5 research outputs found
The patient perspective on remote monitoring of implantable cardiac devices
Aims Remote monitoring for patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) is well established in clinical routine and recommended by current guidelines. Nevertheless, data regarding patients’ perceptions are limited. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the patient perspectives on the remote monitoring of cardiac devices in Germany. Methods and results Patients with CIEDs and remote monitoring of all current manufacturers from three German centers were asked to participate. The questionnaire consisted of 37 questions regarding the patients’ individual use and perspectives on remote monitoring. Survey participation was anonymous and on a voluntary basis. A total of 617 patients (71.6% men) participated. Most patients reported feeling well informed (69.3%) and reported having unchanged or improved coping (98.8%) since the start of remote monitoring. At least 39.7% of patients experienced technical problems regarding the transmitter, whereas most patients (60.3%) reported that they never noted technical issues. Older patients had significantly less interest than younger patients in using their own smartphones for data transfer ( p < 0.001). Conclusion Patients with remote follow-up of CIED reported that they felt well informed about the remote monitoring approach. Remote monitoring can support coping with their disease. With remote monitoring, patients experienced a prolongation of intervals of in-person follow-up visits, and especially younger patients would appreciate smartphone-based data transfer of their CIEDs
Ein Positionspapier der Task Force Tabakentwöhnung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin (DGP)
Zusammenfassung Tabakrauchen ist das größte vermeidbare Gesundheitsrisiko. Die Auswirkungen sind individuell und gesellschaftlich gravierend. Dennoch ist die Prävalenz aktuell Tabakrauchender in Deutschland mit ca. 35 % weiterhin hoch. Sorge bereitet zudem ein zuletzt starker Anstieg aktiv rauchender Jugendlicher (14- bis 17-Jährige, aktuelle Prävalenz ca. 16 %) und junger Erwachsener (18- bis 24-Jährige, aktuelle Prävalenz ca. 41 %). Etwa ein Drittel der stationär behandelten Patienten:innen rauchen. Die Hospitalisierung von aktiven Rauchern:innen in Akut- und Rehakliniken ist als „teachable moment“ ein günstiger Zeitpunkt, eine Tabakentwöhnung einzuleiten. Eine Intervention, die im Krankenhaus beginnt und nach der Entlassung mindestens einen Monat lang fortgesetzt wird, führt zu etwa 40 % zusätzlich entwöhnter Patienten:innen. Sie ist wissenschaftlich gut untersucht, effektiv und kosteneffizient. Die poststationäre Anbindung kann an ein Tabakentwöhnungsprogramm, eine Rehabilitationseinrichtung, ein Internet- oder Telefonangebot erfolgen. Es bestehen in Deutschland strukturierte und qualitätsgesicherte Angebote zur Umsetzung sowohl für den stationären als auch für den ambulanten Bereich. Größtes Hindernis für eine breite Etablierung solcher Angebote ist die fehlende Kostenerstattung. Zwei umsetzbare Wege, dies zu ändern, wären die Einführung eines Zusatzentgelts für den bestehenden OPS 9-501 „Multimodale stationäre Behandlung zur Tabakentwöhnung“ sowie die Etablierung von Qualitätsverträgen nach § 110a SGB V. Ein Ausbau der Tabakentwöhnung in Gesundheitseinrichtungen würde die Rauchprävalenz und die damit einhergehenden Erkrankungen sowie die konsekutiven Kosten nachhaltig reduzieren
Synthesis of peptide sequences related to thrombospondin: factors affecting aspartimide by-product formation
7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table.-- PMID: 14632926 [PubMed].-- Printed version published Dec 2003Aspartimide formation is one of the most common secondary reactions on solid phase peptide synthesis. In the present work, we describe the optimization of the synthesis of two thrombospondin fragments containing an Asp-Gly sequence that show a strong tendency to form cyclic aspartimide derivatives in an unusual high percentage. Several different strategies were applied changing type of resin, Fmoc-deprotection reagents, coupling additives, resin cleavage cocktails and the use of Hmb-Gly derivative to minimize the extension of this byproduct. Best results were obtained with cross-linked ethoxylate acrylate (CLEAR®-cross-linked ethoxylate Acrylate Resin)-type resin and pip/dimethylformamide deprotection. Besides, as in biological assays the aspartimide containing sequence resulted to be more active than the linear one, the optimization of its synthesis was also carried out.This work was supported by a grant from the European Community Feder 2FD1997-0129.Peer reviewe
Worldwide survey on implantation of and outcomes for conduction system pacing with His bundle and left bundle branch area pacing leads.
Adoption and outcomes for conduction system pacing (CSP), which includes His bundle pacing (HBP) or left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP), in real-world settings are incompletely understood. We sought to describe real-world adoption of CSP lead implantation and subsequent outcomes.
We performed an online cross-sectional survey on the implantation and outcomes associated with CSP, between November 15, 2020, and February 15, 2021. We described survey responses and reported HBP and LBBAP outcomes for bradycardia pacing and cardiac resynchronization CRT indications, separately.
The analysis cohort included 140 institutions, located on 5 continents, who contributed data to the worldwide survey on CSP. Of these, 127 institutions (90.7%) reported experience implanting CSP leads. CSP and overall device implantation volumes were reported by 84 institutions. In 2019, the median proportion of device implants with CSP, HBP, and/or LBBAP leads attempted were 4.4% (interquartile range [IQR], 1.9-12.5%; range, 0.4-100%), 3.3% (IQR, 1.3-7.1%; range, 0.2-87.0%), and 2.5% (IQR, 0.5-24.0%; range, 0.1-55.6%), respectively. For bradycardia pacing indications, HBP leads, as compared to LBBAP leads, had higher reported implant threshold (median [IQR]: 1.5 V [1.3-2.0 V] vs 0.8 V [0.6-1.0 V], p = 0.0008) and lower ventricular sensing (median [IQR]: 4.0 mV [3.0-5.0 mV] vs. 10.0 mV [7.0-12.0 mV], p < 0.0001).
In conclusion, CSP lead implantation has been broadly adopted but has yet to become the default approach at most surveyed institutions. As the indications and data for CSP continue to evolve, strategies to educate and promote CSP lead implantation at institutions without CSP lead implantation experience would be necessary