4,715 research outputs found

    Antenna pattern of DUAL detectors of gravitational waves and its exploitation in a network of advanced interferometers

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    We investigate the directional sensitivity to plane gravitational waves (GWs) of DUAL detectors of cylindrical shape. Calculations make use of the finite element method to simulate the responses to the GW Riemann tensor of a single-mass DUAL (SMD) and of a tapered cylinder (TC) in their wide sensitivity bandwidth. We show that one SMD or a pair of TCs is able to cover both GW polarization amplitudes from almost all incoming directions. We discuss the achievable enhancement in tackling the inverse problem for high frequency [~(2–5) kHz] GWs by adding a TC detector to the future advanced LIGO–VIRGO network

    False discovery rate: setting the probability of false claim of detection

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    When testing multiple hypothesis in a survey --e.g. many different source locations, template waveforms, and so on-- the final result consists in a set of confidence intervals, each one at a desired confidence level. But the probability that at least one of these intervals does not cover the true value increases with the number of trials. With a sufficiently large array of confidence intervals, one can be sure that at least one is missing the true value. In particular, the probability of false claim of detection becomes not negligible. In order to compensate for this, one should increase the confidence level, at the price of a reduced detection power. False discovery rate control is a relatively new statistical procedure that bounds the number of mistakes made when performing multiple hypothesis tests. We shall review this method, discussing exercise applications to the field of gravitational wave surveys.Comment: 7 pages, 3 table, 3 figures. Prepared for the Proceedings of GWDAW 9 (http://lappc-in39.in2p3.fr/GWDAW9) A new section was added with a numerical example, along with two tables and a figure related to the new section. Many smaller revisions to improve readibilit

    Industrial Policy and Structural Change Sustainability. Theories and Practices in the Contemporary International Context

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    The collection of six papers presented in this thesis focuses on selective industrial policy, here conceptualized as public interventions governing the process of structural change affecting contemporary production systems towards desired societal goals. In particular, the papers have explored, both from a theoretical and an empirical angle, how contemporary real-world industrial policy practices can ensure that such structural transformations are economically and socially sustainable. Specifically, the research contends that, within the current debate on industrial policy, new conceptual framework and analytical tools oriented towards a structural change sustainability should emerge and be discussed to support policymakers in governing socio-economic transformation towards desired societal goals, while mitigating the rise of government failures. This collection of papers is structured as follows: The first paper (“Industry 4.0 policy from a sociotechnical perspective: the case of German competence centers”) explores how the German policy initiative “Mittelstand 4.0: digital production and work processes” has enabled across SMEs a complex sociotechnical transition characterized by dynamic interactions between human actors, institutions and technologies. Empirical insights on Industry 4.0 policy design and implementation are presented. The second paper (“Structural Change and Industrialization in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Agro-Industrial Parks Initiative”) analyses the process of the design and implementation of the Ethiopian Integrated Agro-Industrial Parks Initiative, targeting a structural transformation of the agricultural sector. The article highlights how a change in the political regime occurred in 2018 opened a window of opportunity for new stakeholders to enter the phase of policy implementation and thus partially correct the policy trajectory, departing from its dirigiste, top-down approach and shifting towards a multi-stakeholder and participatory initiative. The third paper (“Local public spending, electoral consensus, and sustainable structural change”) explores the idea that, to govern structural change in a sustainable way, policy initiatives should reconcile juxtaposed interests, to avoid the exacerbation of tensions and system’s collapse. Specifically, the paper contends that local public spending represents a channel through which reconciling such juxtaposing interests. The results yield implications for policymakers to garner the electoral consensus they need for governing structural change in a sustainable way. The fourth paper (“Do informal institutions matter for the economic resilience of European regions? A study of the post-2008 shock”) has explored the relationship between informal institutions and “resilience” across EU regions in the years following the 2008 Great Recession. Policy implications have been drawn from the results and discussed. The fifth paper (“Conceptualizing and measuring “industry resilience”: composite indicators for post-shock industrial policy decision-making”) deals with the question: can resilience be a relevant concept also for industrial policy? Theoretically, we frame postshock industry resilience as a conceptual framework shedding light on how different sectors react to unforeseen shocks and thus enabling policymakers to craft industrial initiative to encourage structural change sustainability. Methodologically, we develop a composite indicator allowing to visualize and compare sectoral performances dynamically and we apply it to the US post-2008 shock. The sixth paper (“Does Industry Resilience matter for post-shock Industrial Policy? A focus on tourism related industries”) fine tunes the composite indicators-based methodology and applies it to the Italian case, showing to what extent sectors have reacted heterogeneously to the 2008 shock.La raccolta di sei articoli presentati in questa tesi si occupa di politiche industriali selettive, concettualizzate come interventi pubblici di governo dei processi di cambiamento strutturale dei sistemi produttivi verso obiettivi sociali desiderati. In particolare, i contributi hanno esplorato, sia da un punto di vista teorico che empirico, come le pratiche di politica industriale contemporanee possano garantire che tali trasformazioni strutturali siano economicamente e socialmente sostenibili. In particolare, la ricerca sostiene che, nell'ambito dell'attuale dibattito sulla politica industriale, dovrebbero emergere ed essere discussi nuovi strumenti concettuali e analitici orientati alla sostenibilità dei cambiamenti strutturali, per supportare i decisori politici nel governare le trasformazioni socio-economiche verso gli obiettivi sociali desiderati, mitigando al contempo l'aumento dei fallimenti di governo. Questa raccolta di articoli è strutturata come segue: Il primo articolo (“Industry 4.0 policy from a sociotechnical perspective: the case of German competence centers”) esplora come l'iniziativa politica tedesca "Mittelstand 4.0" abbia consentito alle PMI una complessa transizione sociotecnica caratterizzata da interazioni dinamiche tra persone, istituzioni e tecnologie. Vengono presentati spunti empirici sulla progettazione e sull'attuazione delle politiche per Industria 4.0. Il secondo articolo (“Structural Change and Industrialization in Ethiopia: Lessons from the Agro-Industrial Parks Initiative”) analizza il processo messa a punto di una rete di parchi agroindustriali in Etiopia, finalizzati alla trasformazione strutturale del settore agricolo. L'articolo evidenzia come il cambio di regime politico avvenuto nel 2018 abbia consentito l'ingresso di nuovi stakeholder nella fase di implementazione della politica e quindi per correggere parzialmente la traiettoria dell’intervento, allontanandosi dall’ approccio dirigista e top-down diventando invece una iniziativa partecipativa e multi-stakeholder. Il terzo articolo (“Local public spending, electoral consensus, and sustainable structural change”) esplora l'idea che, per governare il cambiamento strutturale in modo sostenibile, le iniziative politiche dovrebbero conciliare interessi contrapposti, per evitare l'esasperazione delle tensioni e il collasso del sistema. In particolare, il contributo sostiene che la spesa pubblica locale rappresenti un canale attraverso cui conciliare tali interessi contrapposti. I risultati producono implicazioni per i decisori politici che si debbono preoccupare di ottenere il consenso elettorale necessario per governare il cambiamento strutturale in modo sostenibile. Il quarto articolo ("Do informal institutions matter for the economic resilience of European regions? A study of the post-2008 shock") esplora la relazione tra istituzioni informali e "resilienza" nelle regioni dell'UE negli anni successivi alla Grande Recessione del 2008. Il quinto articolo ("Conceptualizing and measuring "industry resilience": composite indicators for post-shock industrial policy decision-making") sviluppa il concetto di resilienza industriale post-shock. Concetto che consente di fare luce sulla eterogeneità con cui i diversi settori reagiscono agli shock imprevisti, consentendo così ai decisori politici di elaborare iniziative industriali per incoraggiare la sostenibilità dei cambiamenti strutturali. Dal punto di vista metodologico, viene sviluppato un indicatore composito che consente di visualizzare e confrontare le performance settoriali in modo dinamico e lo applichiamo agli Stati Uniti dopo lo shock del 2008. Il sesto articolo ("Does Industry Resilience matter for post-shock Industrial Policy? A focus on tourism related industries") mette a punto la metodologia basata su indicatori compositi e la applica al caso italiano, mostrando in che misura i settori hanno reagito in modo eterogeneo allo shock del 2008

    The Material Bases of Meaning

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    Contemporary semiotics has often gone too far in proposing language as the model to explain every phenomenon of communication. Giorgio Prodi’s seminal book, originally published in Italian in 1977, poses the question from the opposite perspective: his ‘natural history of meaning’ does not depict a biological universe that behaves as if it spoke, but a cultural universe structured even at its highest levels according to the same modes and processes of mutual adaptation and ‘reading’ that happen at the level of cells. The picture he paints shows us knowledge at its origin, as a process of environmental adaptation and interpretation, in which the discoveries of biology interact with those of semiotics. Within this natural history of language competence, the book emphasises the remote, primitive phase, which takes place below the threshold of the subjective and the social. Proceeding from there it outlines a holistic hypothesis of semiosis at the cultural level: the elementary phases of the recognition of meaning, which become progressively more complex as the phylogenesis progresses, lead all the way to the construction of linguistic systems in the human animal. This is an investigation of the elementary biological processes in order to identify the material logic that is the foundation of the higher processes of meaning-making – prehistory of the sign, biology of semiosis: from the side of nature and from the side of culture. | Giorgio Prodi (1928–1987) was an Italian oncologist and a pioneer of biosemiotics


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebiasaan membaca terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa kelas IV SD Se-Gugus 3 kecamatan Sanden Bantul Yogyakarta tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Dalam penelitian ini juga akan diteliti ada tidaknya perbedaan kebiasaan membaca dan kemampuan menulis antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD Se-Gugus 3 kecamatan Sanden Bantul. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Juli 2016. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jumlah populasi 155 siswa dengan terlebih dahulu diambil 30 siswa untuk uji coba sehingga tersisa 125 siswa yang akan diteliti. Pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan kuesioner. Uji coba instrumen meliputi uji validitas instrumen menggunakan korelasi product moment dan uji reliabilitas menggunakan alpha cronbach. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresei sederhana. Ada tidaknya perbedaan kebiasaan membaca dan kemampuan menulis antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan diteliti menggunakan teknik analisis Independent Sample T- test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut kebiasaan membaca memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kemampuan menulis, hal ini dibuktikan dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 7,984 dan t tabel sebesar 1,65734 yang berarti t hitung>t tabel atau 7,984>1,65734, dan diperkuat dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 yang berarti kurang dari 0,05 (0,0000,05, sehingga 0,309>0,05 dan 0,698>0,05. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dengan semakin tingginya kebiasaan membaca akan meningkatkan kemampuan menulis siswa. Tidak ada perbedaan kebiasaan membaca dan kemampuan menulis antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan

    Artificial societies and information theory: modelling of sub system formation based on Luhmann's autopoietic theory

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    This thesis develops a theoretical framework for the generation of artificial societies. In particular it shows how sub-systems emerge when the agents are able to learn and have the ability to communicate. This novel theoretical framework integrates the autopoietic hypothesis of human societies, formulated originally by the German sociologist Luhmann, with concepts of Shannon's information theory applied to adaptive learning agents. Simulations were executed using Multi-Agent-Based Modelling (ABM), a relatively new computational modelling paradigm involving the modelling of phenomena as dynamical systems of interacting agents. The thesis in particular, investigates the functions and properties necessary to reproduce the paradigm of society by using the mentioned ABM approach. Luhmann has proposed that in society subsystems are formed to reduce uncertainty. Subsystems can then be composed by agents with a reduced behavioural complexity. For example in society there are people who produce goods and other who distribute them. Both the behaviour and communication is learned by the agent and not imposed. The simulated task is to collect food, keep it and eat it until sated. Every agent communicates its energy state to the neighbouring agents. This results in two subsystems whereas agents in the first collect food and in the latter steal food from others. The ratio between the number of agents that belongs to the first system and to the second system, depends on the number of food resources. Simulations are in accordance with Luhmann, who suggested that adaptive agents self-organise by reducing the amount of sensory information or, equivalently, reducing the complexity of the perceived environment from the agent's perspective. Shannon's information theorem is used to assess the performance of the simulated learning agents. A practical measure, based on the concept of Shannon's information ow, is developed and applied to adaptive controllers which use Hebbian learning, input correlation learning (ICO/ISO) and temporal difference learning. The behavioural complexity is measured with a novel information measure, called Predictive Performance, which is able to measure at a subjective level how good an agent is performing a task. This is then used to quantify the social division of tasks in a social group of honest, cooperative food foraging, communicating agents

    Oxidation of sulphur dioxide in water droplets in the presence of ammonia

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    SO2 oxidation by oxygen in monodisperse water droplets was studied in a cylindrical chamber, without and in the presence of ammonia. The range of SO2 concentration was from about 1022 to 5 ppmv, while the NH3 input concentration was kept constant at about 4.731022 ppmv. The contact time between gases and droplets was 210 s. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical values predicted by the kinetics of Larson et al. (Atmos. Environ., 12 (1978) 1597) and McKay (Atmos. Environ., 5 (1971) 7). Much higher sulphate concentrations were obtained in experiments run in the presence of NH3, as opposed to those without NH3. The experimental results agree with the values predicted by McKay’s kinetics and are higher than Larson’s