75 research outputs found


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    The accelerated development of textile products that have shielding properties against electromagnetic (EM) radiation excites the interest of scientists, the textile and clothing industry in the manufacture of woven fabrics, knitted fabrics and clothing with shielding properties. This paper deals with the investigation of the shielding effect of the electroconductive fabric to be used for manufacturing protective clothing consisting of textile and non-textile components. The textile component is a cotton-modacrylic blend, and the non-textile component is an inox yarn inserted into the fabric every 1 cm in the transverse direction of the fabric. The fabric was finished using solvents in the processes of dry and wet cleaning as potential care processes. The measurement results of shielding fabric properties have shown that the degree of shielding is better preserved after 10 cycles of wet cleaning than after dry cleaning

    Obilježena 10. obljetnica rada Znanstveno-istraživačkog centra za tekstil

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    Proslava 10. obljetnice rada Znanstveno-istraživačkog centra za tekstil Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta (TSRC, Textile Science Research Centre) je obilježena 20 rujna 2018. u Tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla u Zagrebu. U prvom dijelu programa su organizirana predavanja na temu Znanost za kulturnu baštinu, a u drugom dijelu je bila promocija promovirana monografija, Znanstveno-istraživački centar za tekstil, 10 godina. Pozdravne riječi uputile su tadašnja dekanica Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta, prof.dr.sc. Sandra Bischof, novoizabrana dekanica, prof. dr. sc. Gordana Pavlović, prorektor za inovacije prof. dr. sc. Miljenko Šimpraga i ravnateljica Tehničkog muzeja Nikola Tesla prof. Markita Franulić. Uvod u temu Znanost za kulturnu baštinu je dala prof. dr. sc. Tanja Pušić, pri čemu je naglasila važnost baštine u istraživanju. Istaknula je dugogodišnji doprinos Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta u tom području i obrazložila odabir teme ovogodišnjeg Dana otvorenih vrata Znanstveno-istraživačkog centra za tekstil, kroz slogan Europske godine kulturne baštine „Naša baština: spoj prošlosti i budućnosti”

    Prikaz znanstvene knjige „Muzealizacija mode – počeci i izazovi na prostoru Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije"

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    U izdanju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta u elektronskom obliku objavljena je dvojezična zbirna znanstvena knjiga „Muzealizacija mode – počeci i izazovi na prostoru Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije / Fashion museology – beginnings and challenges in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia“ urednice izv. prof. dr. sc. Katarine Nine Simončič

    Bio-innovation in Cotton Fabric Scouring - Acid and Neutral Pectinases

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    Using biotechnology during textile processing has been known for years due to its environmental benefits and special performance of enzymes in comparison with the conventional processing of textiles. This paper deals with the bioscouring of cotton fabric with acid and neutral pectinases in comparison with alkali scouring. Variations in technological procedures, as expressed through pad-roll and exhaustion, were also identified for the bioscouring of cotton fabrics. The varied impacts of alkali, acid, and neutral pectinases on the properties of cotton fabrics throughout the processing technology were evaluated for electrokinetic phenomena, hydrophilicity, mechanical and chemical degradation, inorganic residues, and whiteness

    Prikaz znanstvene knjige „Muzealizacija mode – počeci i izazovi na prostoru Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije"

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    U izdanju Sveučilišta u Zagrebu Tekstilno-tehnološkog fakulteta u elektronskom obliku objavljena je dvojezična zbirna znanstvena knjiga „Muzealizacija mode – počeci i izazovi na prostoru Slovenije, Hrvatske i Srbije / Fashion museology – beginnings and challenges in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia“ urednice izv. prof. dr. sc. Katarine Nine Simončič

    Postupci proizvodnje, uzorkovanja i analize deterdženata

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    U radu su opisani postupci proizvodnje deterdženata u praškastom, kapljevitom, gel i krutom obliku. Istaknuta je važnost uzorkovanja deterdženta u analizi te su izdvojene metode analize tvari prema hrvatskim i svjetskim normama. Opisani su uvjeti stavljanja deterdženata na tržište, opći uvjeti proizvodnje, te prava, dužnosti i ovlasti nadležnih tijela u vezi s deterdžentima kroz nacionalni dokument Pravilnik o deterdžentima, koji je usklađen s Europskom komisijom

    Cumulative effects of washing on properties of cotton fabrics and their blends

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    Apart from removing soils and preventing redeposition, chemical and mechanical activities during washing also change the structure of the textile treated. The intensity of these changes is dependent on the initial level of quality of the textiles treated, as well as upon the processing conditions (temperature, washing agent, mechanical parameters, number of washing cycles, etc). The aim of this paper was study cumulative effects of washing on properties of cotton fabrics and their blends through RAL-GZ 992 quality criteria evaluated through ash content, whiteness, tint deviation, mechanical and chemical damage. Electrokinetic potential, pilling resistance and morphology of cotton and their blends were selected as evaluation criteria for surface characterization of cotton and their blends after multiple washing cycles

    Uporaba celulaz v procesu plemenitenja

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    Cellulases are enzymes that are used for the surface modifi cations of cellulosic materials primarily during fi nishing. It is a multi-component enzymatic system which hydrolyzes cellulose chains, on the surface of the fi bres, to glucose. During their applications in the fi nishing of textiles, surface fi bres are removed and the surfaces of the treated textiles become smooth. The most important application is in the processing of denim for providing special eff ects without signifi cant fabric loss of strength. Enzymes are eff ective over mild conditions of pH and temperatures and are easily biodegradable.Celulaze so encimi, namenjeni površinski modifi kaciji celuloznih tekstilij, predvsem pri plemenitenju tekstilij. Večkomponentni sistem encimov hidrolizira celulozne makromolekule na površju vlaken do glukoze. Z uporabo celulaz pri plemenitenju tekstilij se odstranijo štrleča vlakna na površju tekstilije, s čimer postane obdelano površje gladko. Med najpomembnejše vrste uporabe celulaz spada plemenitenje denim jeansa, kjer dosežejo posebne učinke brez bistvenega znižanja trdnosti tkanine. Encimi so učinkoviti v blagih pogojih vrednosti pH in temperature in so enostavno biorazgradljivi

    Impact of washing and sterilization on properties of fabrics used for medical applications

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    This paper reports a study on the characterization of cellulosic, polyester/cotton (PES/cotton) and Tencel fabrics as well as PES/PU/PES laminate used for medical applications, before and after frequent washing and sterilization. The impact of washing and sterilization is analysed by tensile properties, spectral changes and surface characterization. The results indicate that, during washing and sterilization, cellulosic fabrics show prominent changes of all studied properties when compared to PES/PU/PES laminate