21 research outputs found

    Characteristics Symptoms of Imminent Eclampsia: A case Referent Study from a Tertiary Hospital in Tanzania

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    \ud \ud Maternal mortality in developing coun- tries is unacceptably high with eclampsia being con- sistently among the top causes. As yet, primary pre- vention of this complication is not possible since causes of pre-eclampsia are largely unknown and bio- chemical, hematological and radiological markers have proved unsuitable for routine prediction of eclamptic fits. Although headache, visual disturbance, abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are routinely elicited when managing pre-eclampsia and have been reported to predict eclamptic fits, the literature at- tempting to characterize them is scanty. We sought to establish characteristics of the prodromal symptoms of eclampsia and compare them with similar symp- toms as experienced by normotensive pregnant women at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) in Tanzania. Methods: This study was conducted at MNH in 2010 by enrolling 123 eclamptic and 123 normotensive women. Women in the two groups were interviewed about their experiences and characteristics of head-ache, visual disturbances, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting using a semi structured questionnaire. The severity, nature and other characteristics of the symptoms were assessed using standard scale/meth- ods and data compared among the two groups. Re- sults: Prodromal symptoms of eclampsia were pre- sent in 90% of eclamptic women. Headache was more frequent among eclamptic women (88%) than the normotensive (43%), p < 0.001). The symptom was also more perceived as severe among eclamptic (46.3%) than the normotensive (5.7%), p < 0.001. The most frequent location for headache was frontal in 65.7% of eclamptic women compared to frontal (41.5%) or generalized (39.6%) for the normotensive. Likewise, visual problems were significantly more frequent among eclamptic women (39%) compared to the normotensive (3%), p < 0.001. Upper abdominal pain was significantly more reported by eclamptic (36%) than normotensive women (0.9%), p = 0.001. The general occurrence of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting was not significantly different in the two groups. The time lag from development of a sym- ptom to eclamptic fit was up to seven days for most symptoms except visual disturbances of which 98% developed fits within 12 hours. Conclusion: Whereas the prodromal symptoms of eclampsia and similar symptoms in normotensive women were common, the characteristics of headache and visual disturbance differ significantly in the two groups. The knowledge of these differences could be utilized to improve the quality of management of pre-eclamptic women in order to prevent eclampsia.\u

    Does the use of Modern Family Planning Promote Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy in Dar es Salaam?

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    Timing, spacing and limiting of pregnancy are key outcomes of family planning (FP) whose role in promoting health of mothers and babies is evidence based. Despite the evidence, recent studies in Tanzania have reported a trend towards child birth in older age, non-adherence to standard inter-pregnancy spacing, and preference of large families in the background of a rising national contraceptive prevalence rate. We explored if the use of modern FP promotes healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy among women seeking antenatal services. Analytical Cross-sectional study. Women seeking antenatal services at Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania (August-October, 2012) were enrolled. We used a semi-structured questionnaire to obtained information from the women. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 19. Outcomes of interest were adherence to timing of first pregnancy and to inter-pregnancy spacing after normal childbirth. Use of modern FP prior to index pregnancy was the independent variable of primary interest. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to obtain odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) as estimates risk and clinical importance respectively. Ethical approval was obtained from the Research and Publications Committee at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences. In total 427 women were interviewed. Ages ranged 15-45 years, mean 29.2 (SD ± 5.1). Among all, 129 (30.2%) were primigravida, 298 (69. 8%) multigravida. Of these 298 women, 51 (17.1%) lost pregnancies preceding the index. Overall, 179 (41.9%) had ever used modern FP, 103 (24.1%) were on modern FP just prior to index pregnancy.Non-adherence to timing was increased for primigravida (AOR = 4.5, 95% CI: 2.1-9.6) and for women older than 29 years (AOR = 7.6 95% CI: 3.8-15.2). Non-adherence to spacing was increased with loss of the immediate past pregnancy (AOR = 2.5; 95% CI: 1.3-4.7). Use of modern FP was neither associated with adherence to timing (AOR = 1.0; 95% CI: 0.5-1.9) nor spacing (AOR = 1.0; 95% CI: 0.6-1.8). Modern FP does not promote adherence to timing and spacing of pregnancy among women seeking antenatal services at MNH. Past obstetric experience was key to women's decisions on spacing. There is need to promote educational messages on timing and spacing of pregnancy for healthy outcomes

    Sickle Cell Disease in Pregnancy: Trend and Pregnancy Outcomes at a Tertiary Hospital in Tanzania

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    SCD in pregnancy is associated with increased adverse fetal and maternal outcomes. In Tanzania where the frequency of sickle cell trait is 13% there has been scanty data on SCD in pregnancy. With progressive improvement in childhood survival the burden of SCD in pregnancy will increase. We analyzed all deliveries at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) from 1999 to 2011. Fetal and maternal outcomes of SCD deliveries were compared with non-SCD. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics version 19. Chi square and Fisher Exact tests were used to compare proportions and the independent t-test for continuous data. To predict risks of adverse effects, odds ratios were determined using multivariate logistic regression. A p-valu

    Safety of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by clinical officers versus assistant medical officers: study protocol for a noninferiority randomized controlled trial in Tanzanian women.

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    BACKGROUND: Female sterilization by tubal ligation is a safe, extremely effective, and permanent way to limit childbearing. It is the most popular modern contraceptive method worldwide. The simplest way to provide tubal ligation is by a procedure called minilaparotomy, generally performed with the client under local anesthesia with systemic sedation and analgesia. In Tanzania, unmet need for family planning is high and has declined little in the past decade. Access to tubal ligation is limited throughout the country, in large part because of a lack of trained providers. Clinical officers (COs) are midlevel health workers who provide diagnosis, treatment, and minor surgeries. They are more prevalent than physicians in poorer and rural communities. Task shifting-the delegation of some tasks to less-specialized health workers, including task shifting of surgical procedures to midlevel cadres-has improved access to lifesaving interventions in resource-limited settings. It is a cost-effective way to address shortages of physicians, increasing access to services. The primary objective of this trial is to establish whether the safety of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by COs is noninferior to the safety of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy provided by physicians (assistant medical officers [AMOs]), as measured by rates of major adverse events (AEs) during the procedure and through 42 days of follow-up. METHODS/DESIGN: In this facility-based, multicenter, noninferiority randomized controlled trial, we are comparing the safety of tubal ligation by minilaparotomy performed by trained COs versus by trained AMOs. The primary outcome is safety, defined by the overall rate of major AEs occurring during the minilaparotomy procedure and through 42 days of follow-up. The trial will be conducted among 1970 women 18 years of age or older presenting for tubal ligation at 7 study sites in northern Tanzania. DISCUSSION: If no major safety issues are identified, the data from this trial may facilitate changes in the Tanzanian government's regulations, allowing appropriately trained COs to provide tubal ligation by minilaparotomy. Positive findings may have broader implications. Task shifting to provide long-acting contraceptives, if proven safe, may be an effective approach to increasing contraceptive access in low- and middle-income countries. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02944149 . Registered on 14 October 2016

    Impact of change in maternal age composition on the incidence of Caesarean section and low birth weight: analysis of delivery records at a tertiary hospital in Tanzania, 1999–2005

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies on change in maternal age composition in Tanzania do not indicate its impact on adverse pregnancy outcomes. We sought to establish temporal changes in maternal age composition and their impact on annual Caesarean section (CS) and low birth weight deliveries (LBWT) at Muhimbili National Hospital in Tanzania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted data analysis of 91,699 singleton deliveries that took place in the hospital between 1999 and 2005. The data were extracted from the obstetric data base. Annual proportions of individual age groups were calculated and their trends over the years studied. Multiple logistic analyses were conducted to ascertain trends in the risks of CS and LBWT. The impact of age composition changes on CS and LBWT was estimated by calculating annual numbers of these outcomes with and without the major changes in age composition, all others remaining equal. In all statistics, a p value < 0.05 was considered significant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The proportion of teenage mothers (12–19 years) progressively decreased over time while that of 30–34 years age group increased. From 1999, the risk of Caesarean delivery increased steadily to a maximum in 2005 [adjusted OR = 1.7; 95%CI (1.6–1.8)] whereas that of LBWT declined to a minimum in 2005 (adjusted OR = 0.76; 95% CI (0.71–0.82). The current major changes in age trend were responsible for shifts in the number of CS of up to206 cases per year. Likewise, the shift in LBWT was up to 158 cases per year, but the 30–34 years age group had no impact on this.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The population of mothers giving birth at MNH is progressively becoming older with substantial impact on the incidence of CS and LBWT. Further research is needed to estimate the health cost implications of this change.</p

    Predictors of extra care among magnesium sulphate treated eclamptic patients at Muhimbili National Hospital, Tanzania

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    \ud The inclusion of Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) as a gold standard in the treatment of eclampsia has substantially reduced incidences of repeated fits, eclamptic morbidity and deaths. However, despite treatment with MgSO4, a proportion of patients need extra medical/nursing attention and prolonged stay in the intensive care unit (ICU). The literature on the underlying factors for the need of extra care in the MgSO4 era is lacking. This study sought to establish predictors of extra care in ICU among eclamptic patients after treatment with MgSO4 at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH). Data were obtained from hospital records of eclamptic patients who were admitted at MNH and treated with MgSO4 from January 1st to December 31st, 2008. Based on set criteria, patients who needed extra care were identified. Analysis was performed using PASW statistics 18 whereby frequencies, cross-tabulations, bivariate and multiple logistic regressions were performed. A total of 366 eclamptic patients were admitted and treated with MgSO4 at MNH during a 12 month study period in 2008. Most of these (76%) were referred from district hospitals and 132 (36%) met the criteria for extra care in ICU. After adjusting for other variables, the risk of extra care in ICU for patients who were admitted with altered consciousness was double (OR = 2.3; 95% CI: 1.3-4.0) that of the ones admitted in alert state. The risk or need of extra care increased by increasing time to delivery and was doubled (OR = 2.0; 95% CI:1.1-3.7) if it was between 12 and 24 hours and tenfold elevated (OR = 10.0; 95% CI:4.3-23.6) if beyond 24 hours as compared to when time to delivery was less than 12 hours.Abdominal delivery was also independently associated with increased risk compared to vaginal delivery (OR = 2.5; 95%CI: 1.4-4.5). The type of referral and number of fits were associated with extra care in ICU but this association was wholly explained by the clinical status of the patient on admission to MNH and prolonged time lag to delivery. We concluded that even with MgSO4 used as the gold standard in the treatment of eclampsia, effective pre-referral care and expedited delivery were crucial in minimizing the need for extra care in ICU.\u

    Characteristics of all deliveries in MNH from 1999 to 2011.

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    *<p>Missing data are not included. In all variables, missing data accounted for less than 5%.</p>†<p>In only 35,588 (22.6%) of all deliveries was HIV status known.</p

    Trend of SCD deliveries at MNH.

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    <p>Trend of SCD deliveries at MNH.</p