17 research outputs found
Trends in world agriculture trade
4 pagesThe document addresses the trends of agriculture for 2019, focuses on the evolution of world trade in agriculture from 2000 to the present, also focuses on trends in agricultural policy and WTO in different negotiations, it is also presented a brief reflection of the agricultural present and future with respect to the commercial landscape
European Union Mercosur Agreement
1 p谩ginasEl boletin presenta datos estad铆sticos del crecimiento econ贸mico comercial enlo pa铆ses inclinados al sector agr铆cola, como el caso MERCOSUR, y adem谩s una cronolog铆a sobre su proceso de negociaci贸n.The bulletin presents statistical data on commercial economic growth in countries inclined to the agricultural sector, such as the MERCOSUR case, and also a chronology of its negotiation proces
Analysis of the competitiveness of agricultural trade in the Americas
12 p谩ginasSe analiza la evoluci贸n de la competitividad del comercio agr铆cola en las Am茅ricas y realiza recomendaciones de pol铆tica para incrementar el posicionamiento competitivo de la regi贸n en el comercio agroalimentario mundial. En primer lugar, se realiza una breve descripci贸n del comercio agroalimentario en Am茅rica y su evoluci贸n en la 煤ltima d茅cada. En segundo lugar, se utilizan los indicadores de concentraci贸n para analizar la competitividad del comercio agroalimentario y su evoluci贸n. Finalmente, se brinda un conjunto de recomendaciones de pol铆tica para incrementar la competitividad del comercio agroalimentario y mejorar la inserci贸n internacional de la regi贸n.It analyzes the evolution of the competitiveness of agricultural trade in the Americas and makes policy recommendations to increase the competitive position of the region in world agri-food trade. First, a brief description of the agri-food trade in America and its evolution in the last decade is made. Second, concentration indicators are used to analyze the competitiveness of agri-food trade and its evolution. Finally, a set of policy recommendations is provided to increase the competitiveness of the agri-food trade and improve the international insertion of the region
Preferential trade agreements as tools to support agricultural trade
12 p谩ginasSe aborda la importancia de aprovechar y dar un buen uso a los acuerdos comerciales preferenciales, con el fin de incrementar y diversificar productos y mercados de exportaci贸n, as铆 como para mejorar su competitividad.The importance of taking advantage of and making good use of preferential trade agreements is addressed, in order to increase and diversify products and export markets, as well as to improve their competitiveness
Technical summary. Assessment of trade policy-related technical cooperation actions for IICA member countries
12 p谩ginasSe analizan las tendencias en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de transparencia y notificaci贸n en los pa铆ses de Am茅rica, asimismo se abordan las necesidades y problemas de los pa铆ses para participar y notificar, y as铆 profundizar sobre sus causas, y proponer posibles acciones para ayudar a las naciones a hacer frente a estas dificultades. Ademas se aborda el posible impacto de la pandemia y las respuestas que los pa铆ses tienen sobre aspectos relacionados con la Organizaci贸n Mundial del Comercio.Trends in compliance with transparency and notification obligations in the American countries are analyzed, as well as the needs and problems of the countries to participate and notify, and thus deepen their causes, and propose possible actions to help the nations to cope with these difficulties. It also addresses the possible impact of the pandemic and the responses that countries have on aspects related to the World Trade Organization
The convergence of the Pacific Alliance and MERCOSUR, and its effects on agricultural trade. Elements for IICA cooperation
8 p谩ginasSe aborda la convergencia entre los pa铆ses del Mercado Com煤n del Sur (MERCOSUR) y los pa铆ses de la Alianza del Pac铆fico y sobre sus efectos en el comercio agr铆cola, desde la perspectiva del papel que puede desempe帽ar la cooperaci贸n t茅cnica que brinde el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperaci贸n para la Agricultura (IICA) a los pa铆ses de la regi贸n, a trav茅s de su Programa Hemisf茅rico de Comercio Internacional e Integraci贸n Regional.The convergence between the countries of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and the countries of the Pacific Alliance and its effects on agricultural trade is addressed, from the perspective of the role that technical cooperation provided by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation can play. for Agriculture (IICA) to the countries of the region, through its Hemispheric Program for International Trade and Regional integration
Strengthening and modernizing the WTO to resolve agricultural negotiations
8 p谩ginasSe aborda la importancia del tema agr铆cola en el marco de las negociaciones comerciales multilaterales, sobre todo porque el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperaci贸n para la Agricultura (IICA), promueve la participaci贸n efectiva de sus pa铆ses miembros en un foro multilateral.The importance of the agricultural issue is addressed in the framework of multilateral trade negotiations, especially since the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) promotes the effective participation of its member countries in a multilateral forum
Executive summary. Study of technical cooperation actions related to trade policy for IICA member countries
4 p谩ginasEl estudio solventa las necesidades de los pa铆ses de Am茅rica y de todo el mundo en enfrentar varias dificultades para presentar informaci贸n a tiempo y de forma completa sobre medidas Covid y medidas regulares que pueden afectar el comercio agr铆cola. Apoya a los pa铆ses miembros del IICA en el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de notificaci贸n, donde se revisa el cumplimento de dichas obligaciones y se analizan diferentes medidas al comercio agr铆cola en acceso a mercados, ayudas internas y competencia de las exportaciones de productos de la agricultura.The study solves the needs of the countries of America and around the world in facing several difficulties to present information on time and in a complete way on Covid measures and regular measures that can affect agricultural trade. It supports IICA member countries in complying with their notification obligations, where compliance with said obligations is reviewed and different measures for agricultural trade are analyzed in terms of market access, internal aid and competition for exports of agricultural products
International Trade and Regional Integration Program
13 p谩ginasSe presentan las bases y orientaciones conceptuales del Programa Comercio Internacional e Integraci贸n Regional, el cual brinda cooperaci贸n t茅cnica orientada a mejorar la participaci贸n de los pa铆ses en mercados internacionales. Promueve los procesos de integraci贸n regional y la articulaci贸n de la pol铆tica comercial, como medio para incrementar el desarrollo econ贸mico y el bienestar social. Adicionalmente, act煤a como centro de referencia de informaci贸n sobre acuerdos comerciales.The bases and conceptual orientations of the International Trade and Regional Integration Program are presented, which provides technical cooperation aimed at improving the participation of countries in international markets. It promotes regional integration processes and the articulation of trade policy, as a means to increase economic development and social welfare. Additionally, it acts as a reference center for information on commercial agreements
Tensiones comerciales en ALC. Resultados del modelo
1 p谩ginaEl bolet铆n presentan estad铆sticas relacionadas a las las tensiones comerciales en Am茅rica Latina y el Caribe, entre estas reconoce el impacto seg煤n la situaci贸n en China, tensiones comerciales de Estados Unidos, las guerras comerciales y la integraci贸n.The bulletin presents statistics related to trade tensions in Latin America and the Caribbean, among these it recognizes the impact according to the situation in China, trade tensions in the United States, trade wars and integration