2,128 research outputs found

    Memory and connection in maternal grief: Harriet Beecher Stowe, Emily Dickinson, and the bereaved mother

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)This essay explores a broad range of literary works that treat long-term grief as a natural response to the death of a child. Literary examples show gaps in the medical and social sciences’ considerations of grief, since these disciplines judge bereaved mothers’ grief as excessive or label it bereavement disorder. By contrast, authors who employ the ancient storyline of child death illuminate maternal grieving practices, which are commonly marked with a vigilance that expresses itself in wildness. Many of these authors treat grief as a forced pilgrimage, but question the possibility of returning to a previous state of psychological balance. Instead, the mothers in their stories and poems resist external pressure for closure and silence and favor lasting memory. Harriet Beecher Stowe, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and Emily Dickinson, in letters to bereaved mother Susan Gilbert Dickinson and in the poetry included in these letters, represent maternal child loss as compelling a movement into a new state and emphasize the lasting pain and disruption of this loss

    The Role of Guarantees in support of Entrepreneurial Microcredit in Italy.

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    This paper proposes an empirical analysis of the microcredit initiatives promoted by local and cooperative credit banks trying to take advantage of any differences in the initiatives promoted by other types of operators in terms of default rates of loans. The differences are analyzed on the basis of distinctive features to identify a possible way of developing microcredit in Italy. The empirical analysis verifies the existence of a statically significant correlation between characteristics of the entrepreneurial microcredit programs and their default risk. The presence of credit guarantee schemes and the role of banking intermediaries as promoters reduce significantly the risk of default on these initiatives. The Italian microcredit programs do not show territorial differences.

    Regulation Support to Industrial Clusters: A Cross-Country Analysis

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    We empirically investigate the role of regulatory governance and industrial clusters to foster the country\u2019s economic performance. Using the ordinary least-square (OLS) regression for a cross section of countries, including the 25 EU Member States, our findings show that the regulation governance has the strongest effects on the employment rate performing a buffering effect with the cluster development. An antagonist effect occurs for the other economic indicators

    MRI is the most effective initial diagnostic study for osteomyelitis of the foot in diabetic patients

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    What is the best initial diagnostic study that should be used for a suspected osteomyelitis diagnosis? A critical review and clinical application of: Kapoor A, Page S, LaValley M, Gale DR, Felson DT. Magnetic resonance imaging for diagnosing foot osteomyelitis: a meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(2):125-132. doi:10.1001/archinte.167.2.125

    Ion-exchanged waveguide add/drop filter

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    An add/drop filter is fabricated using ion-exchanged waveguides and photowritten Bragg gratings. The device exhibits 20 dB extinction ratios and 3 dB bandwidths of 0.4 nm (100 GHz)

    EUROPE 2020 SI-LAB: A New Center for Economic and Social Development in Sicily

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    The debate on the determinants of regional and local development has been stimulated recently by the European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth defined as Europe 2020. We present the objectives and structure of a new laboratory (SI-LAB) for the development of Sicilian economy promoted by the University of Palermo. In particular, we highlight the fundamental issues related to the incoming functioning of the Lab as a new oganization devoted to analyzing public policy issues, and fostering new ways of entrepreurship at the local level

    Water status and yield response to deficit irrigation and fertilization of three olive oil cultivars under the semi-arid conditions of Tunisia

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    Sustainability of olive production is possible by adopting the modern techniques of irrigation and fertilization. In Tunisia, olive trees are usually cultivated in poor soils, under semi-arid conditions characterized by water scarcity. This study investigated the effects of different water supply and fertilization on leaf water status and crop yield of three different olive oil varieties cultivated in central Tunisia, during four experimental seasons (2014-2017). Three treatments were examined: trees conducted under rainfed conditions (TRF), which represented the control treatment, trees irrigated with 50% ETc (T50) and, finally, trees irrigated with 50% ETc and with additional fertilization (T50F). Leaf water content and potential, yield and water use efficiency have been monitored on three different varieties, Chetoui, Chemlali, and Koroneiki, which are quite typical in the considered region. For all the growing seasons, midday leaf water potentials were measured from April to September. Midday leaf water potentials (MLWP) were generally higher for the two irrigated treatments (T50 and T50F) than for non-irrigated trees (TRF). As the season proceeded, MLWPs tended to decrease during summer for all the treatments and varieties. The lowest values were observed for the non-irrigated trees, varying between -3.25 MPa to -4.75 MPa. Relative leaf water content followed the same trends of midday leaf water potentials. Chetoui showed the lowest yield, which did not exceed 1530 Kg/(ha year), even for irrigated and fertilized trees. On the other hand, the yields of Chemlali and Koroneiki, cumulated in the four years, reached the maximum value of about 20 tons/ha. For these two varieties, the cumulated yield obtained in the control treatment (TRF) resulted significantly lower than the corresponding of the other two treatments (T50 and T50F). The highest irrigation water use efficiency (WUE) was estimated for Chemlali (T50) and (TRF). WUE was equal to 1.22 Kg/m3 for Koroneiki under fertigated treatment (T50F). Application of the only water supply (50% ETc) or associated with fertilizer improved the tree water status and increased the productivity of Chemlali and Koroneiki varieties

    Il rilievo fotogrammetrico del Castello di Maredolce a Palermo

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    Le tecniche di rilievo fotogrammetrico stanno trovando un sempre più largo impiego nel campo dei BB.CC. Esse, infatti, consentono una rappresentazione dei manufatti con un'elevata cura del dettaglio geometrico mediante la restituzione vettoriale ed una elevata definizione degli aspetti materici degli oggetti attraverso la realizzazione dei fotopiani, che forniscono informazioni sia metriche che qualitative dell'oggetto. Tali tecniche, pertanto, costituiscono un fondamentale strumento di supporto alle attività di diagnostica e restauro dei monumenti antichi. Il presente articolo illustra la metodologia, le fasi operative e gli strumenti impiegati per il rilievo fotogrammetrico di un edificio complesso: il Castello di Maredolce a Palermo. Nel caso in esame la geometria dell'edificio, i dislivelli del suolo e la presenza di elementi fisici generanti ombre sull'edificio hanno sensibilmente condizionato le operazioni di rilievo, consentendo di affrontare e risolvere una vasta compagine di problematiche che il rilievo di un edificio storico, sito in un contesto oggi urbanizzato, comporta. Lo scritto, in particolare, descrive il workflow seguito e le procedure impiegate sino alla modellazione 3D image-based. Quest'ultima è stata implementata a partire dal blocco fotogrammetrico georiferito ottenuto dall'orientamento dei fotogrammi. I fotopiani del castello prodotti sono stati utilizzati come texture fotorealistica del modello fotogrammetrico tridimensionale.The techniques related to the photogrammetric survey are even more widely used in the field of Cultural Heritage In fact, they allow a representation of artifacts with a high attention to the geometric detail by a vector restitution and a high definition of the textural aspects of objects: they based on the creation of photo-plans, which provide information both metrics and qualitative about the object. These techniques, therefore, are an essential tool supporting diagnostics and restoration of ancient monuments. This article discusses the methodology, the operational phases and the instruments used for the photogrammetric survey of a building complex: the Castle of Maredolce in Palermo. In this case the geometry of the building, the uneven ground and the pres ence of physical elements creating shadows on the building have significantly affected the operations of relief: they have allowed to address and solve a wide range of issues deriving from the survey of historic buildings that are located in a urban context today. This paper, in particular, describes the workflow and the procedures used until the 3D image-based modeling. The latter was implemented from the georeferenced photogrammetric block obtained by the orientation of the frames. The photo-plans of the castle have been used as photo-realistic texture of the photogrammetric three-dimensional model

    Influence of Brand Personality-Marker Attributes on Purchasing Intention: The Role of Emotionality

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    Marketing researchers employ the Five-Factor Model to describe branded products through attributes used for human personality. Marker attributes used to elicit brand personality dimensions can also influence consumers’ intention to purchase. Two connected studies, carried out on two samples of 91 and 557 subjects, respectively, show that brand personality-marker attributes predict intention to purchase, but only to the extent that such attributes are vivid and, in particular, when they elicit emotional responses (i.e., when they are emotionally interesting). These findings have several implications for people involved in developing strategies for persuasive communication
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