4 research outputs found

    Ophthalmic Treatment and Vision Care of a Patient with Rare Ring Chromosome 15: A Case Report

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    The Aim. Ring chromosome 15 is a very rare genetic abnormality with a wide spectrum of clinical findings. Up to date, about 50 cases have been documented, whereas no reports on ophthalmological treatment of such patients have been published. The aim of this study is not only to describe a new patient, but also, for the first time, to present the results of nonoperative management of divergent strabismus. Material and Methods. We present an amblyopic patient with 46,XX, r(15) karyotype: treated conservatively for exotropia of 60 prism diopters. The management consisted of refractive and prismatic correction, eye occlusion, and orthoptic exercises between the age of 15 months and 8 years. Results. The deviation angle of exotropia was decreased to 10 prism diopters, the visual acuity improved to 1.0 in both eyes (Snellen chart) and the fixation pattern was normal. The prisms enabled permanent symmetrical stimulation of the retina, which lead to a development of normal single binocular vision (Maddox test, filter test, and synoptophore tests). Conclusions. Parental karyotype was normal; the analysis of a three-generation pedigree has shown no genetic abnormalities or pregnancy losses so the child鈥檚 karyotype anomaly was classified as de novo that is a single occurrence of this type of chromosomal disorder in this family. Strabismus in ring chromosome 15 patients is a difficult condition to manage, although success may be achieved

    Abscesses of internal organs as a sign of interactions between human organism and environment

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    Rozw贸j ropni u cz艂owieka jest warunkowany obecno艣ci膮 drobnoustroj贸w w 艣rodowisku 偶ycia. Nie jest to jednak jedyny czynnik 艣rodowiskowy wp艂ywaj膮cy na cz臋sto艣膰 ich wyst臋powania. W ostatnich kilkudziesi臋ciu latach opublikowano dane wskazuj膮ce na wp艂yw ci艣nienia atmosferycznego i temperatury na rozw贸j ropni 艣cian i struktur jamy ustnej. Istniej膮 r贸wnie偶 doniesienia o zale偶no艣ci cz臋sto艣ci wyst臋powania ropni oczodo艂u, w膮troby i 艣ledziony od pory roku. Uwzgl臋dnienie modyfikuj膮cego wp艂ywu 艣rodowiska na zapadalno艣膰 na zapalenie ropne poszerza zakres mo偶liwych analiz populacyjnych i klinicznych.Development of abscesses in humans is conditioned by the presence of microorganisms in the living environment, but this is not the only one environmental factor affecting the frequency of their occurrence. Data indicating the importance of atmospheric pressure and temperature for the development of abscesses in walls and structures of the oral cavity was published overpast several dozen years. There are also reports of the incidence of orbital abscesses and abscesses of the liver and spleen depending on the seasons. Taking into account the modifying effect of the environment on the incidence of purulent inflammation broadens the range of possible population studies and clinical thinking