10 research outputs found

    Biological specifics of exogenous development of Oxyuris equi nematodes (Nematoda, Oxyuridae)

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    Helminths of the species Oxyuris equi Schrank, 1788 are pathogens of domestic and wild odd-toed ungulates. They parasitize in the large intestine of horses, causing colitis and dermatitis at the tail root area. The wide distribution and overall persistence of this species is significally promoted by the specifics of its development and reproduction. Here we studied the specifics of the exogenous development of O. equi nematodes parasitizing Equidae in respect to the factor of temperature and the morphometric changes in oxyuris eggs at different stages of embryogenesis. In laboratory culture of O. equi eggs obtained from female gonads, the embryogenesis occurs in four stages: morula, formation of bean-like embryo, formation of non-invasive larva and formation of infectious larva. The stages of development differ by the morphological parameters. It is established that the development of O. equi eggs is directly related to temperature. The optimal temperature for embryogenesis is 25 °С, at which the highest survival rate of infectious eggs, 81.3%, was observed. At 20 °С and 15 °С the survival of eggs decreased during culturing and the ratios of infectious eggs were 75.7% and 67.3%, respectively. Accordingly, 24.3% and 32.7% of eggs died during development. The temperature also affects the duration of development of O. equi eggs. At 25 °С, the development of Oxyuris eggs was the fastest and occurred in two days. With temperature falling to 20 and 15 °С, the duration of egg development slowed to three and five days, respectively. The process of embryogenesis in Oxyuris is associated with changes in metrical parameters. The length, width and area of egg surface increased. Length and width of egg plug, and shell width of mature Oxyuris eggs decreased. The obtained data on the duration and specifics of exogenous development of parasitic O. equi nematodes will allow effective control measures for horse oxyurosis to be developed

    Automation of psychological selection procedures for personnel to specifc activities

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    Automation of psychological selection procedures for personnel to specifc activities / Ihor Prykhodko, Stanislav Horielyshev, Yanina Matsehora1, Vasiliy Lefterov, Stanislav Larionov, Olena Kravchenko, Maksim Baida1, Olena Halkina, Olena Servachak // Pertanika Journal of Science and Technology. – 2022. – № 30 (1). – Р. 761-776. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjst.30.1.41У статті представлена універсальна методика визначення професійної пригодності (ПП) кандидата і алгоритм формування психологічного профілю на конкретну професію на основі визначення психологічного потенціалу особистості. Розроблений метод, заснований на використаних автоматизованих системах підтримки. На основі отриманого значення інтегрального показника приймається рішення про групу ПП даного кандидата. Цей метод адаптується до вимог професій до кандидатів з урахуванням змін умов діяльності шляхом коригування типового психологічного профілю особистості. Розроблений метод визначення ПП кандидата доведено до практичної реалізації у вигляді Автоматизованого психодіагностичного комплексу (АПДК) «Психодіагностика». АПДК апробовано на прикладі психологічних процедур отбору особистого складу для проховання військових служб у підрозділах з правоохоронними функціями. АПДК дозволяє скоротити час і трудозатрати на вивчення психодіагностичних досліджень, підвищує достовірність тестів за більш високих ступенів стандартизації процедур тестування, підвищує точність оцінки психологічних характеристик, знижує ймовірність помилок при обробці тестів. полученные результати. АПДК може використовуватися для рекрутингу в різних галузях економіки, освіти та військової сфери.The article presents a universal method for determining the professional suitability (PS) of a candidate and an algorithm for forming a psychological profle for a specifc profession based on determining the psychological potential of personality. The developed method is based on the use of automated support systems. Based on the obtained value of the integral indicator, a decision is made on the PS group of this candidate. This method adapts to the requirements of the profession to candidates, taking into account changes in the conditions of activity by adjusting the typical psychological profle of the personality. The developed method for determining a candidate’s PS has been brought to practical implementation in the form of an Automated Psychodiagnostic Complex (APDC) “Psychodiagnostics.” APDC has been tested on the example of the psychological selection procedures of personnel for military service in units with law enforcement functions. APDС allows to reduce the time and labor costs for conducting psychodiagnostic studies, increases the reliability of tests due to a higher degree of standardization of the testing procedure, increases the accuracy of assessing psychological characteristics, and reduces the likelihood of errors in the processing of test results. APDС can be used for recruiting in various sectors of the economy, education, and military sphere.В статье представлена универсальная методика определения профессиональной пригодности (ПП) кандидата и алгоритм формирования психологического профиля на конкретную профессию на основе определения психологического потенциала личности. Разработанный метод основан на использовании автоматизированных систем поддержки. На основании полученного значения интегрального показателя принимается решение о группе ПП данного кандидата. Этот метод адаптируется к требованиям профессии к кандидатам с учетом изменения условий деятельности путем корректировки типового психологического профиля личности. Разработанный метод определения ПП кандидата доведен до практической реализации в виде Автоматизированного психодиагностического комплекса (АПДК) «Психодиагностика». АПДК апробировано на примере психологических процедур отбора личного состава для прохождения воинской службы в подразделениях с правоохранительными функциями. АПДК позволяет сократить время и трудозатраты на проведение психодиагностических исследований, повышает достоверность тестов за счет более высокой степени стандартизации процедуры тестирования, повышает точность оценки психологических характеристик, снижает вероятность ошибок при обработке тестов. полученные результаты. АПДК может использоваться для рекрутинга в различных отраслях экономики, образования и военной сферы


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    In the article some variants of a wheel passing a joint from rail to rail are considered and the forces occurring in this process are estimated. The related mathematical description of the wheel-rail shock interaction is proposed.Рассматриваются некоторые варианты перехода колеса в стыке с рельса на рельс и оцениваются возникающие при этом силы взаимодействия. Предлагается соответствующее математическое описание ударного взаимодействия колеса и рельса.Розглядаються деякі варіанти переходу колеса в стику з рейки на рейку та оцінюються сили, які виникають при цьому. Пропонується відповідний математичний опис ударної взаємодії колеса та рейки

    LHCb VELO upgrade technical design report

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    The upgraded LHCb VELO silicon vertex detector is a lightweight hybrid pixel detector capable of 40 MHz readout at a luminosity of 2 x 10^33 cm^-2 s^-1. The track reconstruction speed and precision is enhanced relative to the current VELO detector even at the high occupancy conditions of the upgrade, due to the pixel geometry and a closest distance of approach to the LHC beams of just 5.1 mm for the first sensitive pixel. Cooling is provided by evaporative CO2 circulating in microchannel cooling substrates. The detector contains 41 million 55 um x 55 um pixels, read out by the custom developed VeloPix front end ASIC. The detector will start operation together with the rest of the upgraded LHCb experiment after the LHC LS2 shutdown, currently scheduled to end in 2019. This Technical Design Report describes the upgraded VELO system, planned construction and installation, and gives an overview of the expected detector performance

    LHCb particle identification upgrade technical design report

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    The LHCb upgrade will take place in the second long shutdown of the LHC, currently scheduled to begin in 2018. The upgrade will enable the experiment to run at luminosities of 2 x 10^33cm^-2s^-1 and will read out data at a rate of 40MHz into a flexible software-based trigger. All sub-detectors of LHCb will be re-designed to comply with these new operating conditions. This Technical Design Report presents the upgrade plans of the Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) system, the calorimeter system and the muon system, which together provide the particle identification capabilities of the experiment

    LHCb tracker upgrade technical design report

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    The upgrade of the LHCb detector will extend the physics reach of the experiment by allowing it to run at higher luminosity, Linst = 2 x 1033 cm\uf02d2 s\uf02d1, with increased trigger e_ciency for a wide range of decay channels. This is facilitated by the implementation of new front-end electronics, designed such that complete events can be read out and sent to the LHCb data acquisition farm for selection by a full software trigger, every 25 ns. The upgraded LHCb detector is conceived to take physics data for an integrated luminosity of at least 50 fb bc0 c001. This Technical Design Report describes in detail the upgrade of the two tracking subsystems, located just before and just after the LHCb dipole magnet. The tracking detector before the magnet (the Upstream Tracker) will be composed of new, high-granularity silicon micro-strip planes with an improved coverage of the LHCb acceptance. Behind the magnet, a Scintillating Fibre Tracker will be built, which is composed of 2.5m long _bres read out by silicon photomultipliers at the edge of the acceptance. The performance of the two tracking detectors and of the LHCb tracking software are presented, as well as the cost, schedule and task sharing