370 research outputs found

    Ekologija pojave sluzavog morskog snijega u sjevernom Jadranu

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    The development, aggregation, and senescence of amorphous marine snow aggregates in the northern Adriatic Sea off Rovinj, Croatia were investigated during an aggregation event from July to September, 1997. Aggregates and surrounding ambient water were sampled using SCUBA for bacterial and cyanobacterial abundance, dissolved oxygen, primary production, bacterial secondary production, dissolved organic carbon and dry weight measurements. Marine snow aggregates appear to be a rich protected environment that favors primary production and bacterial growth by making readily available marine organic moieties present in the gelā€™s matrix. Aged aggregates form two separate zones: an outer well oxygenated almost transparent gel-like zone, and a dark almostā€‘anoxic/anoxic central zone. The interstices of the aggregates contained high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, especially in the central almost anoxic-anoxic zone, which can be correlated to microbial activity. When sinking below the pycnocline they efficiently bypass mid-water biota thus becoming an important component of the marine biological pump and a major mechanism for the movement of particulate and dissolved organic carbon towards the sea floor.U ovom radu je opisan razvoj, nakupljanje i starenje amorfnih nakupina morskog snijega u sjevernom jadranu tijekom jedinstvene pojave u smislu trajanja i veličine organskih nakupina tijekom ljeta 1997. Istraživanja su provedena od lipnja do rujna 1997. u sjevernom jadranu sa postajama uzorkovanja dvije nautičke milje od Rovinja, Hrvatska. Da bi se prikazao razvoj odvajanja unutraÅ”njih zona unutar čestica morskog snijega, SCUBA ronioci su uzorkovali nakupine sličnih oblika. Uzorci nakupina i mora oko agregata su prikupljeni za određivanje brojnosne koncentracije bakterija i cijanobakterija, mjerenje otopljenog kisika, primarne proizvodnje, bakterijske sekundarne produkcije, otopljenog organskog ugljika i suhe tvari. Čestice morskog snijega imaju karakteristike nezavisnih i samoodržavajućih i mogu značajno doprinijeti nakupljanju i taloženju novoproizvedene organske tvari iz vodenog stupca. U specifičnim uvjetima nakupine ne podliježu razgradnji, remineralizaciji ili kolonizaciji zooplanktona. Tijekom tonjenja ispod piknokline čestice učinkovito zaobilaze bioloÅ”ke zajednice srednjeg sloja vodenog stupca i tako postaju možda najvažniji čimbenik sekvestracije morske bioloÅ”ke pumpe i puta čvrstog organskog ugljika prema morskom dnu

    Ekologija pojave sluzavog morskog snijega u sjevernom Jadranu

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    The development, aggregation, and senescence of amorphous marine snow aggregates in the northern Adriatic Sea off Rovinj, Croatia were investigated during an aggregation event from July to September, 1997. Aggregates and surrounding ambient water were sampled using SCUBA for bacterial and cyanobacterial abundance, dissolved oxygen, primary production, bacterial secondary production, dissolved organic carbon and dry weight measurements. Marine snow aggregates appear to be a rich protected environment that favors primary production and bacterial growth by making readily available marine organic moieties present in the gelā€™s matrix. Aged aggregates form two separate zones: an outer well oxygenated almost transparent gel-like zone, and a dark almostā€‘anoxic/anoxic central zone. The interstices of the aggregates contained high concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, especially in the central almost anoxic-anoxic zone, which can be correlated to microbial activity. When sinking below the pycnocline they efficiently bypass mid-water biota thus becoming an important component of the marine biological pump and a major mechanism for the movement of particulate and dissolved organic carbon towards the sea floor.U ovom radu je opisan razvoj, nakupljanje i starenje amorfnih nakupina morskog snijega u sjevernom jadranu tijekom jedinstvene pojave u smislu trajanja i veličine organskih nakupina tijekom ljeta 1997. Istraživanja su provedena od lipnja do rujna 1997. u sjevernom jadranu sa postajama uzorkovanja dvije nautičke milje od Rovinja, Hrvatska. Da bi se prikazao razvoj odvajanja unutraÅ”njih zona unutar čestica morskog snijega, SCUBA ronioci su uzorkovali nakupine sličnih oblika. Uzorci nakupina i mora oko agregata su prikupljeni za određivanje brojnosne koncentracije bakterija i cijanobakterija, mjerenje otopljenog kisika, primarne proizvodnje, bakterijske sekundarne produkcije, otopljenog organskog ugljika i suhe tvari. Čestice morskog snijega imaju karakteristike nezavisnih i samoodržavajućih i mogu značajno doprinijeti nakupljanju i taloženju novoproizvedene organske tvari iz vodenog stupca. U specifičnim uvjetima nakupine ne podliježu razgradnji, remineralizaciji ili kolonizaciji zooplanktona. Tijekom tonjenja ispod piknokline čestice učinkovito zaobilaze bioloÅ”ke zajednice srednjeg sloja vodenog stupca i tako postaju možda najvažniji čimbenik sekvestracije morske bioloÅ”ke pumpe i puta čvrstog organskog ugljika prema morskom dnu

    COVID-19 and Patients with Heart Failure

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    Angiotenzin konvertirajući enzim 2 (ACE2) je protein koji služi kao ulazno mjesto SARS-CoV-2 u stanice ljudskog organizma. Strukturno je sličan angiotenzin konvertirajućem enzimu, ali u usporedbi s njim ima antagonističku ulogu u renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronskom sustavu, te drugačiju ciljnu molekulu. ACE2 protein prisutan je u raznim tkivima u ljudi, uključujući epitel pluća i miokard. Trenutna saznanja upućuju da su srčane manifestacije COVID-19 prvenstveno povezane sa zahvaćenoŔću krvnih žila u SARS-CoV-2 infekciji. Zatajivanje srca opisivano je u bolesnika s COVID-19 od samog početka pandemije, s učestalosti od oko 25 %. Iako trenutno nema dovoljno podataka vezano za tip zatajivanja srca u COVID-19 bolesnika, trenutno dostupni podaci upućuju na čeŔću pojavnost zatajivanja srca sa smanjenom ejekcijskom frakcijom. Zbog uloge ACE2 proteina u renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronskom sustavu, nameće se pitanje učinka lijekova koji inhibiraju navedeni sustav (inhibitori angiotenzin konvertirajućeg enzima i blokatori receptora za angiotenzin II) u pogledu susceptibilnosti bolesnika liječenih navedenim lijekovima na obolijevanje od SARS-CoV-2, kao i pitanje izazivanja težega kliničkog tijeka bolesti. S druge strane, valja uzeti u obzir opasnosti ukidanja lijekova iz ove skupine u bolesnika sa zatajivanjem srca. Prema dosadaÅ”njim spoznajama, uporaba ovih lijekova ne povećava sklonost zarazi SARS-CoV-2 niti je povezana sa značajnim porastom rizika razvoja teÅ”koga ili smrtonosnoga kliničkog tijeka COVID-19 te se nastavak liječenja ovim skupinama lijekova preporučuje od strane vodećih kardioloÅ”kih druÅ”tava.Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is a protein which serves as the entry point for SARS-CoV-2 into human cells. Although structurally similar to angiotensin-converting enzyme, it serves an antagonistic purpose in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), and has a different target molecule. The ACE2 protein is present in various human tissues, including the lung epithelium and myocardium. It is currently thought that cardiac manifestations of COVID-19 are primarily linked to vascular involvement in SARS-CoV-2 infection. Heart failure has been described in COVID-19 patients since the start of the pandemic, with a frequency of around 25%. Although at present there is insufficient data regarding the type of heart failure in COVID-19 patients, current available data suggests a more common occurrence of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Due to the role of the ACE2 protein in the RAAS, questions have arisen regarding the effect of medications that inhibit the aforementioned system (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers), on the susceptibility of patients treated with the said drugs to SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as on the development of a more severe clinical course of the disease. Conversely, it is important to consider the dangers of discontinuing medications from this group of drugs in patients with heart failure. According to current insights, the use of these drugs does not increase susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection, nor are they associated with an increased risk of developing a more severe or fatal clinical course of COVID-19; thus, continuation of therapy is recommended by leading cardiac societies

    Multimodal Image Analysis of Chronic Leukemic Lymphoproliferative Disorders and the Hypothesis of Ā»SingleĀ« and Ā»MultipleĀ« Programmed Stops in the Development of Typical and Atypical Forms of Leukemias and Lymphomas

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    The study consisted of morphometric analysis, assessment of the argyrophilic nucleolar organization region (AgNOR) characteristics, and image cytometry (ICM) in different tumor mass compartments: bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and lymph nodes (LN) from patients with chronic leukemic lymphoproliferative disorders. A total of 71895 cells were analyzed on SFORM PC (VAMSTEC, Zagreb). Correlation between morphometric, AgNOR and ICM characteristics revealed the cells with low proliferative activity to possess small, homogeneous AgNOR, with the majority of cells in the peak of DNA histogram. The cells with high proliferative activity had inhomogeneous AgNOR, mostly containing greater DNA content than peak cells, pathologic mitoses (DNA>4N), or the majority of cells were in the S-phase of the cell cycle. Cells with medium proliferative activity and annular AgNOR were in-between. Analysis of different tumor mass compartments showed that lymphatic cells with the affinity to accumulate in BM regularly exhibited low proliferative activity (a lower percentage of cells in SFC and highest percentage of cells in the peak of the G0/G1 phase). The cells in LN exhibited the characteristics of proliferative cells (an increased number of AgNOR, larger and more proliferative inhomogeneous AgNOR, and lowest percentage of cells in the G0/G1 phase). The migration of cells from BM to LN and between lymph nodes occurred through PB (there were cells with low and high proliferative activity: a higher proportion of cells in SFC and at the same time in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle). Analysis of cell size and proliferative activity in different compartments of tumor mass revealed that the cells in BM and PB did not differ substantially according to size and proliferative activity, while an inverse pattern was observed between PB and LN. As small cells are inactive and larger cells more proliferative, the analysis quite unexpectedly showed the PB cells to be largest and most inactive, in contrast to LN where the cells were smallest and most active. The Ā»singleĀ« and Ā»multiple programmed stopsĀ« have been hypothesized in the development of typical forms of leukemias and lymphomas and atypical forms of subacute and subchronic leukemias. Differentiation impairment may occur at any stage, and different Ā»stopĀ« locations result in different morphology and affinity to accumulation in bone marrow, peripheral blood and lymph nodes

    Respiratorna infekcija gornjih diÅ”nih putova praćena istovremeno Sweetovim sindromom i nodoznim eritemom

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    Sweetā€™s syndrome (SS) is a rare inflammatory condition presented with fever, leukocytosis, ery- thematous, tender plaques and histology evidence of dense neutrophilic infiltration in the dermis. It appears mostly in women between age 30-60 years. Erythema nodosum (EN), a form of pan- niculitis, is manifested as erythematous painful rounded lumps and occurs 3-5 times more often in female patients in all age groups, but mostly between the second and the fourth decades of life. Although rare, concurrent occurrence of Sweetā€™s syndrome and erythema nodosum is described and may be associated with autoimmune disorders, certain malignancies, gastrointestinal disease or upper respiratory tract infections. Here, we described 34-year-old saleswoman who developed con- current Sweetā€™s syndrome and erythema nodosum seven days after upper respiratory tract infection onset. During upper respiratory infection, she was treated with three-days azithromycin therapy, together with ibuprofen and paracetamol. Later, when she developed concurrent SS and EN, she was treated initially with clindamycin and prednisone 40 mg, followed by 60 mg of prednisone after which the patient becomes afebrile with gradual rash regression. There is limited knowledge on concurrent SS and EN, their etiopathogenesis and association with different diseases, infections and /or medications. Concurrent SS and EN in our patient was probably triggered by the upper respiratory tract infection. Although, there is no evidence that azithromycin may induce SS or EN or both, it could be considered as a possible trigger alone or together with the upper respiratory tract infection.Sweetov sindrom (SS) rijetko je upalno stanje koje se manifestira vrućicom, leukocitozom, eritem- atoznim, nježnim plakovima i histoloÅ”kim dokazom guste neutrofilne infiltracije u dermisu. Pojavl- juje se uglavnom u žena u dobi od 30-60 godina. Nodozni eritem (EN), oblik panikulitisa, očituje se bolnim, eritematoznim, zaobljenim potkožnim čvorovima i javlja se 3-5 puta čeŔće u bolesnica u svim dobnim skupinama, ali uglavnom između drugog i četvrtog desetljeća života. Iako je rijetka, istodobna pojava Sweet-ovog sindroma i nodoznog eritema opisana je i može biti povezana s autoi- munim poremećajima, određenim malignim bolestima, gastrointestinalnom boleŔću ili infekcijama gornjih diÅ”nih putova. Ovdje smo opisali 34-godiÅ”nju prodavačicu koja je razvila istodobni Sweetov sindrom i nodozni eritem sedam dana nakon početka infekcije gornjih diÅ”nih putova. Tijekom infek- cije gornjih diÅ”nih puteva, liječena je trodnevnom terapijom azitromicinom, zajedno s ibuprofenom i paracetamolom. Kasnije, kad je razvila istodobno SS i EN, liječena je u početku klindamicinom i prednizonom od 40 mg, a zatim sa 60 mg prednizona, nakon čega bolesnica postaje afebrilna s pos- tupnom regresijom osipa. Malo se zna o istodobnom SS i EN, njihovoj etiopatogenezi i povezanosti s različitim bolestima, infekcijama i / ili lijekovima. Istodobni SS i EN u naÅ”e bolesnice vjerojatno je potaknut infekcijom gornjih diÅ”nih puteva. Iako nema dokaza da azitromicin može izazvati SS ili EN ili oboje, moglo bi se pretpostaviti da bi mogao biti okidač sam ili zajedno s infekcijom gornjih diÅ”nih puteva

    Printing and Incunabulas in Croatia

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    Pravi početak tiskarstva obilježava izum Johannesa Gutenberga oko 1450 godine. Tiskanjem Gutenbergove ā€žBiblijeā€œ započinje tzv. Gutenbergova era u povijesti svjetske kulture. Njemačka je kolijevka crne umjetnosti koja se vrlo brzo raÅ”irila i u susjednim zemljama. Hrvati su rano prihvatili i Å”irili tekovine tiskarskog umijeća. Osim senjske tiskare ističu se i riječka te kosinjska tiskara. Hrvatska je bila jedna od malobrojnih zemalja onoga doba koja je tiskala i izdavala knjige na vlastitom jeziku. Knjige koje su nastale od pronalaska tiska do kraja 15. stoljeća nazivamo inkunabulama (lat. in cunabulis = kolijevka). U Hrvatskoj je do 1500. godine otisnuto Å”est glagoljskih inkunabula: Misal po zakonu rimskoga dvora, Brevijar po zakonu rimskoga dvora, Baromićev brevijar, Senjski misla, Spovid općena i Ispovid te tri latinske inkunabule: Molitvenik, Oficij i Lekcionar Bernardina Splićanina. Najvažnija inkunabula u Hrvata, Misal po zakonu rimskoga dvora, tiskan je samo 28 godina nakon Å”to je Gutenberg tiskao svoje djelo ā€žBiblijuā€œ. Tiskanje prve hrvatske knjige glagoljicom, Misala po zakonu rimskoga dvora, važan je događaj u hrvatskoj povijesti

    Das TrinitƤts Mysterium und Mysterium der Kirche in den Predigten des hl. Augustinus

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    Die neuere TrinitƤtstheolog\u27ie versucht in ihren Forschungen diese le- bendige Dynamik zu entdeken, die zwischen den beiden Aspektein deĀ« Mysteriums Gottes besteht; zwischen dem sogenannten imanenten und dem ƶkonomischen Aspekt desselben Mysteriums. In Beurteilung der vergangenen Theologie, besonders der TrinitƤtsthe- ologie Augustiins, manche neuere Theologen behaupten dass die bishe- rige Theologie unter dem starken Eimfluss der TrinitƤtstheologie Augu- stins uninteressiert dieser Dynamik vorbei gelaufen ist und infolge des- sen ihr ganzes Interesse dem Mysterium in dem Gott ist gewidmet hat, ohne sich die Fragen nach dem Mysterium in dem Gott wirkt zu stellen. Mit diesem Beitrag wollen wir unser Blick zurĆ¼ck wenden um aul Grund der Predigten des hl. Augustinus zu sehen, welche ist eigentlich diesbezĆ¼glich seine Meinung, welchen Einfluss konnte er damals auf die Theologie, ausĆ¼ben, und welchen Beitrag kann er auch jetzt der TrinitƤtstheologie darbieten. Unsere Forschung hat uns zu den interessanten Ergebnissen gefĆ¼hrt, die uns ermƶglichen das folgende zu behaupten dass die ƶkonomische Aspekt, genauso wie das imanente, ist von Anfang an das Eigentum der TrinitƤtstheologie Augustiins. Als erster Ć¼berhaupt hat gerade er aul dem theologischen Gebiet eine glĆ¼ckliche Syntese der beiden Aspekte erblickt, die sich in den gegenseitigen Beziehungen zwischen der Kirche und jeweiligen gƶttlichen Person manifestiert. So betrachtet er die Kir- che als Mutter in Bezug auf Gott den Vater, als Mystisches Leib in Bezug auf den Mittler, als lebendige Gemeinschaft in Bezug auf den Heiligen Geist. In dieser Wircklichkeit sieht er am Werke die Heilige Dreifaltigkeit die uns entgegen kommt um uns in sich glĆ¼cklich zu machen: der Vater durch den Sohn im Heiligen Geist. Das ist der Weg Gottes zu uns und es ist zugleich unser Weg zum Gott dem Vater durch Chrisrus im Heiligen Geiste. In der Wircklichkeit der Kirche ā€” Christus totus ā€” verwirklicht sich die Begegnung des gƶttlichen mit dem menschlichen die fĆ¼r das men- schliche die Folgen einer neuen Schƶpfung hat. Das Wirken der drei gƶttlichen Personen in der Kirche vermeidet also jegliche Hypostatdsierung der gƶttlichen Natur und schafft eine Be- ziehung ich ā€” du zwischen dem einzelnen Menschen und dem Drei- - einigen Gott. Eine solche Theologie ist fĆ¼r lange Zeit unbekannt geblieben, obwohl sie damals, genauso wie heute, der TrinitƤtstheologie Ć¼berhaupt eine grosse Hilfe leisten konnte, und auch noch jetzt leisten kann

    Utjecaj različite pigmentacije elektroinka na formiranje rasterskih elemenata cijana, magente i žute

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    Promjena pigmentacije procesnih tiskarskih bojila rezultirati će promjenama unutar svih rastertonskih područja. Ovaj rad usredotočiti će se na istraživanje ElektroInk elektrofotografskog bojila, odnosno kako će različita koncentracija pigmenata utjecati na formiranje najsitnijih rasterskih elemenata (rasterskih točaka). Pritom je analizirano 5 različitih koncentracija (gustoća tekućeg bojila varirana je od D=1,20 do D=2,00, u koraku od Ī”D=0,20). Analizom su obuhvaćene kolorimetrijske promjene otiska na papiru za umjetnički tisak (CIE LAB Ī”E2000), kao i mikroskopska i denzitometrijska analiza reproduciranih rasterskih elemenata (Ī”d, Ī”R). Razlika u obojenju, devijacija promjera rasterskih elemenata i reflektancija sa otisnutog rasterskog elemenata dane su samo za svjetla rastertonska područja (20% RTV), u kojima su rasterski elementi oblikom savrÅ”eni. Ovim istraživanjem dobit će se odgovor kolika je optimalna koncentracija pigmentnih čestica i kako pojedini sastav pigmenta utječe na konačnu reprodukciju. Također će se razmatrati kako prevelika koncentracija pigmenata utječe na otiske, te da li su nastali dodatni problemi tijekom otiskivanja

    Contribution of Zooplankton Lipids to the Flux of Organic Matter in the Northern Adriatic Sea

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    Analyses of particulate material collected by sediment traps moored at a location in the northern Adriatic Sea in 1991 revealed the presence of zooplankton fatty acids, even though zooplankton and other \u27swimmers\u27 killed by the trap\u27s preservative were carefully removed. Laboratory experiments were conducted to (1) prove the existence of zooplankton lipids within fecal pellets, (2) exclude the possibility of incomplete separation of swimmers and other material as eventual contamination with polyunsaturated fatty acids in fecal pellets, (3) evaluate the importance of zooplankton lipids to mass flux and (4) reveal the mechanisms which lead to excretion of undigested organic matter, in this case polyunsaturated fatty acids. Our results show that the main source of fatty acids found in mass flux were zooplankton lipid droplets inside fecal pellets. The predominant fatty acids of zooplankton fecal pellets were saturated acid 16:0, monounsaturated acid 18:1 and polyunsaturated acid 22:6. Lipid composition of fecal pellets was compared with those of zooplankton and phytoplankton. Aliquots of collected fecal pellets were stained with Nile Red in order to visualize lipid droplets within fecal pellets
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