186 research outputs found

    Fenotipska divergentnost sorti berlej duvana

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    Seven traits (duration of growing season, height, leaf number, length and width of mid plant leaf and yield) in 20 burley tobacco varieties were observed. Significant differences of their values, i.e. great variability of traits among observed genotypes were determined. The degree of their divergence was esteemed by hierarchical cluster analysis. One of two produced dendrograms was based on varietal divergence by more important traits of development and morphology, i.e. yield components, while the second dendrogram was also based on this complex. Three (I-1, II-1, III-l), i.e. two clusters (I-2, II-2), are observable on the first, i.e. the second dendrogram, respectively. Genotypes of similar productivity were found within each cluster, indicating that selected yield components were the basis for breeding of barely tobacco for yield. When planning hybridization, parents should be selected from different clusters or subclusters in order to recombine genotypes as divergent as possible over their quantitative properties.Ispitivano je sedam svojstava (dužina vegetacionog perioda, visina, broj listova, dužina i širina srednjeg lista, površina lista i prinos) kod dvadeset sorti berlej duvana. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u njihovim vrednostima, odnosno velika varijabilnost svojstava između proučavanih genotipova. Za procenu stepena njihove divergencije korišćena je hijerarhijska klaster analiza. Dobijena su dva dendrograma od kojih je prvi zasnovan na divergenciji sorata po važnijim svojstvima razvoja i morfologije odnosno komponentama rodnosti, bez uključivanja prinosa, a drugi je zasnovan i na ovom kompleksnom svojstvu. Na prvom dendrogramu se izdvajaju tri (I-1, II-1, III-l), a na drugom dva (I-2, II-2) klastera, odnosno grupe sorti. Klaster II-2 se sastoji od sorti iz klastera II-1 i III-l. Unutar svakog klastera našli su se genotipovi približne produktivnosti, što ukazuje da su izabrana elementarna svojstva osnov za oplemenjivanje na prinos berlej duvana. Pri planiranju hibridizacija roditelje treba odabirati iz različitih klastera ili subklastera kako bi se rekombinovali što divergentniji genotipovi po ispitivanim kvantitativnim svojstvima

    Stability of productive traits of genotypes of cultivated medicinal plants of the family Apiaceae

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    Stability of productive traits (fruit yield, essential oil content) of varieties of cultivated medicinal plants belonging to the species of the family Apiaceae was studied(anise, coriander, dill, parsley and fennel). The trial was carried out in five locations in 2001. The estimate of stability parameters was done after the method of Eberhart and Russell (1966). As expected significant differences for the fruit yield and the essential oil content were determined among studied genotypes. Significant F-test differences were obtained for locations, while the genotype x environment interaction, as a source of variability for the identification of the growing region, had significant values of the F-test. This was a starting point for the analysis of stability parameters of these traits. The most stable genotype is the one whose value of S(2)di tends towards 0. Bearing this in mind, the most, i.e. the least stable yield was recorded in coriander; i.e. parsley, respectively. A somewhat different situation arises from the values of S(2)di in relation to the essential oil content. According to the value of this parameter; the most, i.e. the least stable essential oil content was found in fennel., i.e. parsley, respectively

    Identifikacija linija donora poželjnih alela za kvantitativne osobine Berlej duvana (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Well-adapted local lines might be used as donors to improve existing commercial hybrids. The objective of this study was to identify the best burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) line among a group of four lines (SA 130, Bols 334, Barlej T and TN 90) from germplasm collection, for improving an elite single hybrid Bols 335 x TN 86. Values of three quantitative traits (number of leaves, total leaf area and leaf yield) were measured in two-year field experiments. Evaluation of donor lines as sources of new favorable alleles not present in the elite hybrid parent lines was conducted. According to Dudley (1984, 1987) the most significant class for improving quantitative traits is locus class G. Donor line TN 90 had positive values of the parameter μG for number of leaves and for total leaf area. Studied donor lines could not be use directly as the source of new alleles for the improvement of leaf yield in elite hybrid. The improvement of leaf yield in tobacco hybrid Bols 335 x TN 86 would be conducted indirectly via back crossing (TN 86 x TN 90) x TN 86. Significance of GxE interaction for studied traits indicates the same breeding method would be effective in broad range of environmental conditions.Na bazi srednjih vrednosti u dvogodišnjim ogledima, ispitivane su četiri linije (SA 130, Bols 334, Berlej 5, TN 90) iz kolekcije germplazme, kao potencijalni donori poželjnih alela za poboljšanje osobina (broj listova, površina listova i prinos lišca) elitnog prostog hibrida Bols 335 x TN 86. Analizom po metodu Dudley (1984,1987) konstatovano je da naveden linije mogu poslužiti kao potencijalni donori. Najznačajnija klasa za unapređenje kvantitativnih osobina je bila lokusna klasa G. Linija donor TN 90 ima pozitivne vrednosti parametra μG za broj listova i ukupnu površinu listova. Proučavane linije-donori, ne mogu biti korišćene direktno kao izvor novih alela za unapređenje prinosa lišća elitnog hibrida. Unapređenje prinosa kod hibrida Bols 335 x TN 86 je moguće indirektno, preko povratnog ukrštanja (TN 86 x TN 90) x TN 86. Značajnost interakcije GxE za proučavane osobine ukazuje da isti oplemenjivački metod može biti primenjen u širokom rangu ekoloških uslova

    Efekti direktne i indirektne selekcije na prinos krtola F1 sejanaca krompira

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    Effects of direct selection (on tuber yield per plant) and indirect selection (on leaf number per plant, total leaf area of plant and chlorophyll content in leaves) in F1 generation of hybrid seedlings of potato were analyzed in the present study. Investigations were conducted in a contemporary net house of the Potato Research Center at Guča during two years (1999 and 2000). The population of 150 genotypes developed from crosses of two Dutch varieties (Cosmos and Van Gogh) were used as the material for investigations. According to gained results, direct selection of F1 seedlings was the most successful method for obtaining high yielding clones. Selection of superior genotypes with a great leaf area was the best resulting indirect selection method.U radu su analizirani efekti direktne selekcije (na prinos krtola) i indirektne selekcije (na broj listova po biljci, ukupnu površinu listova biljke i sadržaj hlorofila u listu) u F1 generaciji hibridnih sejanaca krompira. Ispitivanja su obavljena u savremenom mrežarniku Centra za krompir u Guči tokom dve godine (1999 i 2000). Kao materijal za istraživanje korišćena je populacija od 150 genotipova dobijenih ukrštanjem dve holandske sorte: Cosmos i Van Gogh. Direktna selekcija F1 sejanaca pokazala se kao najuspešniji postupak za dobijanje rodnih klonova. Od ispitivanih oblika indirektne selekcije najbolje rezultate daje odabiranje superiornih genotipova na ukupnu površinu listova biljke

    Pojava embriona-blizanaca kod partenogenetske linije jare pšenice caudata-salmon

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    The twin-embryo formation in seeds of parthenogenetic wheat line caudata-Salmon (cS) after crossing to aestivum-Salmon (aS) was analyzed in this study. The basic hypothesis was that the frequency of twin-embryos was influenced by the developmental stage of cS spikes around the time of pollination. Spikes were separated into four developmental stages: the earliest - the apical part of spike emerged through the slit of the flag leaf sheath and the latest - 2-3 days after the whole spike emerged out of the flag leaf sheath. Twelve days after pollination seeds were opened under a stereo microscope with the aim to determine a frequency and dimensions of twin-embryos. Each twin-embryo consisted of one large and one small embryo. Dimensions of large twin-embryos were greater in spikes of later stages indicating the autonomous development of such embryos. Dimensions of small twin-embryos were similar in spikes of all stages indicating the zygotic development of such embryos. Established developmental pathways of twin-embryos agree well with the observation that the large germ in seeds of cS wheat line germinating with two germs is haploid while the smaller germ is diploid. The frequency of the twin-embryo was higher in spikes of later stages than in spikes of earlier stages. This can be explained by insufficient maturity of mother-cells of zygotic embryos. The embryo development via parthenogenesis in the embryo sac starts before the fertilization. According to the position of zygotic embryos, apart to the basal suspensor region of parthenogenetic embryos, the most probably they develop from fertilized sinergide.U ovom radu analizirana je pojava embriona-blizanaca u semenima partenogenetske linije caudata-Salmon (cS), dobijenim posle oprašivanja sa aestivum-Salmon linijom pšenice. Pošlo se od hipoteze da frekvencija embriona-blizanaca zavisi od stadijuma u kojima se nalaze klasovi u vreme oprašivanja. Klasovi su svrstani u četiri stadijuma, od pojave vrha klasa iz rukavca zastavičara do 2-3 dana posle izlaska celog klasa iz lisnog rukavca. Semena su 12 dana nakon oprašivanja otvorena kako bi se odredila frekvencija embriona-blizanaca i izmerile njihove dimenzije. Svaki od embriona-blizanaca sastojao se od jednog krupnijeg i jednog sitnijeg embriona. Dimenzije krupnijih embriona-blizanaca su bile veće u klasovima kasnijih stadijuma što je ukazivalo na njihov autonomni razvoj. Dimenzije sitnijih embriona-blizanaca su bile iste u klasovima različitih stadijuma, te je zaključeno da se radi o zigotnim embrionima. Ovo je u skladu sa opažanjima da je veća klica, kada seme cS linije klija sa dve klice, haploidna, a manja diploidna. Frekvencija embriona-blizanaca je bila niža u klasovima ranijih stadijuma. Ta pojava je objašnjena nedovoljnom zrelošću ćelija-majki zigotnih embriona. U embrionovoj kesici razvoj embriona partenogenetskim putem počinje pre nego što je postignuta fiziološka zrelost ćelije-majke zigotnog embriona. Na osnovu položaju zigotnih embriona zaključeno je da se oni najverovatnije razvijaju iz oplođenih sinergida

    Genotipski odgovor dve sorte soje sa smanjenim sadržajem KTI na primenu različitih količina azota

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    The aim of this investigation was to estimate the effects of different amounts of nitrogen on the grain yield and nutritive value in two soybean genotypes (Laura and Lana). Studied varieties belong to different maturity groups (Laura is in the group I, while Lana is in the group II) and they both have reduced content of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI). Four treatments of fertilization were tested: 0 kg N ha-1, 30 kg N ha-1, 60 kg N ha-1 and 90 kg N ha-1. Field trials were carried out in dry land farming, at location Putinci, during the years 2008 and 2009. In both research years, variety Lana had higher grain yield and oil content then variety Laura. Method of nitrogen fertilization has been proved as an effective tool for increasing of grain yield and protein content in both varieties. The results of the study showed that application of 90 kg N ha-1 increased the grain yield and protein content of soybean more than application of other treatments (0, 30 and 60 kg N ha- 1). All nitrogen fertilization levels decreased the oil content.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se odredi uticaj različite količine azota na prinos zrna i hranljivu vrednost zrna kod dva genotipa soje (Laura i Lana). Ispitivane sorte soje pripadaju različitim grupama zrenja (Laura - I i Lana - II) i imaju smanjeni sadržaj Kunitz tripsin inhibitora (KTI). Upoređivane su četiri varijante ishrane biljaka azotom: 0 kg N ha-1, 30 kg N ha-1, 60 kg N ha-1 i 90 kg N ha-1. Ogledi su izvedeni u suvom ratarenju, na lokaciji Putinci, tokom 2008. i 2009. godine. U obe godine istraživanja, sorta Lana imala je veći prinos zrna i sadržaj ulja nego sorta Laura. Ishrana azotom pokazala se kao uspešna metoda za poboljšanje prinosa zrna i sadržaja proteina kod obe sorte. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je primena 90 kg N ha-1 povećala prinos zrna soje i sadržaj proteina u zrnu više nego primena drugih tretmana (0, 30 i 60 kg N ha-1). Svi nivoi ishrane azotom smanjili su sadržaj ulja

    Good agricultural practices and technologies to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters in oilseed rape production in Serbia

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    Oilseed rape is primarily known as an industrial plant. Its seed is an important source of oil and proteins for nutritional and non-edible uses. After the extraction of oil from oilseed rape seed, the meal (cake), rich in proteins, fibers, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is suitable for feeding domestic animals, remains. Areas under oilseed rape in Serbia have increased in the last decade. Over this period, the average yield of oilseed rape seed in Serbia was about 2.7 t/ha but varied depending on agro-ecological conditions. Climatic conditions in Serbia are suitable for oilseed rape production, but the occurrence of natural disasters (drought, floods, stormy winds and hail) leads to a decline in yield and seed quality. For farmers, it is extremely important to choose the right variety of oilseed rape to mitigate the effects of natural disasters because each variety has specific advantages that can make it suitable for certain growing conditions. Farmers in Serbia can choose many high-yielding varieties created in our agro-ecological conditions. Likewise, a system of measures that includes the best crop rotation plan (oilseed rape fits well with winter cereals as a forecrop), basic tillage (to a depth of 20–30 cm), sowing (of certified seed, in the period from 25 August to 20 September), plant nutrition (total amount of nitrogen fertilisers divided into several doses), control of weeds, pests and diseases (by combining preventive measures, especially agro-technical practices such as crop rotation, tillage, and crop density), setting up of irrigation and drainage systems, as well as the timely harvest (when the seed contains less than 15 percent moisture) provides favourable conditions for the proper development of oilseed rape crops. This is the basis for mitigating the impacts of natural disasters and achieving high and stable yields. Neglecting these basic requirements of oilseed rape technology or reducing certain measures inevitably leads to yield losses. Also, farmers are recommended to consider the possibility of introducing agricultural technologies such as conservation tillage and intercropping that are successfully applied in the world but still are not present in larger areas in Serbia. Finally, one of the measures to mitigate the impacts of natural disasters, based on a risk-sharing strategy, is crop insurance. With the continuous education of producers and further improvement of the assortment, technology and machinery, it is realistic to expect an increase in the area under oilseed rape in Serbia and greater production safety under the conditions of climate change. For education and assistance in the application of the listed agricultural practices and technologies, farmers can contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, advisory services, and other addresses listed below.At publisher's website [http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/CB5193EN

    Dobre poljoprivredne prakse i tehnologije za ublažavanje dejstva prirodnih nepogoda u proizvodnji uljane repice u Srbiji

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    Uljana repica je prvenstveno poznata kao industrijska biljka i zbog visokog sadržaja i kvalitetnog ulja, najviše se koristi za proizvodnju zrelog semena. Nakon izdvajanja ulja, ostaje sačma bogata proteinima i pogodna u ishrani domaćih životinja. Površina pod uljanom repicom u Srbiji imaju trend povećanja u poslednjoj deceniji. Prosečan prinos uljane repice u ovom periodu u Srbiji je oko 2,7 t/ha, ali varira u zavisnosti od agroekoloških uslova. Klimatski uslovi u Srbiji pogoduju proizvodnji uljane repice, ali pojava prirodnih nepogoda (suša, poplava, olujni vetrovi i grad) dovode do pada prinosa i kvaliteta semena i ulja. Izuzetno je važan pravilan izbor sorte uljane repice u cilju ublažavanja dejstva prirodnih nepogoda jer svaka sorta ima specifične prednosti koje je mogu učiniti pogodnom za određene uslove gajenja. Poljoprivrednici u Srbiji imaju mogućnost da odaberu brojne visokoprinosne sorte stvorene u našim agroekološkim uslovima. Takođe, sistem mera koji uključuje pravilnu smenu useva u plodoredu (najčešće sa strnim žitima kao predusevom), osnovnu obradu (dubina 20–30 cm), setvu (sertifikovano seme, vreme setve od 25. avgusta do 20. septembra), ishranu biljaka (podela đubrenja azotom u više faza), suzbijanje korova, štetočina i bolesti (merama integralne zaštite biljaka, posebno oslanjanjem na preventivne mere i sa što manjim rizikom po ljude i životnu sredinu), postavljanje sistema za navodnjavanje i odvodnjavanje, kao i pravovremenu žetvu (kada seme sadrži manje od 15 posto vlage), obezbeđuje povoljne uslove za pravilan razvoj useva uljane repice, a što je osnov za ublažavanje dejstva prirodnih nepogoda i postizanje visokih i stabilnih prinosa. Zapostavljanje ovih osnovnih zahteva tehnologije gajenja uljane repice ili redukovanje određenih mera neizbežno dovodi do gubitaka prinosa. Konačno, preporučuje se poljoprivrednicima da razmotre mogućnost uvođenja poljoprivrednih tehnologija za ublažavanje dejstva prirodnih nepogoda koje se uspešno primenjuju u svetu, a kod nas još nisu zastupljene na većim površinama, kao što su konzervacijska obrada zemljišta i združena setva, kao i osuguranje useva. Edukacijom proizvođača i daljim poboljšanjem sortimenta, tehnologije i mehanizacije, realno je očekivati povećanje površina pod uljanom repicom u Srbiji i sigurnost proizvodnje i u uslovima klimatskih promena. Za podršku u primeni poljoprivrednih tehnologija koje smanjuju uticaj prirodnih nepogoda i klimatskih promena, proizvođači uljane repice se mogu obratiti Poljoprivrednim savetodavnim stručnim službama.Na vebsajtu izdavača [http://www.fao.org/publications/card/en/c/CB5193SR

    Odgovor genotipova uljane repice na toksičnost bora

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    Response of 16 oilseed rape genotypes to B (boron) toxicity was analyzed by comparing the results of two experiments conducted in a glasshouse. In Experiment 1 plants were grown in standard nutrient solutions with 10 µMB (control) and 1000 µM B. Relative root and shoot growth varied from 20-120% and 31-117%, respectively. Variation in B concentration in shoots was also wide (206.5-441.7 µg B g-1 DW) as well as total B uptake by plant (62.3-281.2 µg B g1). Four selected genotypes were grown in Experiment 2 in pots filled with high B soil (8 kg ha-1 B; B8). Shoot growth was not affected by B8 treatment, while root and shoot B concentration was significantly increased compared to control. Genotypes Panther and Pronto which performed low relative root and shoot growth and high B accumulation in plants in Experiment 1, had good growth in B8 treatment. In Experiment 2 genotype NS-L-7 had significantly lower B concentration in shots under treatment B8, but also very high B accumulation in Experiment 1. In addition, cluster analyses classified genotypes in three groups according to traits contrasting in their significance for analyzing response to B toxicity. The first group included four varieties based on their shared characteristics that have small value for the relative growth of roots and shoots and large values of B concentration in shoot. In the second largest group were connected ten genotypes that are heterogeneous in traits and do not stand out on any characteristic. Genotypes NS-L-7 and Navajo were separated in the third group because they had big relative growth of root and shoot, but also a high concentration of B in the shoot, and high total B uptake. Results showed that none of tested genotypes could not be recommended for breeding process to tolerance for B toxicity.Izvod Odgovor 16 genotipova uljane repice na toksičnost B (bora) analizirana je poređenjem rezultata dva ogleda izvedenim u stakleniku. U Ogledu 1, biljke su gajene u hranljivim rastvorima sa dva tretmana B: 10 µM B (kontrola) i 1000 µM B (toksična koncentracija). Vrednosti za relativni porast korena i nadzemnog dela varirale su od 20-120% i 31-117%, po redu. Koncentracija B je takođe značajno varirala (206.5-441.7 µg B g-1 SM) kao i ukupno usvojena količina B po biljci. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih u Ogledu 1 odabrana su četiri genotipa koja su u Ogledu 2 gajena u posudama sa zemljištem kome je dodat B preračunato za poljske uslove u količini od 8 kg ha-1 (B8) uz kontrolu..Toksične količine B nisu negativno uticale na porast biljaka, dok je koncentracija B u korenu i nadzemnoj masi značajno povećana u poređenju sa kontrolom. Iako su u Ogledu 1 zabeležene velike razlike u porastu biljaka i koncentraciji B u suvoj masi, rezultati dobijeni u Ogledu 2, nisu pokazali da je kod bilo kog genotipa prisutna tipična reakcija na osnovu koje bi bili svrstani u grupu osetljivih ili tolerantnih na tiksičnost B. Genotipovi Panther i Pronto kod kojih je u Ogledu 1 zabeležen mali relativni porast korena i nadzemnog dela, kao i velika koncentracija B u biljci, imali su dobar porast u tretmanu sa 8 kg ha-1. U Ogledu 2, kod genotipa NS-L-7 zabeležena je značajno niža koncnetracija B u nadzemnom delu biljaka, ali i velika akumulacija B u Ogledu 1. Kluster analizom genotipovi su podeljeni u tri grupe na osnovu relativnog porasta korena i nadzemnog dela, koncentracije B u njima i ukupnom usvajanju B po biljci, ali tako da ne ukazuju na eventualno postojanje otpornosti na toksičnost B. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ni jedan od 16 testiranih genotipova ne može da bude preporučen za proces oplemenjivanja za otpornost na toksičnost B