6 research outputs found

    Pricing in C2C Sharing Platforms

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    Sharing platforms such as zilok.com enable sharing of durable goods among consumers, and seek to maximize profits by charging transaction-based platform fees. We develop a model in which consumers who have heterogeneous needs concerning the use of a durable good decide whether to purchase and share (i.e., be a lender) or borrow (i.e., be a borrower), and a monopoly sharing platform determines the platform fees. We find, first, that consumers with greater need to use a durable good purchase and share, and that consumers with lesser need borrow. Second, sharing platforms maximize profits only if the supply of a durable good matches demand—that is, the market must clear in order for platform fees to be profit maximizing. Third, the market-clearing condition requires lender and borrower fees are classic strategic complements. Fourth, to maintain the market-clearing condition, sharing platforms have to increase their lender fee or decrease their borrower fee in response to increases in the sharing price, increases in usage capacity, and decreases in the purchase price of a durable good, and vice versa. These findings indicate that commonly applied one-sided pricing models in sharing platforms can be improved


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    O cumprimento da função social da propriedade recebe grande atenção no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Em vista disso, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relativização da imprescritibilidade dos bens públicos que não atendem a sua função social, fazendo considerações a respeito das características dos bens públicos e a qual regime jurídico que submetem, bem como o direito a propriedade e a sua função social. Levanta-se então o seguinte problema de pesquisa: é possível usucapir bens públicos? Através do método de pesquisa indutivo, conclui-se que não é possível adquirir bens públicos por meio de usucapião, mas é possível através da legitimação fundiária, instrumento do processo de regularização fundiária. Para tanto, foram utilizados como referencial teórico, a legislação nacional, bem como doutrina e jurisprudência

    The Impact of Dynamic Two-Sided Platform Pricing on Fairness Perception in the Sharing Economy

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    From an economic perspective, dynamic pricing seems to be the profit maximizing pricing strategy for consumer-to-consumer (C2C) sharing platforms because it allows balancing supply and demand over time. Based on distributive justice and equity theory we investigate how two characteristics of dynamic pricing, namely -˜fee changes over time’ and -˜fee differences across consumer groups’, influence fairness perception and intention to share of consumers. Using a laboratory experiment, we find that fee differences between lenders and borrowers is the dominant source of negative fairness perception, which in turn results in a lower intention to share, especially for the consumer group that is charged with a higher fee. Consequently, C2C sharing platforms have to be aware of this negative effect from fairness perception when they implement a dynamic two-sided platform pricing strategy to maximize profits

    Economics of B2C Sharing Platforms

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    The sharing economy is significantly growing and business-to-consumer (B2C) sharing platforms are expected to be an important enabler of this growth. In our research, we aim to theorize the ecosystem of B2C sharing platforms by predicting their economic effects using an analytical model. In this research-in-progress we focus on producers that decide whether to sell or share their produced durable goods, the latter via a B2C sharing platform. We find that producers of high quality goods share and producers of low quality goods sell. Consequently, the average quality of sold products decreases through establishing B2C sharing platforms. Based on this finding, we aim to extend our model in future research. First, we aim to include a profit maximizing calculus of the B2C sharing platform to find an optimal pricing scheme. Second, we aim to perform a social welfare analysis to analyze policy measures for governing the B2C sharing ecosystem


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    O cumprimento da função social da propriedade recebe grande atenção no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Em vista disso, o presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a relativização da imprescritibilidade dos bens públicos que não atendem a sua função social, fazendo considerações a respeito das características dos bens públicos e a qual regime jurídico que submetem, bem como o direito a propriedade e a sua função social. Levanta-se então o seguinte problema de pesquisa: é possível usucapir bens públicos? Através do método de pesquisa indutivo, conclui-se que não é possível adquirir bens públicos por meio de usucapião, mas é possível através da legitimação fundiária, instrumento do processo de regularização fundiária. Para tanto, foram utilizados como referencial teórico, a legislação nacional, bem como doutrina e jurisprudência

    Utilizing Compost as an Alternative Method to Standard Seedings: Final Report

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    Project 0-4571The research underlying this report consisted of an investigation designed to determine if the establishment of vegetation on Highway ROW could be improved by the application of compost as mulch compared to various traditional methods of protection. Conclusions drawn from examination of the evidence indicate that a layer of compost mulch greater than 2 inches adversely affected emergence and establishment of desired vegetation, whereas soil moisture retention was comparable on sub-plots treated with by straw mulch held in place by jute netting. Compost manufactured topsoil, or a 4-inch layer of compost mulch