716,596 research outputs found

    The Catholic Physician and Natural Family Planning: Helping to Build a Culture of Life

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    This paper is based on the author\u27s answer to a question from Theresa Notare, director of the Natural Family Planning Program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, about what Catholic scientists and physicians can do to promote NFP and what the Catholic Church in the United States can do to help physicians and health professionals promote NFP. The paper reviews the Church\u27s historical call for health professionals to study and to teach NFP methods, briefly analyzes the current state of NFP in Catholic health care, and provides an answer to Dr. Notare from the perspectives of research, education, and practice

    Program on Church, State & Society announces endowed lecture series

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    Notre Dame Law School’s Program on Church, State & Society has received a generous gift to endow a new lecture and conference series. The benefactors, who wish to remain anonymous, have named the series the Rice-Hasson Distinguished Lecture Series in honor of the late Notre Dame Law Professor Charles E. Rice and of Kevin J. “Seamus” Hasson \u2779, \u2782 M.A., \u2785 J.D., \u2712 Doctor of Laws (h.c.), and his wife, Mary Rice Hasson \u2782, \u2785 J.D

    The Wrong Choice to Address School Choice: Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue

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    For many school-choice advocates, Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue is the chance to extend the Supreme Court’s decision in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer in 2017. In Trinity Lutheran, the Supreme Court held that a state’s exclusion of a church from a public benefit program to resurface playgrounds discriminated against religion in violation of the Free Exercise Clause. Many school-choice proponents hope to extend the Trinity Lutheran holding from playgrounds materials to school funding and thus strike down religion-based exclusions in school voucher programs. However, Espinoza is the wrong vehicle to do so. In Espinoza, the Montana Supreme Court struck down a voucher-type tax credit program that provided scholarships, which could be used at any private school, as violating the Montana Constitution’s prohibition on funding religious schools. By striking down the program, the state court eliminated any alleged discrimination. Therefore, the Supreme Court should affirm and decline to extend the non-discrimination principles expressed in Trinity Lutheran to the use of funding for religious education. If the Court ignores the lack of discrimination, as it seems it might, it should in the alternative still affirm the Montana Supreme Court’s decision as consistent with the Trinity Lutheran line of cases and solidify the distinction between discrimination based on religious status and religious use

    Church-State Studies

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    An information booklet containing basic information on the Church-State studies graduate program at Andrews University.https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pda/1092/thumbnail.jp

    Клерикални програм Римокатоличке цркве у Хрватској за XX век

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    The first Croatian Catholic congress was held in Zagreb between September 3-5. 1900. The congress aimed to adjust the strategy of the Roman Catholic Church in the forthcoming century to meet the altered political, economic and cultural circumstances, in order to preserve the dominant position of the Roman Catholic Church in respect to the state. The congress adopted eight resolutions specifying the clerical program of the Roman Catholic Church in Croatia for the new century. The eight resolutions were based on the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church. Though the resolutions were suited to the spirit of the new times, their goal was to carry out Roman Catholic canon law in all segments of social life. State laws had to be subject to ecclesiastical laws. The culture of society had to remain within the sphere of interest of the Roman Catholic Church. The ideology and political aims of the state in all fields of activity had to be in harmony with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The clerical program underscored the Roman Catholic Church as the most important national institution in Croatian society. To the participants of the congress, the Catholic movement (network of farm cooperatives, trade unions, congregations, societies, associations political parties and so on) had been ordered to consolidate in society the clerical program adopted in congress, as the only framework within which the national consciousness of the Croatian people was to be developed.Prvi hrvatski katolički kongres održan je od 3. do 5. septembra 1900. godine u Zagrebu. Kongres je usvojio osam rezolucija preko kojih je iskazan klerikalni program Rimokatoličke crkve u Hrvatskoj za naredni vek. Klerikalni program se zasnivao na ideji da Rimokatolička crkva preko episkopata postane nosilac arbitražne vlasti na svim područjima društvenog života. Episkopat bi na taj način postao najznačajniji činilac u hrvatskom društvu, koji bi odlučivao o svim društvenim događajima, a posebno onim događajima koji imaju politički značaj i odnose se na nacionalni pokret

    Discretionary Acts Protected by Governmental Immunity

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    Plaintiffs sought damages from the State of Washington for property destroyed by a juvenile escapee from Green Hill School, who set fire to a church and adjoining house. Plaintiffs alleged, inter alia, that the state was negligent in maintaining an open program in a close security institution, and in assigning the juvenile, regarded as a security risk, to the open program. \u27 Plaintiffs relied on a recent statute purportedly abolishing state immunity from liability for torts committed by officials, whether acting in a governmental or proprietary capacity. The trial court entered judgment on a verdict for plaintiffs. On appeal, the Washington Supreme Court, sitting en banc, reversed in a 7-2 decision. Held: The statute abolishing governmental immunity does not apply to discretionary acts of officials charged with implementing state policy; such acts are immune from judicial scrutiny as to possible negligence. Evangelical United Brethren Church v. State, 67 Wash. Dec. 2d 243,407 P.2d 440 (1965)

    Against the Stream, How Karl Barth Reframed Church-State Relations (Chapter 3 of Keine Gewalt! No Violence!)

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    Excerpt: Defenders of the Barmen Declaration\u27s apolitical tone remind us that it was never intended to establish a program of political protest, that Karl Barth and the others were pastors not politicians; that the goal was to reassert the integrity of the gospel in the face of the attempted subversion by the German Christians. On the one hand, the soundness of this interpretation is self-evident. And yet it should surprise no one that an apolitical strategy would have little political impact on the German state. It is also true that Barth\u27s views on church and state relations changed after Barmen; that afterward he expressed remorse over his own sins of omission. If we explore Barth\u27s writings over a twenty-year period, the change will become evident and so also his impact on the emerging political theology in Eastern Europe. The next two chapters will chronicle this development

    Memphis State College commencement, 1948. Program

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    Program for the 36th commencement of Memphis State College at Memphis, Tennessee, held at Prescott Memorial Baptist Church on June 7, 1948.https://digitalcommons.memphis.edu/speccoll-ua-pub-commencements/1189/thumbnail.jp


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    Purpose: the aim of the undertaken study is to consider the dynamics of the church-state relationship in the context of Russian new cultural tendencies at the turn of the century. Methodology: Thus, The methodological basis of the research was formed by philosophical analysis of the church-state relationship, historicism and comparison principles. The following tasks were being solved: defining the interaction ways between the religious organizations and the state on the modern stage of the Russian society development; pointing out the prospects of consolidation of both the сhurch and the state around the democratic civil society fostering program in XXI century; revealing the need to promote respectful attitude towards human values as an integral part of spiritual culture. Result: The authors achieved the following results within the study: A wider notions of church and state were introduced demonstrating the similarity of some of their functions: offering moral guidance for social well-being; historic doctrinal models “caesaropapism”, “papocaesarism” and “symphony(concordance) of powers” were identified and characterized alongside with their secular counterparts - separation and cooperation models of church-state relationship. In conclusion of the article the urgent need for the transition of church-state relationship from political to social and cultural spheres was justified. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Socio-Cultural Interaction Forms of Church and State on the Example of the Russian Orthodox Church is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Cowlitz Mission

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    "With an elaborate program, a beautiful tablet was erected on Cowlitz Prairie on May 11, 1926, to mark the site of the Cowlitz Mission of 1838 and the first Catholic Church in what is now the State of Washington.