92 research outputs found
Periodontal status in nursing home residents in Split-Dalmatia County
Background and Purpose: Poor oral health in elderly people is accompanied by a high proportion of missing teeth, dental cavities, periodontal disease, xerostomia, and the occurrence of oral pre-malignant lesions and cancers. Available evidence suggests that the prevalence of periodontal diseases increases proportionally with age. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases among nursing home residents in Split-Dalmatia County and to propose a program of public health measures.
Materials and Methods: Oral health status was assessed for 114 individuals aged 54ā96 years. Prior to the examination, the participants filled out the questionnaire regarding age, gender, education, smoking, alcohol consumption, habits and oral hygiene maintenance. Periodontal condition was assessed using the Community Periodontal Index and clinical attachment level.
Results: Statistical analysis of the CPI showed that, for all the sextants,
the most numerous group of subjects was the one with excluded sextants. Following those, the most numerous were the sextants with visible deposits of dental calculus. Statistical analysis of the CAL through the sextants showed that the excluded group was the most frequent finding, followed by the group with CAL of 4ā5 mm.
Conclusions: Older persons often have poor oral health and frequently
suffer from periodontal disease. We should encourage preventive examinations performed while the dentists need to put an effort to prevent the progression of periodontal disease and sustain the older peopleās quality of life, especially in nursing home residents
Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha in Peripical Tissue Exudates of Teeth with Apical Periodontitis
Aim. The aim of this study was to determine tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-Ī±) levels in periapical exudates and to evaluate their relationship with radiological findings.
Methodology. Periapical exudates were collected from root canals of 60 single-rooted teeth using absorbent paper points.
levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The samples were divided into three groups according to the periapical radiolucent area.
Results. Nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test revealed significant differences between
TNF-Ī± concentrations in control group (40, 57Ā±28, 15 pg/mL) and group with larger radiolucent areas (2365, 79Ā±582, 95 pg/mL), as well as between control and canals with small radiolucent areas
(507, 66Ā±278, 97) (P<.05). Conclusions. The levels of
TNF-Ī± increase significantly in teeth with periapical pathosis, from smaller to bigger lesions. This research and its results have shown that objective analysis of the
levels enables establishment of a relationship between different concentrations of
TNF-Ī± and different radiological changes
Mutation of the SCN1A gene ā genetic cause of epilepsy
Voltažno ovisni natrijski kanali sudjeluju u ekscitabilnosti neurona, nužni su za inicijaciju i propagaciju akcijskog potencijala u neuronima. Mutacija SCN1A gena (engl. sodium channel, voltage gated, type I alpha subunit) koji kodira Ī±1 podjedinicu voltažno ovisnih natrijskih
kanala povezana je s nekoliko epilepsijskih sindroma, u rasponu od relativno blagih fenotipa naÄenih u obiteljima s genskom epilepsijom s febrilnim konvulzijama plus (GEFS+) do teÅ”ke mioklone epilepsije ranog djetinjstva poznate kao Dravet sindrom. Dravet sindrom jedan je od najtežih epilepsijskih sindroma karakteriziran rezistentnim epileptiÄkim napadajima i teÅ”kim kognitivnim zaostajanjem u dotad normalnog djeteta. Oko 80 % pacijenata s Dravet sindromom nosi mutaciju SCN1A gena. Ovaj pregledni Älanak prikazuje recentne znanstvene informacije o Dravet sindromu kao primjeru genske epilepsije nastale mutacijom SCN1A gena. Prikazujemo i naÅ”a dva pacijenta s Dravet sindromom kod kojih je postavljena dijagnoza na temelju kliniÄkog tijeka bolesti, odnosno genskog testiranja.Voltage-gated sodium channels are involved in the excitability of neurons, and are critical for the initiation and propagation of action potentials in neurons. Mutation of the gene encoding Ī±1 subunit of voltage-gated sodium channel, SCN1A gene (sodium channel,
voltage gated, type I alpha subunit) is associated with several epileptic syndromes, ranging from relatively mild phenotype found in families with genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) to severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (known as Dravet syndrome). Dravet
syndrome is one of the most severe epileptic syndromes characterized by frequent seizures and severe cognitive impairement in previously normal child. Approximately 80 % of patients with Dravet syndrome carry an SCN1A mutation. This review presents recent scientific information on the syndrome as an example of genetic epilepsy caused by mutation of SCN1A gene. We present two patients with Dravet syndrome in whom the diagnoses were based on clinical features and genetic testing
Fever-induced seizures: where are we today?
Febrilne konvulzije su najÄeÅ”Äi konvulzivni poremeÄaj. ObiÄno predstavljaju samolimitirajuÄi poremeÄaj bez dugoroÄnih posljedica. MeÄutim, mogu predstavljati poÄetak epilepsije stoga je rastuÄi broj epilepsijskih sindroma povezanih sa febrilnim konvulzijama. Ovi sindromi prezentiraju se od samoograniÄavajuÄih i medikamentima kontroliranih entiteta do teÅ”kih epileptiÄkih encefalopatija. Razumijevanje spektra poremeÄaja povezanih s febrilnim konvulzijama doprinosi dijagnozi koja zauzvrat nudi informacije o terapijskoj paradigmi, prognozi i genetiÄkom savjetovanju.Febrile seizures are the most common seizure disorder. Usually represent only limiting disorder with no long-term consequences. However, it can represents the beginning of epilepsy, in therefore a growing number of epileptic syndromes associated with febrile seizures. These syndromes are presented by self-limiting and medication controlled entities to severe epileptic encephalopathy. Understanding spectrum disorders associated with febrile seizures contributes diagnosis, which in turn provides information on the therapeutic paradigm, prognosis and genetic counseling
PoÅ”tovanje prema nastavnicima u odnosu na nasilje uÄenika prema nastavnicima
Student respect for teachers is one of the important aspects of the student-teacher
relationship, which is considered an important component of the school climate.
Given the significant role of the school climate in predicting studentsā violence
against teachers, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between
perceptions of studentsā respect for teachers and studentsā violence against teachers.
The research was conducted with two survey questionnaires intended for samples
of students and teachers, and 451 students and 102 high school teachers in the City
of Zagreb participated in the research. The perception of respect for teachers and
different forms of violence was examined by assessing participantsā agreement on
a six-point Likert-type scale (1 ā strongly agree, 6 ā strongly disagree). The results
indicate that students and teachers, on average, feel that students respect teachers to
a greater extent, and that they perceive different forms of violence against teachers
to a lesser extent. The correlation analysis found a statistically significant negative
association between respect for teachers and various forms of student violence
against teachers. It can be concluded that respect for teachers plays an important
role in explaining the occurrence of studentsā violence against teachers.PoÅ”tovanje uÄenika prema nastavnicima jedan je od bitnih aspekata odnosa izmeÄu
uÄenika i nastavnika koji se smatra važnom komponentom Å”kolske klime. S obzirom
na znaÄajnu ulogu Å”kolske klime u predviÄanju nasilja uÄenika nad nastavnicima,
cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost percepcije poÅ”tovanja uÄenika prema
nastavnicima i nasilja uÄenika nad nastavnicima. Istraživanje je provedeno
dvama anketnim upitnicima namijenjenima uzorcima uÄenika i nastavnika, a
u istraživanju je sudjelovao 451 uÄenik te 102 nastavnika srednjih Å”kola u Gradu
Zagrebu. Percepcija poÅ”tivanja nastavnika i razliÄitih oblika nasilja ispitana je
procjenom slaganja sudionika na skali Likertova tipa od Ŕest stupnjeva (1-izrazito
se slažem, 6-izrazito se ne slažem). Rezultati ukazuju na to da uÄenici i nastavnici
u prosjeku viÅ”e smatraju da uÄenici poÅ”tuju nastavnike te da u manjoj mjeri
percipiraju razliÄite oblike nasilja nad nastavnicima. Korelacijskom analizom
utvrÄena je statistiÄki znaÄajna negativna povezanost izmeÄu poÅ”tovanja
nastavnika i razliÄitih oblika nasilja uÄenika nad nastavnicima. Može se zakljuÄiti
da poÅ”tovanje nastavnika ima važnu ulogu u objaÅ”njenju pojave nasilja uÄenika nad
Saliva as a diagnostic fluid
Abstract: Saliva is a readily available oral fluid
with many functions, from digestion, maintenance of
oral tissuesā integrity, to caries prevention. Changes regarding
its secretion may be divided into qualitative
and quantitative: both of them are a consequence of
certain conditions/diseases (e.g. internal factors) or nutrients/
drugs ingested (e.g. external factors). During
the last 15 years, technological advances gave a significant
momentum to utilization of saliva as a diagnostic
tool. Analysis of saliva, just like the blood analysis, has
two main objectives: to identify the subjects suffering
from a certain disorder, and to follow the development
and progress of therapy. This paper provides an overview
of possibilities for the use of saliva for diagnostic
purposes and gives specific examples of some clinical
investigations, with the final aim to stimulate the use of
this noninvasive means for the health care promotion
āTake-homeā tooth bleaching
Izbjeljivanje zuba je aktualni estetski trend kojim se posvijetljuje postojeÄa boja zuba. Postoje razne tehnike izbjeljivanja, od onih u ordinaciji do onih koje se provode kod kuÄe. S obzirom na podrijetlo diskoloracija, stanje usne Å”upljine, indikacije i kontraindikacije, doktor dentalne medicine u dogovoru s pacijentom odabire najprikladniju tehniku izbjeljivanja. āTake-homeā je uÄinkovita i jednostavna tehnika izbjeljivanja pomoÄu udlage, koja se provodi kod kuÄe uz nadzor doktora dentalne medicine. Prije izbjeljivanja potrebno je sanirati usnu Å”upljinu te provesti profesionalno ÄiÅ”Äenje mekih i tvrdih zubnih naslaga strojnim i ruÄnim instrumentima. Boju ispuna moguÄe je prilagoditi nakon izbjeljivanja izradom novog ispuna odgovarajuÄe boje. Izbjeljivanje se ne preporuÄuje pacijentima s parodontnom bolesti. NajÄeÅ”Äe koriÅ”teni materijal je 10 ā 16 %-tni karbamid-peroksid. Njegova se koncentracija može postupno i poveÄavati kako bi se izbjegle nuspojave, meÄu kojima su najÄeÅ”Äe preosjetljivost zuba i iritacija gingive. Postupak izbjeljivanja obiÄno traje 10 ā 14 dana po Äeljusti. Cilj ovog Älanka je predstaviti u danaÅ”nje vrijeme vrlo popularnu tehniku izbjeljivanja ātake-homeā, kao jedan od moguÄih naÄina izbjeljivanja zuba.Tooth bleaching is a current aesthetic trend which lightens the basic colour of the teeth. There are various bleaching techniques ranging from those performed in the dental office to those performed at home. Regarding the origin of discolorations, oral cavity condition, indications and contraindications, the doctor of dental medicine chooses in collaboration with the patient the most appropriate whitening technique. āTake-homeā is an effective and simple bleaching technique performed by patients at home using trays, supervised by the dentist. Before the bleaching process, it is necessary to resolve the oral cavity health issues and perform the professional cleaning of soft and hard tooth deposits using power-driven and hand instruments. After bleaching old fillings may be replaced with new ones of the matching colour. Bleaching is not recommended for patients with periodontal disease. The most commonly used material is 10 ā 16 % carbamide-peroxide. Its concentration may be gradually increased thus avoiding the side effects such as tooth sensitivity and gingival irritation. The bleaching procedure usually lasts 10 to 14 days per jaw. The aim of this article is to present a currently very popular "take-home" bleaching technique as one of several possible options of tooth bleaching
Characterisation of pseudorabies virus in domestic pigs and wild boars in Croatia
Serological data imply that pseudorabies (Aujeszkyās disease) is present in domestic pigs and wild boars in Croatia. Therefore, this study included testing of brain tissue samples collected from 200 domestic pigs and 105 wild boars originating from seventeen districts of Croatia. The presence of pseudorabies virus (PrV) DNA was confirmed in samples originating from six domestic pigs (3%) and one wild boar (0.95%). Positive samples were sequenced and analysed on the basis of a gC genome fragment. PrV strains have shown to be genetically identical and they are strongly related to some representative strains in the relatively heterogeneous Clade A. The results clearly show that PrV is still circulating among the domestic pig population in Croatia. Furthermore, the presence of pseudorabies virus in wild boars underlines the importance of this species as a PrV reservoir. Continued surveillance is necessary to track the viral spread in order to achieve final eradication of the disease
The most significant parvovirus infection in croatian domestic animals
Velika porodica Parvoviridae rasprostranje- na je diljem svijeta i uvelike ugrožava zdravlje ljudi i životinja, posebice domaÄih životinja, maÄka, pasa i konja. Znaci zaraze pripadnici- ma porodice Parvoviridae variraju od posve ne- zamjetljivih do po život opasnih stanja pa osim opsežnog pobola nastaju i golemi gospodarski gubitci. Zbog osmiÅ”ljavanja djelotvornije ob- rane danas su u srediÅ”tu pozornosti veterinar- ske medicine nastojanja da se te bolesti bolje upoznaju. Stoga su autori nastojali naÄiniti sažet, ali iscrpan prikaz najznaÄajnijih infek- cija parvovirusima u naÅ”ih domaÄih životinja. Ponajprije izložiti osnovne znaÄajke parvovi- rusa, a potom opisati podporodicu Parvovirine
koja prouzroÄi zaraze kraljeÅ”njaka. S obzirom da se uÄestaloÅ”Äu posebno istiÄu rodovi Bo- caparvovirus i Protoparvovirus, oni su detaljno izloženi. Rod Bocaparvovirus je izložen kroz nji- hove znaÄajke, životni ciklus, dijagnozu i pa- tofiziologiju te lijeÄenje i preventivu. Opisane su i glavne znaÄajke roda Protoparvovirus s posebnim naglaskom na povijest, obilježja, inaÄice virusa, kliniÄku sliku i patofiziologiju, dijagnozu te zaÅ”titu od zaraze. Samo dobrim poznavanjem mehanizma djelovanja opisanih virusa moguÄe je u buduÄnosti uspjeÅ”no suz- bijati ove bolesti.The large Parvoviridae family of viruses is spread all over the world and endangers human and animal health, especially domestic animals, cats, dogs and horses. Signs of infection with viruses of the Parvoviridae family vary from completely undetectable to life-threatening agents, and may result in massive economic losses. Due to the more effective defence, attention is currently focused on veterinary medicines to make these diseases better known. The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive review of the most significant Parvovirus infections in domestic animals in Croatia. First, the basic features of the Parvovirus family are outlined. Subsequently, the subfamily Parvovirinae is described as a group that infects vertebrates and is widely recognized as the cause of losses and health disorders in domestic animals. The genus Dependoparvovirus, due to its recognized binding site, has great potential for use in gene therapy investigations. Furthermore, the
genera Bocaparvovirus and Protoparvovirus are the two most common genera in the subfamily Parvovirinae, and are therefore more specifically described. Moreover, both are described as pathologic agents in animals, where strains of the genus Bocaparvovirus were recently detected in the swine population in Croatia. The virus features, life cycle, diagnosis, pathophysiology, treatment and prevention of the genus Bocaparvovirus are described. The genus Protoparvovirus is described through its features, clinical picture, diagnosis, pathophysiology and prevention. Only with good knowledge of the mechanism of the action of these viruses can infections be successfully combatted in the future. However, further investigation and greater knowledge are needed to understand the epidemiology of parvovirus infections and the possible interspecies transmission of some of their representatives
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