124 research outputs found

    Studium měření selektivity velikosti buněčných subpopulací pomocí frakcionace tokem v poli

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    Univerzita Karlova Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra analytické chemie Kandidát: Daria Prokofeva Školitel: Burkhard Horstkotte, Ph.D., M.Sc. Konzultant: Doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová Ph.D. Název práce: Studium měření selektivity velikosti buněčných subpopulací pomocí frakcionace tokem v poli Byla zkoumána účinnost buněčné separace sedimentační frakcionací tokem v poli (SdFFF) prostřednictvím buněčné izolace a další charakterizace separovaných frakcí. V této práci byla testována jen SdFFF. Jako analyt byly použity kolorektální rakovinné (CRC) buněčné linie -WiDr, HCT116. Polydisperzní heterogenní buněčná populace, jako CRC buněčná linie, obsahuje buňky v různých vývojových stadiích diferenciace, včetně rakovinných kmenových buněk, jež jsou pravděpodobně zodpovědné za rakovinné bujení a terapeutickou účinnost léčby. SdFFF byla pro získání subpopulací (frakcí) kolorektálních rakovinných buněk použita v tzv. nadvrstevním režimu a následně byla studována účinnost velikost-zavislé separace a byla provedena charakterizace parametrů metody. V prvním kroku byly získány buněčné subpopulace pomocí kolekce buněk z různých pozic elučního píku. Získané subpopulace byly zpětně nastřikovány do SdFFF přístroje za účelem ziskani elučního profilu každé frakce. Změřená průměrná velikost a retenční čas...Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Analytical Chemistry Candidate: Daria Prokofeva Supervisors: Dr. Burkhard Horstkotte, Ph.D., M.Sc. Consultant: Doc. PharmDr. Hana Sklenářová, Ph.D. Title of Diploma Thesis: Study of size selectivity measurement of cell subpopulation using field-flow fractionation. Cell separation effectiveness of Sedimentation Field Flow Fractionation (SdFFF) was studied by cell isolation and further characterization. In this thesis, we considered only Sedimentation Field-Flow Fractionation (SdFFF). Colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines - WiDr, HCT116 were used as analytes. Polydispersed complex cell population as CRC cells, contents the cells in different stages of differentiation. It includes the cancer stem cells, which are considered responsible for driving growth and therapy efficacy of treatment. In this study, SdFFF in the so-denoted hyperlayer elution mode was used to obtain cell subpopulations from CRC cell lines. By this, the effectiveness of size-dependent separation and characterization method for cell sorting from complex polydispersed population have been studied. The cell subpopulations (fractions) were collected from different positions of the elution peak. Afterwards, the collected fractions were re-injected to observe the elution...Department of Analytical ChemistryKatedra analytické chemieFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    The Language Means of Comicality in Clickbait Headings

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    The analysis of material presented in the media discourse demonstrates significant changes in the intentionality of the journalistic text, which are reflected in establishing contacts so as to grab and retain the reader's attention. This feature of modern media text is represented in changing genre preferences, speech tactics and strategies, and, consequently, selecting and combining linguistic means. One of the manifestations of this trend is the phenomenon of clickbait, which is a communicative act of promising to continue communication. This article is dedicated to the clickbait with the semantics of comicality. The collected from the Russian-language Internet research material includes clickbait headings that promise a certain funny content. The study revealed that a clickbait model includes the following semantic components: a stimulating utterance of the subject of speech seeking to involve the reader in the humorous nature of hypertext; the verbal and non-verbal markers of the object of laughter; markers, which reflect Internet user's involvement in the communicative act. The analysis of relationship between the components of a clickbait model resulted in specifying four types of clickbait headlines: 1) narrative headlines, which invite the reader to laugh what some other readers have already laughed at; 2) offering headlines suggesting some comic entertainment; 3) allusive clickbaits that hint on the possibility to continue amusing reading; 4) nominative clickbaits, which name the expected laughing reaction to the presentation of some objects


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    Purpose. The article is devoted to consumption as a natural process of economic agents. The relevance of the appeal to consumption is determined by changes in socio-economic relations that form new consumer attitudes in an era of abundance of goods. By now, consumption has become a complexly structured, heterogeneous integral function of society itself. It is assumed that transnational corporations implement consumer allocation strategies aimed to manage the needs of consumers and consumer attitudes. The authors try to identify risks for society derived from further increase of consumption.Methodology. The research is based on general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, logical methods), as well as the historical and philosophical method.Results. The results are the following. It was clarified the role of consumption in the development of socio-economic relations. In addition, the formation of consumer allocations was highlighted as the main modern strategy used by multinational corporations. The question of state regulation of consumption is raised.Practical implications. The results can be applied in risk-based approach in managing various scales economic agents.Цель. Статья посвящена такому естественному процессу, как потребление. Актуальность обращения к потреблению обусловливают меняющиеся социально-экономические отношения, формирующие новые потребительские установки общества, живущего в эпоху изобилия товаров. На текущем этапе потребление превратилось в сложно структурированную, неоднородную неотъемлемую функцию самого общества. Делается предположение о реализации крупными экономическими агентами (в том числе транснациональными корпорациями) стратегий формирования потребительских аллокаций, направленных на управление потребностями конечных пользователей продукции посредством формирования у них потребительских установок. Авторы ставят целью выделить риски дальнейшей ориентации общества на увеличении потребления.Метод или методология проведения работы. Основу исследования составляют общенаучные методы познания (анализ, синтез, логические методы), а также историко-философский метод.Результаты. Результаты исследования заключаются в уточнении роли потребления в развитии социально-экономических отношений. Кроме того, выделено формирование потребительских аллокаций, в качестве основной современной стратегии, используемой транснациональными корпорациями. Предложены направления деятельности государства в сфере экономико-социальной политики по регулированию потребления.Область применения результатов. Результаты могут быть применены при использовании риск-ориентированного подхода в управлении экономическими субъектами различного масштаба