490 research outputs found

    Antibacterial Activity of Some Indian Medicinal Plants

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    The preliminary phytochemical study and in vitro antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extracts of three plants having ethnomedicinal uses collected from tribal belt of Orissa, India, viz. Litsea glutinosa L.: Lauraceae (LG), Vitex peduncularis W.: Verbenaceae (VP), Elephantopus scaber L.: Asteraceae (ES) were investigated. The preliminary phytochemical analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of carbohydrate, tannin, alkaloid in LG, tannin, flavonoid, saponin, alkaloid in VP and flavonoid, saponin, steroid, alkaloid, glycoside in ES. The extracts were subjected for screening of in vitro antibacterial activity against selected major urinary tract infection (UTI) causing pathogens viz. Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli at the concentrations of 500 and 250 µg/ml by disc diffusion assay method. The results of antibacterial activity revealed that all the extract showed good inhibitory activity against all the tested pathogens and the ES extract showed comparative by better activity than the other extracts. The activity of the extract were compared with standard antibiotics

    Long-term evolution of FU Orionis objects at infrared wavelengths

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    We investigate the brightness evolution of 7 FU Orionis systems in the 1-100 micrometer wavelength range using data from the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). The ISO measurements were supplemented with 2MASS and MSX observations performed in the same years as the ISO mission (1995-98). The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) based on these data points were compared with earlier ones derived from the IRAS photometry as well as from ground-based observations carried out around the epoch 1983. In 3 cases (Z CMa, Parsamian 21, V1331 Cyg) no difference between the two epochs was seen within the measurement uncertainties. V1057 Cyg, V1515 Cyg and V1735 Cyg have become fainter at near-infrared wavelengths while V346 Nor has become slightly brighter. V1057 Cyg exhibits a similar flux change also in the mid-infrared. At lambda >= 60 micrometer most of the sources remained constant; only V346 Nor seems to fade. Our data on the long-term evolution of V1057 Cyg agree with the model predictions of Kenyon & Hartmann (1991) and Turner et al. (1997) at near- and mid-infrared wavelengths, but disagree at lambda > 25 micrometer. We discuss if this observational result at far-infrared wavelengths could be understood in the framework of the existing models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Ethnobotanical Exploration of Malkangiri District of Orissa, India

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    The association of man with the neighborhood flora starts with human civilization. Besides food, feed clothes and shelter, plants are important source of drugs. These plants or its parts therefore used either directly or after processing by the native people against various diseases, disorders and ailments. A survey was conducted on the tribal district of Malkangiri of Orissa to identify and record various ethno medicinally important plants and their medicinal uses. In the present investigation there are 134 species of plants belong to 69 families and 128 genera are recorded and used in various ailments by different tribes of Malkangiri district of Orissa

    Ethno-Medico Botanical Study of Sundargarh District, Orissa, India

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    Quiescent H2 Emission From Pre-Main Sequence Stars in Chamaeleon I

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    We report the discovery of quiescent emission from molecular hydrogen gas located in the circumstellar disks of six pre-main sequence stars, including two weak-line T Tauri stars (TTS), and one Herbig AeBe star, in the Chamaeleon I star forming region. For two of these stars, we also place upper limits on the 2->1 S(1)/1->0 S(1) line ratios of 0.4 and 0.5. Of the 11 pre-main sequence sources now known to be sources of quiescent near-infrared hydrogen emission, four possess transitional disks, which suggests that detectable levels of H2_2 emission and the presence of inner disk holes are correlated. These H2_2 detections demonstrate that these inner holes are not completely devoid of gas, in agreement with the presence of observable accretion signatures for all four of these stars and the recent detections of [Ne II] emission from three of them. The overlap in [Ne II] and H2_2 detections hints at a possible correlation between these two features and suggests a shared excitation mechanism of high energy photons. Our models, combined with the kinematic information from the H2_2 lines, locate the bulk of the emitting gas at a few tens of AU from the stars. We also find a correlation between H2_2 detections and those targets which possess the largest Hα\alpha equivalent widths, suggesting a link between accretion activity and quiescent H2_2 emission. We conclude that quiescent H2_2 emission from relatively hot gas within the disks of TTS is most likely related to on-going accretion activity, the production of UV photons and/or X-rays, and the evolutionary status of the dust grain populations in the inner disks.Comment: 12 pages, emulateapj, Accepted by Ap

    No Fossil Disk in the T Tauri Multiple System V773 Tau

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    We present new multi-epoch near-infrared and optical high-angular images of the V773 Tau pre-main sequence triple system, a weak-line T Tauri (WTTS) system in which the presence of an evolved, ``fossil'' protoplanetary disk has been inferred on the basis of a significant infrared excess. Our images reveal a fourth object bound to the system, V773 Tau D. While it is much fainter than all other components at 2 micron, it is the brightest source in the system at 4.7 micron. We also present medium-resolution K band adaptive optics spectroscopy of this object, which is featureless with the exception of a weak Br gamma emission line. Based on this spectrum and on the spectral energy distribution of the system, we show that V773 Tau D is another member of the small class of ``infrared companions'' (IRCs) to T Tauri stars. It is the least luminous, and probably the least massive, component of the system, as opposed to most other IRCs, which suggests that numerous low-luminosity IRCs such as V773 Tau D may still remain to be discovered. Furthermore, it is the source of the strong IR excess in the system. We therefore reject the interpretation of this excess as the signature of a fossil (or ``passive'') disk and further suggest that these systems may be much less frequent than previously thought. We further show that V773 Tau C is a variable classical T Tauri star (CTTS) and that its motion provides a well constrained orbital model. We show that V773 Tau D can be dynamically stable within this quadruple system if its orbit is highly inclined. Finally, V773 Tau is the first multiple system to display such a variety of evolutionary states (WTTS, CTTS, IRC), which may be the consequence of the strong star-star interactions in this compact quadruple system.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, 29 pages, 2 tables, 5 figure

    A reconsideration of disk properties in Herbig Ae stars

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    This paper presents state-of-the-art spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of four Herbig Ae stars, based in part on new data in the mid and far-infrared and at millimeter wavelengths. The SEDs are discussed in the context of circumstellar disk models. We show that models of irradiated disks provide a good fit to the observations over the whole range of wavelengths. We offer a possible solution to the long-standing puzzle caused by the excess emission of Herbig Ae stars, where a large fraction of the stellar luminosity is re-radiated between ~1.25 and 7 μm, with a peak at about 3 μm. We suggest that this general behaviour can be caused by dust evaporation in disks where the gas component is optically thin to the stellar radiation, as expected if the accretion rate is very low. The creation of a puffed-up inner wall of optically thick dust at the dust sublimation radius can account for the near-infrared characteristics of the SEDs. It can also naturally explain the H and K band interferometric observations of AB Aur (Millan-Gabet et al. [CITE]), which reveal a ring of emission of radius ~0.3 AU. Finally, irradiated disk models can easily explain the observed intensity of the 10 μm silicate features and their variation from star to star

    Gaia DR2 view of the Lupus V-VI clouds: the candidate diskless young stellar objects are mainly background contaminants

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    Extensive surveys of star-forming regions with Spitzer have revealed populations of disk-bearing young stellar objects. These have provided crucial constraints, such as the timescale of dispersal of protoplanetary disks, obtained by carefully combining infrared data with spectroscopic or X-ray data. While observations in various regions agree with the general trend of decreasing disk fraction with age, the Lupus V and VI regions appeared to have been at odds, having an extremely low disk fraction. Here we show, using the recent Gaia data release 2 (DR2), that these extremely low disk fractions are actually due to a very high contamination by background giants. Out of the 83 candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) in these clouds observed by Gaia, only five have distances of 150 pc, similar to YSOs in the other Lupus clouds, and have similar proper motions to other members in this star-forming complex. Of these five targets, four have optically thick (Class II) disks. On the one hand, this result resolves the conundrum of the puzzling low disk fraction in these clouds, while, on the other hand, it further clarifies the need to confirm the Spitzer selected diskless population with other tracers, especially in regions at low galactic latitude like Lupus V and VI. The use of Gaia astrometry is now an independent and reliable way to further assess the membership of candidate YSOs in these, and potentially other, star-forming regions.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy&Astrophysics Letter