31 research outputs found


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    El deporte se ha convertido en una de las princip a les movimientos socioeconó mic as del mund o moderno, con una amplia cobertura de los medios de comunicació n y una participación activa y pasiva. El nivel deportivo como imagen pública de mucho s países, es una de las princ ipales prioridades de los gobiernos de los países desarrollados y representa un obje tivo de interés genera l. En este estudio, hemos realizado un análisis del estado del modelo deportivo espafiol y un estudio comparativo en los países más importantes de tamafio y ca racterísticas similar es. Utilizando el a nálisis de datos, hemos examinado la realidad de los modelos depor tivos en 11 países a través de variables deportiv as, así como economías y su efecto sobre el rendimiento deportivo, en los últimos cinco Juegos Olímpico s. Los datos revelan modelos mejores y más eficientes en algunos de los países analizados , particularmente en el Reino Unido, Nueva Zelanda y los Países Bajos, pero también una necesidad de cambio si Espafia quie re mantener su nivel actual de logros a nivel inte rnacional, donde el modelo actual requiere una revisión de su estructura y las fuentes de financiación, públicas y privadas, y la modernizac ión del modelo de gestión federada que debe preservarse y fortalecerse a través de organizac iones (sin fines de lucro) que se beneficien de un sistema fiscal favorable, como son las Federaciones Deportivas.Sport has become a major socio-economic marvel of the modern world, with broad media coverage and both active and passive participation. Sporting achievement, the public image of many countries, is a top priority for the governments of developed nations and represents a goal of general interest. In this study, we have undertaken an analysis of the status of Spanish sport model and a comparative study within the most important countries of a similar size and characteristics. Using data analysis, we have examined the reality of the sport models in 11 countries through sportive variables, as well as the financials behind the sporting economy in the last 5 Olympic Games. The data reveals better and more efficient models sorne of the analysed countries, particularly in UK and the Netherland, but also a need of change if Spain wants to keep its current level of achievement internationally, where the current model requires a review of its structure and funding sources, public or prívate , and the modernisation of the federated management model that must be preserved and encouraged through (non-profit) organisations that benefit from a favourable tax system, such as the Sports Federations.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Plástica y Corporal. Leída el 21 de diciembre de 2018

    Spanish women athletes’ performance in the Summer Olympic Games history

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    In this study, an analysis was made of the qualitative and quantitative evolution of the participation and results obtained by the Spanish athletes throughout the Olympic Games, for which their records were compared to those of the men's team from Paris 1900 to Rio 2016. During the study, the growing weight of Spanish women athletes was analysed, resulting in the Women and Sport programme (2007), which seems to have been a determining factor in the improvement of the performance of Spanish women athletes, which surpassed that of the men's team in the last two editions, for the first time in history and in a consecutive manner. The data revealed a growing weight of women, with a historical representation much lower in the Olympic Games (less than 14% until Barcelona 1992) and significantly lower than men from the same (beginning to be more than 30%). This progression has been accompanied by a greater value in the variable weight of the medals, this fact was accentuated in the last editions of London 2012 (65%) and Rio de Janeiro 2016 (60%). It is clear from the results that there is plenty of room for improvement in women's sport. Empowering Spanish female athletes, increasing social and economic recognition, and identifying which are the differential factors that make them more efficient with respect to the male team, can optimize strategies and results in the third sector of sport in Spain

    Associations between Feelings of Loneliness and Attitudes towards Physical Education in Contemporary Adolescents According to Sex, and Physical Activity Engagement

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    Background: Currently, adolescents grow up consuming a large amount of multimedia content and lead a sedentary lifestyle. As a result, emerging trends show greater feelings of loneliness. The present research seeks to describe adolescents’ attitudes towards Physical Education (PE), indices of loneliness and physical activity (PA) engagement. Further, it analyses associations between attitudes towards PE as a function of PA engagement and considers sex, loneliness and school year repetition as factors. Method: A sample of 2388 adolescents (43.3% males and 56.6% females) was recruited. Participants were aged 11–17 years (M = 13.8 years; SD = 1.2) and came from Spain. The following instruments were used: The Attitudes towards Physical Education questionnaire (AQPE) in order to analyze attitudes towards PE, and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) loneliness scale to estimate loneliness. Results: With regard to sex and attitudes towards PE, significant differences were detected in relation to the difficulty of PE, with higher values being achieved in males (M = 2.4) than females (M = 2.3). A medium correlation emerged between the dimension of loneliness and the usefulness of PE (r = 0.323 **). Conclusions: It is confirmed that adolescents who experience greater levels of emotional or relational loneliness have less positive attitudes towards PE

    Understanding the Predictors of Economic Politics on Elite Sport: A Case Study from Spain

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    Sport federations (NSFs) are the main promoters of sport at a national level. Their complex management involves coordinating relations with private entities, public administrations, and international organisations. Therefore, the economic situation of a country and its sport support policies have significant influences on the achievement of the NSFs’ objectives and, therefore, on their sustainability and influence on an active population. This study analyses the determinants of the financial performance of 59 Spanish sport federations (SSFs), 28 Olympic and 31 non-Olympic, based on the relationship between the funding received and their international results during the period from 2007 to 2019 (both years included). The preliminary data analysis included an examination of the missing data, and a t-test was used to compare Olympic and non-Olympic sport federations regarding different variables related to their resources and results. In addition, multiple linear regressions identified the possible predictors of the financing of sport federations and were separately performed for Olympic and non-Olympic federations. The results showed that SSFs were able to maintain their results in the face of decreasing resources. In addition, Olympic SSFs were found to be less dependent on public funding than non-Olympic SSFs for competitive results. This is evidence of a paradigm shift in the management of Spanish federated sports, evolving towards a model that is less dependent on the state, more efficient, and therefore more sustainable.Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport-Salvador de Madariaga PRX 16/0036

    Analysis and evaluation of the United Kingdom and Spain’s sport models

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    In this study, we have undertaken an analysis of the status of Spanish and British sport models. Sport has become a major socio-economic marvel of the modern world, with broad media coverage and both active and passive participation. Sporting achievement, the public image of many countries, is a top priority for the governments of developed nations and represents a goal of general interest. Using data analysis, we have examined the reality of the sport models in both countries through sportive variables, as well as the financials behind the sporting economy in the last 5 Olympic Games. The data reveals a more efficiency model in UK and a need of change if Spain wants to keep its current level of achievement internationally, where the current model requires a review of its structure and funding sources, public or private, and the modernisation of the federated management model that must be preserved and encouraged through (non-profit) organisations that benefit from a favourable tax system, such as the Sports Federations

    Comparative analysis of the Spanish and United Kingdom sport-political models

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    This research conducts a comparative study between the sports models of the United Kingdom (UK) and Spain, emphasizing the complexity of these systems and the need for a multidimensional analysis. The objective of analysing the most important characteristics and differences between the Spanish sports model and structure and the UK sports model, the leading exponent due to its efficiency in the development of sports practice and in obtaining international sports results, to determine possible improvements. To carry out this study, a comparative analysis of the sports models of both countries has been made from a political-sports perspective, and the study of the administrative-organizational structure of sport and the legal regulations that support it, through a mixed design for the analysis of different qualitative dimensions. The most significant conclusions are that in the United Kingdom, a successful transformation has been achieved with a focus on efficiency, public investment, and private partnerships, while in Spain, sporting results have been maintained without a clear strategy, suggesting the need for a re-evaluation of its model. Moreover, the stronger associative culture and a higher number of qualified professionals in the United Kingdom are significant advantages. In conclusion, the United Kingdom's sports model is considered more developed and efficient, highlighting the importance of comprehensive planning and collaboration between public and private entities as key factors for sporting success.University of Granada - Research Plan 2023 (Exchange at University of Bologna) and the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sport (Research Project - PRX 16/00367)

    The effect of the crisis on the economic federative situation and evolution of sports results in Spain

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    Sports federations are the great promoters of sport at the national level. Their public-private structure requires them to maintain a strong relationship with the public administration. That is why the economic situation of a country, as well as the sports support policy, significantly influence the structure, projects and sports results obtained. This work shows the evolution of public funding in the Spanish federative sport, as well as the evolution of the medals obtained in the Olympic Games held in the period 2008-2017

    The effect of the crisis on the economic federative situation and evolution of sports results in Spain

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    Sports federations are the great promoters of sport at the national level. Their public-private structure requires them to maintain a strong relationship with the public administration. That is why the economic situation of a country, as well as the sports support policy, significantly influence the structure, projects and sports results obtained. This work shows the evolution of public funding in the Spanish federative sport, as well as the evolution of the medals obtained in the Olympic Games held in the period 2008-201

    A 360º sustainable approach of sport events legacies: A systematic review

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    Researchers recognise the importance of the legacies and impacts generated by sport events, both in the host city and globally. In turn, there are many actors who participate in them, both directly and indirectly, and who are affected, both positively and negatively, by them. This research aims to identify and compile the existing scientific literature on the legacy, heritage, and related concepts, such as impact and/or leverage, of sport events. To this end, a systematic literature review was carried out, focusing the search on Web of Science, Scopus, Pub Med, and Sport Discus, where 35 articles were finally collected, in which the sum of 44 sport events were studied. It was identified that the most studied types of events were the Olympic Games and World Championships. In relation to the types of legacies, sport stands out, while in the types of impacts, sport and economic impacts stand out. It can be deduced from this research that, although there is a great deal of interest in the subject, there is still a need to go deeper into the concepts to reach a consensus on them, thus being able to achieve more solid results.Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte - Salvador de Madariaga (PRX 16/00367)

    Comparative analysis of the Spanish and United Kingdom sport-political models

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    This research conducts a comparative study between the sports models of the United Kingdom (UK) and Spain, emphasizing the complexity of these systems and the need for a multidimensional analysis. The objective of analysing the most important characteristics and differences between the Spanish sports model and structure and the UK sports model, the leading exponent due to its efficiency in the development of sports practice and in obtaining international sports results, to determine possible improvements. To carry out this study, a comparative analysis of the sports models of both countries has been made from a political-sports perspective, and the study of the administrative-organizational structure of sport and the legal regulations that support it, through a mixed design for the analysis of different qualitative dimensions. The most significant conclusions are that in the United Kingdom, a successful transformation has been achieved with a focus on efficiency, public investment, and private partnerships, while in Spain, sporting results have been maintained without a clear strategy, suggesting the need for a re-evaluation of its model. Moreover, the stronger associative culture and a higher number of qualified professionals in the United Kingdom are significant advantages. In conclusion, the United Kingdom's sports model is considered more developed and efficient, highlighting the importance of comprehensive planning and collaboration between public and private entities as key factors for sporting success