11 research outputs found

    Snellen Chart Based on Android Control

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    Eye vision is a person's visual acuity examination that is usually done using a snellen chart. Snellen chart is a poster that contains a number of letters that are different on each line with the letters getting closer to the bottom lines. Eye vision examination using a normal snellen chart is done at a distance of 6 meters because someone is considered normal if he is able to read on the 20/20 line in feet or 6/6 in meters. Snellen chart control android is an electronic snellen chart that controls the light transfer using Android. Commands originating from the mitapp application on android are sent to the bluetooth HC-05 module in the minsys Atmega16 circuit. Atmega 16 was chosen because it has a sufficient number of pins to control the displacement of the lights used by 23 lights. The appearance of the mitapp application has been adjusted to the letters contained in the snellen chart, making it easier for operator to correct the results of the readings that have been performed by the eye vision patient

    Potensi Material Sampah Combustible pada Zona II TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

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    Jumlah penduduk yang meningkat juga meningkatkan jumlah kebutuhan energi. Namun, sumber daya yang tersedia juga semakin berkurang. Sehingga perlu digantikan dengan energi yang baru. Sampah yang meningkat dan pengolahan yang sangat sedikit dapat dijadikan sumber energi yang baru bagi masyarakat dengan konsep waste to energy (WTE). Salah satunya yaitu dengan mengubah sampah menjadi bahan baku RDF (refuse-derived fuel). RDF merupakan salah satu teknik penanganan sampah dengan mengubah sampah menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat yaitu bahan bakar. Sampah sangat berpotensi menjadi bahan baku RDF terutama organik dan plastik sebagai sampah yang mudah terbakar (combustible). Sampah tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan baku RDF dengan cara menganalisis nilai kalor yang dihasilkan. Untuk menganalisis nilai kalor pada sampah combustible zona aktif II TPA Jatibarang dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengujian sampel sebanyak 100 gram dengan alat bom kalorimeter. Sampel tersebut diambil pada kedalaman 0-3 m dengan metode random sampling. Kemudian akan didapat nilai kalor tinggi yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut. Nilai Kalor Tinggi yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut sebesar 5,69 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 0-1 m, 6,07 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 1-2 m dan 5,94 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 2-3 m. Nilai kalor tinggi yang dihasilkan sampah combustible tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semakin rendah kedalaman sampah maka akan semakin tinggi nilai kalor yang dihasilkan dan sampah tersebut berpotensi sebagai bahan baku RDF

    A case of coexisting Warthin tumor and langerhans cell histiocytosis associated with necrosis, eosinophilic abscesses and a granulomatous reaction in intraparotid lymph nodes

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    We present a patient (50-year-old male) with coexisting Warthin tumor and involvement of two intraparotid lymph nodes by Langerhans cell histiocytosis associated with necrosis, eosinophilic abscesses and a granulomatous reaction. This is the second documented case of this unusual combination of histological changes in nodal Langerhans cell histiocytosis and the first case involving intraparotid lymph nodes occurring together with an ipsilateral Warthin tumor

    Portable Spirometer for Measuring Lung Function Health (FVC and FEV1)

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    Extreme climate change and air pollution caused by dust, smoke, vehicle exhaust gases and industry can increase the chances of contracting various infectious diseases caused by viruses, especially respiratory infections. Lung volume measurements obtained from air that is inhaled and exhaled by someone can help doctors diagnose abnormalities in the lungs. The purpose of this study was to develop an affordable pulmonary function measurement system, which is a spirometer. The main board consists of a non-inverting amplifier, Arduino microcontroller, LCD and SD Card memory. FVC and FEV1 volume measurements are carried out when the breath blew through the MPX5100DP gas pressure sensor. The sensor's output is a voltage, which is converted to a volume unit using the venturimeter method. The SD card memory is used to store data. The results of measurement data on respondents with a spirometer comparison device then there is an FVC error of 0.98% 5, FEV1 3.83% and FEVI / FVC 2.50%. This value is still below the error tolerance limit of 5%. The design of this spirometer is portable and low cost to be made for mass production to help people to measure the health of lung function in humans

    Synthesis and analysis of structural, dielectric, and thermistor behaviour of zinc ferrite

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    This paper discusses the synthesis, dielectric properties, and applications of ZnFe2O4 for the thermistor. A high-temperature solid-state reaction method is used to create the polycrystalline ZnFe2O4 sample. The X-ray diffraction study identified the single spinel Cubic phase formation at room temperature without any impurities. The broadening of the XRD peaks determined structural parameters including crystallite size, microstrain, dislocation density, and percentage crystallinity which confirms the lower number of lattice defects in the ferrite. The dielectric properties of the sample are investigated as a function of temperature over selected frequencies. The high dielectric constant and low dielectric loss of the material suggest that it can be used in advanced energy storage systems. The minimal activation energies in the high-temperature region determined from the slope of the linear fit of the temperature-dependent curve indicate the enhancement of electrical conductivity. Looking into the strong dependence of resistivity on temperature, the thermistor parameters are evaluated using the resistance at different temperatures, which suggests its possible application for a thermistor as well as a temperature sensor. The calculation of different thermistor parameters such as thermistor constant, sensitivity factor, and activation energy confirms a negative temperature coefficient of resistance behavior of the ferrites at different temperatures and frequencies

    Visceral larva migrans presenting as multiple liver abscesses

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    Item does not contain fulltextEosinophilic necrotizing granulomas in the liver, known as visceral larva migrans (VLM), are a rare cause of liver abscesses. The term VLM refers to infections in human tissues caused by the larval stages of ascarid worms of dogs and cats. We report two cases of VLM which presented with high grade fever and abdominal pain for 3-4 months. Marked peripheral eosinophilia, multiple confluent perivenous lesions in the right lobe of liver with characteristic migratory tracts on imaging and biopsy evidence of necrotizing eosinophilic granulomas led to the diagnosis. Complete recovery was achieved with repeated courses of a combination of anthelmintics

    Long Distance Dual SpO2 Monitoring System for Premature Babies Using Bluetooth Communication

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    Monitoring the baby's health status is very important, especially for babies born prematurely. Oxygen saturation levels in newborns are very important to know because when the oxygen saturation levels in newborns are low, it is necessary to watch out for hemodynamic abnormalities in the baby. Measurement of oxygen saturation levels in newborns can help detect congenital abnormalities in infants early. This study aims to design an equipment system to continuously monitor the condition of oxygen saturation in newborns. Where in this discussion a monitoring tool is used to monitor 2 premature babies in a baby incubator simultaneously using a Neonatal Fingertip sensor. The system will display the oxygen saturation (SpO2) value and signal. Monitoring on this tool is done wirelessly using the HC-05. Based on the results of tests and measurements in 5 different patients with a pulse oximeter comparison, the difference value of 1% in each patient's results was obtained. The results of this study will greatly help facilitate the work of paramedics in monitoring the vital conditions of newborn babies

    Protecting education for the poor in times of crises: An evaluation of a scholarship programme in Indonesia

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    This paper analyses the impact of an Indonesian scholarship programme, which was implemented in 1998 to preserve access to education for the poor during the economic crisis. Scholarships were targeted pro-poor and the allocation process followed a decentralized design, involving both geographic and individual targeting. The identification strategy exploits this decentralized structure, relying on instrumental variables constructed from regional mistargeting at the initial phase of allocation. The programme has increased enrolment, especially for primary school-aged children from poor rural households. Moreover, the scholarships seem to have assisted households in smoothing consumption during the crisis, relieving pressure on households' investments in education and utilization of child labour. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2006