45 research outputs found

    Carbon nanomaterial functionalization with pesticide-detoxifying carboxylesterase

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    Four carbon materials, spent coffee-ground biochar, carbon black, short CNTs, and nitrogen-doped few-layer graphene (N-graphene) were tested for their functionalization with a commercial carboxylesterase. Their robustness to variations in time and key physicochemical parameters (temperature and pH) was analysed. In general, carbon nanomaterials showed better performance than biochar, both in terms of binding capacity and resilience in harsh conditions, at statistically significant levels. Among the tested materials, functionalized N-graphene also showed the highest level of inhibition of carboxylesterase by pesticide exposure. Therefore, N-graphene was selected for biotechnological application of pesticide scavenging toxicity in T. thermophila, a ciliate bioindicator of water quality. While immobilization of the enzyme was not effective in the case of carbaryl, a methyl carbamate, in the case of the organophosphorus dichlorvos, a 1- or 30-min contact time with a water solution containing 5 times the LC100-0.5 mM - allowed 50% and 100% rescue of ciliate survival, respectively. These results suggest that functionalization with carboxylesterase may be of additional benefit compared to bare carbon in water clean-up procedures, especially for highly hydrophilic pesticides such as dichlorvos

    Few-layer graphene sheets with embedded gold nanoparticles for electrochemical analysis of adenine

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    Alexandru R Biris,1 Stela Pruneanu,1 Florina Pogacean,1 Mihaela D Lazar,1 Gheorghe Borodi,1 Stefania Ardelean,1 Enkeleda Dervishi,2 Fumiya Watanabe,2 Alexandru S Biris2 1National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; 2Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA Abstract: This work describes the synthesis of few-layer graphene sheets embedded with various amounts of gold nanoparticles (Gr-Au-x) over an Aux/MgO catalytic system (where x = 1, 2, or 3 wt%). The sheet-like morphology of the Gr-Au-x nanostructures was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy and high resolution transmission electron microscopy, which also demonstrated that the number of layers within the sheets varied from two to seven. The sample with the highest percentage of gold nanoparticles embedded within the graphitic layers (Gr-Au-3) showed the highest degree of crystallinity. This distinct feature, along with the large number of edge-planes seen in high resolution transmission electron microscopic images, has a crucial effect on the electrocatalytic properties of this material. The reaction yields (40%–50%) and the final purity (96%–98%) of the Gr-Au-x composites were obtained by thermogravimetric analysis. The Gr-Au-x composites were used to modify platinum substrates and subsequently to detect adenine, one of the DNA bases. For the bare electrode, no oxidation signal was recorded. In contrast, all of the modified electrodes showed a strong electrocatalytic effect, and a clear peak for adenine oxidation was recorded at approximately +1.05 V. The highest increase in the electrochemical signal was obtained using a platinum/Gr-Au-3-modified electrode. In addition, this modified electrode had an exchange current density (I0, obtained from the Tafel plot) one order of magnitude higher than that of the bare platinum electrode, which also confirmed that the transfer of electrons took place more readily at the Gr-Au-3-modified electrode. Keywords: graphene, gold nanoparticles, chemical vapor deposition, oxidation of adenin