142 research outputs found

    The Role Model of a Priest-Martyr of The 16th and 17th Centuries in Piotr Skarga ’s “The Lives of Saints”

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    The aim of the article is to present the main components of the role model of a priest-martyr of the 16th and the 17th centuries. The research has been based on the 1615 edition of The Supplement to the lives of saints collection by Piotr Skarga. The heroes presented in this part of the book were the victims of anti‑Catholic persecutions in England, France, Brasil, India and other countries. Although not canonized, they were included in the then hagiography as brave advocates of their faith, demonstrating extreme heroism during torture sessions, disputations and executions.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku910711

    Induced Anisotropies in NiCo Obliquely Deposited Films and Their effect on Magnetic Domains

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    English Article: Oblique and in-plane anisotropies in obliquely evaporated NiCo thin films were investigated in order to understand their origin. All the compositions studied clearly show the effect of columnar grain morphology coupled with some intrinsic factors such as magnetostriction and crystallinity. Energy calculations are undertaken to explain the effect of

    St. Elizabeth of Hungary as a Role Model for Women in the 16th-18th Century Polish Hagiography

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    The paper aims at the presentation of St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231) as a role model for the 16th-18th century literary audience in Poland, especially women. The period hagiographical sources (lives of saints, sermon examples) tend to promote the saint as an exemplary representative of three states of life as a maid, wife and widow. The three mentioned dimensions of Elizabeth’s sainthood make the heroine a universal, multipurpose patroness, fully acceptable as a source of Christian perfection for the Polish post-Trent laity.717919

    Simulations of MATROSHKA experiments at ISS using PHITS

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    Concerns about the biological effects of space radiation are increasing rapidly due to the perspective of long-duration manned missions, both in relation to the International Space Station (ISS) and to manned interplanetary missions to Moon and Mars in the future. As a preparation for these long duration space missions it is important to ensure an excellent capability to evaluate the impact of space radiation on human health in order to secure the safety of the astronauts/cosmonauts and minimize their risks. It is therefore necessary to measure the radiation load on the personnel both inside and outside the space vehicles and certify that organ and tissue equivalent doses can be simulated as accurate as possible. In this paper we will present simulations using the three-dimensional Monte Carlo Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) of long term dose measurements performed with the ESA supported experiment MATROSHKA (MTR), which is an anthropomorphic phantom containing over 6000 radiation detectors, mimicking a human head and torso. The MTR experiment, led by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), was launched in January 2004 and has measured the absorbed dose from space radiation both inside and outside the ISS. In this paper preliminary comparisons of measurements outside the ISS will be presented. The results confirm previous calculations and measurements which indicate that PHITS is a suitable tool for estimations of dose received from cosmic radiation and when performing shielding design studies of spacecraft

    St. Elizabeth of Hungary as a Wife and Mother in the Light of Secular Franciscans’ Formation Programme for 2007-2008

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    The aim of the article is to analyse St. Elizabeth of Hungary, traditionally recognized as a member of the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, as a role model for secular Franciscans of the 21th century. The research has been based on the Order formation documents issued during the jubilee of 800th anniversary of the birth of St. Elizabeth (2007-2008). The patron saint of the Order is seen here as a model for contemporary wives and mothers, the pattern of faithfulness in marriage and exemplary parent instructing her children not by words but by example of life dedicated to prayer and good deeds.816717

    Isolation and characterization of peptides with antihypertensive activity in foodstuffs

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    Hypertension is one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases. Synthetic drugs inhibiting ACE activity present high effectiveness in the treatment of hypertension but cause undesirable side effects. Unlike these synthetic drugs, antihypertensive peptides do not show any adverse effect. These peptides are naturally present in some foods and since hypertension is closely related to modern diet habits, the interest for this kind of foods is increasing. Different methods for the purification, isolation, and characterization of antihypertensive peptides in foods have been developed. Nevertheless, there is no revision work summarizing and comparing these strategies. In this review, in vivo and in vitro pathways to obtain antihypertensive peptides have been summarized. The ACE mechanism and the methodologies developed to assay the ACE inhibitory activity have also been described. Moreover, a comprehensive overview on the isolation, purification, and identification techniques focusing on the discovery of new antihypertensive peptides with high activity has been included. Finally, it is worthy to highlight that the quantitation of antihypertensive peptides in foods is a new trend since genotype and processing conditions could affect their presence. Analytical methodologies using mass spectrometry constitute an interesting option for this purpose

    Measurements of natural radioactivity in the salt cavern of the Polkowice-Sieroszowice copper mine

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    Due to their low radioactivity background, underground physics laboratories offer a unique possibility for investigating extremely rare phenomena like proton decay, dark matter signals or neutrino physics/astrophysics related issues. The knowledge of the natural radioactivity background is essential for the success of an underground physics experiment. The following measurements of the natural radioactivity background, in the foreseen location of an underground physics laboratory in the salt layer, in the Polkowice–Sieroszowice copper mine are presented: concentration of natural radio-isotopes from in situ obtained gamma-ray spectra and from alpha spectroscopy of rock samples, radon concentration in the air and the dose determination

    Ex vivo measurement of calpain activation in human peripheral blood lymphocytes by detection of immunoreactive products of calpastatin degradation.

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    Limited proteolysis of multiple intracellular proteins by endogenous Ca-dependent cysteine proteases--calpains--is an important regulatory mechanism for cell proliferation, apoptosis etc. Its importance for cellular functions is stressed by existence of endogenous calpain inhibitors--calpastatins. The calpain-calpastatin system within living cells is in a fragile balance, which depends on both partners. The interdependence of calpain--a protease--and calpastatin--an endogenous inhibitor and at the same time a substrate for this enzyme makes any assessment of actual activity of this enzyme in the cells very difficult. In this work we made an attempt to estimate and compare the activity of calpain in human peripheral blood lymphocytes by assessing the levels of limited proteolysis of calpastatin in these cells by western blot, while at the same time the levels of calpain protein inside these cells was measured by flow cytometry. Our results indicate that it is possible to compare (semi-quantitatively) the activities of calpain in peripheral blood CD4+ and CD19+ lymphocytes from various donors that way. Preliminary results showed that calpain activity is increased in the CD4+ T cells isolated from peripheral blood of rheumatoid arthritis patients as compared to control lymphocytes. Extremely high intrinsic activity of calpain was detected in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CD19+) cells. All this confirms the detection of immunoreactive products of calpastatin as a good maker of endogenous calpain activity
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