637 research outputs found


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    Since climate plays a crucial role on our planet and is an inseparable part of all human activities, it is necessary to precisely record all parameters in order to estimate current climate conditions, climate characteristics of a certain region, as well as to try to predict and calculate further trends of climate change. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, air temperature and precipitation of four meteorological stations in the Nišava river valley in Southeastern Serbia (municipalities of Dimitrovgrad, Pirot, Bela Palanka and Niš) have been considered for the period 1960-2015 along with statistical methods for analysis of these parameters and prediction of their trends. Results have shown that there is a positive trend in mean annual air temperatures and average seasonal air temperatures for the whole region which can influence natural processes and human activities. For precipitation, it can be concluded that no significant change in mean annual precipitation for the observed period has occurred. However, there is a great difference in the amount of precipitation between consecutive years, especially from 2000 onwards which can cause very dry years or years with floods

    Healing of open fracture of shoulder bone in owl

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    Curing and treatment of accidental injuries in birds that have the nature of complex, old and contaminated wounds demand maximum caution from the surgeon. Birds, in particular wild fowl, are sensitive to manipulation during examinations and the diagnosis of the injuries. The estimate of the complexity of an injury and the general condition of the patient are of key importance for the correct choice of diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, and the operative procedure. The implementation of ketamine and diazepam for general injection anesthesia provides possibilities for the unhindered executing of the surgical procedure. The implementation of Kischner needles and pins is a good choice for the fixation of long bones in birds. The postoperative course in the patient requires constant medical and professional supervision which must be followed to the letter

    Investigating the Relatedness of the Endangered Dogon Languages

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    In this article we apply up-to-date methods of quantitative language comparison, inspired by algorithms successfully applied in bioinformatics to decode DNA and determine the genetic relatedness of humans, to language data in an attempt to shed light on the current situation of a family of languages called Dogon, which are spoken in Mali, West Africa. Our aim is to determine the linguistic subgroupings of these languages, which we believe will shed light on their prehistory, highlight the linguistic diversity of these groups and which may ultimately inform studies on the cultural boundaries of these languages

    Histološki efekti gleđnih proteina na eksponiranu pulpu zuba

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    Introduction Direct pulp capping procedure is a therapeutic application of a drug on exposed tooth pulp in order to ensure the closure of the pulp chamber and to allow the healing process to take place. Objective The aim of this study was to examine the histological effects of Emdogain® on exposed tooth pulp of a Vietnamese pig (Sus scrofa verus). Methods The study comprised 20 teeth of a Vietnamese pig. After class V preparation on the buccal surfaces of incisors, canines and first premolars, pulp was exposed. In the experimental group, the perforations were capped with Emdogain® (Straumann, Basel, Switzerland), while in the control group pulp capping was performed with MTA® (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Johnson City, TN, USA). All cavities were restored with glass-ionomer cement (GC Fuji VIII, GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). The observational period was 28 days, after which the animal was sacrificed and histological preparations were made. A light microscope was used to analyze dentin bridge formation, tissue reorganization and inflammation, and the presence of bacteria in the pulp. Results The formation of dentin bridge was observed in the experimental and control groups. Inflammation of the pulp was mild to moderate in both groups. Angiogenesis and many odontoblast-like cells, responsible for dentin bridge formation, were observed. Necrosis was not observed in any case, nor were bacteria present in the pulp. Conclusion Histological analysis indicated a favorable therapeutic effect of Emdogain® Gel in direct pulp capping of Vietnamese pigs. Pulp reaction was similar to that of MTA®.Uvod Direktno prekrivanje pulpe je važan terapijski postupak primene leka na eksponiranu pulpu zuba, čiji je cilj da obezbedi zatvaranje pulpne komore i omogući proces zarastanja. Cilj rada Cilj ovog rada je bio da se histološki ispita efekat gleđnog emdogaina na eksponiranu pulpu zuba vijetnamske svinje (Sus scrofa domesticus). Metode rada Istraživanje je urađeno na 20 zuba vijetnamske svinje. Na vestibularnim površinama sekutića, očnjaka i prvih premolara urađene su preparacije kaviteta V klase s eksponiranjem komora pulpe. U eksperimentalnoj grupi perforacija je prekrivana proizvodom Emdogain® (Straumann, Bazel, Švajcarska), a u kontrolnoj sa MTA® (Dentsply Tulsa Dental, Džonson Siti, Tenesi, SAD). Svi kaviteti su restaurirani glasjonomer-cementom (GC Fuji VIII, GC Corporation, Tokio, Japan). Period posmatranja trajao je 28 dana, a nakon žrtvovanja životinja, napravljeni su histološki preparati na kojima su analizirani postojanje dentinskog mostića, zapaljenjska reakcija pulpe, reorganizacija pulpnog tkiva i postojanje bakterija. Rezultati Na svim zubima eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe uočeno je stvaranje dentinskog mostića. Upala pulpe je bila blaga do umerena i u eksperimentalnoj i u kontrolnoj grupi. Uočeni su znaci neoangiogeneze i mnoštvo ćelija sličnih odontoblastima koje su odgovorne za stvaranje dentinskog mostića. Nekroza nije zabeležena ni u jednom slučaju, kao ni prisustvo bakterija u pulpi. Zaključak Histološka analiza je ukazala na povoljne terapijske efekte emdogaina u direktnom prekrivanju pulpe zuba vijetnamskih svinja. Reakcija pulpe bila je slična onima koje je izazvao MTA

    Effects of different drought treatments on root and shoot development of the tomato wild type and flacca mutant

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    The effects of drought and partial root drying (PRD) on shoot and root growth was assessed in the wild type Ailsa Craig (WT) and the flacca tomato mutant deficient in the plant hormone ABA. Our results show that drought had an inhibitory effect on shoot growth in flacca and especially in WT; the most profound effect was observed in FI (full irrigation), then PRD and the smallest in D plants. Root development in both WT and flacca was stimulated after the 3rd day of the experiment following a decrease in the soil water content. On the 11th day of the experiment, when the soil water content was reduced by about 50% of full irrigation (FI), the root density was increased in the drying part of the PDR and on both sides of the drought treatment. On the basis of these results it can be assumed that increased root density and root length represent an adaptation or root adjustment to drought conditions

    Renal vasography in mink (mustela vison)

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    This paper presents the results of the research on renal blood vessels of the mink. The main goal of this research is to provide a unique insight in renal vessel constellation and thereby contributes to the amount and quality of the available data on the cardiovascular system of the mink, since the data found in the available literature regarding this specific field is rather poorly documented. Blood vessels of the mink kidney were studied by dissection and corrosion injection technique. The renal artery and its branches, and the lobar, interlobar and interlobular arteries are terminal arteries and they do not anastomose between each other. The arterial system is characterized by two independent vascular areas, supplied by the dorsal and ventral lobar artery. Lobar arteries divide the kidney horizontally into a dorsal and ventral half, while lobar veins divide it vertically into the cranial and caudal half. The renal vein is formed from the cranial and caudal lobar vein. The obtained results are compared with relevant literature findings on renal blood supply of a dog and other sympatric carnivores

    Negative correlation between maorophage proooagulant and migraion ability in the course of inflammation

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    The importance of macrophage procoagulant activity (PCA) to cell migration is presumed. In this study we assayed the relationship between the two functions in guinea-pig peritoneal resident macrophages and cells elicited by a sterile inflammation induction, which lasted up to 6 days. The findings pointed to an in vivo induction of PCA in macrophages, which declined with time during inflammation. A clear negative correlation between PCA and random migration ability was demonstrated. Our results suggest that the local induction of coagulation by macrophages may immobilize the cells at the site of inflammation

    The Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Axially Compressed Cold Formed Steel Members

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    This paper presents a calculation method for axially compressed cold formed stainless, high strength and carbon steel profiles. Results of different authors in this field published in international journals depict current trends in this field. Paper also presents author’s numerical and experimental analysis of cold-formed centrally compressed elements. Numerical analysis was carried out by finite element method and program for the nonlinear static and dynamic structural analysis - PAK. The results obtained by experimental and numerical methods included boundary conditions, maximum force, buckling curve etc. Small difference observed in the values obtained by these different methods. Results werw compared to values predicted by international designing code in order to analyze if they are too conservative for cold formed steel sections

    Ublažavanje stresa suše kod biljaka u uslovima promene klime

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    This review paper addresses possible adaptation strategies to mitigate drought effects on plants that will increase under climate change. The focus will be on two approaches: use of water-saving deficit irrigation methods (partial root-zone drying-PRD and regulated deficit irrigation-RDI) and breeding of genotypes with increased drought resistance. Both approaches are based on knowledge of plant stress physiology.O vaj revijalni rad se odnosi na adaptivne strategije kojima bi se umanjio efekat suše kod biljaka, a koji će se povećati pod dejstvom klimatskih promena. Fokus je na dva pristupa: korišćenje metoda deficita navodnjavanja pomoću kojih se može smanjiti utrošak vode (regulisani deficit navodnjavanja-RDI i delimično sušenje korenova-PRD) i selekciju genotipova sa povećanom otpornošću na sušu. Oba pristupa su zasnovana na poznavanju fizioloških reakcija biljaka u stresnim uslovima

    Histomorphometric evaluation of bone regeneration using autogenous bone and beta-tricalcium phosphate in diabetic rabbits

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    Background/Aim. The mechanism of impaired bone healing in diabetes mellitus includes different tissue and cellular level activities due to micro- and macrovascular changes. As a chronic metabolic disease with vascular complications, diabetes affects a process of bone regeneration as well. The therapeutic approach in bone regeneration is based on the use of osteoinductive autogenous grafts as well as osteoconductive synthetic material, like a β-tricalcium phosphate. The aim of the study was to determine the quality and quantity of new bone formation after the use of autogenous bone and β-tricalcium phosphate in the model of calvarial critical-sized defect in rabbits with induced diabetes mellitus type I. Methods. The study included eight 4-month-old Chincilla rabbits with alloxan-induced diabetes mellitus type I. In all animals, there were surgically created two calvarial bilateral defects (diameter 12 mm), which were grafted with autogenous bone and β-tricalcium phosphate (n = 4) or served as unfilled controls (n = 4). After 4 weeks of healing, animals were sacrificed and calvarial bone blocks were taken for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. Beside descriptive histologic evaluation, the percentage of new bone formation, connective tissue and residual graft were calculated. All parameters were statistically evaluated by Friedman Test and post hock Wilcoxon Singed Ranks Test with a significance of p < 0.05. Results. Histology revealed active new bone formation peripherally with centrally located connective tissue, newly formed woven bone and well incorporated residual grafts in all treated defects. Control samples showed no bone bridging of defects. There was a significantly more new bone in autogeonous graft (53%) compared with β-tricalcium phosphate (30%), (p < 0.030) and control (7%), (p < 0.000) groups. A significant difference was also recorded between β-tricalcium phosphate and control groups (p < 0.008). Conclusion. In the present study on the rabbit grafting model with induced diabetes mellitus type I, the effective bone regeneration of critical bone defects was obtained using autogenous bone graft.Vojnosanitetski pregled (2016), 73(12): 1132-113