23 research outputs found


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    Te procurement of infrastructure for Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram was conducted through the direct of purchasing, but the process as such ofen remain the administrative obstacle in the process. To avoid the intricate troubles, such as; the number of packets, limited resources, and time issued during the process as well, needed the client server-based information system rather than the computerization manually. Te method implemented was the waterfall for information, and the result was the system of direct purchasing with the client server-based that implemented on Java Netbeasn 8.0 and PostgreSQL 9.0 using Model View Control (MVC) concept for diminishing the false


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    Data is very important its existence to be protected if the data has a value, or a specific confidentiality. There are so many techniques that can be used to secure the data, one is to apply the method Encryption and Decryption. In the Encryption Method and Description using various types of algorithms. Applications built using algorithms Encription Data Standard (DES). This algorithm emphasizes on input (plaintext) whose length is 64 bits and a key length of 56 bits, and through 16 stages or iterations. Results from making this application can be used to encrypt all files except the video. This application has an encryption rate of 3 sec / each file capacity of 1024 bytes. The rate of speed encryption and decryption with polygons forming linear graph is a straight line

    Pengembangan Profil Outlet Pada Pusat Perbelanjaan Mataram Mall

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    Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi informasi berkembang cukup pesat dan menghasilkan inovasi-inovasi baru yang senantiasa terus berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Pada kenyataannya masih banyak pusat perbelanjaan atau toko yang membuat pembelinya kesusahan untuk mengetahui dan mencari produk yang diinginkan, karena bangunan pusat perbelanjaan yang begitu luas dengan banyak toko atau outlet yang berjejer didalamnya. Berdasarkan pemaparan diatas penulis akan mengembangkan sebuah aplikasi profil outlet pada pusat perbelanjaan berbasis multimedia. Agar informasi dari masing-masing toko atau outlet tersebut dapat di sampaikan dengan lebih interaktif, menarik, dan mempermudah pengunjung mencari barang yang di butuhkan. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan oleh penulis pada penelitian ini adalah metode versi Luther Sutopo yang memiliki enam tahap yaitu tahap Concept (Konsep), Design (Perancangan), Material Collecting (Pengumpulan Bahan), Assembly (Pembuatan), Testing (Ujicoba)  dan Distribution (Distribusi). Hasil atau keluaran yang akan dicapai yaitu sebuah aplikasi profil outlet pada pusat perbelanjaan mataram mall berbasis multimedia yang melibatkan elemen-elemen multimedia seperti teks, gambar, suara, dan animasi yang dikemas dalam media penyimpanan DVD yang dapat dijalankan di media elektronik yaitu PC (Personal Computer). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh selama melakukan penelitian ini, penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa aplikasi yang dibangun sangat membantu pengunjung dalam proses pencarian informasi toko atau outlet dengan lebih mudah dan cepat.&nbsp


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    Ujian National (UN ) is one tool evaluation issued by the government which is the appropriate measurement tool to measure the level of achievement of educational goals that have been set. One of the challenges for students of schools during the school beforehand through the UN process be it elementary, junior high and high school. As is known, to fnish his previous students have to face the evaluation process, namely Ujian Nasional, and to pass the evaluation of the value of the good is not easy. That requires a media that can help students in the learning process before the Ujian National. Media made using multimedia elements such as text, images, sound, and animation. The development method used by the authors in this study is the method ADDIE which has fve stages, namely stage Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The instructional media of Natural Science for Yunior School to prepare UN ” From the results obtained during this study, the authors conclude that the media are built to help students in the learning process before facing Ujian National (UN

    Analysis of earthquake hazards prediction with multivariate adaptive regression splines

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    Earthquake research has not yielded promising results, either in the form of causes or revealing the timing of their future events. Many methods have been developed, one of which is related to data mining, such as the use of hybrid neural networks, support vector regressor, fuzzy modeling, clustering, and others. Earthquake research has uncertain parameters and to obtain optimal results an appropriate method is needed. In general, several predictive data mining methods are grouped into two categories, namely parametric and non-parametric. This study uses a non-parametric method with multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS) and conic multivariate adaptive regression spline (CMARS) as the backward stage of the MARS algorithm. The results of this study after parameter testing and analysis obtained a mathematical model with 16 basis functions (BF) and 12 basis functions contributing to the model and 4 basis functions not contributing to the model. Based on the level of variable contribution, it can be written that the epicenter distance is 100 percent, the magnitude is 31.1 percent, the location temperature is 5.5 percent, and the depth is 3.5 percent. It can be concluded that the results of the prediction analysis of areas in Lombok with the highest earthquake hazard level are Malaka, Genggelang, Pemenang, Tanjung, Tegal Maja, Senggigi, Mangsit. Meninting, and Malimbu


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    The dynamics of strategic environmental development have created a complex spectrum of threats, challenges and risks, the development of the strategic environment always brings changes to the complexity of threats and challenges to the defense of the State. Threat predictions that arise at any time can be categorized into three types of threats, namely military threats, nonmilitary threats, and hybrid threats. The establishment of the Reserve Component is considered not including the priority agenda and even shows irregularities in determining the priorities of the security sector reform agenda. If the government has the goal to strengthen the defense sector to be more professional, strong and modern, then the development of the main component, the Indonesian National Army (TNI), should be a priority agenda and need to be put forward by the government. The research will address what is seen as necessary by building universal people's defense and security systems in the face of military, non-military and hybrid threats. Based on the type of research, this research is included in case study research, while based on purpose, this research is a policy reserach, case study research is a study conducted intensively, detailed and in-depth on a particular organization, institution or symptom. Various national development activities carried out by the government to achieve the objectives contained in the Opening of the 1945 Constitution, namely protecting all Indonesians in the Universal People's Defense and Security System (Sishankamrata) are carried out in an integrated and sustainable manner in accordance with the priorities and needs of the country set through short-term and long-term national development programs. Implementation of spare components in support of the universal people's defense system in the 21st century. The reserve component is mandatory to be established in Indonesia as part of Indonesia's defense force, especially in the face of aght that is non-military

    Comparison of Naive Bayes and Dempster Shafer Methods in Expert System for Early Diagnosis of COVID-19

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    COVID-19 is a respiratory infection disease caused by the corona virus. Transmission of this virus can spread very quickly so that the number of cases of the corona virus continues to grow and becomes an epidemic that spreads not only in Indonesia but also in other countries in the world. The purpose of this study is to build an expert system that is able to diagnose Covid-19 early by using a comparison of the Nave Bayes method and the Dempster Shafer method. The amount of data used in this study is 550 data, consisting of 500 training data and 50 testing data. While the variables used are symptoms related to COVID-19 as many as 17 symptoms consisting of G01, G02, G03, G04, G05, G06, G07, G08, G09, G10, G11, G12, G13, G14, G15, G16, G17. The diagnostic data consists of Suspected (PDP), Non-Suspected, and Close Contact (ODP). The results of the percentage test by comparing system diagnoses with expert diagnoses, for the nave Bayes method it has an accuracy of 96% with 48 diagnoses according to expert diagnoses from 50 tested data. Meanwhile, the Dempster Shafer method has an accuracy of 40% with 20 diagnoses according to expert diagnoses from 50 tested data. Based on the results of this study, the Naive Bayes and Dempster Shafer methods can be applied to an expert system for early diagnosis of COVID-19, from the results of the system testing the Naive Bayes method has better accuracy than the Dempster Shafer method

    Home Security Voice Notification System With Arduino Sensor, PIR based SMS Gateway

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    The level of crime that afflicts households such as theft and robbery is still common. Many thefts occur when the homeowner is away and the house is staying for a long time. Although some residential neighborhoods already have security officers, human limitations can be a gap for perpetrators of theft. To overcome this, we need a guard who is always there to monitor the house to avoid theft. In this case the risk of guards on duty to guard the house is very large, such as acts of theft accompanied by violence. The design and manufacture of this system uses the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) method. NDLC is a method that relies on previous development processes such as business strategy planning, application development lifecycle, and data distribution analysis. There are 6 stages in the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) namely Analysis, Design, Simulation Prototyping, Implementation, Monitoring, Management. The purpose of this research is Designing a home security system that can guard the house in real time and can be accessed remotely. The conclusion of this research is that the entire system is proven to be able to work in detecting, giving warnings, and making calls to the user.Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC) namely Analysis, Design, Simulation Prototyping, Implementation, Monitoring, Management. The purpose of this research is Designing a home security system that can guard the house in real time and can be accessed remotely. The conclusion of this research is that the entire system is proven to be able to work in detecting, giving warnings, and making calls to the user

    Comparison of Distance Measurements Based on k-Numbers and Its Influence to Clustering

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    Heuristic data requires appropriate clustering methods to avoid casting doubt on the information generated by the grouping process. Determining an optimal cluster choice from the results of grouping is still challenging. This study aimed to analyze the four numerical measurement formulas in light of the data patterns from categorical that are now accessible to give users of heuristic data recommendations for how to derive knowledge or information from the best clusters. The method used was clustering with four measurements: Euclidean, Canberra, Manhattan, and Dynamic Time Warping and Elbow approach for optimizing. The Elbow with Sum Square Error (SSE) is employed to calculate the optimal cluster. The number of test clusters ranges from k = 2 to k = 10. Student data from social media was used in testing to help students achieve higher GPAs. 300 completed questionnaires that were circulated and used to collect the data. The result of this study showed that the Manhattan Distance is the best numerical measurement with the largest SSE of 45.359 and optimal clustering at k = 5. The optimal cluster Manhattan generated was made up of students with GPAs above 3.00 and websites/ vlogs used as learning tools by the mathematics and computer department. Each cluster’s ability to create information can be impacted by the proximity of qualities caused by variations in the number of clusters

    Implementasi Media Pembelajaran dengan Augmented Reality untuk Pengenalan Makanan Sehat Dan Bergizi

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    The current application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in various fields such as games, social media, business, military, medicine and including education. This research will utilize AR in learning for grade 3 students at Barujulat 1 Public Elementary School. The problem is that the 2013 revision of the 2018 curriculum is used and uses books as study guides. From interviews with teaching teachers, students have difficulty understanding various types of healthy food related to material according to the syllabus in sub-theme 2 of learning 3 about Food Important for Health, and this condition is exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic situation which requires students to study online and independently at home. The purpose of this study was to make a learning application for the introduction of healthy and nutritious eating with AR for class 3 of SDN 1 Barujulat. The method used in this research is the ADDIE development method developed by Dick and Carry. The results of this study, according to the syllabus used, can improve and facilitate students' understanding in participating in learning about important foods for health. The test results for grade 3 students were 21 students/respondents, it was found that 52% of respondents said this application could increase interest in learning, and 76% of respondents said that this application could facilitate understanding of healthy and nutritious food learning materials.Penerapan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR) saat ini pada berbagai bidang seperti game, sosial media, bisnis, militer, kedokteran dan termasuk bidang pendidikan. Penelitian ini akan memanfaatkan AR dalam pembelajaran untuk siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar Negeri (SDN) 1 Barujulat. Permasalahannya adalah Kurikulum yang digunakan tahun 2013 revisi 2018 dan menggunakan buku sebagai panduan belajar. Dari wawancara dengan Guru pengajar, siswa kesulitan dalam memahami berbagai jenis makanan sehat yang berkaitan dengan materi sesuai silabus pada subtema 2 pembelajaran 3 tentang Makanan Penting Untuk Kesehatan, dan kondisi ini diperparah dengan situasi pandemi Covid-19 yang mengharuskan siswa belajar online dan mandiri di rumah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pembuatan aplikasi pembelajaran untuk pengenalan makan sehat dan bergizi dengan AR untuk kelas 3 SDN 1 Barujulat. Metode yang digunakan dipenelitian ini adalah metode pengembangan ADDIE yang dikembangkan oleh Dick and Carry. Hasil penelitian ini , sesuai dengan silabus yang digunakan dapat meningkatkan dan mempermudah pemahaman siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran makanan penting untuk Kesehatan. Hasil uji coba untuk siswa kelas 3 sebanyak 21 siswa/responden diketahui 52% responden aplikasi ini dapat meningkatkan daya tarik dalam belajar, dan 76% responden menyatakan aplikasi ini dapat mempermudah pemahaman materi pembelajaran makanan sehat dan bergizi