26 research outputs found

    Essential Role of Lyn in Fibrosis.

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    Fibrotic disorders involve replacement of normal parenchyma with myofibroblasts, which deposit connective tissue, leading to obliteration of the function of the underlying organ. The treatment options are inadequate and reflect the fact that signaling targets in myofibroblasts are unknown. Here we identify the hyperactive Lyn signaling in myofibroblasts of patients with chronic pancreatitis-induced fibrosis. Lyn activation coexpress with markers of activated myofibroblasts, and is increased ~11-fold in chronic pancreatitis compared to normal tissue. Inhibition of Lyn with siRNA or INNO-406 leads to the substantial decrease of migration and proliferation of human chronic pancreatitis myofibroblasts in vitro, while leaving migration and proliferation of normal myofibroblasts only slightly affected. Furthermore, inhibition of Lyn prevents synthesis of procollagen and collagen in myofibroblasts in a mouse model of chronic pancreatitis-induced fibrosis. We conclude that Lyn, as a positive regulator of myofibroblast migration, proliferation, and collagen production, is a key target for preventing fibrosis

    Crosstalk Between BCR/ABL Oncoprotein and CXCR4 Signaling through a Src Family Kinase in Human Leukemia Cells

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    Stromal-derived factor (SDF)-1 and its G protein–coupled receptor, CXCR4, regulate stem/progenitor cell migration and retention in the marrow and are required for hematopoiesis. We show here an interaction between CXCR4 and the Src-related kinase, Lyn, in normal progenitors. We demonstrate that CXCR4-dependent stimulation of Lyn is associated with the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase). This chemokine signaling, which involves a Src-related kinase and PI3-kinase, appears to be a target for BCR/ABL, a fusion oncoprotein expressed only in leukemia cells. We show that the binding of phosphorylated BCR/ABL to Lyn results in the constitutive activation of Lyn and PI3-kinase, along with a total loss of responsiveness of these kinases to SDF-1 stimulation. Inhibition of BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase with STI571 restores Lyn responsiveness to SDF-1 signaling. Thus, BCR/ABL perturbs Lyn function through a tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanism. Accordingly, the blockade of Lyn tyrosine kinase inhibits both BCR/ABL-dependent and CXCR4-dependent cell movements. Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that Lyn-mediated pathological crosstalk exists between BCR/ABL and the CXCR4 pathway in leukemia cells, which disrupts chemokine signaling and chemotaxis, and increases the ability of immature cells to escape from the marrow. These results define a Src tyrosine kinases-dependent mechanism whereby BCR/ABL (and potentially other oncoproteins) dysregulates G protein–coupled receptor signaling and function of mammalian precursors

    Clinical course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in multiple sclerosis patients treated with disease-modifying therapies — the Polish experience

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    Introduction. The aim of this study was to report the course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients treated with disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in Poland. A major concern for neurologists worldwide is the course and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with MS treated with different DMTs. Although initial studies do not suggest an unfavourable course of infection in this group of patients, the data is limited.Materials and methods. This study included 396 MS patients treated with DMTs and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection from 28 Polish MS centres. Information concerning patient demographics, comorbidities, clinical course of MS, current DMT use, as well as symptoms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, need for pharmacotherapy, oxygen therapy, and/or hospitalisation, and short-term outcomes was collected up to 30 January 2021. Additional data about COVID-19 cases in the general population in Poland was obtained from official reports of the Polish Ministry of Health.Results. There were 114 males (28.8%) and 282 females (71.2%). The median age was 39 years (IQR 13). The great majority of patients with MS exhibited relapsing-remitting course (372 patients; 93.9%). The median EDSS was 2 (SD 1.38), and the mean disease duration was 8.95 (IQR 8) years. Most of the MS patients were treated with dimethyl fumarate (164; 41.41%). Other DMTs were less frequently used: interferon beta (82; 20.70%), glatiramer acetate (42; 10.60%), natalizumab (35;8.84%), teriflunomide (25; 6.31%), ocrelizumab (20; 5.05%), fingolimod (16; 4.04), cladribine (5; 1.26%), mitoxantrone (3; 0.76%), ozanimod (3; 0.76%), and alemtuzumab (1; 0.25%). The overall hospitalisation rate due to COVID-19 in the cohort was 6.81% (27 patients). Only one patient (0.3%) died due to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and three (0.76%) patients were treated with mechanical ventilation; 106 (26.8%) patients had at least one comorbid condition. There were no significant differences in the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection regarding patient age, duration of the disease, degree of disability (EDSS), lymphocyte count, or type of DMT used.Conclusions and clinical implications. Most MS patients included in this study had a favourable course of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The hospitalisation rate and the mortality rate were not higher in the MS cohort compared to the general Polish population. Continued multicentre data collection is needed to increase the understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection impact on the course of MS in patients treated with DMTs

    Development of the concept and implementation of an image recognition model using elements of artificial intelligence

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    W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono koncepcję i implementację modelu do rozpoznawania ras psów na podstawie zdjęcia. Do realizacji zadania wykorzystano model głębokiej sieci neuronowej bazujący na strukturze InceptionV3. Sieć została wytrenowana i przetestowana na zbiorze przypadków uczących liczącym ponad 20 tys. zdjęć 120 ras psów z zastosowaniem transferu wiedzy. Zbadano również wpływ jakości zdjęć na wyniki klasyfikacji. Sieć uzyskała bardzo dobre rezultaty zarówno w przypadku analizy typowych, jak i nietypowych zdjęć.This article presents the concept and implementation of a model for recognizing dog breeds based on an input image. The task was performed with the use of a deep neural network model based on the InceptionV3 structure. The neural network has been trained and tested on a dataset counting more than 20,000 images of 120 dog breeds using transfer learning technique. The impact of image quality on classification results was also examined. The model obtained very good results in the analysis of both typical and unusual input images

    Integrin inhibition through Lyn-dependent cross talk from CXCR4 chemokine receptors in normal human CD34+ marrow cells

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    We studied the effects of Lyn ablation on CXCR4 receptor-mediated migration and adhesion of hematopoietic precursors. Down-regulation of Lyn expression with siRNA greatly reduced CXCR4-dependent hematopoietic cell movement, and increased cell adherence to stroma. This increase was associated with the up-regulated expression of activation-dependent epitopes of the β2 integrin LFA-1 and was prevented by antibodies that selectively block cell adhesion mediated by ICAM-1. Attachment to surfaces coated with ICAM-1 was also enhanced in Lyn-depleted hematopoietic cells, as compared with Lyn-expressing cells. Functional rescue experiments with Lyn siRNA targeting the 3′ UTR indicated that the observed effects can be attributed directly to specific inhibition of Lyn. Our results show that in chemokine-stimulated hematopoietic cells Lyn kinase is a positive regulator of cell movement while negatively regulating adhesion to stromal cells by inhibiting the ICAM-1–binding activity of β2 integrins. These results provide a molecular mechanism for cross talk between the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and β2 integrins. This cross talk may allow chemokine receptors to modulate the arrest of rolling hematopoietic precursors on the surface of bone marrow stromal cells

    BCR-ABL1 alters SDF-1α–mediated adhesive responses through the β2 integrin LFA-1 in leukemia cells

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    Stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and its receptor, CXCR4, are essential for normal hematopoietic progenitor cell movement and adherence within the bone marrow microenvironment. In leukemia, the BCR-ABL1 oncoprotein inhibits SDF-1–dependent cell trafficking within the bone marrow through a mechanism that is not fully understood. Here, we report that BCR-ABL1 in malignant cells constitutively increases expression of activation-dependent epitopes of the β2 integrin LFA-1. This is associated with the complete loss of responsiveness of LFA-1 to SDF-1–induced “inside-out” signaling involving CXCR4 and Lyn, leading to aberrant adhesive responses. These data provide a novel, LFA-1–mediated mechanism whereby BCR-ABL1 inhibits SDF-1 action in malignant progenitors