagertem Sediment, welches die Topographie des anstehenden Gesteins verdeckt und hâufig Esker- und Kame-Ablagerungen ùberlagert. Die seismischen Profile und Bohrungen in den lockeren Ablagerungen lassen tiefe Niederungen (50-70 m) unter der Lehmebene im anstehenden Gestein erkennen

    Identification of the Beagle 2 lander on Mars

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    The 2003 Beagle 2 Mars lander has been identified in Isidis Planitia at 90.43° E, 11.53° N, close to the predicted target of 90.50° E, 11.53° N. Beagle 2 was an exobiology lander designed to look for isotopic and compositional signs of life on Mars, as part of the European Space Agency Mars Express (MEX) mission. The 2004 recalculation of the original landing ellipse from a 3-sigma major axis from 174 km to 57 km, and the acquisition of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) imagery at 30 cm per pixel across the target region, led to the initial identification of the lander in 2014. Following this, more HiRISE images, giving a total of 15, including red and blue-green colours, were obtained over the area of interest and searched, which allowed sub-pixel imaging using super high-resolution techniques. The size (approx. 1.5 m), distinctive multilobed shape, high reflectivity relative to the local terrain, specular reflections, and location close to the centre of the planned landing ellipse led to the identification of the Beagle 2 lander. The shape of the imaged lander, although to some extent masked by the specular reflections in the various images, is consistent with deployment of the lander lid and then some or all solar panels. Failure to fully deploy the panels-which may have been caused by damage during landing-would have prohibited communication between the lander and MEX and commencement of science operations. This implies that the main part of the entry, descent and landing sequence, the ejection from MEX, atmospheric entry and parachute deployment, and landing worked as planned with perhaps only the final full panel deployment failing

    Effects of stenting on blood flow in a coronary artery network model

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    Abstract: The effect of stenting on blood flow is investigated using a model of the coronary artery network. The parameters in a generic non-linear pressure-radius relationship are varied in the stented region to model the increase in stiffness of the vessel due to the presence of the stent. A computationally efficient form of the Navier-Stokes equation is solved using a Lax-Wendroff finite difference method. Pressure, vessel radius and flow velocity are computed along the vessel segments. Results show negative pressure gradients at the ends of the stent and increased velocity through the middle of the stented region. Changes in local flow patterns and vessel wall stresses due to the presence of the stent have been shown to be important in restenosis of vessels. Local and global pressure gradients affect local flow patterns and vessel wall stresses, and therefore may be an important factor associated with restenosis. The model presented in this study can be easily extended to solve flows for stented vessels in a full, anatomically realistic coronary network. The framework to allow for the effects of the deformation of the myocardium on the coronary network is also in place

    Malignant Pancreatic Polypeptide Secreting Tumour of Islet Cells: A Case for Aggressive Surgical Palliation

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    A case of a malignant pancreatic polypeptide secreting tumour is reported. The tumour was metastatic at presentation at which time it was excised. Pancreatic duct obstruction occurred 3 years after excision causing severe pain on eating. Major palliative surgery, in the form of a pancreatico-jejunostomy, cured the severe symptoms. The patient survives, largely symptom free, over six years after original excision. This case illustrates the need for aggressive management of symptoms in tumours in which long term survival is possible despite locally advanced or metastatic disease
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