29 research outputs found
Using online-translation on foreign language lessons
The article deals with a problem of using online-translations by students while reading and translating texts on foreigh language lessons. The analysis of typical translation mistakes is carried out and tips for improving of foreign texts translations’quality are given.В статье рассматривается проблема использования онлайн-переводчика студентами при чтении и переводе текстов на занятиях по иностранному языку. Проведен анализ типичных ошибок в переводе и даны рекомендации по улучшению качества перевода иноязычных текстов
Uncovering the role of biophysical factors and socioeconomic forces shaping soil sensitivity to degradation: insights from Italy
Following an operational framework derived from earlier research, our study research estimates the specific contribution of biophysical and socioeconomic factors to soil sensitivity to degradation at two-time points (Early-1990s and Early-2010s) in Italy, a Mediterranean hotspot for desertification risk. A total of 34 variables associated (directly or, at least, indirectly) with different processes of soil degradation (erosion, salinization, sealing, contamination, and compaction) and climate change were considered here, delineating the predominant (underlying) cause (i.e., biophysical or socioeconomic). This set of variables represented the largest (quantitative) information available from national and international data sources including official statistics at both national and European scale. Contribution of biophysical and socioeconomic dimensions to soil sensitivity to degradation was heterogeneous in Italy, with the level of soil sensitivity to biophysical factors being the highest in less accessible, natural areas mostly located in hilly and mountainous districts. The highest level of soil sensitivity to socioeconomic drivers was instead observed in more accessible locations around large cities and flat rural districts with crop intensification and low (but increasing) population density. All these factors delineated an enlarged divide in environmental quality between (i) flat and upland districts, and between (ii) Northern and Southern Italian regions. These findings suggest the appropriateness of policy strategies protecting soils with a strong place-specific knowledge, i.e., based on permanent monitoring of local (biophysical and socioeconomic) conditions
Кey trends in the financial services digital transformation in Russia and their influence on consumer experience: forecast of expertsm
Purpose: forecasting the key avenues for financial services digital transformation in Russia and its influence on customer experience based on expert surveys.Methods: a set of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as marketing research methods – desk and field research. The field research included qualitative method: in-depth interviews with financial market experts. The obtained data were analyzed using content analysis and summarized. Results: the authors provided analysis of secondary data on the main global and local digitalization trends in the financial services market and conducted analytical aggregation of expert opinions on the most likely future changes in the financial services market in the process of digitalization. Analysis of the obtained data enabled to describe three avenues for financial services digital transformation – means of payments digital transformation, payments infrastructure digital transformation and customer interaction models digital transformation. The authors also presented and described the positive and negative influence of the results of digital transformation on the consumer experience.Conclusions and Relevance: the results of this study emphasize the role of financial services digital transformation in the process of new consumer experience creation. The means of payments digital transformation will ensure the total dominance of digital money within the money circulation system positively affecting consumer experience in terms of growing convenience, speed and cost-cutting. Payment infrastructure digital transformation will positively influence on consumer experience by simplifying the customer identification systems and reducing errors. Customer interaction models digital transformation will enhance the level of seamlessness leading to the full integration of financial services in the day-to-day customer activities. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies enabling to achieve the highest level of competitiveness for the financial service providers in the market
Management of heart failure patients in Russia: perspectives and realities of the second decade of the XXI century
The article highlights the central components of Russian heart failure (HF) management programs in actual clinical practice. The experience of the Competence Center of Almazov National Medical Research Center, as well as opportunities and prospects for improving the monitoring of decompensated HF
Ключевые тенденции цифровой трансформации финансовых услуг в России и их влияние на потребительский опыт: прогнозы экспертов
Purpose: forecasting the key avenues for financial services digital transformation in Russia and its influence on customer experience based on expert surveys.Methods: a set of general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as marketing research methods – desk and field research. The field research included qualitative method: in-depth interviews with financial market experts. The obtained data were analyzed using content analysis and summarized. Results: the authors provided analysis of secondary data on the main global and local digitalization trends in the financial services market and conducted analytical aggregation of expert opinions on the most likely future changes in the financial services market in the process of digitalization. Analysis of the obtained data enabled to describe three avenues for financial services digital transformation – means of payments digital transformation, payments infrastructure digital transformation and customer interaction models digital transformation. The authors also presented and described the positive and negative influence of the results of digital transformation on the consumer experience.Conclusions and Relevance: the results of this study emphasize the role of financial services digital transformation in the process of new consumer experience creation. The means of payments digital transformation will ensure the total dominance of digital money within the money circulation system positively affecting consumer experience in terms of growing convenience, speed and cost-cutting. Payment infrastructure digital transformation will positively influence on consumer experience by simplifying the customer identification systems and reducing errors. Customer interaction models digital transformation will enhance the level of seamlessness leading to the full integration of financial services in the day-to-day customer activities. The results of the study can be used to develop strategies enabling to achieve the highest level of competitiveness for the financial service providers in the market.Цель: прогнозирование ключевых направлений цифровой трансформации российского рынка финансовых услуг и влияния цифровой трансформации на потребительский опыт на основе оценок экспертов.Методы или методология проведения работы: совокупность общенаучных методов анализа и синтеза, а также кабинетные и полевые методы маркетинговых исследований. Полевые методы маркетинговых исследований представлены глубинными интервью с экспертами финансового рынка. Полученные данные были проанализированы с помощью контент-анализа, систематизированы и обобщены.Результаты работы. Проведен анализ вторичных данных о текущих тенденциях цифровизации рынка финансовых услуг в мире и России. Выполнен анализ первичных данных: мнений экспертов финансового рынка о наиболее вероятных изменениях на рынке финансовых услуг в контексте цифровизации. В результате систематизации и обобщения полученных данных сформулированы три направления цифровой трансформации рынка финансовых услуг до 2030 года: трансформация средств платежей, трансформация инфраструктуры и трансформация моделей взаимодействия с потребителем. В ходе анализа выделенных направлений описано положительное и отрицательное влияние цифровой трансформации на потребительский опыт финансового обслуживания в будущем.Выводы. Результаты исследования показывают особую роль цифровой трансформации финансовых услуг в формировании нового потребительского опыта. Цифровая трансформация средств платежей обеспечит абсолютное доминирование цифровых денег, что улучшит потребительский опыт в части удобства, скорости обслуживания и снижения издержек денежного обращения. Трансформация цифровых платежных решений окажет положительный эффект на потребительский опыт в части упрощения механизма идентификации пользователя и снижения вероятности ошибок транзакций. Трансформация цифровых моделей взаимодействия с потребителем обеспечит высокий уровень «бесшовности» обслуживания и приведет к полной интеграции финансового взаимодействия с повседневной жизнью потребителя. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы хозяйствующими субъектами рынка финансовых услуг при разработке стратегий развития в целях достижения высокого уровня конкурентоспособности на рынке
Dataset of manually measured QT intervals in the electrocardiogram
BACKGROUND: The QT interval and the QT dispersion are currently a subject of considerable interest. Cardiac repolarization delay is known to favor the development of arrhythmias. The QT dispersion, defined as the difference between the longest and the shortest QT intervals or as the standard deviation of the QT duration in the 12-lead ECG is assumed to be reliable predictor of cardiovascular mortality. The seventh annual PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge, 2006 addresses a question of high clinical interest: Can the QT interval be measured by fully automated methods with accuracy acceptable for clinical evaluations? METHOD: The PTB Diagnostic ECG Database was given to 4 cardiologists and 1 biomedical engineer for manual marking of QRS onsets and T-wave ends in 458 recordings. Each recording consisted of one selected beat in lead II, chosen visually to have minimum baseline shift, noise, and artifact. In cases where no T wave could be observed or its amplitude was very small, the referees were instructed to mark a 'group-T-wave end' taking into consideration leads with better manifested T wave. A modified Delphi approach was used, which included up to three rounds of measurements to obtain results closer to the median. RESULTS: A total amount of 2*5*548 Q-onsets and T-wave ends were manually marked during round 1. To obtain closer to the median results, 8.58 % of Q-onsets and 3.21 % of the T-wave ends had to be reviewed during round 2, and 1.50 % Q-onsets and 1.17 % T-wave ends in round 3. The mean and standard deviation of the differences between the values of the referees and the median after round 3 were 2.43 ± 0.96 ms for the Q-onset, and 7.43 ± 3.44 ms for the T-wave end. CONCLUSION: A fully accessible, on the Internet, dataset of manually measured Q-onsets and T-wave ends was created and presented in additional file: 1 (Table 4) with this article. Thus, an available standard can be used for the development of automated methods for the detection of Q-onsets, T-wave ends and for QT interval measurements
Представлена технологія виготовлення п’єзоелектричних композитів Sn2P2S6 у вигляді таблеток під дією тиску, температури та поляризуючого електричного поля. Досліджено частотні залежності імпедансу Z(f), фази φ (f), активного опору R(f), реактивного опору X(f), електричної ємності С(0), фактору втрат D(f), дійсної частини діелектричної проникливості (ε’ (f)), уявної частини діелектричної проникливості (ε”(0). Виявлено та визначено частоти «подавленого» резонансу - 151,0 кГц та 739,6 кГц. На частоті 1 кГц питомі параметри п’єзоелектричної таблетки Sn2P2S6 є наступні: Zs(specific)=1.92 106 Ω‧m, φ=l.5l3radПредставленная технология изготовления пьезоэлектрических композитов Sn2P2S6 в виде таблеток под действием давления, температуры и поляризующего электрического поля. Исследованы частотные зависимости импеданса Z (f), фазы φ (f), активного сопротивления R (f), реактивного сопротивления X (f), емкости С (0), фактора потерь D (f), действительной части диэлектрической проницаемости (ε ' (f)), мнимой части диэлектрической проницаемости (ε "(0). Выявлены и определены частоты« подавленного »резонанса - 151,0 кГц и 739,6 кГц. На частоте 1 кГц удельные параметры пьезоэлектрической таблетки Sn2P2S6 являются следующие: Zs (specific) = 1.92 106 Ω‧m, φ = l.5l3radPreparation technology of piezoelectric composites fanned as the tablets under the pressure, temperature and electrical polarizing field on the base of Sn2P2S6 material is presented. Also frequency dependencies of Z (impedance), φ (phase), R (resistance), X (reactance), C (capacity), D (dissipation factor), ε’ (real part of permittivity), and ε” (imaginary part of permittivity) were investigated. It was detennined that at frequencies 151,0 kHz and 739,6 kHz “damped” resonance is observed. Parameters of the piezoelectric tablet at frequency 1 kHz are following: Zs(specific)=1.92‧106 Ω‧m, φ=1.513rad
Clinical and paraclinical manifestation COVID-19 in different age children
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new coronavirus first discovered in 2019. The infection has spread rapidly throughout the world
and affects people of all ages. Thus, 12.7% of all SARS-CoV-2 patients are children.
Purpose — to establish the clinical and paraclinical manifestations of the course of COVID-19 in children, depending on age to predict
the severity of the disease’s manifestation.
Materials and methods. The 60 children aged from 3 months to 17 years old with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 were examined.
All patients underwent general clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examinations and received therapy according to Ukrainian National protocol. SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed by real-time PCR. Results. Thus, in young children COVID-19 begins acutely (90.0%) with intoxication (75.0%), fever (65.0%), nasal congestion (25.0%), rhinorrhea (20.0%), dry cough (60.0%), increased ESR and C-reactive protein (55.0%). The course of COVID-19 in children 4–6 years is accompanied by acute onset (85.71%), fever (85.71%), pharyngitis (85.71%), lymphopenia (28.56%), and no CT signs of lesions (71.43%). In children
7–12 years old, COVID-19 causes intoxication (88.89%), fever (83.33%), pharyngitis (55.56%), dry cough (77.78%), lymphocytosis (16.67%)
with accelerated ESR (38.89%) and pneumonia (38.89%). The course of COVID-19 in children was older than 13 years old characterized
by fever (73.33%), pharyngitis (66.67%), dry cough (73.33%), olfactory loss (20.0%), leukopenia (20.0%), ESR acceleration (20.0%),
and a decrease in prothrombin (13.33%) without pulmonary lesions (73.33%).
Conclusions. These data suggest that the severity and duration of clinical and laboratory manifestations of COVID-19 depend on the child’s
age. The course of COVID-19 in children of all age groups is mostly of moderate severity with a favorable prognosis ((56.67%) hospitalized
children did not have any complications). Only children from 7 to 12 years old need additional attention due to the severe manifestations
of intoxication (88.89%) and the risk of complications with pneumonia (38.89%).
The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics
Committee of the participating institution. The informed consent of the patient was obtained for conducting the studies.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors