10 research outputs found


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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the modern directions to overcome the influence of the professional deformation of General education teachers. Methodology: The article describes the results of experimental work in the framework of the project aimed at the study of modern approaches to assessing the quality of education and its relationship with the overall educational results. Example of the training course module for teachers’ additional professional education, the purpose of which is the development of modern directions to prevent professional deformation. Result: The possibilities for supporting the positive psycho-emotional state of the teacher, teaching the practices to overcome subjectivity in making evaluation decisions - the interiorization of the teacher deontological code are revealed. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Modern Directions for Prevention of Destructive Influence of Teacher Professional Deformation is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Public relations in organizations in sportsman students view: Development of management tools or healthy and friendly relations formation

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    The relevance of this article is the need to study the students' understanding of public relations as a means of management. The experience of countries with a developed social sphere shows that the use of public relations in the management of social work institutions can improve the social status of social services, form a positive public opinion and, as a result, ensure the social effectiveness of services provided. The purpose of the research is to analyse students' perceptions of public relations’ essence as a means of managing social services in the external environment. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey, which allows us to qualitatively investigate public relations in the organization through the eyes of students. Results of the research: the article considers the students' views on the means of managing social services in the external environment, reveals the role of public relations in the management of social services in the external environment in the representation of students. The novelty and originality of the research consists in the analysis of public relations as a means of management in the external environment in relation to the activities of social protection institutions in the representation of students. It is revealed that, in the view of students, public relations accumulate management tools and include: the use of various forms of communication aimed at identifying common views or interests of different groups; they contribute to the formation of partnership and friendly relations between the social service, clients and the General public; ensure the achievement of mutual understanding based on truth and full public awareness and, ultimately, form a positive public opinion and a favourable image for the social service. The essential aspects, specific features, structural and functional features and opportunities of public relations as a means of managing social services in the external environment are highlighted in the students' view. It is determined that in the views of students, the management of the social service does not have a well-thought-out concept of organizing public relations, which leads to ineffective management of the social service in the external environment and is used in social work spontaneously. Practical significance: the data obtained in this work can be used in social psychology, Economics, advertising psychology, management psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue


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    Purpose of the study: The relevance of the article is due to the rethinking of employment by students and the emergence of new forms of income, due to the emergence of Internet resources.  Today, more and more people are revising their work schedules, switching to freelancing or so-called free employment, reducing working hours. In this regard, this article is aimed at studying students' ideas about the lifestyle of downshifters in an urban environment. Methodology: As a research methodology, a qualitative approach was applied using ethnographic strategies to dive into the world of everyday practices of informants and better understand how their daily lives are structured, which is especially important when studying ideas about lifestyle. A detailed description of the ideas about individual everyday practices allows us to identify the type in a social phenomenon. Method of information gathering - in-depth interview, which allows determining the main motives and beliefs of informants. Results: The article revealed that in the view of the majority of students, downshifters are satisfied with their lifestyle; travel a lot; have a low civil position, mainly carry out their household activities in solitude and are not married. It is shown that work for downshifters, in the view of students, should be enjoyable, and if this is not possible for any reason, it is fair for them to do work that does not lead to emotional and physical exhaustion. In the students' views, five groups of downshifters were identified: those who left well paid but stressful work; having the ability to work remotely; devoting more time to personal development; peaked careers and decided to change the profile of activity; transformed their hobby into a profession. Applications of this study: The data obtained in the work can be used in the field of labor and employment of young people, social psychology, the psychology of education, age psychology, sociology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue. Novelty/Originality of this study: Because the phenomenon of downshifting is not sufficiently studied, and the concept has no clear definition, many people in the society can call themselves downshifters who are not really downshifters indeed, and Vice versa, many people do not realize themselves downshifters, being downshifters in fact. This seems to be a certain problem for studying this social group

    Development of Consumers' Behavior Business Model on Energy Market

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    The pace of transformation in the electric power industry around the world is gaining momentum due to the rapid development of technology. The possibilities for choosing the electric power company, as well as consumers of their products, are increasing. The role of the distributed energy is enhancing, which contributes to the development of supply and demand in this market. In this regard, approaches to management in the energy markets are changing to address the problems of cross-subsidization. The introduction of new technologies in the management of generating and network facilities makes it possible to become ‘active consumers' in the energy market. The purpose of our study is to assess the impact of cross-subsidies on changing the active consumers' behavior in the energy market. We propose a mathematical model of the behavior of ‘active consumers' of the energy market, which allows the participants of the energy market to make decisions to ‘buy' or to ‘produce their own' electrical energy and provides recommendations for determining the economic benefits for active consumers of the energy market. The results of our study showed that the proposed model could be effective for energy sales companies and regulators for multi-agent modeling of consumers' response to tariff mechanisms of demand-side management; it also can be useful for assessing the economic effect for the consumer who participates in demand-side management. Keywords: active consumer, energy market, demand-side management, tariff; mathematical model. JEL Classifications: D24; Q43; M3

    State Priorities in the Petrochemistry of Russia: Sustainable Development, “Green” Industry and Energy Efficiency

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    This research aims at diagnosing such priority areas for the development of petrochemicals in Russia as sustainable development and energy efficiency, at identifying trends and forecasting the development of the industry, taking into account the greening of the industry. Achieving the goal is based on the use of methods such as graphical, comparative, economic and mathematical (neural network modeling, correlation regression analysis), and prognostic. The article contains an assessment of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals focused on energy saving and environmental protection; forecasting the level of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia based on the construction of a neural network and a regression model; comparative analysis of the rates of transition to sustainable development of chemical production and production of coke and petroleum products in the Russian economy. The scientific results of the research are a neural network model trained on the indicators of sustainable and energy efficient development of the Russian economy, on the basis of which the relationship between the level of greenhouse gas emissions, the energy intensity of GDP and the share of electricity from renewable energy sources is formalized; a predictive model that made it possible to calculate future values of greenhouse gas emissions depending on the target values of predictive variables; features of the greening of petrochemical industries in Russia.Keywords: petrochemical industry, state priorities, sustainable development, green industry, energy efficiency, Russia.JEL Classifications: О14, D24, С41DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.11364</p

    Energy Saving Projects as Energy Security Factors

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    National economic development, its effectiveness and competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets are directly determined by the country's economic resilience, which is able to ensure protection of its interests at the international level, promote economic growth and address public needs. One of the most important components of the country's national security is its energy security. In this regard, implementation of energy resource-saving technologies and enhancement of energy efficiency is of prime importance; in particular, solving heat related problems, i.e. heat transfer challenges while reforming and reorganizing Russian regional heat supply system. The main purpose of the paper is to study the issues connected with development and implementation of investment projects in the sphere of heat conservation and efficiency as one of the essential components contributing to energy efficiency programs in cities, regions, country. The survey methodology includes a quantitative method used to assess the effectiveness of an investment project which is based on the concept of discounting, the grouping technique, and tabular and graphical methods of data visualization. The paper presents result of evaluating the effectiveness of an investment project aimed at energy-saving, and energy efficient technologies in the field of heat saving. The projects implemented contribute to improvement and further development of the energy infrastructure of social-and-economic assets in order to improve their energy efficiency. The authors draw conclusions on the projects' effectiveness and urgency. Paper materials are of practical value for professionals involved in the study of investment projects in the field of energy and heat saving in order to ensure energy security of the country. Keywords: economy, economic security, energy security, energy efficiency, heat saving, investment project. JEL Classifications: D24; Q43; M31 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.714

    Features of Cost Advantages from Implementation of Energy-Saving Projects

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    The implementation of the tasks envisaged by the National Security Strategy provides for the creation and implementation of projects aimed at the formation of the appropriate infrastructure of the regions. The most important component of the regional infrastructure is the energy one, which ensures the solution of urgent problems of the population and enterprises of the regions in obtaining energy and heat supply services. The achievement of the abovementioned goal is provided by introduction of investment projects, the implementation of which makes it possible to obtain cost advantages by consumers of services. Analysis of these projects' implementation programs over a long period of time confirms the significant cost advantages, the importance of which is determined by its social significance. The purpose of this paper is studying issues aimed at analyzing, assessment and shaping the cost benefits of the introduction of energy-efficient innovative technologies for heat-saving at enterprises of the public utilities sector. The study methods for this issue include the cost-benefit analysis, the cost efficiency assessment, tabular and graphical methods, which allow visualizing the structure of the economic effect and identifying its features. The paper presents the structure of the cost advantages gained by consumers that introduce innovative energy-saving technologies. The study revealed the features of the cost benefits formation, their structure, characteristic of these technologies. The paper draws a conclusion about the effectiveness of these projects, confirmed by the results of calculations, for consumers of services. Materials of the article are of practical value for professionals engaged in analysis and evaluation of energy/heat conservation projects, as well as for organizations that implement project outputs when comparing future benefits and costs as opposed to alternative technologies. Keywords: cost advantages; cost benefits; cost advantage assessment method; energy security; energy saving; heat saving; project costs and results. JEL Classifications: D24; Q43; M31 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.764

    Team esports as rehabilitation method in views of students with disabilities: Formation and development prospects

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    Scientific and technological progress has led to the emergence of computer technics and computer technologies. The growth rate of computerization contributes to the fact that more and more people are involved in work, communication and leisure activities through the internet. In particular, special attention should be paid to the use of computer technologies for healthy students and students with disabilities. The purpose of this article is to identify the features of social rehabilitation of students with disabilities. The article considers the possibilities of team esports in the representation of students with disabilities. It is proved that the potential of team esports lies in the fact that students with disabilities begin to develop active strategies and positive thinking, which gives them the strength to fight against difficulties. It is revealed that team esports is an opportunity to communicate and display adaptive skills. It is considered that students with disabilities gain self-confidence due to lively, interesting communication, which increases their chances of psychophysiological rehabilitation. It is determined that team esports has a positive effect on students with disabilities, developing their skills of social adaptation. It is revealed that out of the three forms of aggressive behaviour: physical, verbal, and indirect aggression, after being introduced to team esports, students with disabilities mostly abandoned verbal aggression, decreased resentment, and suspicion based on the belief that others intend to harm them. It is proved that by involving students in team esports, it was possible to correct the level of anxiety of students with disabilities. The high level of school, self-assessment, and interpersonal anxiety was adjusted to the lowest level

    Determining the Opinions of University Students on the Education They Receive with Technology During the Pandemic Process

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    In this study, it was aimed to determine the opinions of university students studying in the Department of Electrical Engineering about the distance education process they received during the pandemic. The quantitative research method was used in the research. The research consisted of 390 volunteer university students studying at 16 universities in Russia; the universe of the research was determined as the distance education system and the sample was determined as ‘Microsoft Teams’. In order to collect the data of the research, a measurement tool called ‘technology use’ developed by the researchers was used and applied. For the measurement tool, help was received from experts in the field and have worked in these fields. The data were shared with university students via an online questionnaire and their participation was ensured and collected. When looking at the research, it was stated that university students frequently used their distance education centre infrastructure with Microsoft Teams infrastructure in the distance education process and they used Microsoft Teams elements in the activities. When the results of the research are discussed, they stated that the technology levels of the university students were high; that they learned the whiteboard and electric fields in the classroom activities; and that the topics covered and the questions solved in the lessons were high with the re-watch method

    Мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна: современные подходы к ведению и лечению пациентов

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy is one of the most common forms of childhood muscular dystrophies. Its incidence is 1 in 3.5–6 thousand newborn boys according to various sources. The disease is caused by the mutation in the DMD gene coding the dystrophin protein, it leads to the dystrophin absence or malfunction. The disease is characterized by proximal muscle weakness and gastrocnemius muscles pseudohypertrophy. In average, patients lose the ability to walk by themselves by the age of 11 and become nonambulatory. The authors have present modern epidemiological data and etiopathogenesis features of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and have described clinical signs of different disease stages. The algorithm and key points of differential diagnosis are indicated. Special attention was given to the patients’ management: pathogenetic treatment and rehabilitation of pediatric patients.Мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна — одна из наиболее частых форм мышечных дистрофий детского возраста. По разным источникам, заболеваемость миодистрофией Дюшенна оценивается как 1 на 3,5–6 тыс. новорожденных мальчиков. В основе заболевания лежит мутация гена DMD, кодирующего белок дистрофин, приводящая к отсутствию или недостаточной функции дистрофина. Заболевание характеризуется слабостью проксимальных и псевдогипертрофией икроножных мышц, и в среднем к 11 годам пациенты теряют возможность самостоятельно передвигаться и становятся неамбулаторными больными. Авторами представлены современные эпидемиологические данные и особенности этиопатогенеза мышечной дистрофии Дюшенна, описаны клинические характеристики разных стадий болезни. Подробно представлен алгоритм и указаны ключевые этапы дифференциально-диагностического поиска. Особое внимание уделено вопросам лечения пациентов, в том числе патогенетическому лечению, реабилитации пациентов детского возраста