4 research outputs found


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    Any health care specialist ā€“ physician, physicianā€™s assistant,nurse, nurseā€™s aid, midwife and other professionals of this field have to improve their professional skills, therefore it is important to go on learning to acquire the latest medical ideas and topicalities in the speciality, to get new knowledge, skills and competences. Professional growth and compliance with the respective field are assessed by a certification commission of any association and a certificate awarded which allows to do work in a health care field. The awarded certificate to a health care specialist serves as acknowledgement to oneā€™s knowledge, skills and competences. In order to ease the ways for a specialist to improve knowledge, skills and competences, various courses, seminars and conferences are organized. By participation in these events specialists are awarded continuing education points, which have to be summed up thus giving an opportunity to prolong the the term for the acquired certificate. Themes for continuing education programme are offered specifying particular fields of health care .It allows a specialist to choose those programmes which give a chance to ease the solution of the most topical problems in practic

    Development of the pedagogical competence of medical students in the study process

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    ANOTĀCIJA Margaritas PuÄ·Ä«tes promocijas darbs nozaru (medicÄ«nas) pedagoÄ£ijā ā€žMedicÄ«nas studentu pedagoÄ£iskās kompetences veidoÅ”anās studiju procesāā€ izstrādāts Latvijas Universitātes PedagoÄ£ijas, psiholoÄ£ijas un mākslas fakultātes PedagoÄ£ijas nodaļā asociētās profesores Dr. psych. LÅ«cijas Rutkas vadÄ«bā laika posmā no 2005. gada lÄ«dz 2011. gadam. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is: noteikt medicÄ«nas studentu pedagoÄ£iskās kompetences bÅ«tÄ«bu, izpētÄ«t tās veidoÅ”anos studiju procesā, izstrādāt un pārbaudÄ«t pedagoÄ£iskās kompetences veicināŔanas modeli. PētÄ«jums veikts RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes Sarkanā Krusta medicÄ«nas koledžā, kurā piedalÄ«jās 100 medicÄ«nas pilna laika studenti, kuri ieguva pirmā lÄ«meņa profesionālo augstāko izglÄ«tÄ«bu studiju programmās ā€œMāszinÄ«basā€ un ā€œÄ€rstniecÄ«baā€ trijos studiju gados, laika periodā no 2007./2008.studiju gada lÄ«dz 2009./2010.studiju gadam. Promocijas darbs sastāv no 3 nodaļām, kas atklāj un analizē medicÄ«nas studentu pedagoÄ£iskās kompetences veidoÅ”anos un tās iespējas to veicināt studiju procesā. PētÄ«juma gaitā kopumā analizēti 319 literatÅ«ras avoti latvieÅ”u, krievu, angļu un vācu valodās. Teorētisko un praktisko atziņu rezultāti ir parādÄ«ti 77 tabulās, 58 attēlos un 19 pielikumos. Atslēgas vārdi: medicÄ«nas studenti, pedagoÄ£iskā kompetence, studiju processANNOTATION The doctoral thesis in medical pedagogy ā€œFormation of medical studentsā€™ pedagogical competences in the study processā€ has been worked out under the guidance of the associate professor Dr. psych. Lucia Rutka in the Pedagogical department at the faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art University of Latvia over a period of time 2005 ā€“ 2011 by Margarita PuÄ·Ä«te. The aim of the research: state the essence of the pedagogical competence in medical students, study its development in the process of studies, work out and test the promoting model of the pedagogical competence. The research has been performed at the Riga Stradinsh University Red Cross medical college in which a hundred full-time medical students acquiring first level Professional higher education in the programs of ā€žNurse Studiesā€ and ā€žMedicineā€ participated in the three academic years from 2007./2008. ā€“ 2009./2010. The doctoral thesis is composed of three sections where the development of the pedagogical competence and the possibilities of its formation during the study process are discovered and analysed. 319 literary sources in the Latvian, Russian, English and German languages have been analysed in the research in total. The theoretical and practical verity is displayed in 77 tables, 58 figures and 19 supplements. The key words: medical students, the pedagogical competence, study process

    Is a scaling factor required to obtain closure between measured and modelled atmospheric Oā‚„ absorptions? An assessment of uncertainties of measurements and radiative transfer simulations for 2 selected days during the MAD-CAT campaign

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    In this study the consistency between MAX-DOAS measurements and radiative transfer simulations of the atmospheric O4 absorption is investigated on 2 mainly cloud-free days during the MAD-CAT campaign in Mainz, Germany, in summer 2013. In recent years several studies indicated that measurements and radiative transfer simulations of the atmospheric O4 absorption can only be brought into agreement if a so-called scaling factor (<1) is applied to the measured O4 absorption. However, many studies, including those based on direct sunlight measurements, came to the opposite conclusion, that there is no need for a scaling factor. Up to now, there is no broad consensus for an explanation of the observed discrepancies between measurements and simulations. Previous studies inferred the need for a scaling factor from the comparison of the aerosol optical depths derived from MAX-DOAS O4 measurements with that derived from coincident sun photometer measurements. In this study a different approach is chosen: the measured O4 absorption at 360ā€‰nm is directly compared to the O4 absorption obtained from radiative transfer simulations. The atmospheric conditions used as input for the radiative transfer simulations were taken from independent data sets, in particular from sun photometer and ceilometer measurements at the measurement site. This study has three main goals: first all relevant error sources of the spectral analysis, the radiative transfer simulations and the extraction of the input parameters used for the radiative transfer simulations are quantified. One important result obtained from the analysis of synthetic spectra is that the O4 absorptions derived from the spectral analysis agree within 1ā€‰% with the corresponding radiative transfer simulations at 360ā€‰nm. Based on the results from sensitivity studies, recommendations for optimised settings for the spectral analysis and radiative transfer simulations are given. Second, the measured and simulated results are compared for 2 selected cloud-free days with similar aerosol optical depths but very different aerosol properties. On 18 June, measurements and simulations agree within their (rather large) uncertainties (the ratio of simulated and measured O4 absorptions is found to be 1.01Ā±0.16). In contrast, on 8 July measurements and simulations significantly disagree: for the middle period of that day the ratio of simulated and measured O4 absorptions is found to be 0.82Ā±0.10, which differs significantly from unity. Thus, for that day a scaling factor is needed to bring measurements and simulations into agreement. Third, recommendations for further intercomparison exercises are derived. One important recommendation for future studies is that aerosol profile data should be measured at the same wavelengths as the MAX-DOAS measurements. Also, the altitude range without profile information close to the ground should be minimised and detailed information on the aerosol optical and/or microphysical properties should be collected and used. The results for both days are inconsistent, and no explanation for a O4 scaling factor could be derived in this study. Thus, similar but more extended future studies should be performed, including more measurement days and more instruments. Also, additional wavelengths should be included

    Mākslu terapija dažādām klientu / pacientu grupām

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    Å is rakstu krājums ir izveidots un publicēts Erasmus MūžizglÄ«tÄ«bas intensÄ«vās programmas projektā ā€œMākslu terapija dažādām klientu / pacientu grupāmā€ (2014) RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes Rehabilitācijas fakultātē, profesionālā maÄ£istra studiju programmā ā€œMākslas terapijaā€ sadarbÄ«bā ar projekta partneriem. Raksti ir balstÄ«ti uz teorētisko prezentāciju un autoru semināru saturu intensÄ«vās programmas laikā. Rakstu krājumā aprakstÄ«ts teorētiskais un praktiskais darbs ar veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes disciplÄ«nu - mākslas terapijas specializācijām - mākslas terapijas, deju kustÄ«bu terapijas, mÅ«zikas terapijas iespējas ar dažādām klientu / pacientu grupām veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pē, sociālajā aprÅ«pē un izglÄ«tÄ«bas vidē. Rakstu krājumā ir dažādi mākslas terapeiti no Igaunijas, Latvijas, Lietuvas, Vācijas un Lielbritānijas, kā arÄ« viņu praktiskās pieredzes kopsavilkums. GadÄ«jumu izpēte ir neseno pētÄ«jumu rezultāti mākslas terapijas jomā. Raksti akcentē un raksturo mākslas terapijas specializācijas specifiku un piedāvā iespējas darbā ar dažādām klientu / pacientu grupām. Kolekcijā tiek piedāvāti daudzdimensionāli skati uz mākslas terapijas praktisko daļu. Tas arÄ« demonstrē dažādus terapeitiskos ietvarus, medicÄ«nisko, psiholoÄ£isko teoriju integrāciju, kas tiek izmantota mākslas terapijas pielietojamÄ«bas pamatā, piedāvā dažus uz mākslu balstÄ«ta novērtējuma aspektus un dalās noderÄ«gā pieredzē. Autori piedāvā mÅ«sdienu pieejas mākslas terapijas darbos. Projekta galvenie mērÄ·i bija nodroÅ”ināt pieredzes apmaiņu, izmantojot aktivitātes starp projekta partneriem; iegÅ«t un attÄ«stÄ«t jaunas zināŔanas un prasmes; izveidot norādes materiālus mākslas terapijas darbiem dažādām klientu / pacientu grupām; un veicināt turpmāku mākslas terapijas attÄ«stÄ«bu projektā iesaistÄ«tajās valstÄ«s