7 research outputs found

    The Right to Silence in The Hague International Criminal Courts

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    Principled Exclusion: A Revised Approach to Article1(F)(a) of the Refugee Convention

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    The focus of this contribution is Article 1(F)(a), a section of the exclusion clause that has increased in both use and profile in recent years. Article 1(F)(a) applies to individuals who may be implicated in crimes against peace (more commonly known today as crimes of aggression), war crimes, or crimes against humanity as such crimes are defined in relevant international instruments. Where a decision maker finds that “there are serious reasons for considering that” an asylum seeker has committed one of these acts, the remainder of the Refugee Convention does not apply, and any protections to which the claimant would otherwise be entitled are consequently unavailable. Article 1(F)(a) is a particularly important part of the exclusion clause because it applies to those who have committed acts so wrongful that the international community has agreed to standards of universal applicability. It is a provision committed to ensuring that perpetrators of the worst international crimes do not subsequently benefit from the robust international protections available to refugees. The 2013 Michigan Colloquium on Challenges in International Refugee Law brought together experts committed to articulating a principled approach to exclusion under Article 1(F)(a). This paper was drafted as the background study for that meeting and was designed to provide general principles for study and debate. In particular, the paper calls for a revised paradigm for determining when an asylum seeker ought to be denied protection on the basis that he or she is individually responsible for the international crimes listed in Article 1(F)(a)

    El Derecho Internacional ante los crímenes cometidos contra la poblacion civil

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    La población civil se ha convertido en uno de los principales objetivos de los ataques armados producidos en las situaciones de violencia actuales. La normativa internacional establece el régimen de derechos y obligaciones exigibles en estas circunstancias excepcionales (las normas). Además, el derecho internacional regula las actuaciones que los sujetos pueden llevar a cabo para responder a dichos ataques armados dirigidos contra la población civil (los sujetos).The civilian population has become one of the main targets of armed attacks in the situations of violence. International law establishes the regime of rights and obligations in these exceptional circumstances (rules). In addition, international law regulates the actions that subjects can take to respond to these armed attacks directed against the civilian population (subjects).La population civile est devenue l’une des principales cibles des attaques armées dans les situations de violence. Le droit international établit le régime des droits et obligations applicables dans ces circonstances exceptionnelles (les normes). En outre, le Droit international régit les actions que les sujets peuvent prendre pour répondre à ces attaques armées dirigés contre la population civile (les sujets)

    Harsh Justice for International Crimes?

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