6 research outputs found

    A Cosmological Bootstrap for Resonant Non-Gaussianity

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    Recent progress has revealed a number of constraints that cosmological correlators and the closely related field-theoretic wavefunction must obey as a consequence of unitarity, locality, causality and the choice of initial state. When combined with symmetries, namely homogeneity, isotropy and scale invariance, these constraints enable one to compute large classes of simple observables, an approach known as (boostless) cosmological bootstrap. Here we show that it is possible to relax the restriction of scale invariance, if one retains a discrete scaling subgroup. We find an infinite class of solutions to the weaker bootstrap constraints and show that they reproduce and extend resonant non-Gaussianity, which arises in well-motivated models such as axion monodromy inflation. We find no evidence of the new non-Gaussian shapes in the Planck data. Intriguingly, our results can be re-interpreted as a deformation of the scale-invariant case to include a complex order of the total energy pole, or more evocatively interactions with a complex number of derivatives. We also discuss for the first time IR-divergent resonant contributions and highlight an inconsequential inconsistency in the previous literature.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figure

    The Cosmological Bootstrap: Spinning Correlators from Symmetries and Factorization

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    We extend the cosmological bootstrap to correlators involving massless particles with spin. In de Sitter space, these correlators are constrained both by symmetries and by locality. In particular, the de Sitter isometries become conformal symmetries on the future boundary of the spacetime, which are reflected in a set of Ward identities that the boundary correlators must satisfy. We solve these Ward identities by acting with weight-shifting operators on scalar seed solutions. Using this weight-shifting approach, we derive three- and four-point correlators of massless spin-1 and spin-2 fields with conformally coupled scalars. Four-point functions arising from tree-level exchange are singular in particular kinematic configurations, and the coefficients of these singularities satisfy certain factorization properties. We show that in many cases these factorization limits fix the structure of the correlators uniquely, without having to solve the conformal Ward identities. The additional constraint of locality for massless spinning particles manifests itself as current conservation on the boundary. We find that the four-point functions only satisfy current conservation if the s, t, and u-channels are related to each other, leading to nontrivial constraints on the couplings between the conserved currents and other operators in the theory. For spin-1 currents this implies charge conservation, while for spin-2 currents we recover the equivalence principle from a purely boundary perspective. For multiple spin-1 fields, we recover the structure of Yang-Mills theory. Finally, we apply our methods to slow-roll inflation and derive a few phenomenologically relevant scalar-tensor three-point functions.Comment: 128 pages, 15 figures; V3: minor corrections and references adde

    The Cosmological Bootstrap: Weight-Shifting Operators and Scalar Seeds

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    A key insight of the bootstrap approach to cosmological correlations is the fact that all correlators of slow-roll inflation can be reduced to a unique building block---the four-point function of conformally coupled scalars, arising from the exchange of a massive scalar. Correlators corresponding to the exchange of particles with spin are then obtained by applying a spin-raising operator to the scalar-exchange solution. Similarly, the correlators of massless external fields can be derived by acting with a suitable weight-raising operator. In this paper, we present a systematic and highly streamlined derivation of these operators (and their generalizations) using tools of conformal field theory. Our results greatly simplify the theoretical foundations of the cosmological bootstrap program.Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; V2: minor corrections and references adde

    Linking the Singularities of Cosmological Correlators

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    Much of the structure of cosmological correlators is controlled by their singularities, which in turn are fixed in terms of flat-space scattering amplitudes. An important challenge is to interpolate between the singular limits to determine the full correlators at arbitrary kinematics. This is particularly relevant because the singularities of correlators are not directly observable, but can only be accessed by analytic continuation. In this paper, we study rational correlators, including those of gauge fields, gravitons, and the inflaton, whose only singularities at tree level are poles and whose behavior away from these poles is strongly constrained by unitarity and locality. We describe how unitarity translates into a set of cutting rules that consistent correlators must satisfy, and explain how this can be used to bootstrap correlators given information about their singularities. We also derive recursion relations that allow the iterative construction of more complicated correlators from simpler building blocks. In flat space, all energy singularities are simple poles, so that the combination of unitarity constraints and recursion relations provides an efficient way to bootstrap the full correlators. In many cases, these flat-space correlators can then be transformed into their more complex de Sitter counterparts. As an example of this procedure, we derive the correlator associated to graviton Compton scattering in de Sitter space, though the methods are much more widely applicable.Comment: 69+29 pages, 6 figure

    Perturbative unitarity and the wavefunction of the Universe

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    Unitarity of time evolution is one of the basic principles constraining physical processes. Its consequences in the perturbative Bunch-Davies wavefunction in cosmology have been formulated in terms of the cosmological optical theorem. In this paper, we re-analyse perturbative unitarity for the Bunch-Davies wavefunction, focusing on: i)i) the role of the iϵi\epsilon-prescription and its compatibility with the requirement of unitarity; ii)ii) the origin of the different ``cutting rules''; iii)iii) the emergence of the flat-space optical theorem from the cosmological one. We take the combinatorial point of view of the cosmological polytopes, which provide a first-principle description for a large class of scalar graphs contributing to the wavefunctional. The requirement of the positivity of the geometry together with the preservation of its orientation determine the iϵi\epsilon-prescription. In kinematic space it translates into giving a small negative imaginary part to all the energies, making the wavefunction coefficients well-defined for any value of their real part along the real axis. Unitarity is instead encoded into a non-convex part of the cosmological polytope, which we name \textit{optical polytope}. The cosmological optical theorem emerges as the equivalence between a specific polytope subdivision of the optical polytope and its triangulations, each of which provides different cutting rules. The flat-space optical theorem instead emerges from the non-convexity of the optical polytope. On the more mathematical side, we provide two definitions of this non-convex geometry, none of them based on the idea of the non-convex geometry as a union of convex ones