29 research outputs found

    Wightman function and vacuum densities for a Z_2-symmetric thick brane in AdS spacetime

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    Positive frequency Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor induced by a Z_{2}-symmetric brane with finite thickness located on (D+1)- dimensional AdS background are evaluated for a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter. For the general case of static plane symmetric interior structure the expectation values in the region outside the brane are presented as the sum of free AdS and brane induced parts. For a conformally coupled massless scalar the brane induced part in the vacuum energy-momentum tensor vanishes. In the limit of strong gravitational fields the brane induced parts are exponentially suppressed for points not too close to the brane boundary. As an application of general results a special model is considered in which the geometry inside the brane is a slice of the Minkowski spacetime orbifolded along the direction perpendicular to the brane. For this model the Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor inside the brane are evaluated as well and their behavior is discussed in various asymptotic regions of the parameters. It is shown that for both minimally and conformally coupled scalar fields the interior vacuum forces acting on the brane boundaries tend to decrease the brane thickness.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, discussion adde

    Dynamics of domain walls intersecting black holes

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    Previous studies concerning the interaction of branes and black holes suggested that a small black hole intersecting a brane may escape via a mechanism of reconnection. Here we consider this problem by studying the interaction of a small black hole and a domain wall composed of a scalar field and simulate the evolution of this system when the black hole acquires an initial recoil velocity. We test and confirm previous results, however, unlike the cases previously studied, in the more general set-up considered here, we are able to follow the evolution of the system also during the separation, and completely illustrate how the escape of the black hole takes place.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Vacuum densities for a thick brane in AdS spacetime

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    For a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter we evaluate Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor induced by a Z2Z_{2}-symmetric brane with finite thickness located on (D+1)(D+1)-dimensional AdS bulk. For the general case of static plane symmetric interior structure the expectation values in the region outside the brane are presented as the sum of free AdS and brane induced parts. For a conformally coupled massless scalar the brane induced part in the vacuum energy-momentum tensor vanishes. In the limit of strong gravitational fields the brane induced parts are exponentially suppressed for points not too close to the brane boundary. As an application of general results a special model is considered in which the geometry inside the brane is a slice of the Minkowski spacetime orbifolded along the direction perpendicular to the brane. For this model the Wightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor inside the brane are evaluated. It is shown that for both minimally and conformally coupled scalar fields the interior vacuum forces acting on the brane boundaries tend to decrease the brane thickness.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at QFEXT07, Leipzig, September 17-21, 200

    Massless scalar fields and infrared divergences in the inflationary brane world

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    We study the quantum effects induced by bulk scalar fields in a model with a de Sitter (dS) brane in a flat bulk (the Vilenkin-Ipser-Sikivie model) in more than four dimensions. In ordinary dS space, it is well known that the stress tensor in the dS invariant vacuum for an effectively massless scalar (m_\eff^2=m^2+\xi {\cal R}=0 with R{\cal R} the Ricci scalar) is infrared divergent except for the minimally coupled case. The usual procedure to tame this divergence is to replace the dS invariant vacuum by the Allen Follaci (AF) vacuum. The resulting stress tensor breaks dS symmetry but is regular. Similarly, in the brane world context, we find that the dS invariant vacuum generates \tmn divergent everywhere when the lowest lying mode becomes massless except for massless minimal coupling case. A simple extension of the AF vacuum to the present case avoids this global divergence, but \tmn remains to be divergent along a timelike axis in the bulk. In this case, singularities also appear along the light cone emanating from the origin in the bulk, although they are so mild that \tmn stays finite except for non-minimal coupling cases in four or six dimensions. We discuss implications of these results for bulk inflaton models. We also study the evolution of the field perturbations in dS brane world. We find that perturbations grow linearly with time on the brane, as in the case of ordinary dS space. In the bulk, they are asymptotically bounded.Comment: 20 pages. References adde

    Imperfect Dark Energy from Kinetic Gravity Braiding

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    We introduce a large class of scalar-tensor models with interactions containing the second derivatives of the scalar field but not leading to additional degrees of freedom. These models exhibit peculiar features, such as an essential mixing of scalar and tensor kinetic terms, which we have named kinetic braiding. This braiding causes the scalar stress tensor to deviate from the perfect-fluid form. Cosmology in these models possesses a rich phenomenology, even in the limit where the scalar is an exact Goldstone boson. Generically, there are attractor solutions where the scalar monitors the behaviour of external matter. Because of the kinetic braiding, the position of the attractor depends both on the form of the Lagrangian and on the external energy density. The late-time asymptotic of these cosmologies is a de Sitter state. The scalar can exhibit phantom behaviour and is able to cross the phantom divide with neither ghosts nor gradient instabilities. These features provide a new class of models for Dark Energy. As an example, we study in detail a simple one-parameter model. The possible observational signatures of this model include a sizeable Early Dark Energy and a specific equation of state evolving into the final de-Sitter state from a healthy phantom regime.Comment: 41 pages, 7 figures. References and some clarifying language added. This version was accepted for publication in JCA

    Quantum self-consistency of AdS×ΣAdS \times \Sigma brane models

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    Continuing on our previous work, we consider a class of higher dimensional brane models with the topology of AdSD1+1×ΣAdS_{D_1+1} \times \Sigma, where Σ\Sigma is a one-parameter compact manifold and two branes of codimension 1 are located at the orbifold fixed points. We consider a set-up where such a solution arises from Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and evaluate the one-loop effective potential induced by gauge fields and by a generic bulk scalar field. We show that this type of brane models resolves the gauge hierarchy between the Planck and electroweak scales through redshift effects due to the warp factor a=eπkra=e^{-\pi kr}. The value of aa is then fixed by minimizing the effective potential. We find that, as in the Randall Sundrum case, the gauge field contribution to the effective potential stabilises the hierarchy without fine-tuning as long as the laplacian ΔΣ\Delta_\Sigma on Σ\Sigma has a zero eigenvalue. Scalar fields can stabilise the hierarchy depending on the mass and the non-minimal coupling. We also address the quantum self-consistency of the solution, showing that the classical brane solution is not spoiled by quantum effects.Comment: 10 page

    Boundary Terms and Junction Conditions for Generalized Scalar-Tensor Theories

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    We compute the boundary terms and junction conditions for Horndeski's panoptic class of scalar-tensor theories, and write the bulk and boundary equations of motion in explicitly second order form. We consider a number of special subclasses, including galileon theories, and present the corresponding formulae. Our analysis opens up of the possibility of studying tunnelling between vacua in generalized scalar-tensor theories, and braneworld dynamics. The latter follows because our results are independent of spacetime dimension.Comment: 13 pages, Equation corrected. Thanks to Tsutomu Kobayashi for informing us of the typ

    The Imperfect Fluid behind Kinetic Gravity Braiding

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    We present a standard hydrodynamical description for non-canonical scalar field theories with kinetic gravity braiding. In particular, this picture applies to the simplest galileons and k-essence. The fluid variables not only have a clear physical meaning but also drastically simplify the analysis of the system. The fluid carries charges corresponding to shifts in field space. This shift-charge current contains a spatial part responsible for diffusion of the charges. Moreover, in the incompressible limit, the equation of motion becomes the standard diffusion equation. The fluid is indeed imperfect because the energy flows neither along the field gradient nor along the shift current. The fluid has zero vorticity and is not dissipative: there is no entropy production, the energy-momentum is exactly conserved, the temperature vanishes and there is no shear viscosity. Still, in an expansion around a perfect fluid one can identify terms which correct the pressure in the manner of bulk viscosity. We close by formulating the non-trivial conditions for the thermodynamic equilibrium of this imperfect fluid.Comment: 23 pages plus appendices. New version includes extended discussion on diffusion and dynamics in alternative frames, as well as additional references. v3 reflects version accepted for publication in JHEP: minor comments added regarding suitability to numerical approache

    Supersymmetric Aether

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    It has been suggested by Groot Nibbelink and Pospelov that Lorentz invariance can be an emergent symmetry of low-energy physics provided the theory enjoys a non-relativistic version of supersymmetry. We construct a model that realizes the latter symmetry dynamically: it breaks Lorentz invariance but leaves the supersymmetry generators intact. The model is a supersymmetric extension of the dynamical aether theory of Jacobson and Mattingly. It shows rich dynamics and possesses a family of inequivalent vacua realizing different symmetry breaking patterns. In particular, we find stable vacua that break spontaneously spatial isotropy. Supersymmetry breaking terms give masses to fermionic and bosonic partners of the aether field. We comment on the coupling of the model to supergravity and on the implications for Horava gravity.Comment: 21 pages, no figure

    Lorentz violation, Gravity, Dissipation and Holography

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    We reconsider Lorentz Violation (LV) at the fundamental level. We show that Lorentz Violation is intimately connected with gravity and that LV couplings in QFT must always be fields in a gravitational sector. Diffeomorphism invariance must be intact and the LV couplings transform as tensors under coordinate/frame changes. Therefore searching for LV is one of the most sensitive ways of looking for new physics, either new interactions or modifications of known ones. Energy dissipation/Cerenkov radiation is shown to be a generic feature of LV in QFT. A general computation is done in strongly coupled theories with gravity duals. It is shown that in scale invariant regimes, the energy dissipation rate depends non-triviallly on two characteristic exponents, the Lifshitz exponent and the hyperscaling violation exponent.Comment: LateX, 51 pages, 9 figures. (v2) References and comments added. Misprints correcte