76 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Heavy Metals Adsorption Cu, Pb and Cd Using Synthetics Zeolite Zsm-5

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    It is generally known that zeolite has potential for heavy metal adsorption. The objectives of this study were to synthesize and characterize zeolite ZSM-5 and to figure out the adsorption capacity of zeolite ZSM-5 for heavy metals of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+. Characterization of zeolite ZSM-5 included some variables i.e. crystal structure (XRD), morphology (SEM), specific surface area and total pore volume (N2 physisorption). Adsorption capacity of zeolite ZSM-5 was analysed using a batch system with heavy metals of Cu2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ in various concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ppm) with contact times 30, 60, 90, 120 and 250 minutes. Adsorption data was calculated by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm. The results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity of zeolite ZSM-5 against heavy metals of Pb2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+, were 74.07, 69.93 and 60.24 mg g-1, respectively. These indicated that synthetic zeolite ZSM-5 had potential to adsorb heavy metals. The results also suggested that the adsorption capacity was affected by the pore size of zeolite, negative charge of zeolite, diameter of hydrated and electronegative ion

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Penyebab Niat Wanita Pekerja Seks (WPS) yang Menderita IMS Berperilaku Seks Aman (Safe Sex) dalam Melayani Pelanggan

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    Background: WHO estimated that there are 350 million new cases of Sexual Transmitted Infectious (STI) in developing countries. In Indonesia, gonorrhea infection was the highest among STI infections. Tegal district is one district in Central Java province which also had a higher rate of STI infection. This study aims to analyze the intention of female sex workers to have a safe sex with their clients.Method: This research was a cross sectional study and exploratory survey research employed quantitative and qualitative approach. There were 64 STI sufferers from monthly screening (April 2008) were involved in this study. Chi Square test and logistic regression was employed to analyze the result.Result: Bivariate analysis showed perceived severity of the disease (p=0,016) and self efficacy (p=0,001) were related to safe sex intention whilst perceived risk (p=0,731) and effective response (p=0,066) were not statistically correlate to safe sex intention. Multivariate analysis resulted self efficacy was the most influence factor on safe intention. This study recommends improving health education for female sex workers especially about STI and condom use. One hundred percent condom use inside and outside localization should be intensively implemented in order to reduce STI occurrence among female sex workers

    Gambaran Perilaku Mairil Dan Nyempet Mantan Santri Dan Santri Terhadap Pencegahan HIV/AIDS Di Pondok Pesantren

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    Description Of Behavior Mairil And Nyempet Former Santri And Santri On PreventionOf HIV/AIDS in The Boarding School; Mairil phenomenon and nyempet includinghomosexual genital interfemoral ie salvation squeeze in between the thighs . The research aims to analyze the knowledge, perception, experience and other factors on students doing mairil nyempet in boarding schools and the prevention of HIV / AIDS. The research uses a qualitative approach. The subjects were selected by purposive sampling as many as six people, consisting of three former students and three students who have done mairil and nyempet in boarding school. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, analysis of data through content analysis. Pupils do mairil and nyempet since settled in boarding schools from the age of 13-17 years, usually done at night, in the room in almost every night. Pupils do mairil and nyempet in schools on the basis of consensual and there is also the force. Cause mairil the homogeneous environment. Pupils learn that behavior and nyempet mairil haram and there is no penalty and the rules of conduct and nyempet mairil in boarding school. Students assume that there are no health effects they experienced as just sex to squeeze between the thighs without entering into the rectum

    Dampak Pemberian Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi terhadap Pengetahuan Sikap dan Praktek Santri Pondok Pesantren di Semarang

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    Background : Adolescene is a priode of transition signed by physical, emotional and psychological changes, which occurred maturation of human reproductive organs (puberty). Santri in islamic boarding are teenagers that in growth is often accompanied by juvenile common problems such as physical changes, social adjustment, and issues relating to the opposite sex. This condition is exacerbated by the globalization that is characterized by increasingly the flow of information, which is the relationship behavior that is not healthy tends the teenager doing premarital sex, including santri. Survey Perkumpulan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia (PKBI) in Semarang in 2010 about reproductive health showed 43,22% their knowledge are low and 63% of teenagers who are dating is not ashamed to do petting. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of giving the education of reproductive health towards knowledge, attitude and practice of santri in islamic boarding in Semarang.Method : This research is a kind of pre-experimental study with static group comparison approach. The population in this research is the santri of MA Nurul Huda Azzuhdi 174 people then the samples were taken by 50 santri using proportional stratified random sampling method. The data analyzed by T-test, Mann Whitney and Crosstab.Result : The result showed that 66% og santri knowledge are “less”, 40% their attitude are “permissive”, and 24% their practice are “high risk”. Then the result of statistical test T-test showed the difference between knowledge of santri in islamic boarding intervention and control with value of p=0,001. While Mann Whitney statistical test results showed no difference between the attitude and practice of santri in islamic boarding intervention and control, each with value of p=0,111 and p=0,057. In the Crosstab statistical test results showed difference between the attitude og the santri of the man and the woman with value of p=0,001, while the knowledge and practice there is no difference with value of p=0,232 and p=0,321.Conclusions : From this study it can be conclude that the reproductive health education that is given, impacted significant in changing the knowledge, but can not increase the knowledge good enough, and less significant in changing the attitude and practice og santri

    Tokoh Dan Penokohan Dalam Novel “Surat Kecil Untuk Tuhan” Karya Agnes Davonar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui watak tokoh utama, penokohan tokoh tambahan, dan latar atau setting yang terdapat dalam novel ”Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan” karya Agnes Davonar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode deskripsi, berbentuk kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan struktural. Hasil analisis struktural sebagai berikut watak tokoh utama Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika (Keke) yaitu polos, penuh cinta kasih, ulet, kerja keras, dan tabah. Penokohan tokoh tambahan yaitu Ayah, Pak Iyus, Andi, Kak Chika, Kak Kiki, Sahabat Keke (Fadha, Shifa, Maya, Idha, Andhini, dan Adhinda), Ibu, dan Prof. Mukhlis. Watak-watak tokoh dalam cerita ini adalah demokrasi, bijaksana, penyayang, perhatian, sabar, penuh tanggung jawab, pantang menyerah, berkeinginan kuat, tulus, bersahabat, pengertian, humoris, bersikap tenang, sigap, setia, ikhlas, mandiri, baik hati, pintar, percaya diri, tomboy, mudah terpancing emosi, pemalu, dan panik. Latar tempat, latar waktu, latar sosial (suatu wilayah atau daerah, kebiasaan hidup, hubungan sosial) Kata Kunci: Tokoh, Penokohan, Novel, Struktural Abstrac: This study aims to determine the nature of the main character, characterizations additional figures, and setting or settings contained in the novel Surat Kecil untuk Tuhan work Agnes Davonar. The method used descriptive method, the form of qualitative and structural approach. Results of structural analysis os follows nature of the main character Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika (Keke) are innocent, loving, tenacious, hard working, and resilient. Characterizations additional figures are Ayah, Pak Iyus, Andi, Kak Chika, Kak Kiki, Sahabat Keke (Fadha, Shifa, Maya, Idha, Andini, dan Adhinda), Ibu and Prof. Mukhlis. Characters figure in the story is a democratic, wise, loving the attetion, patience, responsibility, never give up, to want a stong, sincere, friendly, understanding, humorous, calm, alert, loyal, honest, independent, kind, intelligent, confident, tomboy, easily provoked emotions, shy, panic, and disposal. Place setting, time setting, social background (a region or area, living habits, social relations

    Faktor – Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Peran Kader Kesehatan dalam Pelaksanaan Phbs di Kelurahan Sarirejo Kota Semarang

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    PHBS is an aware health-based behavior that is done by family members to help themshelves regarding to their health and to play active roles in helath-based activities in their surrounding. The percentage of PHBS in Sarirejo Village is one the worst PHBS among 117 villages, and decreases 1.02%. In 2016 was 51%, from 52.02% in 2015. The roles of health cadres in promoting PHBS are expected to relate with the implementation of PHBS in Sarirejo Village, Semarang. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the roles of health cadres in the implementation of PHBS.This study was an analytical descriptive research with quantitative approach. There are 49 people as population. Samples were 33 people health cadres that chosen using simple random sampling. The data was analysed using statistical Fisher's Exact Test with significance level of 5%. The results of this study showed that 84.8% of health cadres perform their roles well. The variable that was related with the roles of health cadres is the attitudes toward PHBS and the roles of cadres (p = 0.021). Meanwhile the variables that were not related with the roles of health cadres are age, latest education, job, knowledge of PHBS, knowledge of the roles of cadres, the availability of facilities, the availability of cost, skills, the support of the municipality, and the support of community health centers.The leader of health cadre as key person need to motivate her members so that they can keep good attitude towards health cadre's roles. Especially at desease recording and approaching to public figures
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