64 research outputs found

    Healing of open fracture of shoulder bone in owl

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    Curing and treatment of accidental injuries in birds that have the nature of complex, old and contaminated wounds demand maximum caution from the surgeon. Birds, in particular wild fowl, are sensitive to manipulation during examinations and the diagnosis of the injuries. The estimate of the complexity of an injury and the general condition of the patient are of key importance for the correct choice of diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, and the operative procedure. The implementation of ketamine and diazepam for general injection anesthesia provides possibilities for the unhindered executing of the surgical procedure. The implementation of Kischner needles and pins is a good choice for the fixation of long bones in birds. The postoperative course in the patient requires constant medical and professional supervision which must be followed to the letter

    Sanacija otvorenog preloma ramene kosti sove

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    Curing and treatment of accidental injuries in birds that have the nature of complex, old and contaminated wounds demand maximum caution from the surgeon. Birds, in particular wild fowl, are sensitive to manipulation during examinations and the diagnosis of the injuries. The estimate of the complexity of an injury and the general condition of the patient are of key importance for the correct choice of diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, and the operative procedure. The implementation of ketamine and diazepam for general injection anesthesia provides possibilities for the unhindered executing of the surgical procedure. The implementation of Kischner needles and pins is a good choice for the fixation of long bones in birds. The postoperative course in the patient requires constant medical and professional supervision which must be followed to the letter.Sanacija i terapija akcidentalnih povreda ptica koje imaju karakter složenih, starih i kontaminiranih rana, zahteva od hirurga maksimalnu opreznost. Ptice, posebno divlje, osetljive su na manipulaciju prilikom pregleda i dijagnostikovanja povreda. Procena složenosti povrede i opšteg stanja pacijenta, su od ključnog značaja za pravilan izbor dijagnostičkih postupaka, anestezije i operativnog zahvata. Primena ketamin hlorida i diazepama za opštu injekcionu anesteziju, daje mogućnost za nesmetano izvođenje operativnog zahvata. Primena Kišnerovih igala i klinova su dobar izbor za osteofiksaciju dugih cevastih kostiju kod ptica. Postoperativni tok zahteva stalni medicinski i stručni nadzor pacijenta koji se mora u potpunosti ispoštovati

    Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina - identification of the pathogen and population biodiversity

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    Bakteriozna plamenjača leske, čiji je prouzrokovač fitopatogena bakterija Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina (Xac), najznačajnije je bakteriozno oboljenje ove jezgraste voćke u svetu. U našoj zemlji bolest je prvi put uočena 50-ih godina prošlog veka, nakon čega nije bilo daljih proučavanja ovog patogena. U periodu 2008 - 2011. godine, u nekoliko rejona gajenja leske u Srbiji uočena je pojava simptoma pegavosti lišća, nekroze i uvelosti pupoljaka i letorasta, koji su ukazivali na moguću bakterioznu prirodu oboljenja. Simptomatični uzorci obolelih biljaka prikupljeni su sa različitih lokaliteta u našoj zemlji sa ciljem utvrđivanja etiologije oboljenja. Iz zaraženog biljnog tkiva izolovani su Gram i oksidaza negativni, katalazapozitivni aerobni sojevi bakterija žute boje kolnija na HA podlozi. Za dalji rad odabrano je ukupno 47 reprezentativnih sojeva, koji su proučeni primenom standardnih i savremenih metoda. U istraživanja su uključeni i sojevi poreklom iz Poljske, kao i referentni sojevi Xac poreklom iz međunarodnih kolekcija. Detaljno su proučene morfološke, patogene, biohemijsko-fiziološke, serološke i genetičke odlike sojeva, na osnovu kojih su svi proučavani sojevi identifikovani kao Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina. Na podlozi od hranljivog agara (HA) formirane su sitne i sjajne kolonije, dok su one na podlozi obogaćenoj glukozom (GYCA) bile krupne, sluzaste i ispupčene. Svi proučavani sojevi hidrolizuju skrob, želatin i eskulin, koriste glukozu, maltozu, saharozu kao izvor ugljenika, ali ne i sorbitol, metabolišu kvinate, razvijaju se pri 35°C i u prisustvu 2% NaCl. Sojevi su prouzrokovali hipersenzitivnu reakciju na listovima duvana i paradajza i mahunama boranije. Patogenost sojeva potvrđena je testom patogenosti na domaćinu i reprodukcijom simptoma prirodne infekcije. Na osnovu Biolog testa utvrđena je raznovrsnost proučavanih sojeva čiji su metabolički profili bili specifični za rod Xanthomonas...Bacterial blight of hazelnut, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina (Xac), is the most important bacterial disease of this nut crop worldwide. In our country, after the disease was initially described in the 1950s, there were no further data about the research of this pathogen. During the growing season of 2008-2011, symptoms of leaf spots, bud and twig necrosis and dieback, suggesting bacterial infection, were observed on hazelnut plants in several localities in Serbia. In order to study etiology of disease, symptomatic samples of diseased hazelnut plants were collected from different hazelnut-growing regions in the country. Isolations from the diseased tissue resulted in Gram and oxidase negative, catalase-positive, aerobic yellow bacterial colonies. Total of 47 representative strains were selected for further study. Strains isolated from hazelnut in Poland and various reference strains of Xac originating from international collections were also included in research. Based on their morphological, pathogenic, biochemical, physiological, serological and genetic characteristics tested strains were identified as Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina. Bacterial colonies formed on NA medium were small and glistening and on glucose amended GYCA medium large, mucous and domed. All strains hydrolyzed starch, gelatin and esculin, used glucose, maltose, sucrose as a carbon source, but not sorbitol, metabolized quinates, developed at 35 °C in the presence of 2% NaCl. The strains induced hypersensitive reaction of tobacco, tomato leaves and bean pods. Pathogenic nature of the strains was confirmed in pathogenicity test on host plants by reproduction of symptoms similar to natural infection. Based on carbon source utilization, metabolic diversity of investigated strains was confirmed. Strain's metabolic profiles were specific for Xanthomonas genus. Serological methods (ELISA i IF test) indicated similarity in serological characteristics among the studied strains, as well as the control Xac strain..

    Biocompatibility of functionalized carbon fibers implanted in rabbit subcutaneous and muscle tissues

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    U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji upotrebljena su dobro okarakterisana komercijalna visokočvrsta karbonska vlakna (KV) marke Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), debljine 4-6 m. Ova vlakna funkcionalizovana su tretiranjem HNO3 i KOH, što je značajno izmenilo sadržaj površinskih grupa. Biokompatibilnost tako funkcionalizovanih karbonskih vlakana ispitivana je na eksperimentalnim životinjama (kunići, varijetet činčila), a procenjivana je in vitro, na ćelijskim kulturama (fibroblastvoj i makrofagnoj), in vivo aplikacijom vlakana u potkožno tkivo i m. longissimus dorsi i primenom nuklearne magnetne rezonance (NMR). Rezultati ove doktorske disertacije pokazali su da ne postoji razlika u stepenu citotoksičnosti između modifikovanih i standardnih KV, koja je u ovom eksperimentu prvo procenjivana na osnovu testa vijabilnosti ćelija (kalorimetrijski MTT) i testa ćelijske adhezije (trodimenzionalna / 3D kultivacija ćelija u Matrigelu) na humanim fibroblastima kontinuirane ćelijske linije MRC-5. Međutim, ova istraživanja dopunjena su testovima na kulturi humane makrofagne linije U937, u kojima je procenjivana vijabilnost ćelija, internalizacija vlakana (fagocitoza) i produkcija proinflamatornih citokina, IL-1, IL6, IL-8 i TNF-. Ćelijska vijabilnost bila je nenarušena u kulturama humane makrofagne linije U937 ukoliko su se dodavala KV u koncentaciji od 125 g/ ml. Međutim, dodavanjem KV u koncentraciji od 250 g/ml ili 500 g/ml, dolazilo je do značajnog dozno-zavisnog linearnog smanjenja vijabilnosti ćelija kod sve tri primenjene grupe KV, i to naročito kod dodavanja baznih KV. Znatno veći broj makrofagnih ćelija fagocitovao je KV trerira bazom, u odnosu na fagocitozu standardnih i kiselih KV. Postojala je povećana koncentracija proinflamatornih citokina TNF- i IL-1 u supernatantima kulture humanih makrofaga linije U937 nakon dodavanja standardnih ili kiselih KV u koncentraciji od 125 g/ml, dok je dodavanje baznih KV u istoj koncentraciji uslovilo smanjenu produkciju ovih citokina. U istoj koncentraciji, standardna KV su uslovila značajno smanjenja sekrecije IL-8, a kisela i bazna KV izrazito povećanje sekrecije IL-6 i IL-8. Pri tome, vlakna tretirana kiselinom bila su snažniji stimulator sekrecije IL-8 iz makrofaga u odnosu na vlakna tretirana bazom...In this doctoral dissertation, it was used the well-characterized commercial high strenght carbon fibers (CF) Torayca (T300B, 6000-50B, No 2610622), 4-6 m thick. These fibers were functionalized by treatment with HNO3 and KOH, which significantly changed the content of the surface groups. Biocompatibility of functionalized carbon fibers was tested in vivo by implanting fibers in the subcutaneous tissue and m. longissimus dorsi of the experimental animals (rabbits, chinchilla variety), than followed with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and assessed in vitro on cell cultures (fibroblast and macrophage). The results of this doctoral dissertation showed that there is no difference in the degree of the cytotoxicity level between modified and standard CFs, which was in this experiment evaluated first basing on the cell viability test (calorimetric MTT) and cell adhesion test (three-dimensional / 3D cell cultivation in Matrigel) on human fibroblasts of the continuous MRC-5 cell line. However, these studies were supplemented with tests on the culture of the human macrophage line U937, in which cell viability was assessed, than internalization of fibers (phagocytosis) and production of proinflammatory cytokines, IL-1α, IL6, IL-8 and TNF-α. When CFs were added at concentration of 125 μg / ml, cell viability was uninhabited in the culture of the human macrophage line U937. By adding CFs at concentration of 250 μg / ml or 500 μg / ml, there was a significant dose-dependent linear decrease in cell viability by all three applied CF groups, especially in case of adding base CFs. Significantly higher number CFs treated with base was pagocytosed by macrophage cells, compared to the phagocytosis of standard and acidic CFs. There was an increased concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β in human macrophage culture U937 line supernatants after adding of the standard or acidic CFs at concentration of 125 μg / ml, while the adding of the base CFs in the same concentration caused a reduced production of these cytokines. At the same concentration, standard CFs resulted in significant reductions in IL-8 secretion, while acid and base CFs pronouncedly increased secretion of IL-6 and IL-8 secretion. In addition, the acid-treated fibers were stronger stimulant of IL-8 secretion from macrophages, compared to the base-treated fibers. Standard CFs at the concentration of 250 μg / ml decreased IL-1β secretion, and base line increased..

    Ispitivanje efekata različitih elektroterapijskih procedura u tretmanu ankilozirajućeg spondilitisa kod pasa

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    This paper presents the results of studies on the effects of suppression of chronic pain by currents with low (TENS), medium (Intf) and high (MT) frequencies, in dogs with ankylosing spondilytis. Prior to imaging diagnostics the dogs were clinically observed, trias was estimated, as well as habitus, neurological signs and degree of pain. After a 10 day treatment it was clear that all three treatments resulted in a significant decrease of pain at rest, during activity or during palpation. TENS currents have shown the highest degree of effect. All treated animals have shown improved motility after a few months of therapy. Despite the fact that all animals had an improved clinical picture none of the applied currents resulted in a complete loss of limping. Dogs treated with Intf currents displayed a decrease in muscular atrophy. Motility of the coxofemoural joint was most evident in the group treated with microwaves.U radu su prikazana ispitivanja supresije hroničnog bola pod uticajem struja niske (TENS), srednje (Intf) i visoke (MT) frekvence, kod pasa sa ankilozirajućim spondilitisom. Psi su pre rendgenskog snimanja opservirani, urađena im je procena trijasa, habitusa, a zatim neurološki pregled i određivanje stepena bola. Nakon desetodnevnog tretmana, uočeno je da su sva tri postupka dovela do visoko značajnog smanjenja bola u toku mirovanja ili aktivnosti i pri palpaciji, pri čemu su se isticale TENS struje u odnosu na Intf struje i mikrotalase. Kod tretiranih jedinki je zapažena izraženija motorna aktivnost, a nekoliko meseci od početka lečenja, uz određene kineziterapijske vežbe, psi su bili sa bitno redukovanim simptomima oboljenja. Iako je u svakoj grupi ispitivanih jedinki došlo do poboljš anja stanja, ni jedan terapijski postupak nije doveo do potpunog gubitka hromosti. Jedino je u grupi pacijenata tretiranih sa Intf strujama, došlo do značajnog smanjenja stepena mišićne atrofije, a pokretljivost koksofemoralnih zglobova je bila najizraženija kod pacijenata tretiranih mikrotalasima

    Morfološka ispitivanja mozga kanadske lasice (Mustela vison)

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    The mink is a strict carnivore and a seasonal breeder, which may be used as an experimental model for other carnivores. Using anatomical methods, 32 brains of the N. American mink were examined. It was found that the brain consists of four ventricles. Also, it was noted that the posterior horn was missing and that the olfactory recess was present in the lateral ventricle, a large-size interthalamic connection was present in the third ventricle, and a flat, necklace like bottom in the fourth ventricle. Only recently, the ins and outs of the mink’s anatomical structure have begun to absorb the attention of anatomists. Apparently, it is related to the fact that fury animals, among them the mink, are being domesticated. For this reason and because of easy access to the material, the purpose of brain dissection is to familiarize with the three dimensional structure of the brain and teach one of the great methods of studying the brain: looking at its structure.Kanadska lasica je karnivor, koji jednom godišnje daje 4-5 mladunaca, koji se koriste kao eksperimentalni model. Za anatomska ispitivanja, koristili smo 32 mozga oba pola kanadske lasice. Utvrdili smo da se u mozgu nalaze 4 komore, kao i kod ostalih sisara. Ustanovili smo da posteriorni rog bočne komore nedostaje, kao i da postoji olfaktorni izdanak bočne komore. Šira površina između talamusa je takodje ustanovljena u trećoj moždanoj komori, kao i udubljenje četvrte moždane komore. U poslednje vreme kao eksperimentalna životinja, kanadska lasica postaje predmet interesovanja anatoma kao i naučnih istraživača u velikom broju laboratorija. Takođe, divlje životinje postaju sve više domestifikovane, a među njima je i kanadska lasica

    Analysis of welding of the rear bridge semi-housing assembly of a firefighter truck by the semi-automatic procedure in gas protection

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    The problem considered in this paper is the welding technology of the steel assembly of a firefighter truck rear bridge semi-housing. Since in this procedure the welding is done of the two dissimilar steels, it is necessary to analyze effects of welding on mechanical properties and microstructure of individual joint's zones. The weldability of the base metal was considered first (semi-housing tube and flange), then the welding method and the filler metal were selected and, finally, the technological parameters of welding were calculated. The computational and experimental methods were used for the base metal weldability estimate, based on the hardness measurements in the joint's critical zones and analysis of their structures. Experimental investigations performed were aimed for verification and/or eventual correction of the proposed welding technology

    Analysis of welding of the rear bridge semi-housing assembly of a firefighter truck by the semi-automatic procedure in gas protection

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    The problem considered in this paper is the welding technology of the steel assembly of a firefighter truck rear bridge semi-housing. Since in this procedure the welding is done of the two dissimilar steels, it is necessary to analyze effects of welding on mechanical properties and microstructure of individual joint's zones. The weldability of the base metal was considered first (semi-housing tube and flange), then the welding method and the filler metal were selected and, finally, the technological parameters of welding were calculated. The computational and experimental methods were used for the base metal weldability estimate, based on the hardness measurements in the joint's critical zones and analysis of their structures. Experimental investigations performed were aimed for verification and/or eventual correction of the proposed welding technology

    Microwave-induced pi-junction transition in a superconductor / quantum-dot / superconductor structure

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    Using the nonequilibrium Green function, we show that microwave irradiation can reverse the supercurrent flowing through a superconductor / quantum-dot / superconductor structure. In contrast with the conventional sideband effect in normal-metal / quantum-dot / normal-metal junctions, the photon-assisted structures appear near E0=n2ω(n=±1,±2...)E_{0}=\frac{n}{2}\hbar \omega (n=\pm 1,\pm 2...), where E0E_{0} is the resonant energy level of the quantum dot and ω\omega is the frequency of microwave field. Each photon-assisted structure is composed of a negative and a positive peak, with an abrupt jump from the negative peak to the positive peak around E0=n2ωE_{0}=\frac{n}{2}\hbar \omega . The microwave-induced π\pi -junction transition is interpreted in the picture of photon-assisted Andreev bound states, which are formed due to multiple photon-assisted Andreev reflection between the two superconductors. Moreover, the main resonance located at E0=0E_{0}=0 can also be reversed with proper microwave strength and frequency.Comment: 10 pagres, 3 figure