363 research outputs found

    Biodiesel: Freedom from Dependence on Fossil Fuels?

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    In view of the depleting oil reserves and exponential rise in petroleum prices, the search for alternative sources of fuel is very timely and important. The present paper addresses the underlying issues in biodiesel production from biomaterials and sustainable production and supply of first-generation biofuels, especially the one from jatropha. The agencies and research institutions involved in the production of biofuels and the national and international efforts made in this regard are discussed here. There is also a dire need of a step towards large-scale production and supply of second-generation biofuels, although in infant stage, to strengthen the world economy in general and Indian economy in particular. However, the production of biofuels are likely to have serious socio-economic implications especially to the lesser developed societies. This needs serious attention from policy makers and public at large

    Use of whole genome deep sequencing to define emerging minority variants in virus envelope genes in herpesvirus treated with novel antimicrobial K21.

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    New antivirals are required to prevent rising antimicrobial resistance from replication inhibitors. The aim of this study was to analyse the range of emerging mutations in herpesvirus by whole genome deep sequencing. We tested human herpesvirus 6 treatment with novel antiviral K21, where evidence indicated distinct effects on virus envelope proteins. We treated BACmid cloned virus in order to analyse mechanisms and candidate targets for resistance. Illumina based next generation sequencing technology enabled analyses of mutations in 85 genes to depths of 10,000 per base detecting low prevalent minority variants (<1%). After four passages in tissue culture the untreated virus accumulated mutations in infected cells giving an emerging mixed population (45-73%) of non-synonymous SNPs in six genes including two envelope glycoproteins. Strikingly, treatment with K21 did not accumulate the passage mutations; instead a high frequency mutation was selected in envelope protein gQ2, part of the gH/gL complex essential for herpesvirus infection. This introduced a stop codon encoding a truncation mutation previously observed in increased virion production. There was reduced detection of the glycoprotein complex in infected cells. This supports a novel pathway for K21 targeting virion envelopes distinct from replication inhibition

    Application of Onset Theory to Onset of Transverse Cracking in Fabric Composites

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    A paper presented at ICCM-19 included a methodology for application of Onset Theory to the prediction of microcracking in the transverse plies of orthogonal [0/90] fabric laminates. This paper applies the methodology to predict damage locations and laminate strains for failure of plain weave fabric specimens manufactured from two material systems – HTS40/RTM6 and T300/CYCOM970. The laminate strains are first dehomogenised to define local strains in the tow architecture of the fabric. This is achieved using meso-mechanical unit cell analysis in which the resin and tows are modelled as continua. For a selection of predefined critical locations in the tow bundles, the strains are further dehomogenised using an identical procedure as the one defined for the uni-directional specimens in the previous applications. The influence of matrix plasticity and temperature dependent mechanical and thermal properties of the RTM6 resin are applied in the dehomogenisation procedure. The Onset theory predictions for damage locations were compared to those obtained from microscopic surveys of partially failed plain weave fabric specimens

    Digital technologies, legal design and the future of the legal profession

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    Legal Technology – or “Legal Tech” – is disrupting the traditional operations and self-understanding of the legal profession. This chapter introduces the central claim of this book, namely that these developments are having and will continue to have a disruptive effect on the work of lawyers and that adapting to this new operating environment is crucial for legal professionals remaining relevant in an increasingly technology-driven world. This introductory chapter outlines some of the main features of this on-going transformation process, introduces some of the pressures it is creating for lawyers, and provides short summaries of the chapters that comprise this collection.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Time-resolved single-cell RNA-seq using metabolic RNA labelling

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    Single-cell RNA sequencing offers snapshots of whole transcriptomes but obscures the temporal RNA dynamics. Here we present single-cell metabolically labeled new RNA tagging sequencing (scNT-seq), a method for massively parallel analysis of newly transcribed and pre-existing mRNAs from the same cell. This droplet microfluidics-based method enables high-throughput chemical conversion on barcoded beads, efficiently marking newly transcribed mRNAs with T-to-C substitutions. Using scNT-seq, we jointly profiled new and old transcriptomes in ~55,000 single cells. These data revealed time-resolved transcription factor activities and cell-state trajectories at the single-cell level in response to neuronal activation. We further determined rates of RNA biogenesis and decay to uncover RNA regulatory strategies during stepwise conversion between pluripotent and rare totipotent two-cell embryo (2C)-like stem cell states. Finally, integrating scNT-seq with genetic perturbation identifies DNA methylcytosine dioxygenase as an epigenetic barrier into the 2C-like cell state. Time-resolved single-cell transcriptomic analysis thus opens new lines of inquiry regarding cell-type-specific RNA regulatory mechanisms

    Jackfruit waste and peels: Potential as livestock feed

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    Feed and fodder problems could be well-addressed regionally using the vegetable wastes. The vegetable wastes are highly perishable and are very prone to spoilage due to high moisture content. These wastes are dumped in open areas contributing to unhealthy/unhygienic surroundings. One of the unexplored vegetable by-products is Jackfruit waste on which least research has been conducted for its possibility to be included in livestock feed. Jackfruit consumption and processing leads to the generation of enormous amounts of non-edible wastes of peel, central axis, and edible by-products like seed and perianth. Jackfruit peel is a rich source of bioactive antioxidants like vitamin C and beta-carotene, which protect the body against free radicals and strengthen the immune system. It is also rich in various phytonutrients such as alkaloids, lignans, isoflavones, and saponins. Thermal drying, grinding and fermentation with fungi and bacteria have been found effective for the inclusion of Jackfruit waste/ peel in livestock meal

    Application of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing for abiotic stress management in crop plants

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    Abiotic stresses, including drought, salinity, cold, heat, and heavy metals, extensively reducing global agricultural production. Traditional breeding approaches and transgenic technology have been widely used to mitigate the risks of these environmental stresses. The discovery of engineered nucleases as genetic scissors to carry out precise manipulation in crop stress-responsive genes and associated molecular network has paved the way for sustainable management of abiotic stress conditions. In this context, the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat-Cas (CRISPR/Cas)-based gene-editing tool has revolutionized due to its simplicity, accessibility, adaptability, flexibility, and wide applicability. This system has great potential to build up crop varieties with enhanced tolerance against abiotic stresses. In this review, we summarize the latest findings on understanding the mechanism of abiotic stress response in plants and the application of CRISPR/Cas-mediated gene-editing system towards enhanced tolerance to a multitude of stresses including drought, salinity, cold, heat, and heavy metals. We provide mechanistic insights on the CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing technology. We also discuss applications of evolving genome editing techniques such as prime editing and base editing, mutant library production, transgene free and multiplexing to rapidly deliver modern crop cultivars adapted to abiotic stress conditions