13 research outputs found

    Deterministic optical polarisation in nitride quantum dots at thermoelectrically cooled temperatures.

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    We report the successful realisation of intrinsic optical polarisation control by growth, in solid-state quantum dots in the thermoelectrically cooled temperature regime (≥200 K), using a non-polar InGaN system. With statistically significant experimental data from cryogenic to high temperatures, we show that the average polarisation degree of such a system remains constant at around 0.90, below 100 K, and decreases very slowly at higher temperatures until reaching 0.77 at 200 K, with an unchanged polarisation axis determined by the material crystallography. A combination of Fermi-Dirac statistics and k·p theory with consideration of quantum dot anisotropy allows us to elucidate the origin of the robust, almost temperature-insensitive polarisation properties of this system from a fundamental perspective, producing results in very good agreement with the experimental findings. This work demonstrates that optical polarisation control can be achieved in solid-state quantum dots at thermoelectrically cooled temperatures, thereby opening the possibility of polarisation-based quantum dot applications in on-chip conditions

    Direct generation of linearly polarized single photons with a deterministic axis in quantum dots

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    We report the direct generation of linearly polarized single photons with a deterministic polarization axis in self-assembled quantum dots (QDs), achieved by the use of non-polar InGaN without complex device geometry engineering. Here, we present a comprehensive investigation of the polarization properties of these QDs and their origin with statistically significant experimental data and rigorous k·p modeling. The experimental study of 180 individual QDs allows us to compute an average polarization degree of 0.90, with a standard deviation of only 0.08. When coupled with theoretical insights, we show that these QDs are highly insensitive to size differences, shape anisotropies, and material content variations. Furthermore, 91% of the studied QDs exhibit a polarization axis along the crystal [1–100] axis, with the other 9% polarized orthogonal to this direction. These features give non-polar InGaN QDs unique advantages in polarization control over other materials, such as conventional polar nitride, InAs, or CdSe QDs. Hence, the ability to generate single photons with polarization control makes non-polar InGaN QDs highly attractive for quantum cryptography protocols

    Ultrafast, Polarized, Single-Photon Emission from m-Plane InGaN Quantum Dots on GaN Nanowires.

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    We demonstrate single-photon emission from self-assembled m-plane InGaN quantum dots (QDs) embedded on the side-walls of GaN nanowires. A combination of electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence, time-resolved microphotoluminescence (μPL), and photon autocorrelation experiments give a thorough evaluation of the QD structural and optical properties. The QD exhibits antibunched emission up to 100 K, with a measured autocorrelation function of g(2)(0) = 0.28(0.03) at 5 K. Studies on a statistically significant number of QDs show that these m-plane QDs exhibit very fast radiative lifetimes (260 ± 55 ps) suggesting smaller internal fields than any of the previously reported c-plane and a-plane QDs. Moreover, the observed single photons are almost completely linearly polarized aligned perpendicular to the crystallographic c-axis with a degree of linear polarization of 0.84 ± 0.12. Such InGaN QDs incorporated in a nanowire system meet many of the requirements for implementation into quantum information systems and could potentially open the door to wholly new device concepts

    Structure-activity correlations for Brønsted acid, Lewis Acid, and photocatalyzed reactions of exfoliated crystalline niobium oxides

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    Exfoliated crystalline niobium oxides that contain exposed but interconnected NbO6 octahedra with different degrees of structural distortion and defects are known to catalyze Brønsted acid (BA), Lewis acid (LA), and photocatalytic (PC) reactions efficiently but their structure–activity relationships are far from clear. Here, three exfoliated niobium oxides, namely, HSr2Nb3O10, HCa2Nb3O10, and HNb3O8, are synthesized, characterized extensively, and tested for selected BA, LA, and PC reactions. The structural origin for BA is associated mainly with acidic hydroxyl groups of edge-shared NbO6 octahedra as proton donors; that of LA is associated with the vacant band position of Nb5+ to receive electron pairs from substrate; and that of PC is associated with the terminal Nb=O of NbO6 octahedra for photon capture and charge transfer to long-lived surface adsorbed substrate complex through associated oxygen vacancies in close proximity. It is believed that an understanding of the structure–activity relationships could lead to the tailored design of NbOx catalysts for industrially important reactions

    Direct generation of linearly polarized single photons with a deterministic axis in quantum dots: Dataset

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    The data were created from k.p simulation, polarization-resolved microphotoluminescence, and Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiments, from 2015 to 2016. The data were created to demonstrate the rigorous generation of polarised single photons with a deterministic axis, and to explain the origin of high polarisation degree and fixed axis, in a-plane InGaN quantum dots. All data were hence used in Figures 2-5 in the publication “Direct generation of linearly polarized single photons with a deterministic axis in quantum dots

    Direct generation of linearly polarized single photons with a deterministic axis in quantum dots: Dataset

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    The data were created from k.p simulation, polarization-resolved microphotoluminescence, and Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiments, from 2015 to 2016. The data were created to demonstrate the rigorous generation of polarised single photons with a deterministic axis, and to explain the origin of high polarisation degree and fixed axis, in a-plane InGaN quantum dots. All data were hence used in Figures 2-5 in the publication “Direct generation of linearly polarized single photons with a deterministic axis in quantum dots