170 research outputs found

    Functional renormalization-group approach to the Pokrovsky-Talapov model via modified massive Thirring fermion model

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    A possibility of the topological Kosterlitz-Thouless~(KT) transition in the Pokrovsky-Talapov~(PT) model is investigated by using the functional renormalization-group (RG) approach by Wetterich. Our main finding is that the nonzero misfit parameter of the model, which can be related with the linear gradient term (Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction), makes such a transition impossible, what contradicts the previous consideration of this problem by non-perturbative RG methods. To support the conclusion the initial PT model is reformulated in terms of the 2D theory of relativistic fermions using an analogy between the 2D sine-Gordon and the massive Thirring models. In the new formalism the misfit parameter corresponds to an effective gauge field that enables to include it in the RG procedure on an equal footing with the other parameters of the theory. The Wetterich equation is applied to obtain flow equations for the parameters of the new fermionic action. We demonstrate that these equations reproduce the KT type of behavior if the misfit parameter is zero. However, any small nonzero value of the quantity rules out a possibility of the KT transition. To confirm the finding we develop a description of the problem in terms of the 2D Coulomb gas model. Within the approach the breakdown of the KT scenario gains a transparent meaning, the misfit gives rise to an effective in-plane electric field that prevents a formation of bound vortex-antivortex pairs.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Theory of magnetoelastic resonance in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet

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    We study magnetoelastic resonance phenomena in a mono-axial chiral helimagnet belonging to hexagonal crystal class. By computing the spectrum of coupled elastic wave and spin wave, it is demonstrated how hybridization occurs depending on their chirality. Specific features of the magnetoelastic resonance are discussed for the conical phase and the soliton lattice phase stabilized in the mono-axial chiral helimagnet. The former phase exhibits appreciable non-reciprocity of the spectrum, the latter is characterized by a multi-resonance behavior. We propose that the non-reciprocal spin wave around the forced-ferromagnetic state has potential capability to convert the linearly polarized elastic wave to circularly polarized one with the chirality opposite to the spin wave chirality.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Smart Camp: Building Scalable and Highly Available IT-Infrastructures

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    The Western Australian resources boom has created a demand for a large amount of domestic accommodations, known as mining camps. However, due to the absent infrastructure within the remote regions of Australia, the energy supply of these mining camps is expensive. In order to reduce the electricity consumption of the mining camps, the Smart Camp project was initiated. The system infrastructure consists of a home automation based controller, placed in each mining accommodation unit to reduce energy consumption, and a centralized management unit, coordinating the controllers. Due to the fact that the size and complexity of mining camps may grow over time, the provided infrastructure of the management unit has to be able to evolve. One possible solution is to design a system in the context of high availability and horizontal scalability. This paper proposes a horizontally scalable and high availability infrastructural concept, in the context of the Smart Camp project. This concept also utilizes cost effective open source solutions running on commodity hardware. Within the context of horizontal scalability and reliability, this paper provides an applied research outline of some of the real world considerations, such as open source based high availability, load balancing, and distributed database solutions

    On C*-algebras generated by pairs of q-commuting isometries

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    We consider the C*-algebras O_2^q and A_2^q generated, respectively, by isometries s_1, s_2 satisfying the relation s_1^* s_2 = q s_2 s_1^* with |q| < 1 (the deformed Cuntz relation), and by isometries s_1, s_2 satisfying the relation s_2 s_1 = q s_1 s_2 with |q| = 1. We show that O_2^q is isomorphic to the Cuntz-Toeplitz C*-algebra O_2^0 for any |q| < 1. We further prove that A_2^{q_1} is isomorphic to A_2^{q_2} if and only if either q_1 = q_2 or q_1 = complex conjugate of q_2. In the second part of our paper, we discuss the complexity of the representation theory of A_2^q. We show that A_2^q is *-wild for any q in the circle |q| = 1, and hence that A_2^q is not nuclear for any q in the circle.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX2e "article" document class; submitted. V2 clarifies the relationships between the various deformation systems treate

    Theory of standing spin waves in finite-size chiral spin soliton lattice

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    We present a theory of standing spin wave (SSW) in a monoaxial chiral helimagnet. Motivated by experimental findings on the magnetic field-dependence of the resonance frequency in thin films of Cr{}Nb3_{3} S6{}_{6}[Goncalves et al., Phys. Rev. B95, 104415 (2017)], we examine the SSW over a chiral soliton lattice (CSL) excited by an ac magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the chiral axis. For this purpose, we generalize Kittel-Pincus theories of the SSW in ferromagnetic thin films to the case of non-collinear helimagnet with the surface end spins which are softly pinned by an anisotropy field. Consequently, we found there appear two types of modes. One is a Pincus mode which is composed of a long-period Bloch wave and a short-period ripple originated from the periodic structure of the CSL. Another is a short-period Kittel ripple excited by space-periodic perturbation which exists only in the case where the ac field is applied perpendicular the chiral axis. We demonstrate that the existence of the Pincus mode and the Kittel ripple is consistent with experimentally found double resonance profile.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure