17 research outputs found

    Integrated mapping of ecosystems and assessment of forest ecosystem services at river basin scale

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    Ecosystems provide various goods and services to society and their valuation is among the main objectives of the concept of ecosystem services (ES). The mapping of ecosystems is the main building block of the whole process of the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES). The analyses of the ecosystem data produced during the implementation of the national methodology for mapping ecosystems in Bulgaria (MAES BG) reveal some problems that may cause confusion in cases of integrated assessment of all ecosystem types. In this paper, we present an approach that enables formulation of a uniform spatial dataset based on the mapping of the main ecosystem types, that can be used for mapping of ES at a river basin scale. It has been applied to the upper part of the Ogosta River basin and the result is a topologically correct uniform spatial data layer. The approach gives one possible solution to problems related to the different sources of information and the discrepancies between ecosystem types in the national mapping of ecosystems in Bulgaria. It is based on the use of a uniform spatial framework that outlines the ecosystem types and sets the initial database for further mapping. This ensures a topologically correct spatial dataset for the ecosystems and a background for further updates for each ecosystem at the different levels of MAES typology. The most appropriate spatial basis for the territory of Bulgaria is the database for the physical blocks of the Ministry of Interior. Its application to the studied river basin gives encouraging results and can be used as an example for similar areas. Further development of the approach will ensure the mapping of the forest ecosystems at level 3 of the MAES BG typology and more precise delineation of the grassland, heathland, freshwater, and sparsely vegetated ecosystems

    Modeling water regulation ecosystem services: A review in the context of ecosystem accounting

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    Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) has evolved rapidly in recent years through substantial efforts of both international organizations and the scientific community. Water regulation ecosystem services (ES) are key elements of regulating services in ecosystem accounting, with most relevant studies strongly relying on models for ES quantification up to now. In this paper, we provide a review of modeling efforts for water regulation ES based on 148 scientific papers, properly systematized, analyzed and interpreted by using a detailed and structured original template. We examined emerging trends and gaps in model applications and the readiness to integrate them into the NCA and SEEA-EA frameworks. We propose a classification scheme which organizes the 92 different models and modeling approaches identified in the review process into eight model categories so that this scheme can be efficiently used in the water ES assessment of and for further integration into the accounting framework. Among the models, the hydrologic model SWAT and the modeling tool InVEST are by far the most popular. The results of the review revealed differences between the general ES literature and the accounting-related papers. Moreover, our analysis sets the basis for useful recommendations of which model categories are the most appropriate for the water regulation ES, included in the SEEA-EA reference list. Based on the number of relevant papers, the reliability and the confidence level of the recommendations for the use of models have been incorporated in our analysis. We highlight as model category with the highest confidence the ones relative to quantification water flow and flood control service aiming at ES accounting. Models for erosion control ES can only be recommended with a lower confidence, while for water purification the results lack clear evidence for using a particular group of models. Based on the research findings we identified the main research priorities on model integration in the accounting of water regulation ES: 1) further development of guidelines for the use of models in ecosystem accounting; 2) analyses of the spatial aspects of the model towards a clear distinction between ecosystem service supply and use; and 3) development of integrated modeling approaches for water regulation ES accounting. © 2022 The Author(s

    Experimental mapping and assessment of ecosystem services based on multi-level landscape classification

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    The importance of the landscapes for the development of recreation and ecotourism is significant but very little studied. Usually, scientists use spatial units to map and assess the ecosystem services CORINE land cover or similar classifications. Traditional multi-level landscape classifications, very well-known and developed in the XXth century in Bulgaria, Russia, and other Eastern and Central European countries, could give valuable information for various indicators for ecosystem services assessment. From another hand, these classical landscape ecological maps are very little- known for the international scientific audience. We decided to conduct an experimental mapping and assessment of ecosystem services based on multi-level landscape classification. For this, we have chosen a case study area with hilly karst relief, which is part of the inner Predbalkan Region, located in North-Central Bulgaria. The site represents a scientific interest in terms of its transitional position between the Stara Planina Mountain and the Danube Plain and the presence of various anthropogenic changes. The study aimed to develop and test an original methodology for mapping and assessment of the capacity of the contemporary landscapes in the Strazhata syncline upland and Melovete hills to provide cultural ecosystem services – recreation and ecotourism. The results showed that 70% of the territory has medium or higher capacity, dominated mainly by karst areas with natural vegetation in protected sites

    Experimental mapping and assessment of ecosystem services based on multi-level landscape classification

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    The importance of the landscapes for the development of recreation and ecotourism is significant but very little studied. Usually, scientists use spatial units to map and assess the ecosystem services CORINE land cover or similar classifications. Traditional multi-level landscape classifications, very well-known and developed in the XXth century in Bulgaria, Russia, and other Eastern and Central European countries, could give valuable information for various indicators for ecosystem services assessment. From another hand, these classical landscape ecological maps are very little- known for the international scientific audience. We decided to conduct an experimental mapping and assessment of ecosystem services based on multi-level landscape classification. For this, we have chosen a case study area with hilly karst relief, which is part of the inner Predbalkan Region, located in North-Central Bulgaria. The site represents a scientific interest in terms of its transitional position between the Stara Planina Mountain and the Danube Plain and the presence of various anthropogenic changes. The study aimed to develop and test an original methodology for mapping and assessment of the capacity of the contemporary landscapes in the Strazhata syncline upland and Melovete hills to provide cultural ecosystem services – recreation and ecotourism. The results showed that 70% of the territory has medium or higher capacity, dominated mainly by karst areas with natural vegetation in protected sites

    About existence of coniferous belt on the northern slopes of Shipchenska mountain in the past

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    The names of geographical objects on a particular area are peculiar store for conservation of historical-geographical information. Typical versatility of the toponymic system gives possibility for usage of different approaches for analysis of it, including spatial analysis. Information for state of natural environments and their changes is coded in the toponymic system. Historical localization of landscapes with coniferous vegetation on the northern slopes of Shipchenska Mountain (Balkan Mountains, Bulgaria) on toponymic basis is presented in the article. Some conclusions about probability for existence of coniferous belt in the past are formulated. The study is an initial attempt to build a link between toponymy and onomastics on the one hand and historical geography of landscapes on the other. The used approach has some weaknesses and could be used successfully in combination with the results of other studies such as paleobotanical, paleoecological, etc

    Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikola Todorov (1955-2018) – A Life Dedicated to Geography

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    The paper is devoted to Assoc. Prof. PhD Nikola Todorov’s life and professional contributions (1955- 2018) – a prominent Bulgarian geographer, unreservedly dedicated to the science and field researches, who left а rich creative heritage in the field of Physical Geography and Landscape Science. He was the leading author in the development of the second landscape classification system of Bulgaria and in the creation of а landscape map of Bulgaria on a 1:500 000 scale, which is one of his main contributions. An important contribution in his research activity is the developed classification system of anthropogenic changes and landscape disturbances in Bulgaria, which is applicable to the whole country and encompassing the enormous variety of natural-territorial complexes and their changes. He was a scientific mentor for 26 master students and 4 PhD students. Assoc. Prof. Nikola Todorov was a Lecturer who inspired generations of students and many young researchers with his erudition and oratory skills

    Analysis of the national ecosystem database of Bulgaria: (Mis)matches with the MAES framework

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    The mapping of ecosystems is a significant element in the European Biodiversity Strategy and the results of its implementation should support the maintenance and restoration of ecosystems and their services. The quality of the spatial data is of crucial importance for the achievement of these goals. A methodological framework for Bulgaria in the form of nine separate methodologies has been developed in recent years. In this paper, we analyze the ecosystem typology for Bulgaria and the GIS database to assess the possibilities to develop a common database for the needs of integrated water management. The data analyses were carried out in two dimensions: 1) the typology and attributive data were analyzed by cross-tabular approach; and 2) the spatial data were analyzed by topology rules.  The results of the study reveal three main problems of the typology: 1) for some types it is developed to the fourth level while for others it is to the third level; 2) in some of the ecosystem types, especially in the freshwater ecosystems, different categories are mixed within a single hierarchical level; 3: there are duplicated numerical designations between grassland and forest ecosystems. This necessitates a revision of the typology and the development of a correct uniform classification to be used for the needs of integrated assessment. The topology analyses of the merged data from the eight ecosystem GIS layers show extremely large numbers of gaps and overlaps. The main reason is the use of different sources for the mapping of different ecosystem types. The main conclusion is that it is practically impossible to generate topologically correct integrated GIS layers from the eight ecosystem type layers. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a new approach for mapping all ecosystem types into a uniform database

    Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society: past, present and future

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    The article presents a comprehensive historical review of the development of “Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society” since its establishment, and points out the perspectives that lie ahead. We highlighted three periods of development of the journal: First (1933–1943), Second (1953–1993), and Third (2018–2020) based on key moments within the life-cycle of the Society caused by various socio-political situations in Bulgaria across time. We conducted the review following several key points: (1) periodization; (2) analysis of the publications based on the publishing language, types of the articles, and the major research topics; (3) expansion of the editorial board; and (4) design of the journal including its format, cover and paper layout. We pointed out a few challenges in the present state of the publication process in Bulgaria within the geographic community in particular, and gave valuable recommendations on how to deal with them in the light of the global tendencies in the academic publishing process. For the future development of the journal, we have marked major goals and changes that will lead to improving the quality of the geographic publications in the country. They are as follows: building a journal management concept, determination of the focus and scope, types and characteristics of the publications, and improvement of the graphic design. In conclusion, we highlighted the strengths and the weaknesses of the past development of the journal, and underlined the new changes, which will give the journal an international recognition

    Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society: the new vision and perspectives

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    The Journal of Bulgarian Geographical Society was the first scientific geographical journal in the country established in 1933. During the long period of its development, it became a leading journal for publishing scientific results in geography and related interdisciplinary fields in Bulgaria. Geography of the 21st century is expected to contribute to the development of human capital and the knowledge society, to offer place-specific solutions for sustainable regional development and use of the planet’s natural and human capital. One of the main goals of the Bulgarian Geographical Society is to stimulate the geographic community to search for smart spatial solutions which can contribute to meet the challenges of modern society. The Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society will contribute to the achievement of this goal by providing a platform for scientists in the main fields of geography and the interrelated sciences as well as decision-makers, and the interested public to share their knowledge in an efficient and open manner. In these days of continuous speeding up of paces of work and life, the idea of facilitating the sharing of existing knowledge in order to create synergies, new knowledge, and innovation is more than timely and our journal can join the efforts to achieve these goals

    Twenty years of ecosystem services research in Bulgaria: lessons learned and future directions from a geographical perspective

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    The ecosystem services (ES) concept has established itself in recent years as the predominant paradigm for framing environmental research and policy-making. The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 with its task for member countries to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services has contributed vastly to the development of the ES studies in the European countries. Bulgaria was among the countries that made substantial progress in its implementation and the contribution of the geographers was of vital importance. This paper aims to provide an overview and analysis of the ES research in Bulgaria focusing on the contributions of the geographers and the spatial aspects of the studies. The information on the ES research was performed through a literature review by collecting all available published works that address the main objectives of the study. To systematize and characterize the content of the reviewed papers, a special database with a standard nomenclature was constructed. The findings from the review allowed us to identify both achievements and research gaps in the ES studies conducted by Bulgarian geographers. This enabled us to define the main research priorities of the coming years which can trace the future directions of ES research in the country. They include the development of the spatial aspects in the methodological frameworks for mapping and assessment of ES, better use of GIS-based tools for mapping ES alongside models’ integration, and improvement of the publication's quality and increase of the papers published in highly rated indexed journals