33 research outputs found

    Processus suivi par des pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’adolescents suicidaires : une étude exploratoire

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    Le but de cette étude qualitative, exploratoire et rétrospective est de comprendre le processus suivi par des pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’un adolescent suicidaire. Des entrevues ont permis de recueillir des données auprès de jeunes ayant assumé ce rôle. La proposition suivante a émergé de l’analyse par théorisation ancrée : pour les jeunes, leur expérience fut perçue comme une mission héroïque, d’abord stimulante, puis confrontante et, finalement, enrichissante. Trois étapes en rendent compte. La première débute avec l’accès au statut de pair aidant et est animée de l’attitude « tout feu tout flamme » du jeune qui se donne comme mission de sauver un élève suicidaire. La seconde est marquée par une certaine désillusion après avoir considéré les faits entourant la mission et s’être engagé dans un combat pour « sauver » l’élève suicidaire. À la dernière étape, alors que la mission est complétée, une attitude de sagesse ressort lorsque le pair aidant fait la synthèse de ses victoires et de ses défaites. La grande rareté des recherches sur un sujet aussi discuté incite à recommander d’autres études.The purpose of this qualitative, exploratry and retrospective study is to understand the process followed by helping peers during their experience with a suicidal teenager. Interviews allowed to collect data with young people who had played this role. An analysis using grounded theory gave the following proposal: for youths, their experience was perceived as a heroic mission, first stimulating, then confronting and, finally, enriching. The experience goes through three stages. The first begins with the access to the status of helping peer and is pervaded with the wildly enthusiastic attitude of youth who give themselves the mission to save a suicidal mate. The second is marked by a certain disappointment having considered the facts surrounding the mission and undertaken a fight to save the suicidal mate. At the last stage, after the mission is completed, an attitude of wisdom stands out when the helping peer makes the synthesis of his victories and his defeats. The scarcity of studies on such a controversial subject incites to recommend further research.El propósito de este estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y retrospectivo es comprender el proceso seguido por los compañeros que ayudan en el momento de una experiencia con un adolescente suicida. Las entrevistas han permitido recopilar los datos de jóvenes que han asumido este rol. La siguiente proposición surgió del análisis por medio de la teorización anclada: los jóvenes, percibieron la experiencia como una misión heroica, primero estimulante, después confrontante y finalmente enriquecedora. Tres etapas dan cuenta de ello. La primera inicia con el acceso al estado de compañero auxiliador y es infundida por la actitud “fervorosa” del joven que se pone como misión salvar a un estudiante suicida. La segunda está marcada por una cierta desilusión, después de haber considerado los hechos que entornan la misión y haberse implicado en un combate por “salvar” al estudiante suicida. En la última etapa, una vez que la misión es completada, una actitud de sabiduría surge cuando el compañero auxiliador hace una síntesis de sus victorias y derrotas. La gran rareza de las investigaciones sobre un tema tan discutido incita a recomendar la realización de otros estudios.O objetivo deste estudo qualitativo, exploratório e retrospectivo é compreender o processo acompanhado por assistentes em sua experiência junto a um adolescente suicida. Entrevistas permitiram recolher dados junto a jovens que assumiram este papel. A proposta seguinte emergiu da análise pela teoria fundamentada nos dados: para os jovens, sua experiência foi percebida como uma missão heróica, primeiramente estimulante, depois confrontante e, finalmente, enriquecedora. Três etapas a confirmam. A primeira se inicia com o acesso ao estatuto de assistente e é animada pela atitude de entusiasmo do jovem que assume a missão de salvar um estudante suicida. A segunda, é marcada por uma certa desilusão depois de considerar os fatos associados à missão e de ter se comprometido em um combate para “salvar” o estudante suicida. A última etapa, quando a missão é concluída, uma atitude de sabedoria ressalta quando o assistente faz a síntese de suas vitórias e de seus fracassos. A escassez das pesquisas sobre um assunto tão discutido incita a encomendar outros estudos

    Les croyances et les attitudes des adolescentes et des adolescents à l'égard des méthodes de contraception : une affaire de sexe

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    Cette étude vise à cerner, à l'aide de la théorie des rapports sociaux de sexe, les croyances et les attitudes des élèves du secondaire à l'égard de la contraception. De fait, 53 adolescentes et 32 adolescents âgés entre 15 et 18 ans sont répartis dans 11 sessions de focus groups non mixtes et homogènes et discutent du thème à l'étude. Ensuite, les jeunes sont invités à remplir individuellement un questionnaire où prennent place deux échelles d'attitude portant sur les méthodes de contraception (condom et anovulant) L'analyse qualitative de contenu des focus groups montre d'abord que les jeunes intègrent en partie les normes sociosexuelles liées aux rapports sociaux de sexe. Cette analyse suggère que les adolescentes et les adolescents présentent généralement des croyances similaires; certaines nuances sont cependant rapportées. Par la suite, les analyses quantitatives non-paramétriques montrent des convergences et des divergences entre les attitudes des filles et des garçons à l'égard du condom et des anovulants. Les résultats susmentionnés pourront alimenter les réflexions en vue de l'élaboration de mesures préventives visant une sexualité exempte de relations asymétriques entre les sexes et un partage équitable de la responsabilité à l'égard des pratiques contraceptive

    Le processus suivi par les pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’adolescents suicidaires

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    Depuis plusieurs années, on assiste à la création de programmes en prévention du suicide à l’adolescence. L’un de ces programmes repose sur le principe des pairs aidants. Il consiste à former des jeunes dont le rôle est d’apporter du soutien à des camarades qui vivent des difficultés. Or, à notre connaissance, aucune étude n’a comme préoccupation spécifique l’aide apportée par un pair aidant à un élève suicidaire. C’est pourquoi le but de notre étude est de comprendre et d’interpréter le processus suivi par les pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’un adolescent suicidaire. Nous avons effectué des entrevues auprès de cinq anciens pairs aidants qui avaient joué ce rôle entre une et trois années auparavant. À cause de sa pertinence pour ce type d’étude, l’approche méthodologique choisie a été la théorisation ancrée. La proposition qui a émergé de l’analyse des données est que l’expérience de pairs aidants auprès d’adolescents suicidaires est une mission héroïque à la fois stimulante, « confrontante » et enrichissante. Pour rendre compte de la globalité de cette expérience, vécue comme une mission invitant le pair aidant à prendre un rôle de « héros », trois étapes ont été distinguées. La première étape commence par l’accès au statut de pair aidant. Après être entré en contact avec un camarade suicidaire, le pair aidant s’engage dans la mission de le sauver. Le pair aidant est alors « tout feu tout flamme » dans son rôle de héros sauveur. Au cours de la seconde étape seront considérés les faits entourant la mission. L’aide s’engage comme un combat pour « sauver » l’élève suicidaire. L’enthousiasme « tout feu tout flamme » du début se tempère dans l’ambivalence du combat que représente l’aide concrète. C’est la période d’une certaine désillusion. La dernière étape s’amorce après que soit terminée l’aide qu’a fournie le pair aidant. Il fait le point sur les victoires et les défaites qu’a comportées cette mission. C’est alors le moment de la sagesse. Au cours de l’analyse, certaines données ont suscité la réflexion. Nous avons donc effectué une seconde recension des écrits reliés au processus de venir en aide à un adolescent suicidaire en tant que pair aidant. À la fin de cette étude, nous pensons que le programme de pairs aidants a des répercussions positives pour l’adolescent impliqué.Since the last twenty years many suicide prevention programs have been developed. One of these programs relies on peer helping. It consists in training young people whose role is to support students experiencing difficulties. However, to our knowledge, no study has had the specific concern of understanding the assistance brought by a peer helper to a suicidal teenager. This is why the purpose of our study is to understand and interpret the process followed by peer helpers as they assist a suicidal adolescent. We interviewed five young adults who used to be peer helpers one to three years prior to the interview. Because of its relevance for this type of study, the selected methodological approach was Grounded Theory. The proposal that emerged from the data analysis is that the peer helpers’ experience with a suicidal teenager is, simultaneously, a stimulating, confronting and enriching heroic mission. We identified three stages to illustrate the globality of this experience described as a mission that invites the peer helper to take a hero role. The first stage begins with the access to the peer helper status. After having contact with a suicidal schoolmate, the peer helper gets heavily involved in the mission of saving him. At this moment, the peer helper is blazing in its hero role. The second stage includes all that surrounds the mission itself. Therefore the facts surrounding the mission will then be considered. The support begins as a fight to save the suicidal schoolmate. The blazing enthusiasm of the beginning moderates in the ambivalence of the fight, which represents the concrete assistance. It is the period of a certain disillusion. The last stage starts after the support provided by the peer helper is over. He then evaluates the mission’s victories and defeats. It is the moment of wisdom. Through the analysis, some data caused reflection and questioning. Thus we undertook a second review of the literature related to the process of helping a suicidal teenager as a peer helper. At the end of this study, we believe that the peer helpers program has positive repercussions for the implied teenagers, when training is relevant and support is present

    Biocompatibility and functionality of a tissue-engineered living corneal stroma transplanted in the feline eye

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    PURPOSE. Corneal tissue shortage has become a major concern worldwide, which has motivated the search for alternative solutions to eye bank human eyes for corneal transplantation. Minimally invasive lamellar transplantation and tissue engineering may offer new opportunities for the rehabilitation of diseased corneas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility and functionality of stromal lamellar grafts tissue-engineered (TE) in vitro and transplanted in vivo in the cornea of a feline model. METHODS. The corneal stromas were engineered in culture from corneal stromal cells using the self-assembly approach, without the addition of exogenous material or scaffold. Eight healthy animals underwent two intrastromal grafts in one eye and the contralateral eye was used as a control. Animals were followed with slit-lamp ophthalmic examination, corneal esthesiometry and optical coherent tomography. Confocal microscopy, immunofluorescence, histology, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed at 4 months. RESULTS. Four months after transplantation, the TE-stromal grafts were transparent, functional, and well tolerated by the eye. All grafts remained avascular, with no signs of immune rejection, despite a short course of low-dose topical steroids. Corneal sensitivity returned to preoperative level and reinnervation of the grafts was confirmed by confocal microscopy and immunofluorescence. Histology and TEM of the TE-grafts showed a lamellar stromal structure with regular collagen fibril arrangement. CONCLUSIONS. These results open the way to an entirely new therapeutic modality. Intracorneal filling using a biocompatible, transparent, and malleable TE-stroma could be the basis for multiple types of novel therapeutic options in corneal interventional surgery

    Supporting Child Development Through Parenting Interventions in Low- to Middle-Income Countries: An Updated Systematic Review

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    Background: Over 250 million children in low- and middle-income countries are at risk of not achieving their fullest developmental potential due to co-occurring risks such as poor nutrition and inadequate learning opportunities. Early intervention programs integrating the aspects of nurturing care, that is, good health, adequate nutrition, safety and security, responsive caregiving, and learning opportunities, may ameliorate against the negative impact of these adverse conditions. Methods: This meta-analytic review updates the evidence base of parenting interventions comprising stimulation and responsive caregiving components on developmental outcomes for children under age 2 years in low- and middle-income countries. It also describes and assesses the moderation effects of population characteristics and implementation features on the intervention effectiveness. Studies were identified based on previous systematic reviews and an updated literature search in eight databases and the gray literature up to December 2020. A random-effect model was used to explore the pooled effect sizes accounted for by the intervention for developmental outcome of cognition, language, motor, and social-emotional capacities. Exploratory moderation analyses were also conducted. Results: Twenty-one randomized controlled trials representing over 10,400 children from 12 low- and middle-income countries and regions across three continents (Africa, Latin America, and Asia) were identified. The interventions showed overall small-to-moderate effects on children\u27s cognitive development (ES = 0.44; 95% CI = [0.30, 0.57]); language development (ES = 0.33; 95% CI = [0.18, 0.49]); and motor skills (ES = 0.21; 95% CI = [0.10, 0.32]). The overall effect on social-emotional development was non-significant (ES = 0.17; 95% CI = [−0.01, 0.34]). Effect sizes (ES) varied significantly across the studies. Parenting programs that targeted vulnerable groups, including rural communities and caregivers with lower education levels, had more significant effects on children\u27s development. Group sessions (vs. individual visits) and high program dose (≥12 sessions) were also associated with stronger effects on child development. Further research is needed to determine the effectiveness of the workforce and training on programmatic outcomes. Conclusion: The findings indicate that parenting interventions that encourage nurturing care are effective in improving the early development of children, especially among vulnerable populations. We discuss opportunities to strengthen the implementation of research-based parenting interventions in such contexts

    Two Host Factors Regulate Persistence of H7a-Specific T Cells Injected in Tumor-Bearing Mice

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    BACKGROUND: Injection of CD8 T cells primed against immunodominant minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHA) such as H7(a) can eradicate leukemia and solid tumors. To understand why MiHA-targeted T cells have such a potent antitumor effect it is essential to evaluate their in vivo behavior. In the present work, we therefore addressed two specific questions: what is the proliferative dynamics of H7(a)-specifc T cells in tumors, and do H7(a)-specific T cells persist long-term after adoptive transfer? METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: By day 3 after adoptive transfer, we observed a selective infiltration of melanomas by anti-H7(a) T cells. Over the next five days, anti-H7(a) T cells expanded massively in the tumor but not in the spleen. Thus, by day 8 after injection, anti-H7(a) T cells in the tumor had undergone more cell divisions than those in the spleen. These data strongly suggest that anti-H7(a) T cells proliferate preferentially and extensively in the tumors. We also found that two host factors regulated long-term persistence of anti-H7(a) memory T cells: thymic function and expression of H7(a) by host cells. On day 100, anti-H7(a) memory T cells were abundant in euthymic H7(a)-negative (B10.H7(b)) mice, present in low numbers in thymectomized H7(a)-positive (B10) hosts, and undetectable in euthymic H7(a)-positive recipients. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Although in general the tumor environment is not propitious to T-cell invasion and expansion, the present work shows that this limitation may be overcome by adoptive transfer of primed CD8 T cells targeted to an immunodominant MiHA (here H7(a)). At least in some cases, prolonged persistence of adoptively transferred T cells may be valuable for prevention of late cancer relapse in adoptive hosts. Our findings therefore suggest that it may be advantageous to target MiHAs with a restricted tissue distribution in order to promote persistence of memory T cells and thereby minimize the risk of cancer recurrence

    Identification de facteurs régulant le complexe[gamma]-sécrétase dans le contexte de la maladie d'alzheimer

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    Processus suivi par des pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’adolescents suicidaires : une étude exploratoire

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    Le but de cette étude qualitative, exploratoire et rétrospective est de comprendre le processus suivi par des pairs aidants lors de leur expérience auprès d’un adolescent suicidaire. Des entrevues ont permis de recueillir des données auprès de jeunes ayant assumé ce rôle. La proposition suivante a émergé de l’analyse par théorisation ancrée : pour les jeunes, leur expérience fut perçue comme une mission héroïque, d’abord stimulante, puis confrontante et, finalement, enrichissante. Trois étapes en rendent compte. La première débute avec l’accès au statut de pair aidant et est animée de l’attitude « tout feu tout flamme » du jeune qui se donne comme mission de sauver un élève suicidaire. La seconde est marquée par une certaine désillusion après avoir considéré les faits entourant la mission et s’être engagé dans un combat pour « sauver » l’élève suicidaire. À la dernière étape, alors que la mission est complétée, une attitude de sagesse ressort lorsque le pair aidant fait la synthèse de ses victoires et de ses défaites. La grande rareté des recherches sur un sujet aussi discuté incite à recommander d’autres études.The purpose of this qualitative, exploratry and retrospective study is to understand the process followed by helping peers during their experience with a suicidal teenager. Interviews allowed to collect data with young people who had played this role. An analysis using grounded theory gave the following proposal: for youths, their experience was perceived as a heroic mission, first stimulating, then confronting and, finally, enriching. The experience goes through three stages. The first begins with the access to the status of helping peer and is pervaded with the wildly enthusiastic attitude of youth who give themselves the mission to save a suicidal mate. The second is marked by a certain disappointment having considered the facts surrounding the mission and undertaken a fight to save the suicidal mate. At the last stage, after the mission is completed, an attitude of wisdom stands out when the helping peer makes the synthesis of his victories and his defeats. The scarcity of studies on such a controversial subject incites to recommend further research.El propósito de este estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y retrospectivo es comprender el proceso seguido por los compañeros que ayudan en el momento de una experiencia con un adolescente suicida. Las entrevistas han permitido recopilar los datos de jóvenes que han asumido este rol. La siguiente proposición surgió del análisis por medio de la teorización anclada: los jóvenes, percibieron la experiencia como una misión heroica, primero estimulante, después confrontante y finalmente enriquecedora. Tres etapas dan cuenta de ello. La primera inicia con el acceso al estado de compañero auxiliador y es infundida por la actitud “fervorosa” del joven que se pone como misión salvar a un estudiante suicida. La segunda está marcada por una cierta desilusión, después de haber considerado los hechos que entornan la misión y haberse implicado en un combate por “salvar” al estudiante suicida. En la última etapa, una vez que la misión es completada, una actitud de sabiduría surge cuando el compañero auxiliador hace una síntesis de sus victorias y derrotas. La gran rareza de las investigaciones sobre un tema tan discutido incita a recomendar la realización de otros estudios.O objetivo deste estudo qualitativo, exploratório e retrospectivo é compreender o processo acompanhado por assistentes em sua experiência junto a um adolescente suicida. Entrevistas permitiram recolher dados junto a jovens que assumiram este papel. A proposta seguinte emergiu da análise pela teoria fundamentada nos dados: para os jovens, sua experiência foi percebida como uma missão heróica, primeiramente estimulante, depois confrontante e, finalmente, enriquecedora. Três etapas a confirmam. A primeira se inicia com o acesso ao estatuto de assistente e é animada pela atitude de entusiasmo do jovem que assume a missão de salvar um estudante suicida. A segunda, é marcada por uma certa desilusão depois de considerar os fatos associados à missão e de ter se comprometido em um combate para “salvar” o estudante suicida. A última etapa, quando a missão é concluída, uma atitude de sabedoria ressalta quando o assistente faz a síntese de suas vitórias e de seus fracassos. A escassez das pesquisas sobre um assunto tão discutido incita a encomendar outros estudos

    Périphéries du XXIe siècle

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    L’hydroélectricité du Québec et les grandes régions productrices

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    La grande production hydroélectrique du Québec fait la fierté de la population et de ses élites. Très largement produite loin des territoires métropolitains de Montréal et de Québec, l’hydroélectricité des régions du Nord-du-Québec, de la Côte-Nord et du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean laisse-t-elle, sur ces territoires, un bénéfice à la hauteur de sa contribution importante à la richesse du Québec? En d’autres termes, la répartition de la rente hydroélectrique, ou sa dissipation, bénéficie-t-elle aux grandes régions productrices, qui comprennent une large part de la ruralité du Québec? Les auteurs estiment que l’histoire du dernier siècle, et particulièrement des dernières décennies, démontre que les retombées locales se sont réduites comme une peau de chagrin.Québec’s enormous hydroelectric production is a source of pride for the population and its elites. Does the hydroelectricity generated in Northern Quebec, the North Shore and the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean regions, produced far from the Montreal and Quebec City metropolitan areas, benefit those outlying regions to the same extent that their significant hydroelectric production contributes to the overall wealth of Quebec? In other words, does the distribution of the hydroelectric income, or its dissipation, benefit the very regions where it is produced, which include a large part of rural Quebec? The authors believe that the history of the last century and, in particular, the last several decades shows that the local economic benefits from hydroelectric production has been reduced to a trickle