161 research outputs found

    Investigarea copertei Ceaslovului scris de Monahul Paladie în 1493

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    Plastified polyvinyl chloride (PVC) films are largely used in the clothing and footwear industries. The composition of the PVC-based blend and the curing stage determine the main characteristics of the final films. Lately, radio frequency fields (RF fields) have gained popularity as heat generators in different processing stages of polymer films, like the PVC ones. The dielectric behaviour of PVC films can be controlled by the recipe formulation of plastisol blends. This paper presents the influence of the chemical nature and concentration of some auxiliaries, added in the plastisol blend, upon dielectric loss, tg in plastified PVC films obtained in high frequency electric field. The chemicals used as additives in the recipe formulation were: polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) polymethylhydrosiloxane (PHDMS), nonylphenol ethoxylate emulsifier NF10 (NE) and collagen hydrolizate (CH). Additives concentration was in the range 4-6 parts. The RF field was provided by a high capacitive generator with 380 V supply voltage, and 13.56 MHz working frequency. Increased concentration of auxiliaries determined the increase of tg irrespective the nature of the chemical auxiliary. The dielectric loss of PVC films, due to the presence of chemical additives, increased in the following order: PDMS< NE< CH< PHDMS. The dielectric loss angle increased in the RF field up to a maximum value that corresponds to a critical frequency. The addition of additives to the plastisol PVC blend, as mono, binary, ternary or quaternary mixture, has a beneficial effect upon the dielectric behaviour of final films, making them suitable for use in the footwear manufacturing


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    Recovery and reuse of wool and hair waste is a challenge with the ultimate goal environment protection. One of the early stages of the recovery process is the operation of scouring-degreasing wool and human hair waste. In recent decades the use of ultrasound technology has established an important place in different industrial processes and has started to revolutionize environmental protection. The power of ultrasound can enhance a wide variety of chemical and physical processes, mainly due to the phenomenon known as cavitation in a liquid medium. The objective of the present work is to develop eco-friendly effective degreasing system for keratin fiber waste with the aid of ultrasound, using distilled water and also trichlorethylene as a medium of propagation-degreasing, and realized a comparative analysis of efficiency of fat extraction by Soxhlet classical method and via ultrasonication. This work investigate the effect that ultrasonic irradiation has on the structure of wool and hair fibers. Thus were highlighted both morphological and structural changes of treated materials using optical microscopy, and FTIR spectroscopy. By using the unconventional method of cleaning and degreasing with an ultrasonic resonator tube are possible reductions in utility and solvents consumption together with changes in the cuticular layer of wool and hair fibers

    Peculiarities of influenza A(H1N1) in cildren

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    Catedra de Boli infecţioase la copii USMF ¨Nicolae Testemiţanu¨ IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal pentru Copii Nr1The authors present a retrospective study on a group of 88 patients with H1N1 influenza during the eruption in November-December, 2009. It examined the evolution pandemic flu clinic in terms of age, clinical forms, complications and conducting age compliance with antiviral therapy in children. Autorii prezintă un studiu retrospectiv pe un lot de 88 bolnavi cu gripă A(H1N1) în perioada din lunile noiembrie – decembrie, anul 2009. S-a analizat evoluţia clinică a gripei pandemice în funcţie de vîrsta, forme clinice, complicaţii şi efectuarea terapiei antivirale în corespundere cu vîrsta copiilor

    The clinical and epidemiological features of the yesinia disease in cildren

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase la copii USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Yersinia is a group of infectious diseases caused by bacteria of the genus yersinia.The disease is characterized by clinical polymorphism, including symptoms of general intoxication, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory problems, hepatitis, arthritis. Thus yesinia in Moldova remains a current problem. Our study focused on examination of 51 observation sheets yersinia sick children, admitted during the years 2004 to 2009 and first quarter I of 2010. Were studied the clinical features,the development, diagnostic and treatment of intestinal yersinia. So, it was found that more frequently got il children aged from 3-8 years 45%, mainly were affected boys. Yersiniozele reprezintă o grupă de boli infecţioase provocate de bacteriile din genul Yersinia.Boala se caracterizează printr-un polimorfism clinic care include simptomele de intoxicaţie generală, tulburări gastro-intestinale, respiratorii, hepatite, artralgii. Astfel în Republica Moldova yersinioza ramîne o problemă actuală. Studiul nostru s-a axat pe examenul a 51 fişe de observaţie a copiilor bolnavi de yersinioză, internaţi în perioada anilor 2004-2009 şi primul trimestru al anului 2010. S-au studiat particularitaţile clinice, evolutive, de diagnostic şi de tratament în yersinioza intestinală. S-a constatat ca s-au îmbolnavit mai frecvent copii în vârstă de la 3-8 ani în 45%, cu afectarea preponderentă a băieţaşilor

    Particularities of Cryptosporidiosis in children under 5 years

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase FECMF,Clinica Boli infecţioase la copii USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Boli infecţioase de copiiThe authors present a retrospective study on a group of 66 patients with Cryptosporidium Parvum. It was examined the evolution of Cryptosporidium in children in terms of age and clinical forms. Autorii prezintă un studiu retrospectiv pe un lot de 66 pacienţi cu Criptosporidioză. S-a analizat evoluţia Criptosporidiozei la copii în funcţie de vîrstă şi formele clinice ale bolii

    Current clinical peculiarities of Herpes Zoster

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    Catedra Boli infecţioase FPM USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”53 patients aged 18-83 years, with herpes zoster were included in the study. Herpes zoster most commonly affects people aged 50-83 (66,2%), ith prevalence being higer in women (67,9%) than in men (32%). In 54,7% of patients the disease had an nonfebrile development. In 45,3% of patients herpes zoster occurred because of some chronic long-lasting diseases. According to the lesion topography the most frequent clinical form was thoracic herpes zoster (32,1%), being followed by ophthalmic herpes zoster (22,6%) and abdominal herpes zoster (22,7%). Facial and genital herpes zoster associated with Ramsay-Hunt Syndrome has been recorded in 7,5% and 3,8% respectively. In 22,6% of cases, herpes zoster resulted in postzosterian neuralgia. În studiu au fost incluşi 53 bolnavi de herpes zoster în vârstă de 18-83 ani. Herpes zoster mai frecvent a afectat persoanele în vârstă de 50-83 ani (66,2%) cu predominarea sexului feminin (67,9%) vizavi de cel masculin (32,1%). La 54,7% din bolnavi boala a evoluat afebril. La 45,3% herpesul zoster a apărut pe fondalul bolilor cronice îndelungate. După topografia leziunilor cutanate cea mai frecdventă formă clinică a fost herpesul zoster toracic (32,1%), urmată de herpesul zoster oftalmic (22,6%), abdominal (22,7%). Herpesul facial şi herpesul geniculat cu sindromul Ramsay-Hunt s-au constatat în 7,5 % şi 3,8 % cazuri corespunzător. În 22,6% din cazuri herpesul zoster a evoluat cu neuralgia postzosteriană

    Этиологическая структура острых кишечных инфекций у детей до 5 лет по данным Городской Детской Инфекционной Клинической Больницы г. Кишинэу

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    Catedra Boli Infecţioase FECMF, USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Boli Contagioase de CopiiSummary. Acute intestinal infections affect mainly young children. Etiological diagnosis was confirmed in 63% (shigellosis – 0,7%, salmonellosis – 6%, rotaviral infection – 41,6%). Conditionally pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae was detected in 70,5% of patients. Rotaviral infection is in the form of mono-infection (58,5%) and in combination with pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic enterobacteria (41,5%).Резюме. Острые кишечные инфекции (ОКИ) поражают преимущественно детей раннего возраста. Этиологический диагноз был подтвержден у 63% больных (шигеллез – 0,7%, сальмонеллез – 6%, ротавирусная инфекция – 41,6%). Условно-патогенная флора была обнаружена у 70,5% больных. Ротавирусная инфекция протекала в виде моноинфекции (58,5%) и в сочетании с патогенной и условно-патогенной микрофлорой (41,5%)

    Manganese(III) Porphyrin-based Potentiometric Sensors for Diclofenac Assay in Pharmaceutical Preparations

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    Two manganese(III) porphyrins: manganese(III) tetraphenylporphyrin chloride and manganese(III)-tetrakis(3-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin chloride were tested as ionophores for the construction of new diclofenac–selective electrodes. The electroactive material was incorporated either in PVC or a sol–gel matrix. The effect of different plasticizers and additives (anionic and cationic) on the potentiometric response was studied. The best results were obtained for the PVC membrane plasticized with dioctylphtalate and having sodium tetraphenylborate as a lipophilic anionic additive incorporated. The sensor response was linear in the concentration range 3 × 10−6 – 1 × 10−2 M with a slope of −59.7 mV/dec diclofenac, a detection limit of 1.5 × 10−6 M and very good selectivity coefficients. It was used for the determination of diclofenac in pharmaceutical preparations, by direct potentiometry. The results were compared with those obtained by the HPLC reference method and a good agreement was found between the two methods