12 research outputs found
Gebruikersonderzoek recreatiegebied Stroombroek 1986
Use of recreational facilities of day-trip area Stroombroek. Time of arrival at Stroombroek / used means of conveyance / is it easy to reach / frequency of visiting / how r got to know Stroombroek / frequency of visiting other recreation pools in the same area / most important recreational activities / satisfaction with recreational facilities / proposals for new recreational facilities / being bothered by other visitors / r's opinion about parking-fees / objection against a holiday park at Stroombroek / willingness to pay fees for new recreational facilities. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio
Gebruikersonderzoek recreatiegebieden 't Hilgelo, Hambroek, Slijk-Ewijk 1985
Use of recreational facilities in Hilgelo, 't Hambroek and Slijk-Ewijk. Time of arrival / expected time to spend / frequency of attending / how r got to know the area / used means of conveyance / time needed to reach / parking fees / visiting other recreational pools in the same area / r's favourite recreational activities / being bothered by other visitors / day trip recreational areas: strandpark Slijk-Ewijk, 't Hilgelo, 't Hambroek . Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio
Recreatiebehoefte onderzoek arnhem-zuid 1981
Recreation needs of the population on the outskirts of Arnhem-Zuid, Elst and Huissen. Use of the recreational areas between arnhem-zuid, elst and huissen / wishes for greater variety of recreational facilities / accessibility of the area by car, bicycle, public transport / most important recreational activities of respondent. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristic
Use of recreational facilities of day-trip area Stroombroek 1986
Use of recreational facilities of day-trip area Stroombroek. Time of arrival at Stroombroek / used means of conveyance / is it easy to reach / frequency of visiting / how r got to know Stroombroek / frequency of visiting other recreation pools in the same area / most important recreational activities / satisfaction with recreational facilities / proposals for new recreational facilities / being bothered by other visitors / r's opinion about parking-fees / objection against a holiday park at Stroombroek / willingness to pay fees for new recreational facilities. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio
Recreational needs in the area around arnhem-zuid 1981
Recreation needs of the population on the outskirts of Arnhem-Zuid, Elst and Huissen. Use of the recreational areas between arnhem-zuid, elst and huissen / wishes for greater variety of recreational facilities / accessibility of the area by car, bicycle, public transport / most important recreational activities of respondent. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristic
One-day outings in the recreational areas of Slijk-Ewijk, 't Hilgelo and Hambroek 1985
Use of recreational facilities in Hilgelo, 't Hambroek and Slijk-Ewijk. Time of arrival / expected time to spend / frequency of attending / how r got to know the area / used means of conveyance / time needed to reach / parking fees / visiting other recreational pools in the same area / r's favourite recreational activities / being bothered by other visitors / day trip recreational areas: strandpark Slijk-Ewijk, 't Hilgelo, 't Hambroek . Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio
Inspraak bij de ontwikkeling van het streekplan Veluwe 1974
Knowledge of plan for the region / participation of information and discussion evenings / opinions about participation procedures and possibilities used in this particular case and in general / opinions and knowledge of information from authorities and media / further orientations, background data ( ex- )members of the regional committees / position in and motivation for membership of regional committees / participation and evaluation / information and discussion evenings / participation in regional committees / tasks and functioning and evaluation of regional committees / opinions on publicity
Participatie en politiek 1976
Evaluation-study of effects of participation in the development of a regional plan for Midden-Gelderland. P0613a: reasons ( non )participation in 2nd phase information / organization / evaluation first round / personal circumstances / interest and evaluation 2nd phase / evaluation first phase / opinions on participation in general / experiences with participation / opinion on functioning of provincial authorities. P0613b + c: actual participation in 2nd phase and reasons / information in advance / information meetings / functioning of discussion groups / choice from provincial government / provincial government and feedback / general evaluation of organization and effects / participation in first phase / opinions on participation in general / former experience with participation. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ education/ politic
The Merovingian cemetery of Wijchen (Gelderland, the Netherlands) - the grave ritual and burial community: Grafveld laat-Romeinse en Merovingische periode
De ROB-opgraving van 1991, 1992 en 1996 is door Hazenberg Archeologie uitgewerkt in het kader van NWO-Odyssee. Het betreft een laat-Romeins en Merovingisch grafveld van bijna 350 graven, plus sporen uit net Neolithicum, Karolingische tijd, Volle en Late Middeleeuwe