16 research outputs found

    Annotated checklist of Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in Ukraine

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    Hygrophoraceae is a family within Agaricales, which comprises 26 genera and approximately 690 agaricoid species, including ectomycorrhizal, lichen-forming, bryophilous, humus and litter decomposing fungi. Some of these species especially those from genera Cuphophyllus, Hygrocybe, Neohygrocybe and Porpolomopsis are associated with natural grasslands and show extreme sensitivity to the presence of nitrogen-containing fertilizers in their substrate. This makes them indicative species of grasslands of high conservation value. While casual observations of Hygrophoraceae of Ukraine were incorporated in studies of agaricoid fungi as a whole, this family has never been in the focus of special research. Previously accumulated data on the diversity of Hygrophoraceae in Ukraine must be aggregated and revised. We have summarized all available data on the occurrences of Hygrophoraceae in Ukraine, including published papers, open databases, citizen science observations, and the previously unpublished original collection materials. Also, we provide an original description of the rare European species Haasiella venustissima (Fr.) Kotl. & Pouzar ex Chiaffi & Surault, which is reported for the first time from the territory of Ukraine. The resulting checklist of Hygrophoraceae of Ukraine includes 66 species. Leading genera are Hygrophorus (22 species), Hygrocybe (17) and Arrhenia (10); 5 species among them (Hygrocybe punicea, Hyrgocybe splendidissima, Neohygrocybe nitrata, Neohygrocybe ovina, Porpolomopsis calyptriformis) are threatened and according to “IUCN Red List” considered “Vulnerable”. The finds of 22 species in Ukraine were reported as doubtful. Carpathian Forests and LeftBank Forest-Steppe are the phytogeographic regions with the highest known diversity of Hygrophoraceae; however, this may be explained by the sampling bias. In spite of the long history of investigations and rather big amount of data, the checklist may be significantly updated by further surveys of grassland habitats, wider using of molecular identification methods, and by implementation of the best practices in biodiversity data management, e.g. photographing of fresh fruit bodies, digitization and databasing of observations

    Generаl pаthomorphology

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    The manual presents the content and basic questions of the topic, practical skills in sufficient volume for each class to be mastered by students, algorithms for describing macro- and micropreparations, situational tasks. The formulation of tests, their number and variable level of difficulty, sufficient volume for each topic allows to recommend them as preparation for students to take the licensed integrated exam "STEP-1"

    Current status of polio vaccination in children

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    The Polio Eradication Initiative for 2019-2023 contains non-epidemic, poliovirus-infected high-risk countries, including Ukraine, India, Ethiopia, Uganda and other African countries. The most important tasks facing Ukraine are to help strengthen the health and immunization system against polio, stop the spread of all wild polioviruses, all outbreaks of circulating polioviruses of the vaccine origin and eliminate the risk of their occurrence in the future

    Morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of human trigeminal ganglion neurons in the prenatal period of development

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    Introduction: Data related to the amount, size and morphological characteristics of cell elements of sensory ganglia at different stages of prenatal development has not been fully elucidated in recent scientific publications. At the same time publications considering the study of cell structure of trigeminal ganglion in the postnatal period confirm heterogeneity of its neurons. The aim of the research was to study morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics of human trigeminal ganglion neurons at 12-14 weeks of prenatal development. Material and Methods: The study was made on 24 trigeminal ganglions of 12 human fetuses at 12 to 14 weeks of prenatal development after abortion made on social and medical indications. Results: At the studied period of the intrauterine development nerve cells of the trigeminal ganglion significantly differed in size, tinctorial properties and degree of argentophility of the perikaryon. At the same time, the number of small nerve cells with an average diameter of less than 15 pm prevailed. Immunohistochemical study allowed detecting the apparent Bd-2 expression in the overwhelming number of small neurons; the expression of this marker has been observed in 50% of cells of the medium-sized neurons. No Bd-2 expression has been found in most of the large neurons. Almost all the neurons, regardless of the size, showed moderate Ki-67 expression, protein S-100. VEGF expression has also occurred in the vast majority of the nerve cells of all size groups. Conclusions: 1. Human trigeminal ganglion neurons both at 12-14 weeks of prenatal development and in postnatal period are represented by heterogeneous population. 2. Polymorphism of trigeminal ganglion neurons has been found by all applied techniques. 3. Detected polymorphism is the evidence of processes of maturation and differentiation of neurons in human trigeminal ganglion at 12-14 weeks of prenatal developmen

    Функціональна морфологія сенсорних систем людини

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    В роботі висвітлено структуру органів чуттів з точки зору їх функції, наведено сучасні уявлення, щодо механізмів впливу зовнішнього середовища на організм людини, та шляхи реакції організму на ці впливи. Велика увага приділена клінічним проявам порушення функціонування органів чуття, вдало описані основні етапи їх розвитку, та систематизовані аномалії і вади розвитку. Посібник призначено для студентів, викладачів кафедри анатомії людини, аспірантів. Бібліографія: 40 джерел. Малюнків та схем: 35

    The development of the inter-disciplinary ties in the formation of clinical thinking based on the academic competences at the department of pathological anatomy with autopsy course

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    Підготовка конкурентоспроможного лікаря є досить складним і комплексним процесом, що складається з теоретичної, практичної, психологічної та ідеологічної складових. Одним з основних завдань, визначених у всіх навчальних програмах медичного вузу є формування у здобувачів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти академічних, соціально особистісних і професійних компетенцій. Вивчення будови людини з позицій потреб клінічних дисциплін – це не тільки основа професійної компетенції, але і форма розвитку логічного (клінічного) мислення, при відсутності якого не може сформуватися справжній професіонал в будь-якій з медичних спеціальностей. Важливу роль в реалізації цього напрямку відіграє використання в процесі викладання дисципліни «Патоморфологія» ситуаційних завдань, як форми адаптації студентів молодших курсів до запитів клінічних ка¬федр. Процес навчання на морфологічних кафедрах не може полягати тільки в накопиченні знань про людину. Цілісність структури заняття, єдність цілей і організаційних принципів, а також розумне поєднання педагогічного управління зі стимуляцією власної активності, ініціативи і самостійності студентів є запорукою результативності та успішності процесу навчання. Важливу роль при цьому ми відводимо мотиваційній складовій, бо мотивація – це ключ до усвідомленого оволодіння мистецтвом лікування. Формування клінічного мислення, засноване на академічних компетенціях з включенням внутрішньо- і міжпредметних зв’язків, має стати системою навчання в медичному вузі і здійснюватися з першого дня оволодіння професією лікаря і, перш за все, на морфологічних кафедрах медичного вузу. Саме цілеспрямоване і планомірне встановлення і розвиток міжпредметних зв’язків між морфологічними і клінічними дисциплінами сприяє реалізації головної мети навчання у ВНЗ – якісній підготовці фахівця. Дотримання наступності та послідовності у викла¬данні є дуже важливим, оскільки дозволяє забезпечити не тільки закріплення студентами вже засвоєних знань і засвоєння нових, але і подаль¬ший їх розвиток як професіоналів.Training of a competitive physician is a rather complicated and complex process, involving theoretical, practical, psychological and ideological components. One of the major tasks defined in all academic curricula of a medical higher education institution is the formation of academic, socially individual and professional competences in the students at the Master’s (second cycle) higher education level. The study of the human body from the point of view of the needs of clinical disciplines is not only the basis of the professional competence, but also a form of development of logical (clinical) thinking, in the absence of which a true medical professional cannot be formed. The use of situational tasks in learning the discipline of Pathomorphology is crucial in the implementation of the above mission, being the form of adaptation of junior students to the requirements of clinical departments. Accumulation of knowledge about a human being is not a single task in the process of learning at morphological departments. The integrity of the lesson structure, the unity of goals and organizational principles, as well as a reasonable combination of pedagogical management with the stimulation of students’ own activity, initiative and independence are the key to the effectiveness and success of the learning process. Obviously, the motivational component is essential in the learning activity since motivation is the key to conscious mastering the art of healing. Formation of clinical thinking, based on academic competencies with the involvement of intra- and inter-disciplinary ties, should become a system of education at the medical higher education institution and, above all, at the morphological departments of the medical university, as well as be carried out from the first day of mastering the profession of a doctor. It is the purposeful and systematic establishment and development of inter-disciplinary ties between morphological and clinical disciplines that contributes to implementation of the main goal of study at a HEI, namely, qualitative training of a future medical professional. Adherence to continuity and consistency in teaching is very important as it provides not only the consolidation of the students’ acquired knowledge and the acquisition of new ones, but also their further development as the experts

    Global patterns in endemicity and vulnerability of soil fungi

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    Fungi are highly diverse organisms, which provide multiple ecosystem services. However, compared with charismatic animals and plants, the distribution patterns and conservation needs of fungi have been little explored. Here, we examined endemicity patterns, global change vulnerability and conservation priority areas for functional groups of soil fungi based on six global surveys using a high-resolution, long-read metabarcoding approach. We found that the endemicity of all fungi and most functional groups peaks in tropical habitats, including Amazonia, Yucatan, West-Central Africa, Sri Lanka, and New Caledonia, with a negligible island effect compared with plants and animals. We also found that fungi are predominantly vulnerable to drought, heat and land-cover change, particularly in dry tropical regions with high human population density. Fungal conservation areas of highest priority include herbaceous wetlands, tropical forests, and woodlands. We stress that more attention should be focused on the conservation of fungi, especially root symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi in tropical regions as well as unicellular early-diverging groups and macrofungi in general. Given the low overlap between the endemicity of fungi and macroorganisms, but high conservation needs in both groups, detailed analyses on distribution and conservation requirements are warranted for other microorganisms and soil organisms

    Общая анатомия органов полости рта

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    Лекція присвячена будові органів ротової порожнини людини. Приділена увага будові слизової оболонки в різних частинах ротової порожнини, особливостям будови великих і малих слинних залоз, а також їх функції. Описана внутрішня будова язика, функції м’язів, що його утворюють, а також зовнішня будова язика. Також значна частина лекції присвячена зубам: будові твердих тканин, з яких складаються зуби, будові і відмінностям різних груп зубів. Представлені ознаки приналежності зуба правій чи лівій стороні. Лекція корисна як студентам-стоматологам, так і практикуючим лікарям; The lecture is devoted to the structure of the human oral cavity. Attention is paid to the structure of the mucosa in different parts of the oral cavity, the structural features of the major and minor salivary glands and their function. We describe the internal structure of the tongue, muscle of the tongue, their function, and external structure of the tongue. Also, much of the lecture is devoted to the teeth: the structure of hard tissues that form the teeth structure and differences of various groups of teeth. Represent the identity of the tooth right or left side. The lecture is useful for students, dentists and practitioners; Лекция посвящена строению органов ротовой полости человека. Уделено внимание строению слизистой оболочки в различных частях ротовой полости, особенностям строения больших и малых слюнных желез, а также их функции. Описанно внутреннее строение языка, функции мышц, его образующих, а также внешнее строение языка. Также значительная часть лекции посвящена зубам: строению твердых тканей, из которых состоят зубы, строению и различиям разных групп зубов. Представлены признаки принадлежности зуба правой или левой стороне. Лекция полезна как студентам-стоматологам, так и практикующим врачам


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    The paper presents the research data on the structural features of the human spinal ganglia capsule at 20-23 weeks of intrauterine development based on the investigated macro preparations, traditional histological preparations as well as semi-thin sections. The aim of research included the study of the structural organization of the human spinal ganglia capsule at the late stages of the intrauterine developmental period. The object of the study was spinal nodes (L2-L4) of 12 abortive fetuses obtained after the pregnancy termination at 20-23 weeks for medical and social indications. The sampling of the material was carried out according to the general methods accepted in the morphological studies. After the anatomical preparation, the spinal ganglia were fixed in 10% solution of neutral formalin, dehydrated in alcohol series and embedded in paraffin by the classical method. The serial sections 5-7 ?m thick were obtained from the paraffin-embedded blocks, which were stained with hematoxylin and eosin by Van Gieson method. After fixation in 4% solution of glutaraldehyde, the semi-thin sections were obtained applying the classical method and stained with toluidine blue. It was determined that the spinal dura mater passed directly to the spinal ganglion through the posterior root and then to the trunk of the corresponding spinal nerve. Thus, the spinal dura mater passing from the posterior root to the spinal ganglion directly participated in the formation of its capsule. Two layers with the marked morphological differences were determined in the spinal ganglion capsule. The thicker, outer layer that is the continuation of the spinal dura mater was represented by the connective tissue with a small number of collagen fibers and moderate amount of cellular elements. The cellular elements population was represented mainly by mature fibroblasts. The outer layer of the spinal ganglion capsule was also characterized by the presence of relatively large blood microvessels, mostly of the venous type, often with the marked hyperemic manifestations. The inner layer of the spinal ganglion capsule, compared to the outer one, at the studied stage of fetogenesis was characterized by the significantly dense localization of the fibrillar structures. Moreover, the greater number of the cellular elements was observed in the inner layer. The presence of the large number of blood vessels, which in comparison with the outer layer blood vessels, have the significantly smaller diameter, but greater density of localization, was the distinctive feature of the inner layer of the spinal ganglion capsule. The total thickness of the spinal ganglion capsule at the studied stage ranged from 32-42 ?m and averaged 35.8 4.2 ?m. Conclusions 1. The human spinal ganglion capsule at 20-23 weeks of the intrauterine development is completely formed and does not differ significantly from that in the postnatal period. 2. The spinal ganglion capsule at the studied stage of fetogenesis has two layers: the outer layer formed by the spinal dura mater which passes into the epineurium of the corresponding spinal nerve trunk and the inner one which continues into the perineurium of the corresponding spinal nerve. 3. The connective tissue capsule does not clearly separate the spinal ganglion interstitium from the endonevral space of the corresponding spinal nerve trunk and the anterior root of the spinal cord

    Structure of blood microcirculatory channels of a tooth sack of germs of dairy cutters at early stages of pre-natal development

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    У роботі вивчалась будова кровоносного мікроциркуляторного русла зубних мішечків зачатків молочних різців людини на 10-12 тижнях внутрішньоутробного розвитку. Встановлено, що на 10-12 тижнях внутрішньоутробного розвитку людини в зубних мішечках зачатків молочних різців має місце двошарове розташування кровоносних мікроциркуляторних судин. Кровоносні мікросудини поверхневого шару забезпечують, в основному, доставку і відтік крові від зубного зачатка. Мікросудини глибокого шару беруть участь в забезпеченні трофічних процесів емалевого органу зубного зачатка; В работе изучалось строение кровеносного микроциркуляторного русла зубных мешочков зачатков молочных резцов человека на 10-12 неделях внутриутробного развития. Установлено, что на 10-12 неделях внутриутробного разви­тия человека в зубны х мешочках зачатков молочных резцов имеет место двухслойное расположение кровеносных микроциркуляторных сосудов. Кровеносные микрососуды поверхностного слоя обеспечивают, в основном, доставку и отток крови от зубного зачатка. Микрососуды глубокого шара принимают участие в обеспечении трофических процессов эмалевого органа зубного зачатка; In the work the structure o f blood microcirculatory channels o f a tooth sack of germs of dairy cutters at early stages of pre-natal developmen was studied. It is established, that on 10-12 weeks of pre-natal development of the human in tooth sacks of germs of dairy cutters the two-layer locating of blood microcirculatory vessels takes place. Vessels of superficial layer are provide supply and outflow of the blood from tooth germ